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With this book you are not going to learn how to do hypnosis, but you will understand some of the presupositions that are known in hypnosis.
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Lawrence made his translation with an eye for the details and color of the text. He claimed that his experiences in the war in Arabia helped him to understand the writer of the Odyssey, and I think this did aid him in his approach to his translation. The introduction to this printing of Lawrence's translation provides an interesting comparison to another widely used prose rendering of the Odyssey, and one can instantly discover how much more vivid and faithful Lawrence is to the original. So, Lawrence's Odyssey is a translation I will return to in my future reading of this classic tale.
List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
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Rabbi Kushner's foward and the author's introduction ground one in the history and application of these mystical letters. The book and its companion set of cards are very user friendly, providing one with an insightful and welcome perspective when seeking direction.
I'm grateful to Richard Seidman for providing me with both a compassionate form of guidance and a readily accessible introduction to these sacred letters. This is a book that I'll refer to again and again.
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Spencer writes in a disclaimer that "the author and publisher assume no responsibility of any kind whatsoever for any negative influence which the material in this book may have upon the reader. ... The author accepts full responsibility for any positive effect the material in the book may have on the reader, no matter how insignificant or remote."
Derek Adapa, a software developer, sustains what proves to be a fatal wound in a hunting incident on Mt. Shasta. But Pan, representing all the pagan deities down through history, teaches Derek's disembodied spirit the truth about the godlike power of human beings. Pan plays Virgil to Adapa's Dante as he shows Derek his grieving wife Jennifer and tells him the secret of the twins being born to his mistress, Paula Cadmus (herself not what she appears to be).
The language is sometimes strong and the opinions stronger in "Pan." "There is no heaven or hell as you have been taught to think of it," Pan tells Derek. "Those are lies told by priests to make people obey them."
Eventually Pan (the fertility god of the woods) and his cohorts convert the world to environmentalism, and the military-industrial complex stops making fighter jets and starts producing greenhouses. All is well.
There is yet one more message. Pan welcomes readers to "embrace the Spirit of Playfulness. Embrace the joy of your own ability to create, my eternal friend. Pretend your own illusion, your own future, your own universe. ..."
"Be here, then be there," Pan poeticizes at the end. "You're free just to Be. / You don't have to eat or to breathe or to pee! / You are who You are. It's fun being free! / The same as You've been, and always will be!"
By DAN BARNETT - Book Columnist
Dan Barnett teaches philosophy at Butte College.
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I'd like to suggest to incorporate into the next edition more visual items (cXR, CT, MRI dermatological, etc.) as it says that one picture worth a thousand words