Used price: $23.95

The book starts out by helping you choose a subject with practical advice on fruits, vegetables, flowers, mushrooms, bulbs, roots, trees, ferns, vines and more. Then, creating a space to work in and selecting materials from brushes to paper is covered. I love the many excellent tips on mixing colors.
The next section focuses on the many aspects of drawing including setting up a still life, planning the picture and transferring your drawing to watercolor paper. There are detailed step-by-step instructions for drawing a huge variety of botanical subjects including orchids, tulips and foxgloves. I really liked how the author discusses the various shapes of flowers such as round, teacup and tubular and then shows you how to block them out.
The final section covers the painting process. Along with numerous step-by-step demonstrations on painting botanicals there are hints on correcting mistakes, protecting your paper and tips on painting white flowers. Creating the initial washes, adding shadows, shading, layering and highlighting are included as well. To finish your artwork the author gives advice on matting, framing, exhibiting and selling your artwork.
The finished illustrations throughout the book are so beautiful. Each one has information on the kind of paper they are painted on, size and title.

Drawings and paintings of wild flowers and fruits bring out their beauty in ways photographs cannot. So this book is a really good resource if you like to sketch and hike, or if you garden and want to make a beautiful record of what you see. This is also a great resource if you are getting into journal writing and want to put in pictures of plants and flowers (many people keep a garden record journal, for example.)
The instructions are very good, from how to draw and sketch plants to choices of color. There are good examples to copy to learn the technique. I don't think there is a better book on this subject, nor a more beautiful book.

List price: $50.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $29.49
Buy one from zShops for: $28.50

It was great to read about her lower profile, but still dramatic homelife. Her husband was equally style conscious and quite the fashion plate himself. Their children grew up remarkably well adjusted. I wish we had more Diana Vreelands in this world. She spurned a half loaf. She did it her way!
You will love this book!

having been a great admirer of diana vreeland, and having read her autobiography, i could not seem to find much else about her life and her work. but then eleanor dwight came along with the most information you could ever want to read about the legend, diana vreeland.
the book covers diana's entire life, and her work, right up until the end, nothing is missed. the book is full of hundreds of never before seen pictures, of diana with her family, and at work.
if you are interested in reading about others colorful lives, then this book will not disappoint. reading the book sure makes you wish you could have known diana vreeland, if only for a moment, thats all it would take to pull you in. the book does a wonderful job of just that, but nothing beats meeting the real thing, unfortunately ms vreeland is no longer with us, but her legend lives on, and this book helps a new generation to become familiar with her.
this is one of the best biographies i have ever read. i strongly recommend this to anyone interested in fashion.

It was not ever thus, as amply and inspiringly proved by Eleanor Dwight's biography of Diana Vreeland, that grandest of grande dames.
Diana Vreeland was a homely girl born into a beautiful family; in fact, her mother once told her, "It's too bad . . . that you are so extremely ugly." Her response was a program of self-improvement. Dwight says "she emulated her classmates in how to dress; she worked on becoming tidy, enlarging her vocabulary, improving her manners." Eventually, having not found the ideal girl to model herself upon, she decided, "I shall be that girl."
If her mother exaggerated, it is nevertheless true that Vreeland was definitely not beautiful or even pretty. She was plain at best. But that was merely the surface nature gave her to re-make, and re-make it she did. She made herself original, arresting, witty, slightly madcap and rather amazing. She didn't have mere fashion--she had style, her own sensibility. By the time she took over the top spot at Conde Nast's Vogue, in 1963, she had been many years at Harper's Bazaar, where she had re-invented the job of fashion editor. At Vogue, she re-invented fashion magazines, hiring and nurturing (and occasionally driving crazy) the very best photographers and sending them and models to shoot in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. She also sent astonishing and urgent memos to her staff. One read simply, "Bring me shoes with chains on them." Another said all of the staff should wear bells at the office. Fashion editor Carrie Donovan explains: "You know the sort of bells. Bells little kittens wear so they don't get lost in closets." So they all bought and wore little bells immediately and, Donovan says, "By the time she came in, we were all walking around with bells on. She pretended she didn't notice anything."
She She did not shrink from spending Conde Nast's money, though in time Conde Nast did, and in 1971 she was abruptly fired. Down but hardly out, she went on to take on and take over the Costume Institute at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. She re-invented that, too. Finally, in 1989 and after a long illness, she--well, it's impossible to say that she died. Ordinary people die. Vreeland simply passed into legend, where she can be found today. In this book and in the literally hundreds of websites that spring up if you type her name into Google. Through Eleanor Dwight's excellent writing, Vreeland comes alive in this book, and a fresh, clean breeze blows through it with the help of hundreds of photos that express what Vreeland was all about: beauty, style, elegance, allure. The real stuff--not the plated. If that's what you want, buy this book. If, for some perverse reason, you want the opposite--want mere fashion, sullen faces, heroine chic and such--then go to a newsstand and get "that comic."

List price: $69.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $44.89
Buy one from zShops for: $45.75

There is so much confusion about what operational and strategic levers an organization should push or pull to create rather than destroy shareholder wealth. Most articles slip into gross platitudes and sloganeering and sidestep the "how to." Bloxham's book dives in but explains adnmittedly complex interelationships in a way you can understand them. She does a fine job integrating the component tools, like the balanced scorecard and activity based costing, into economic value management.
Some day boards of directors may find this to be the standard book for assisting their shareholders make, not lose, money.

