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Book reviews for "Bible,_Charles" sorted by average review score:

Psalm 119
Published in Hardcover by Banner of Truth (December, 1996)
Author: Charles Bridges
Amazon base price: $25.99
Used price: $16.81
Buy one from zShops for: $21.11
Average review score:

Rich Truth
Rich Truth. Can be read as devotional (one verse a day) or cover to cover. Comforting. Convicting. Challenging. This book stirs the spirit to passionate obedience and love for God's Word.

The Road to Armageddon
Published in Hardcover by W Publishing Group (April, 1999)
Authors: Charles R. Swindoll, John F. Walvoord, Dwight L. Pentecost, and J. Dwight Pentecost
Amazon base price: $19.99
Used price: $2.50
Collectible price: $14.82
Buy one from zShops for: $4.87
Average review score:

Informing and Educational
This is an excellent book for those who are seeking answers to what the book of Revelations has to say about our future. I am very grateful to the Authors and have learned much about what my attitude should be towards those who are "spiritually lost". I pray this book will be a tool for reaching them.

Ryrie Study Bible: New King James Version (Red Letter Editions Burgandy Bonded Leather)
Published in Hardcover by Moody Publishers (June, 1986)
Authors: Moody Press and Charles Caldwell Ryrie
Amazon base price: $64.99
Average review score:

Fabulous Footnotes
The footnotes in this standard King James Bible are plentiful and lucid. Many people will also find the extensive thematic index very useful. I am disappointed that Ryrie didn't include a major Topical Concordance, but I'm about to purchase Strong's, which I believe will perfectly compliment Ryrie's exceptional study Bible.

Savior's Touch, The
Published in Hardcover by Zondervan (01 April, 1996)
Author: Charles Stanley
Amazon base price: $19.99
Used price: $3.29
Collectible price: $6.00
Buy one from zShops for: $6.98
Average review score:

A Great Devotional
This is a volume of 4 of Stanley's books: A Touch of His Freedom, A Touch of His Wisdom, A Touch of His Peace, and A Touch of His Love. Though known for his preaching, Dr. Stanley is also an accomplished photographer and this books has 124 beautiul black and white pictures for each day. The work is encouraging and practical, founded in Biblical wisdom. He goes through just about any facet of the christian life through the volume. Stanley is a great teacher and it comes through in this devotional. Any person will be blessed to add this book to their library.

Spin a Soft Black Song
Published in Hardcover by Hill & Wang Pub (March, 1985)
Authors: Nikki Giovanni and Charles Bible
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $2.07
Collectible price: $12.44
Average review score:

Sing a song...
This book is a beautiful introduction to Nikki Giovanni's childrens' poetry. Each piece, written from the viewpoint of a black child, graces us with the experiences common in the life of a kid. Ranging from the childs eye view of 'Mommies' and 'Daddies' to the monsters in our dreams to the invincibility of youth, and the realities of being black, the poetry lyrically gives a peek at the soft sides of everyday life. I've loved this book since my mother first read it to me, and recommend it to ALL parents, but especially to Black parents and their children.

Today's technology in Bible prophecy
Published in Paperback by TIP ()
Author: Charles W. Miller
Amazon base price: $12.00
Collectible price: $12.71
Average review score:

Very enlightening book.
This book has a lot of material from the Scriptures, and goes into the descriptions for various present-time inventions, as mentioned in Scripture in relation to the end-times prophetic passages.

It takes quite a bit of concentration and time to digest it all, but it is well worth it when compared to the fictional accounts in prevalence.

It is for the serious student of prophecy, not for someone looking for comfortable entertainment.

Tradition and Testament: Essays in Honor of Charles Lee Feinberg
Published in Hardcover by Moody Publishers (November, 1981)
Authors: John S. Feinberg and Paul D. Feinberg
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $12.95
Average review score:

A Fine Tool and a great compilation of theological articles
Dr. Charles Feinburg is a scholar and the people that have contributed articles compiled in this book are outstanding. The book essentially deals with a lot of Old Testament materials. I happen to take interest at John Feinburg's article on "Old Testament Salvation". This book was truly helpful as I was working on a paper for Adavenced Biblical Studies, on the very same topic.

