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Book reviews for "Bourneuf,_Alice_E." sorted by average review score:

After the Flowers: Life Beyond Widowhood
Published in Paperback by Fithian Press (September, 1996)
Author: Alice Grossman Daniels
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $49.71
Average review score:

Humor and Heart
The hardest part in "life goes on" is re-joining life. This book was an enormous help in taking those steps. Truly, the "darkest of the night" is not when your loved one leaves this earth, as tragic as that is, but several weeks later when the enormity of it all comes crashing down. Your friends and family think you should be better, but you're not. Alice's breezy and to-the-point style helped me pick up the pieces and go forward. It is full of humor, but also full of heart, a Must Read for anyone who has had lost a spouse or significant other.

A realistic approach to widowhood (for men, as well).
Somewhat irreverant, but makes one aware that life goes on; it really is ok to laugh,at yourself as well as deceased spouse. A must for everyone who finds themselves in that position, especially when you fear that humor has gone out of your life forever.

a"with it" type person finds herself "without"
no one is raised to be a widow. somehow it's human nature to think it will never happen to you. but sometimes one finds that the same type of "black humor" that gets you through a grave illness of a husband, kicks in "after the flowers". the author handles the subject in a light manner,but handles deep subjects that only the widowed can related too, in a way that is not frightening to read about. this also touches the comparrison of the divorced woman also. as she says "sometimes single is single is single". it's a good read!

Alice's Kitchen: Traditional Lebanese Cooking
Published in Paperback by Blue Heron Pub (April, 1999)
Author: Linda Dalal Sawaya
Amazon base price: $11.90
List price: $17.00 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Delightful eat down somenone else's memory lane
Growing up as third generation Lebanese-American, I enjoyed many of the dishes in this book. I have prepared many of the dishes in this book with great success. I enjoy cooking Lebanese food regularly (now if I could just get some help with the language). The recipes are easy to follow and yield marvelous results. I highly recommend the Lentil Soup (Shourbat Addis)and the Lebanese Squash stuffed with lamb and rice (Kousa Mihshi). Reading Ms. Sawaya's introduction and tips greatly enhanced my enjoyment of using this cookbook. If you are interested in preparing Lebanese foods, or like me, remembering food from you childhood, this book is an excellent place to start. Simple recipies that produce tasty results.

Absolutely Excellent book
This book has accurate, yummy recipies. A little cultural background and story. The recipies are very traditional and simple. Highly highly recommend it. Many friends have asked for this book for XMAS. Well done.

An exquisite, thorough cookbook.
As a 22-year-old Lebanese American, I know that our food is not simply something thrown down your throat. It is love, it is nourishment to our souls as well as to our hearts. It is shared at every event, every home...sometimes when you are not even hungry! Sawaya starts the book with her family's history, which truly brought tears to my eyes. She explains all the ingredients, even their history. The book includes everything Lebanese I have ever eaten, and those I haven't. She covers all breads, preserves, herbs, sauces, hors d'oevres, salads, lamb, chicken, fish, sweets, beverages, grains, vegetables...It is 216 pages of hard work and lots of love. Family pictures of Sawaya's abound, and her hand-done illustrations grace the cover. I am moving away from home soon and will take this book with me, to share with all who come into my home, the pleasure and joy of Lebanese cooking. Thank you, Linda Sawaya, for this book.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu: An African Prayer Book
Published in Audio Cassette by Sounds True (April, 1996)
Authors: Alice Walker and Desmond Mpilo Tutu
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $4.98
Buy one from zShops for: $4.74
Average review score:

very touching Book
i got this book a few years back&it touched me.the prayers&Poems really touched me alot.Desmond TuTu is a Great Human Being.This Man has touched many lives.i have enjoyed this book since day one.

Luminous - a wonderful collection of prayers and devotions
In "The African Prayer Book," Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Archbishop Emeritus of Cape Town has assembled a series of prayers on such topics as adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, supplication and daily life; ranging from authors who wrote their prayers in antiquity, and those living in modern times. Although the primary focus is Christian, prayers from other faith traditions are included.

This book is exquisite, to see and touch as well as to read, and the prayers are beautiful. Archbishop Tutu prefaces each chapter with a meditation on the topic: those alone are well worth owning the book. A wonderful collection.

The African Prayer Book
This book is just beautiful. It is a wonderful collection of prayers and poetry. The very first one entitled An African Canticle is worth the price alone.

