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I would recommend this book for girls around the age of 9-10.

Used price: $19.00
Collectible price: $23.73

I'm hoping to get my own copy soon to use in the Title IX(Indian Early Childhood Education)class that I work in at Pauma Elem.School. Don't forget our local history may not include anything about the American Revolution, but a people lived here who flourished in peace, and contributed to protecting a beautiful land and its resources, while trying to maintain family relationships as their homeland was changed by more powerful newcomers. With the loss of the elder language speakers, there are no children speaking the Luiseno tongue. Dr. Eric Elliot,PhD.of Palomar Comm.College is now teaching this language at our school site, in the hope that the children may give a vital piece of their culture to their children so the ties that bind may proudly continue.

Used price: $4.00
Collectible price: $10.00

Henrietta Maria, a Catholic, found herself married to Charles, a Protestant, living in a Protestant country, among a Protestant people. The English, at the time, viewed Catholics with deep suspicion, as the excesses of the Catholic Queen Mary, "Bloody Mary", the daughter of Henry VIII, were still not forgotten. A fervent Catholic, however, Henrietta would not put aside her religion, nor was she particularly discreet about her devotion to Catholicism, and, as such, was never fully accepted by the English people.
Henrietta Maria was an impetuous and pretty, young woman, fond of musical revels, fashionable clothes, and gossip. Her husband, Charles, a family man of principle and integrity, was devoted to her, and together they would go on to have a number of children. Their marriage of state, made for the purpose of maintaining a Franco-English alliance, turned out to be a true love match.
Henrietta Maria was also, however, a puppet of Rome, charged with leading Protestant England back to Catholicism. This was to cloud her judgment, at times, and cause much trouble down the road, and, ultimately, serve to pave the way for the rise of Cromwell and his Puritans. They would make her devotion to her religion and her influence over her husband a focal point for turbulence and civil war. Her loyalty and love for her husband was legendary, but not even she could keep him from the road that led to regicide.
Written in the first person, this is a wonderfully told tale of an enigmatic, little known Queen, who wielded great influence over her beloved husband. Rich with historical detail, it is an enormously entertaining novel that is rife with the political intrigues of the day. All those who love reading well written, historical fiction should enjoy it.

Used price: $20.00
Collectible price: $22.19