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For those skeptical of the Bible's credibility, the book may seem to be a simple attempt to draw archaeological correlations, that is artifactual evidence, for Biblical terminology. Certainly, the book does this, but not out of any theological or apologetic attempt to prove the Bible as accurate. Accepting that the archaeological record and the Bible provide two types of descriptions of the same society, King and Stager gather all of the information they can from both sources. The many photographs and drawings in the book show many examples from the archaeological source. A quick glance at the Scriptural Index at the back of the book shows how thoroughly the authors combed the Biblical text. At the same time, the authors use each source to supplement the defficiencies of the other. For example, artifacts can often be identified as to their uses, but they have no names in their native languages, and how they are used is often not known. King and Stager do an excellent job with the details of exactly how the ancient people accomplished what they did.
There have been very few other attempts to so document ancient Israel as a cultural and social entity. Previous works using both the textual and archaeological evidence in concert mostly have focused on one aspect of the culture, usually something relevant to the upper classes or the political or military establishment. Others have subsumed their archaeological and biblical discussion beneath other arguments, in which case they have reduced the amount of evidence and increased the number of conclusions to be drawn. King and Stager, on the other hand, have written a book which deals primarily with the culture of all of Israel as expressed through its material and literary remains; they have no other axe to grind, and they present more data and fewer conclusions. Instead they are working first and foremost to describe as best they can how people lived in the Iron Age in Israel.
This book will serve as an excellent textbook both in archaeology and Bible courses. It can also serve as a reference work both for the layperson and the scholar interested in either subject. Perhaps the best reason to use this book, however, is that it succeeds in its aim of portraying the details of ancient Israelite life. The many illustrations truly enable readers to visualize each aspect of the culture.
Used price: $0.26
Collectible price: $2.32
Used price: $20.00
I reach for my 5- Minute Vet Consult CD-rom more than any other resource in my library. It is very accurate and has a surprising amount of detail to assist in the diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of each topic. The drug search is a very helpful formulary for those quick reference needs. The most recent CD has a good number of cytology and radiographic images attached to the topics. These can be enlarged to see more closely the great detail.
In my opinion the 5-Minute Veterinary Consult CD-Rom was one of the best reference investments for my practice. It is definitely the most utilized reference I have. Time is money and this has saved me many steps and thus time and money. Every practice needs this reference without doubt!
Used price: $0.75
Collectible price: $5.29
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I read this book at a time when my life was falling apart. My marriage was in shambles, my business was bordering bankruptcy, my faith was wavering, and I didn't know what else to do or where else to turn. I didn't know whether or not to pray scriptures, get on my knees 3 times/day, get counseling, rebuke Satan, start fasting, give more money to church, or drop down and just want to die.
The point is that many of these things are well and good in and of themselves, but they have very little to do with understanding and trusting God. He's not a magic Geenie, He's not here for our personal material comforts, and much of today's teachings about God seem to lead us toward Him with the expectation that He'll solve our problems and make things better here on earth.
Dr. Larry Crabb truly puts life's difficulties into perspective and certainly helped me to turn to the Lord and turn away from trying to use "tricks" to get Him to do what I want. That alone is worth all of the pain and suffering I've been through.
Hope this helps. God Bless.
List price: $29.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $20.84
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List price: $15.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.50
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Unfortunately, new drugs come out so rapidly that we need a new edition already. But until then, Dr. Robbins' book remains the key resource for headache sufferers.
Used price: $0.90
Collectible price: $18.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.72
Professor Friedman's book is compassionate, but not fawning. He gives as complete a picture of a very complex man; as complete as one would hope to have, and he does so in a non-judgemental way.
There are many unattractive aspects of Erikson the man; why did this sensitive man, this lover of children who was estranged from his own step-father, virtually disown his own son, who had Down's Syndrome, and have him institutionalized? What made him so ambivalent about his Jewish identity? Friedman explores these issues in a very thorough, yet compassionate way. Erikson himself had a difficult time reconciling the dark side of Gandi while writing his biography; lovers of Erikson, like myself, may have that same struggle while reading this book, but Mr. Friedman does a superb job of bringing out, and sythesizing the "dark Erik" with the Erikson whose works have inspired many a generation of people like myself who are advocates for the welfare of children.
I read this book first before reading "Childhood and Society" and "Identity Youth and Crisis" and I am glad I did, for Eriksons paradigm was born from his own identity crisis he suffered, which Friedman does a masterful job of portraying.
If you really want to understand Erikson's Works, read this book first. You too will be glad you did.
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.39
Collectible price: $15.84
Buy one from zShops for: $10.34
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.95
Buy one from zShops for: $10.37
Tepper goes all out and forces us to confront our greatest fears. He has guided us through the depths of our imagination to places we never would have ventured alone. In On To Plan B, he takes us inside a world of yearning, paranoia and isolation. This is a book that keeps you on the edge of your seat. Every three pages there is a new and scary conflict waiting to happen. Pick this one up if you can. It'll chill your bones.
I predict many Tepper fans on the horizon.
Before I bought this book, I heard one of the co-authors (Dr. Stager of Harvard) lecture on his contribution to the book. He is a master investigator of the ancient near eastern ideas of temple and garden. Stager brilliantly communicates how Israel's Temple and Garden Story relate to (and are informed by) their original contexts. Adjective fail me, I can only say that his work is staggering.
I would be remiss if I did not make this plug: the pictures alone are worth the price of the book. The book is printed completely on photo quality paper with full color images throughout.
This book is a must have for any student of archaeology, the Bible or Israel.