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Book reviews for "Brown,_Michael" sorted by average review score:

Engineering Practical Rope Rescue Systems
Published in Paperback by Delmar Learning (13 April, 2000)
Authors: Michael G. Brown and Mike Brown
Amazon base price: $45.95
Used price: $43.90
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Average review score:

Long overdue
This text is what the serious student of technical rescue has been looking for. It gives detailed technical information to help the serious rescue technician, instructor, or team member understand the "why" and not just a simple "how" to design and set up very technical systems. Mike uses his background, experience and most of all his sense of humor to bring some very old questions into focus.

The Everlasting: Book of the Light Roleplaying Game
Published in Paperback by Visionary Entertainment Studio, Inc. (01 August, 1998)
Authors: Steven Brown, Alan Rabinowitz, Darryl Elliott, and Michael Eriquez
Amazon base price: $29.95
Average review score:

The Light shall overcome the Dark. I was blind and now I see

Steve Brown, has done it again. Writing the second book in the Everlasting series of Role Playing Games. Following up with his award winning Book of the Undead, Steve has written a much needed counter to the darkness found in the first installment. In the Book of The Light. We are introduced to the various creatures of the light, or essentially good beings. Players now have the choice of playing such character types as Angels, Questers, and Daevas. Angels of course being the messengers from heaven, are available to the players in several forms, include the Exhusai or Angels of Death and the Cherubs. Questers are brave men and woman who have devoted their life to a cause, and because of this devotion, they are granted immortality and can leave through the century's striving to fulfill their goal. Daevas , are demi gods and goddess. Immortals who have at one time , might have been worshiped by the Greeks or the Norse. The Book of the Light is a stand alone, and a supplement. If you are new to the Everlasting world, you can use this book to get you started. I highly recommend that anyone who is interested in gaming, that is not gothic to the extreme like Vampire or Were Wolf. Then this is for you.

Flying Blind: The Politics of the U.S. Strategic Bomber Program (Cornell Studies in Security Affairs)
Published in Hardcover by Cornell Univ Pr (1992)
Author: Michael E. Brown
Amazon base price: $57.50
Used price: $25.95
Average review score:

Flying Blind: Politics of the US Strategic Bomber Program
Dr. Brown provides outstanding background, analyses, and commentary on all 15 Air Force "heavy" bomber programs, from the B-35 to the B-2. "Flying Blind" provides critical information to readers about the overall bomber procurement strategy, funding hurdles, and design challenges. The author reveals "Bomber Command" efforts to use the lessons learned during WWII bombing campaigns to develop higher and faster flying airframes with heavier bomb loads, how the Air Force's nuclear commitment led to development of 'strategic' and 'tactical' nuclear delivery systems, and how improved defensive measures forced development of electronic jamming, stealth, and other high-performance technologies. Especially interesting is Dr. Brown's discussion of the leaps in untested engineering technologies as they were incorporated into airframe designs by Air Force leaders and contracted builders, and how concurrent development and production systems forced the Air Force to accept faulty weapons systems. A suitable portion of this book is dedicated to the development of the most controversial platform, the B-1 bomber, which happens to be the prime example of bomber technology and procurement run amok.

Football Legends: Steve Young, Joe Namath, Joe Montana, Terry Bradshaw, John Elway, Brett Favre, Dan Marino, Troy Aikman, Deion Sanders, Jerry Rice,: Michael Irvin, Walter Payton, Jim Brown, Barry Sanders, Emmitt Smith, Lawrence Taylor, Vince Lombardi, John Madden
Published in Library Binding by Chelsea House Pub (Library) (1995)
Author: Chuck Noll
Amazon base price: $287.10
Average review score:

Wonderfull book!
I love this book, I wont let my friends touch it. It's totallyworth the dollars, it tells you about the greatest NFL players ever. For example: Steve Young, the best left-handed Quarterback ever,and Jerry Rice, the greatest all-time wide receiver ever.