Treatises on Marriage and Other Subjects
Published in Paperback by Catholic University of America Press (December, 1999)
Authors: Roy J. Deferrari, Charles T. Wilcox, and St. Augustine
Amazon base price: $34.95
Average review score:

Some short, but important works
This is a collection of nine short works by Augustine. The table of contents is presented below:

"The Good of Marriage", introduced and translated by Charles T. Wilcox

"Adulterous Marriages", introduced and translated by Charles T. Huegelmeyer

"Holy Virginity", introduced and translated by John McQuade

"Faith and Works", introduced and translated by Marie Liguori

"The Creed", introduced and translated by Marie Liguori

"Faith and the Creed", introduced and translated by Robert P. Russell

"The Care to be Taken for the Dead", introduced and translated by John A. Lacy

"In Answer to the Jews", introduced and translated by Marie Liguori

"The Divination of Demons", introduced and translated by Ruth Wentworth Brown

"The Good of Marriage" was one of Augustine's most influential works. He wrote it to define the purpose of marriage and to defend it as a good - not as good as holy virginity but a good nevertheless. To this end, he defined the purpose of marriage (what goods it brings to those in the married state), and from this what the duties of marriage must therefore be. It is a work at once strange and familiar. It is strange in the pains it takes to defend the idea that marriage is not actually sinful (a charge that few would even think to make today). It is familiar in that many of the most criticized aspects of the Catholic view of marriage, such as the denial of divorce and the sinfulness of non-procreative sex, are presented and defended in this work. It is a powerful presentation of these embattled points of doctrine and well worth reading.

"Adulterous Marriages" is a treatment of a variety of possible issues and complications surrounding adultery, particularly with regard to separation and remarriage. It was built on the same theological foundations as "The Good of Marriage", but was aimed less at expounding doctrine than answering possible objections to it and clarifying the finer points. It almost serves as a set of appendices to that prior and more foundational work.

"Holy Virginity" is a work that necessarily followed Augustine's works on marriage. Having defended the goodness of marriage, a defense of the superior goodness of virginity was required. The argument is rhetorical in form and scriptural in content. The main purpose is completed fairly quickly - Augustine draws on the lives of Mary, Jesus, the Apostles, and the teachings of Paul to establish that holy virginity is a good thing. Surprisingly, he then devotes considerable space to warning those practicing virginity not to be over-proud of their state and its superiority over marriage and to caution those practicing virginity to humility.

"Faith and Works" concerns what the title suggests it concerns. The launching point, however, is the narrower question of whether pagan converts should be educated in the requirements of a Christian life before or after baptism. This question leads Augustine into the question of how important the Christian life is to salvation: do works matter? Augustine's answer and the scripture used in addressing this point is the Catholic position. It relies on Peter, John, James, and Jude as counterweights to the "faith alone" reading of Paul, and in fascinating in showing how the question did not arise suddenly in the sixteenth century but in fact had very old roots (Augustine in fact regards it as old even in his own time, and as having been settled in the time of the Apostles).

"The Creed" is a short work, originally given as a sermon, explaining the meaning of the Creed to a lay audience. Augustine went slowly through the Creed, explaining each line's meaning in clear terms, and avoiding theological heavy lifting.

"Faith and the Creed" is a slightly longer work than its predecessor, and was aimed at a more sophisticated audience. It also works slowly through the Creed, but its main occupation is using it as a means of differentiating Catholic from Manichaean belief, naturally to the credit of the former.

"The Care to be Taken for the Dead" is a sensitive work for those dealing with the problem of the proper care for the dead and what - if any - consequences it has for the life to come. Augustine finds that the reason for respectful care for the dead lies not out of concern for the next life (where it has no effect), but out of concern for those still alive, that care of the dead is an opportunity for a final show of respect for the deceased. In doing so, Augustine gives comfort to those who cannot care for loved ones who have died, without making it seem as though those who can are foolish in doing so.

"In Answer to the Jews" aims to defend the Christian interpretations of messianic prophecy in the Old Testament against Jewish objections. There was a substantial Jewish population in North Africa where Augustine was bishop, and he sought to fortify local Christians with a defense of Christian belief about the Old Testament.

"The Divination of Demons" is a short piece intended to explain a question that seldom troubles Christians today: how could demons prophecy the future and if they could didn't it make them worthy of worship? Without claiming to have every heard a demon prophecy anything, