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Book reviews for "Molumby,_Lawrence_E." sorted by average review score:

Practical Algorithms for Image Analysis: Descriptions, Examples, and Code
Published in Hardcover by Cambridge University Press (15 April, 2000)
Authors: Michael Seul, Lawrence O'Gorman, and Michael J. Sammon
Amazon base price: $65.00
Used price: $58.85
Buy one from zShops for: $58.85
Average review score:

It's just great
The book is just great! I used the source code from the CD-ROM for various image processing projects. The algorithms are also very practical if you have to deal with images. The code is neat and ready to compile and run.

Also this book is good on the description of image process and image analysis algorithms. I read the whole book and use it as a reference during my programming. It sits in my bookshelf and I use it almost everyday.

I recommend anybody who wishes to do serious image programming to have this book. It's just great!

Luis J Gutierrez
Excelente libro. hace un tiempo que he estado estudiando y desarrollando estrategias para la implementación de sistemas de vision computarizada. Este libro es de una gran claridad práctica sin abandonar la necesaria base teorica. Muy buenos ejemplo, información adicional, ejemplos y aplicaciones. Para cualquier investigador en el área debe ser considerado como un recurso indispensable. (if you want my comments in english please send me an e-mail to

Practical is the Word
The title says it all. This book was meant to be used. It is organized around a series of transformations that are performed on an image in going from the raw, captured form to usable result. Each step is well identified so you can go directly to the part you need. The methods and routines used are the author's choices, but they give enough information so you can dig deeper if you suspect you may have special needs.

I particularly liked the illustrations. They aren't fancy coffee table illustrations but they are very clear and pointed to what is being discussed. There are many illustrations that show the effect of the procedures on actual images from a variety of fields.

There is a CD-ROM of the executable programs.

Revengers Tragedy
Published in Paperback by University of Nebraska Press (1966)
Authors: Cyril Tourneur and Lawrence J. Ross
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $3.45
Average review score:

Tourneur? Middleton? Who cares?
OK. The jury has more or less decided that "The Revenger's Tragedy" is not by Cyril Tourneur after all, but by Thomas Middleton. This is on strictly scholarly grounds. Either way, it scarcely matters, as this play is strictly sui generis. It's like nothing else either Tourneur or Middleton ever wrote.

The best way to think of it is as standing in a relation to the classic Jacobean and Elizabethan tragedies of Kyd, Shakespeare, Webster and Middleton sort of like the way Quentin Tarantino's early films stand in relation to previous Hollywood classics. Whoever wrote this, they were Taking The P*ss. The play starts in next-to-top gear, and accelerates into warp speed fairly quickly. Few other plays of the era (this is roughly contemporaneous with "King Lear", to give you an idea) are so ruthlessly efficient. The basic plot is put in motion by two brothers, Vindice and Hippolito, who are a bit cheesed off because the egregious Duke (of wherever) killed Vindice's wife cause she wouldn't put out. From here proceeds a bizarre and increasingly unlikely series of revenges, climaxing in a frankly chortlesome mass slaying. Vindice is the juiciest role - a bit like Shakespeare's Richard III, he guides the audience through the action, but with far greater economy and far less wrangling of conscience, not that Crookback Dick is noted for his remorse.

By the end, the stage is littered with bodies, and Vindice and Hippolito cheerfully go off to execution, with barely a qualm in sight. This is truly the most cynical and the funniest of all Jacobean tragedies. Whoever wrote it, be it Cyril or Tom, was thinking along the same lines Howard Hawks was on when he (Hawks) turned "Rio Bravo" from a Western into a chamber comedy. It's all thoroughly reprehensible, and great fun. You want depth, try John Webster.

There aren't many four-hundred-year-old plays that I laugh aloud at whilst reading, but this is one of them. Pace the opinion below, it couldn't have less to do with Jonson's careful layering of reality if it tried. It's a brisk, bleak, savage cartoon. Full marks, whoever you were.

great play! one of my favorites
PreShakespeare, but a lot of fun to read! I enjoyed it very much--- has to do with a man who is carrying around a murdered girlfriend for almost ten years-- he is planning revenge on the king...

Dazzling Theater
This dark tragi-comedy resonates with the dramatic potential of Hamlet, but and edge particular to Jacobean Drama. A play which is still relevant today (many students related it to "The Godfather"), and brimming with cinematic violence, lust, deception, vengence, and, with all this, communicated through beautiful poetry.

Ring of Fire: An Indonesian Odyssey
Published in Paperback by Inner Traditions Intl Ltd (1991)
Authors: Lawrence Blair and Lorne Blair
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.95
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $10.79
Average review score:

This book is special.
I was blown away by this book, as much by how spiritually aware it is and how well it was written. Wow! What an adventure!

A book close to my heart
This book and the companion videos are near and dear to my heart. It kept my dreams of returning to Indonesia alive through a long a crippling illness. Lawrence and Lorne Blair were the adventurers I wanted to be. Openminded, good humored, and willing to try new things. This book kept me good company through some baaaad times. But there is far more to recommend this book than armchair travel lust. The writing is excellent, photography spectacular, and all in all a great story. I highly recommend it to anyone curious about Indonesia. I did finally get to go back and even explore a little. I'm forever grateful to the Blair brothers for this gift of a book!