Glimmer Train Stories, #35
Published in Paperback by Glimmer Train Pr Inc (01 May, 2000)
Authors: Linda V. Davies, Susan E. Burmeister-Brown, Karen Kovacik, Felicia Olivera, Thomas E. Kennedy, Susan Fox, Michael Upchurch, Daniel Wallace, Jiang Qisheng, and Siobhan Dowd
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $3.19
Buy one from zShops for: $7.85
Average review score:

Glimmer Train's got game
Glimmer Train features up and coming talented writers, and boy have they have one in Daniel Wallace. What a great writer. The folks at the Train have the ability to spot talent, so look for these authors elsewhere for other good reads. This is the new crop of the biggies. Especially Wallace. A++

How to Start a Business in Texas (Legal Survival Guides)
Published in Paperback by Sphinx Pub (2002)
Authors: Michael T. Norman, Mark Warda, and William R. How to Start a Business in Texas Brown
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.17
Buy one from zShops for: $12.50
Average review score:

Excellent book for starting a Texas business
If you're thinking about starting a business in Texas, this book is perfect for you. It covers general issues like what type of business should you start (Sole Proprietorship, Corporation, etc.), Insurance, Employment and Labor Laws, and most importantly specific issues associated with Texas. For instance, Texas requires Franchise Tax be paid by all corporations and Limited Liability Companies. Texas also requires a Sales and Use Tax form be completed for any business selling taxable items (tangible and intangible property). I have read the other book "How to Incorporate and Start a Business in Texas" but it is more focused on the legal rammifications of corporations and not on specific Texas related issues. It is also good, but I recommend this book because it covers basically everything. Great reference manual.

In Memory's Kitchen: A Legacy from the Women of Terezin
Published in Hardcover by Jason Aronson (1996)
Authors: Cara Desilva, Bianca Steiner Brown, Michael Berenbaum, and Cara De Silva
Amazon base price: $17.50
List price: $25.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.95
Collectible price: $4.24
Buy one from zShops for: $6.98
Average review score:

from Terezin concentration camp
This book is a testimony to the towering reaches of the human spirit. In the midst of the horrors of Terezin, surrounded by suffering, deprivation, and death, hungry women recorded recipes of warmth, comfort, and abundance. They remembered cooking delicious meals, serving delicacies and caviar, making aspic, cooking many varieties of dumplings. The hand-written cookbook they put together demonstrates that although the Nazis held their bodies captive, their spirits remained free, drawing strength and nourishment from their memories of happy days and fully-laden tables. Despite the wretched conditions of the camp, these women dared to hope for a time when they could return to their kitchens and once again rejoice in feeding their families.

This haunting book will bless your life.

It's Time to Rock the Boat
Published in Paperback by Destiny Image (1993)
Author: Michael L. Brown
Amazon base price: $9.59
List price: $11.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $1.30
Buy one from zShops for: $3.99
Average review score:

It's time to rock the boat
This book is definitely not your run-of-the-mill book on witnessing and preaching the gospel. But Michael Brown's teaching is so biblical. I read it with my Bible to check it's accuracy. I was amazed. Although preaching a "confrontational gospel" is widely condemned. I found it is very biblical. Michael Brown shows why a confrontational gospel is needed and gives inspiring scripture references; without taking scripture out of context. Michael Brown has an excellent way of putting things. Many things I felt, but couldn't convey, he did. A great book. I'd recommend it to anyone who is opposed to confontational preaching, just to see the other side. Maybe you'll see some thing you like.

Let's Play Pokemon! (Official Pokemon Guides)
Published in Paperback by Wizards of the Coast (03 May, 2000)
Authors: Michael Mikaelian, Will McDermott, Steven Stan Brown, Stan, Wizards of the Coast, and Brown
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $1.89
Buy one from zShops for: $2.15
Average review score:

Excellent introduction to the world of Pokemon
I bought this book for my 7 years old son with his first Pokemon deck, and started reading it during my flight from Sydney to Cairo. It was very interesting to the extent that I finished it all in one shot. It is truly one of the most wonderfully illustrated book I have ever seen. It helped me a lot to understand the Pokemon phenomenon and communicate with my son. It helped him also to share the Pokemon fun with his peers. The CD, which comes with the book, is excellent for both learning as well as practicing the game, and deserves the price itself.

Letters Sounds and Words
Published in Paperback by Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company (1993)
Authors: Grace M. Brown and Michael J. Hulbert
Amazon base price: $23.95
Used price: $23.95
Average review score:

I learned to pronounce English correctly using this book.
This book is very useful for teenagers and adults who want to be able to pronounce any English word whether they have seen it before or not. It integrates phonics with the reading of interesting selections. Very good for the improvement of spelling as well.

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