Arlo, Alice, and Anglicans
Published in Paperback by Berkshire House Pub (01 November, 2000)
Author: Laura Lee
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.94
Collectible price: $7.49
Buy one from zShops for: $9.99
Average review score:

Really first-rate in every way. SURPRISINGLY well done.
I don't think I've ever seen a better piece of journalism.

I didn't expect too much from this book. I bought it for the usual tourist reasons (we were in Stockbridge to hear Arlo sing in the church). Published by Berkshire House, it graces the "local shelves" tables of every local bookstore and gift shop.This book didn't actually need to be GOOD. It just needed to have some scraps of fan information about Arlo and some old pictures of the Church and Officer Obie and so forth...

I cannot begin to describe how surprisingly satisfying this book is. It is really a first-rate job. It is so much more wide-ranging and thoughtful than might have been expected.

And Laura Lee covers the exact range of topics I was interested in, with just the right balance.

For example, about a quarter of the book is devoted to the "pre-Arlo" era. It's more than a lick-and-a-promise, interesting both in itself and as a jumping-off-point for musing on How Things Change. I never realized that the little fork-in-the-road Van Deusenville area of Housatonic was once a significant industrial town... At the same time, a quarter of the book is just about enough. I didn't want to wade through monograph on Great Barrington history, and after paying proper respect to the Bostwicks and the Van Deusens, we get to Ray and Alice Brock by page 65.

The thing that makes this book so splendid is Lee's sympathetic attention and reporting of _mild_ differences in opinion. I'm not sure I've ever seen a better piece of journalism. You see events refracted through different peoples' eyes--NOT a big-deal Rashomon conflict, just, well, different people saw things a little differently.

For example, Arlo's guru, Jaya Sati Bhagavati Ma, is seen through Arlo's eyes. She is also seen directly and with respect through Laura Lee's. However, Lee also reports the Berkshire Record's description of her as "a spiritual Ethel Merman wielding a Brooklyn persona" and Alice Brock's remark "Here is this dame, she's my age, she's from Brooklyn, she's Jewish, just like me, but she had this giant scam."

Thoroughly satisfying, absolutely first rate.

Lee closes the loop on "The Church"
I finished Laura Lee's lovingly crafted book over the Labor Day weekend, having enjoyed it immensely. It becomes obvious that Laura Lee has a special love for the Trinity Church (now the Guthrie Center) because the history of The Church is exhaustively recorded in the first half of her book. I think it's safe to say that if you need more information about the history of Christianity in colonial Western Massachusetts than what Laura provides, you're likely well out of the general audience this book aims at. I think Laura hit the highlights as it pertains to the Housatonic/Lee/Van Deusenville area, and the Trinity Church.

The book springs forward in the second half to chronicle the uniquely strange and humorous events surrounding the Alice's Restaurant Massacree, the film "Alice's Restaurant" (itself a baffling blend of truth and fiction) and the subsequent history of the Church, having fallen out of the Brock's hands and ultimately into Arlo's. Lee closes the loop on all these wonderful events and brings us right into the modern era of the Guthrie Center, leaving the reader with an intimate feeling of hopefulness about the renewed Church and the lives surrounding it.

I suggest reading the book, listening to the song, watching the film, visiting, and visiting Great Barrington. These are all the pieces of the puzzle. Thank you, Laura, for providing such an informative, entertaining, and loving overview of the Church that was, the Church as it is, and the Church that will be.

- J. Dock, Sept 2000

Outstanding Book!
Ms. Lee has really captured the enduring spirit of a community and a time in this book. The history of a church in the Berkshires seems like an unlikely topic, but add the fact that the church is the same one from "Alice's Restaurant" and an element of interest is added. What was a nice surprise was how interesting the history of the church and its surrounding community really is. Ms. Lee has given a slice of American life through the church from its beginning to its famous showing in the saga of Arlo Guthrie in the '60's and now. I sincerely hope that this book will help others to see the importance of understanding of our history and will help the Guthrie Center.

Baby Precious Always Shines: Selected Love Notes Between Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Press (December, 1999)
Authors: Gertrude Stein, Kaye Turner, Alice B. Toklas, and Kay Turner
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $12.42
Average review score:

Insight into the relationship between two remarkable people
How wonderful to read about the emotions of what is sometimes considered to be "deviant" love. I believe they would each be honored to know that their true relationship is public and, for the most part, that people are touched by their genuine caring for each other. I highly recommend this book, especially for those people who find it hard to understand relationships between same-sex couples.

What a hoot! Kay Turner has done it again, producing a book that's both entertaining and eye-opening -- a delightful-as-usual combination of the scholarly and hilarious. Brava! A wonderful gift for and/or from yer girlfriend.