Wonderful travel and adventure story
An incredibly interesting tale and at times quite deep account of a 10-year joureny through the remotest islands in Indonesia. I wonder if the author is aware of how couragous he and his brother were to go to the places they went and meet such people as cannibals and headhunters and come back to tell the story! Not to mention the more subtle metaphysical comments here and there about the various religions they encountered and all of it presented with a very dry wit.

The Self-Coached Runner
Published in Paperback by Little Brown & Co (Pap) (1984)
Authors: Allan Lawrence and Mark Scheid
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $6.50
Average review score:

Tough Workouts That can make you faster
This is a book with a series of planned distance runner workouts
to get you in shape for the time you want to run. If you want to run a 40 minute 10K or a 34 minute 10K, the author has got the workouts for 7 days a week that run for months until you are ready to peak. Lots of track workouts, tempo and distance runs. I got in great shape following the workouts for my goal; however, the workouts are tough. I used to do the workouts for a goal a minute slower than my true goal because the workouts were a little too tough. I think the workouts set for specific times were really keyed to make you faster than the time you were training for. If you want to have a planed training program and run your optimum, this is it.

One of the Best I've Ever Read
I have used this book to enhance my training for 5k to the Marathon. It is easy to use and makes a lot of sense. I have also had the pleasure of getting additional help from Al in person. He is my idea of what a coach should be.

Most comprehensive, readable and directed manual for runners
No matter how much experience you have as a runner, this guide can help you achieve any goal. It is too bad it is out of print; my copy has swelled with rain water from sitting at trackside, been stepped on coming back from workouts, and generally seen more mileage than any of my shoes. Now, if only it would come back into print, I could replace it. The book outlines workout schedules, means to recover from injury, and nearly any other information you might need.

Stones, Bones, and Ancient Cities: Great Discoveries in Archaeology and the Search for Human Origins
Published in Paperback by St. Martin's Press (1992)
Author: Lawrence H. Robbins
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $0.92
Buy one from zShops for: $2.90
Average review score:

Very Good Book
This book covers a wide range of archaeological finds from all over the world. Cave paintings, skeletons, tombs, the list goes on. There are different (and more specialized) types of archaeology mentioned as well as the discoveries they brought about. Another thing I liked was that the author presents different interpretations and points of view about the information recovered from digs. In the back of the book there's a chronological table of archaeology discoveries that helped me to better organize important dates in my mind.

Fun Reading, Great Info, I Loved it!!
Well, I wasn't too sure when I started but by the time I finished the first chapter, "Stones, Bones and Ancient Cities" by Lawrence H. Robbins had me hooked so much I didn't get much sleep for the next few days. The writing style is crisp, clean and easy to understand. Robbins presents the cold-hard facts not just in layman's terms but in INTERESTING terms. I really loved the map of important sites discussed in the book which helped to put things into real perspective.

Chapter 2 about Cave Art is really eye-opening and informative about this controversial and speculative area of anthropology. Robbins also presents several Time-Lines at the back of the book that are also very informative. I am also a HUGE fan of the Chapter-by-Chapter form of Notes to be terrific for those of us that like to add more and more reading materials to our shelves. The photographs are fine though MORE is always better in these types of books.


Excellent Reading Material!!
This book is excellent reading material!! Dr. Robbins is my professor for a Great Discoveries in Archaeology class at MSU and we use this book for the class. I certainly don't feel as if I'm doing homework while reading it. The book is very informative, yet easy reading material. Dr. Robbins is a very talented professor and writer with a great deal of precise and sometimes humorous information to offer anyone interested in reading this book!!

Public & Private Land Mobile Radio Telephones And Systems
Published in Hardcover by Prentice Hall PTR (14 April, 2000)
Authors: Lawrence Harte, Robyn Shalhoub, Alan Shark, and Tom Steiner
Amazon base price: $70.00
Used price: $48.72
Buy one from zShops for: $56.00
Average review score:

If you want an overview (non-technical) of radio trunking architecture, such as TETRA, P.25, ESMR, etc., then this is the best book on the market.

There is a generous treatment of U.S. and European standards and a great chapter on LMR Economics (for LMR system planners).

My only complaint is that there should have been a chapter on site acquisition, site development, and O & M system integration. For another good book, read Singer's classic "Land Mobile Radio".

Very Informative!
This is the only book I found which covers the land mobile radio. Can't believe I couldn't find it until now! I highly reccommend the book.

Only book I found that explains land mobile radio very well
This is the only book I've found that covers land mobile radio systems. If you are involved with 2-way radio, SMR, PAMR, you should have this book. It covers the technologies and the applications. I've learned a lot from this book and I highly recommend it.

Ronald Rabbit Is a Dirty Old Man
Published in Paperback by Subterranean (2000)
Author: Lawrence Block
Amazon base price: $11.20
List price: $16.00 (that's 30% off!)
Collectible price: $16.89
Buy one from zShops for: $12.80
Average review score:

A naughty little book that went unnoticed
I came across this book about 25 years ago. My roommate and I giggled and laughed and thought this was the funniest book ever written. Nothing else written by Lawrence Block that I have read even comes close to hinting at the warped, devlish sense of humour found in this book. If you can find it, buy it.