Ms. Bloxham has produced a superb book that takes a "holistic" view of the process of identifying performance criteria for senior executives, and not just for those in the private sector. She and I share common views about the benefits of economic value added metrics, but she has gone well beyond this to address many of the conflicts for performance faced by executives. She provides an excellent framework for establishing a set of logical goals and performance metrics for managing complex businesses and non-profit organizations.

be about. It seemed a bit intimidating. However, the book is very easy to read, has incredible insights and having read it, I now can certainly understand why the book was named a late addition candidate to "ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS of 2002" and a CEO "RECOMMENDED READ" by CEO refresher, an independent editorial board recognized by the Harvard Business School and
the Wall Street Journal. I think it is one of the best books on business I've ever read.
I'm on my second reading of this book and as I go through it I'm revising my business unit's plans for the coming fiscal year. As Bloxham points out, change is a difficult process, but worth it, so I'm sure I'll be referring to this book for years to come.

List price: $32.50 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.89
Collectible price: $19.06
Buy one from zShops for: $20.00

The book is divided into 26 chapters based on the main ingredient for the sauces that you may be lloking for. ie. sauces made from buttur/olive oil; cream and meat or seafood;cream;;nutmeats;tomatoes;tomatoes and meat;uncooked cheese ;vegetrables ... ecte ect
Each of the recepies is clear cut SUPER FAST in most cases ( except the simmering for some sauces) and, MOST IMPORTANT, the author gives us a full list of the ingredient options.
I just made the four cheese sauce and if you can't find the Fontina, Bel Paeze or Gorgonzola cheese the recipie calls for he gives us a list of other cheeses to replace the ones asked for in the ITALIAN recepie. WOW .... you know there are very very few cookbooks with that kind of simple foresight...
I think the book must weigh in at over 500 pages ... has NO pictures (a disadvantage in my book) is all written in large capital lettesr and leaves a section for you to write when you tried the recepie and if you loved it or hated it ...
If you like pasta dishes this book is a MUST buy .........

Used price: $6.25

The directions are complete enough that they can be followed by a beginning cook.
The photos of each meal are so gorgeous that the first time you read through the book you'll want to call your friends and have a dinner party!
I'm buying one as a Christmas gift for my daughter, who has eaten many of the recipes, and for a relative, a young lady of 25 who is just learning to cook.
This is a book you'll still treasure 25 years after you buy it, as my family and I do.
Dave Roberts

Used price: $0.65
Collectible price: $2.64

Used price: $999.99

Used price: $3.94
Buy one from zShops for: $10.00

Austin natives EleanorS. Morris, Paris Permenter, and John Bigley wisely present the city in six geographic zones. And they cover everything from Austin basics (weather, homes, people, etc) and day trips to recreation areas and where to shop/eat/stay.
Whether they are writing about "BookPeople" (one of the largest bookstores in the U.S.) or the 'Dillo Express (one of the city's laudable forms of public transportation), the authors speak with warmth and home-town credibility.
I was especially pleased with their accessment of Austin's accommodations. Yes, they duly point out the grandeur of the historic Driskill Hotel. But they also note the convenience and affortability of the La Quinta at the Capitol, which not only has a gracious new manager, but renovated "Gold Metal Rooms," which have new decor, 25-inch TVs, and speaker phones!
The book's maps are clear and helpful, with inset-captions for easy referral; and the b&w photos--while a tad too small--are often bright and sharp.
An added treat of "City Smart Austin" are the valuable coupons in the back of the book. Don't miss them!

I had some reservations before I bought this because the maps were not in color. However, the maps were clear and concise. Rather than clutter up 1 map with icons for restaurants, attractions, etc., the maps were repeated in each section of the guide, and contained only the relevant data for that section; this made using them very easy. I'd also say that the authors of the book were very generous with the number and variety of maps.
Overall, the design of the book made reading and finding information easy. Good use of bold type made flipping through and finding stuff easy too.
In the end, I got the Austin job and will be moving there soon. As a future Austin resident, I think this will still be the only guide I need.

Used price: $17.95

After a somewhat unusual courtship, William married Matilda, the fiercely independent and beautiful daughter of the King of Flanders. Together, they had a number of children who were to cause him much anger and much sorrow. One of them would eventually bring about a fissure in his relationship with his beloved Matilda.
William, always ambitious, coveted the throne of England and was supported in his desire to be king by his intelligent and equally ambitious wife Matilda. In 1066, after the death of the King of England, Edward the Confessor, with whom he had had a longstanding friendship, William crossed the channel from Normandy to England. He wrested the English crown from King Harold, Edward's popular Saxon successor. In doing so, he forever changed the course of England and its history.
Vividly written and well researched, the author weaves a spellbinding tale of the Duke who would be King. A tapestry of exciting historical events makes this an enthralling tale that will capture the imagination of the reader. Lovers of historical fiction will especially enjoy this interesting and well written book.

List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.45
Buy one from zShops for: $7.50

by Eleanor B. Wunderlich. It is a beautifully illustrated book both in presentation and in demos. It combines both worlds of wc and botanical illustration in a clear and precise manor. I would highly recommend this book for both beginner and serious botanical illustrator and/or for a good reference book for your art library. It is a very pleasing book just to browse through.