Gertrude and Alice Get Real!
Just imagine having your love notes found, analyzed and published for the world to see? Well, this is it. One of the world's most famous and iconic couples' lyrical notes to each other are here for all to share. Should it have been done? Some may say 'no', but considering the fact that they are by Stein, one of the most well-known, unread writers in history, and Toklas, whose place in history largely hinges on her hashish fudge, I'd say 'why not?' These ladies have long been used to public curiosity and scrutiny and became household names during their 1934-35 visit to the US. The introductory essay alone, though scholarly, is worth the price of admission---"Having a cow" will take on a whole new meaning in your vocabulary!

Bailey & Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology
Published in Hardcover by Mosby (15 January, 1998)
Authors: Betty A. Forbes, Daniel F. Sahm, Ernest Trevino, and Alice S. Weissfeld
Amazon base price: $75.00
Used price: $8.39
Average review score:

A Good Starting Point In Clinical Microbiology
I own this book plus buying a copy for the lab, the book is not as thorough as the manual of clinincal microbiology by the ASM and edited by Murray. But is thorough enough for most routine bench work and is not as bulky as Murray. Murray and or Bergeys would be required for the more difficult organisms, but for everything else, or the student studying diagnostic Clinical microbiology I would rate this book highly.


An excellent reference book
This edition of Bailey & Scott is the best so far. The tables included in each chapter are well organized. They present the data in an easy to look up manner. Information on individual organisms is better organized in contrast to earlier editions. One complaint is that older names and test procedures are not included. I suppose the authors wish to present the most current information but it would be nice to have a reference to an older name or test when a physician inquires.

The Beejum Book
Published in Hardcover by Bell Pond Books (01 August, 2002)
Author: Alice O. Howell
Amazon base price: $19.96
List price: $24.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $17.32
Average review score:

One of the greatest books I read so far at age 8.5!
This amazing book will capture imagination of readers of all ages, said my mom. At first, I did not understand what a Beejum was, but as I read on, I not only felt like a part of their world, but also learnt some helpful lessons. Like being an "inside" and "outside" person and having "little me" and "big you". I recommend this book to everybody who wants to stretch their immagination, learn something about themselves and laugh a lot ( and cry a little). I will have a Beejum party with my friends. Thank you, Mrs. Howell!

Pure delight!
Alice Howell has given the world a huge gift in her BEEJUM BOOK. Few authors possess her remarkable ability to combine wit,wisdom, sensitivity and a highly creative facility of the English language to produce a beautiful metaphor for human life and transformation. Since BEEJUM is about the life of a child, Teak, some might assume that BEEJUM is only a childrens' book. Far from it. Alice has packed so much life and wisdom into each chapter that one can hardly stop reading it. Like all great literature, it can be understood at different levels, making it interesting to young and old alike.

Like the book, the main character lives her life on two levels - inner and outer. We are transported enter a inner world of Beejumstan - from Teak's point of view, learning lessons from her outer life as she is living it. But it is the rare child who are exposed to such intuitive wonder as is Teak, largely through the fascinating family in which she lives and with whom she travels the world.

At the end, we discover that the story is both profound and autobiographical. And despite its occasional sadness, we learn that Teak's unusual life created the delightful sage, Alice Howell, into the gifted author and teacher she has become. Teacher, mentor, therapist, astrologer, respected author, Alice personifies the coming of the Hagia Sophia into the modern world. Those who know something about Jungian psychology will be especially attracted to its depth insights. Readers will feel themselves growing with each page! Read BEEJUM with you kids, read it for yourself....but read it - and enjoy!

A rare treat, written by a rare soul...a book for our time and all time. It speaks of the universals in all people and places.

A Jewel of a Book
This is a book for children and adults alike. It is a book that will keep giving you gifts long after you have finished the last page. It is hard not to read the book all at once, but it is fun to spread the adventure out. This book is a gift to the world and I hope that many will read this little jewel and be blessed by it. I certainly was.

Che Guevara Habla a LA Juventud/Che Guevara Speaks to the Young
Published in Paperback by Pathfinder Press (February, 2001)
Authors: Che Guevara, Mary-Alice Waters, and Ernesto Che Guevara
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $9.59
Buy one from zShops for: $11.00
Average review score:

No Es Un Libro Acerca Del Che...
...sino es el Che verdadero hablando por el mismo.Explica el porque el cambio social no es haciendo por personas solitarias individualistas ; se trata como la revolucio`n cubana descubrio` " el camino de Marx " como gui`a de accio`n mientras haciendo la revolucio`n ;de la technologi`a como arma de la revolucio`n ; y de el papel de una organizacio`n disciplinada de joven comunistas que son educado en el Marxismo ( y educada por los trabajadores
y campesinos mismos en lucha ) en la vanguardia de la revolucio`n. La introduccio`n de la editor Mary-Alice Waters,una dirigente socialista norteamericana , se trata de la relevancia del texto a jovenes rebeldes mundiales de hoy di`a.