An extremely witty, can't-put-it-down book!
I read this book back in the mid-70's, as I made one of the greatest reading discoveries of my life. Simply put, it is funny and engaging, with some unexpected twists along the way. Definitely a good trip to go along on.

It will be back in print
Great and weird book. Subterranean Press is bringing out a trade paperback version in the near future.

Rosary Novenas to Our Lady
Published in Paperback by ACTA Publications (2001)
Authors: Charles V. Lacey, Raymond P. Lawrence, and Gregory F. Augustine Pierce
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $4.15
Buy one from zShops for: $4.10
Average review score:

Highly Recommended
I've been saying this Novena for almost 20 years. It has been a source of comfort and strength to me and anyone I have recommended it to. The only place I've been able to find this book in recent years is at Amazon!

My favorite rosary novena
This book is a wonderful way to increase our awareness of the power of prayer and to help us realize that Our Blessed Mother always listens to us. I am glad I could finally get another copy!

A powerful Novena
This is a long Novena. It is 27 days of asking and 27 days of Thanksgiving. My mother has been saying this Novena for years. Not until I was over 30 did I borrow hers. I believe in this Novena. It is very powerful. As the book states, "A laborious Novena, but a Novena of Love. You who are sincere will not find it too difficult, if you really wish to obtain your request."

Shape of Love
Published in Hardcover by Doubleday (1990)
Authors: Gelsey Kirkland and Greg Lawrence
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $2.23
Collectible price: $6.35
Average review score:

The Happy ending at last
This book is a continuation of the first autobiography by Gelsey Kirkland. It tells about her starting back up in dancing and winning her final aclaim for her career before finding out what she has to give to the new young generations of dancers. This book is full of Gelsey's wonderful insights and methods of working on ballets, and I am sorry that it is out of print. I recommend it to dancers and autobiography readers. It is rare that you see a star find true happiness in the course of their life.

Better than "Dancing On My Grave"
This book goes beyond "Dancing On My Grave" and extends the "happy ending." Gelsey describes her experiences with teaching. The best part was when she takes you through the rehearsals and performances of Romeo and Juliet. She describes how she develops the character, and makes the character come alive. I loved this book!

This book stirred my heart...
Kirkland's moving and in depth sequel to "Dancing on my Grave" is wonderful. She uses her experiences and struggles to find meaning and life in her dancing. From one who has been classically trained in ballet, but never been taught to feel emotion or a character, I am forever grateful to Ms. Kirkland for opening her life and sharing it with me. Please, if you dance, read this book!

Solitary Survivor: The First American Pow in Southeast Asia
Published in Hardcover by Brasseys, Inc. (1995)
Authors: Lawrence R., Jr Bailey and Ron Martz
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $2.50
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $3.89
Average review score:

Good personal account of 18 months of captivity in Laos.
Solitary Survivor is a fascinating book detailing one of the first American soldiers taken captive during the initial stages of the Vietnam war. Colonel Bailey's story is revealing in many ways as he is the only survivor of a C-47 code named Rose Bowl that crashed in Laos with seven others on board in 1961. There is some speculation that one other on board survived but Bailey explains what he knows concerning Edgar Weitkamp and gives the reader the information and allows us to form our own opinions. He is unique in that he is only one of several men to return from captivity in Laos and details the dehumanizing treatment he received at the hands of his captors. In spite of or more because of his confinement and the total darkness he was kept in for most of the 18 months he was held in captivity, Colonel Bailey made a trek back to Sam Neua, Laos, to revisit, after 30 years the place that started the nightmares that are with him today. His return visit is very unique as Sam Neua is still considered Indian country and it has also been the focal point of many POW sightings over the years. Sam Neua is considered to be the place where many American POWs where held captive but were never returned at the conclusion of the Vietnam war. As a former 1st Cavalry soldier, I salute you Colonel Bailey and thank you for writing such an informitive book. Finally, I want to thank you for answering our country's call in three wars!

Tough and simple.
True story told truly. It might sound grand, but this is indeed a lesson on life and attracts respect, for the courage then and now to tell the story so humbly.

Historically it is not insignificant at all either, as so little has been written on that period and that aspect of the conflict, and even less with seriousness.

Boompaws overseas adventures!
First off, I'm biased. Col. Bailey is my grandfather. Secondly, I never asked why we call him Boompaw. I suppose it may be the last thing he heard standing in the doorway of Rose Bowl, ready to bail...Boom. Grandpaw went BOOM.

Thirdly, this is a fantastic account of another time, another place and another generation. If you feel you know all about Southeast Asia and that painful time in world history, you will find an entirely different perspective in Solitary Survivor.

I often wonder when reading autobiographies, especially assisted ones, if I am hearing the author or flowered up prose from his professional co-author. When you read this, know that you are hearing the author's words, in his words. The first time I read it I don't know if I cried more because of what the author went through or because I was hearing my grandfathers voice telling the story. His story.

The honest reason it gets five stars? They don't offer six.

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