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Within a bleak setting of warring nations, the characters of MIDDLE NIGHT are caught up in a search for their hearts' desires. Some seek wealth, some seek power, some seek love. This is a story of their journey and the unexpected results of their search. The book is rich in symbolism, with surprises at each turn. An intriguing theme of sacrificial love is woven throughout. Its compelling and gritty realism will leave you both saddened and hopeful. MIDDLE NIGHT is the sort of book that evokes strong emotions and feelings. But I guarantee you, disappointment will not be one of them!

Used price: $7.95
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I can not review the book impartially, as I am its author

List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.50
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I like her down to earth writing. She has written about ordinary things and left some things unsaid which is fine. She came from a very reserved background so it's to be expected. Her childhood was during a very different time than today. That she did so much for others is evidence of that upbringing.
After reading this book, I visited Hyde Park. I went first to her house at Val-Kill before I went to the Big House and Library. I recommend a visit to everyone because I believe you get a real feel for her there. At Val-Kill it's like she has just stepped out for a moment, but will be back.
I recommend this book to everyone. Editors give background information before each selection for those who weren't alive during the time. Eleanor did not go into great detail in her columns as, of course, her readers at the time would know what she was talking about.

Used price: $13.74

The food preparations in the book are meant seriously........ There are still people living in this world that dont have a super market at every other corner........
I like to read cookery books, and I even found information on how to cook a polar bear in this book. It also tells how to prepare all kind of rodents, squirrels, black and grizzly bears, elk, whale , seal and lynx(bobcat), reindeer(sorry Santa).
What about Beaver in sour cream????????Or Stuffed Moose Heart?????? Or could I please You more with a muskrat meat loaf?????????Recipes for Acorn soup and pine tip tea (rich in vitamine C) are also found in the book.
Besides these - in our eyes strange -recipes it also tells how to bake a cake (with or without bear fat) or glaze carrots, and caloric values of stuff. Did you know that 1tbs of whale blubber contains 112 calories?
The book also neatly provides us with the official hunting regulations for the North West Territories. As a non resident You must pay $510 in stamp and Trophy fees for a polar bear, and you can only hunt them if they're not accompanied by young. Grizzly bears are cheaper
If you can lay your hands on a copy of this book, dont hesitate to buy it.

An added bonus are the brilliant illustrations by James Simpkins.
If you ever find yourself living north of sixty, do yourself a favour: beg, borrow or steal a copy of the Northern Cookbook.

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List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.89
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Used price: $9.88
Collectible price: $12.95

atwood can capture human relationships, romantic relationships, conflict, love and the play for power all in a single stanza, line or even individual word. this collection is page after page of language so outstanding that you wish you were born from atwood's mind; no one else has the piercing insights and the flawless word choice to describe them that this woman does. if she can't blow you away, no one will.

As Atwood writes, "....and there isn't anything I want to do about the fact that you are unhappy and sick, you aren't sick and unhappy, only alive and stuck with it." She opens up to her readers those personal witticisms we have thought towards are own "unhappy relationships" while throwing in insightful humor and wild imagery, breaking the rules of all poets with her fascinating rhythms and adjectives. If you are missing this collection of poetry from your Atwood repertoire, you are missing the heart of Margaret, her furious meticulousness and unlikely metaphors aimed into the bloodied heart of an adoration and boredom for her unlikely male worshipper. This book is an absolute must read, must own and an altogether pleasure to read.
"I raise the magic fork over the plate of beef fried rice, and plunge it into your heart." - from "They Eat Out" (Power Politics)