Lee el Ché en su propia voz
Los títulos de los discursos lo dice todo para que este libro quede de cabecera para todo rebelde.

Siendo médico él, explicó que no basta ser buena gente para ser médico revolucionario, sino hay que hacer una revolución. Ya victoriosa la revolución, explicó la que tiene que hacer la juventud comunista. Se puede tomar este consejo bastante a pecho, porque hay demasiada gente que quiere ser buena persona y hasta allí.

Lee el Ché en su propia voz, para que juzgas con tu propio criterio. Es en esto que se destaca la editorial Pathfinder: dar espacio los revolucionarios hablar por si mismo, y bien merecedora es esta adición a su "serie" de "Habla..."

De índole histórico, en esta colección se puede trazar la maduración intelectual de este personaje, de la manera en que se estaba llegando a cuajar las ideas que resultaron en el primer proyecto socialista solidaria, que se volvió a tomar en 1985 -justo a tiempo antes de que la URSS empezó a estremecer-.

Hablando en serio de la revolución
El libro publica ocho discursos pronunciados por el dirigente de la revolución cubana, Ernesto Che Guevara, en reuniones con estudiantes y trabajadores cubanos, y jóvenes de otros países solidarios con la revolución. Nos da un vistazo importante a algunos aspectos claves en la historia de la revolución cubana. Y realmente los discursos son aún más importantes por su relevancia hoy en día para trabajadores y jóvenes de todo el mundo.

Che habla del desarrollo de la revolución, del subdesarrollo económico y los pasos necesarios para transformar la sociedad, de los enfrentamientos con el gobierno norteamericano, de la reforma agraria y su importancia para cualquier país en un proceso revolucionario. Habla también del papel del individuo en la sociedad, presentando una perspectiva no de caridad sino de solidaridad con los oprimidos y explotados. Expresa una confianza enorme en la capacidad de jóvenes -- estudiantes, obreros y campesinos-- de superarse en el proceso de cambiar la sociedad.

¡Léalo! ¡Compártalo! ¡Discútalo! ¡Qué sea de provecho!

Child's Garden of Verses, A
Published in Hardcover by Golden Books Pub Co Inc (April, 1999)
Authors: Robert Louis Stevenson, Alice Provensen, Martin Provensen, and Golden Books
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.00
Collectible price: $5.50
Buy one from zShops for: $8.01
Average review score:

A favorite book
I was skeptical that he'd like this book when he found it,
believing my 2 year old was a bit young for poetry beyond
Dr. Seuss. But he loves the sound and rhythm of the words
as well as the pictures in my old Golden Book edition,
and asks for it nearly every day now. For myself it's a
nice change from the usual kids books.

Charm and beauty in one package
There is beauty in RLS's poetry, and the Provensons' illustrations are simply delightful. There are other versions of this book (or very similar), but no other combines the aforementioned elements so well.

such simple poems have such a remarkable beauty.
Robert Lewis Stevenson has a way of making children smile, and adults follow right behind. The words so eloquently put together bring to life the thoughts of young children.

Collin County, Texas, Families
Published in Hardcover by Minnie Champ (May, 1994)
Authors: Alice Pitts and Minnie Champ
Amazon base price: $65.00
Collectible price: $125.00
Average review score:

Collin County Texas Families
An excellant work for any of those who may have descendents from early Collin County,Texas. Minnie Champ deserves great recognition for spending countless hours to insure that our ancestors and their stories are not forgotten.

A must for family genealogists researching in Collin County
Ms Champ did a great job on this book. The blurb states that she is collecting items for Vol II. This is wrong. Volume II has been released and she is collecting for Vol III. Please contact her for more information.

Contents of book
As author/publisher of this book done in memory of my mother, Alice Ellison Pitts, who started the book, I'd like you to know its contents. The family stories written by descendants of Collin County early settlers are personal, varied and contain an abundance of Collin County history. The book, 9"x12," contains 548 different family stories in alpha order, has full surname index, and also has over 350 family photographs.

Volume II of this work is under production and a call for materials is out. You are invited to submit your Collin Co. related stories.

Other books available for purchase on Collin County. Email for info

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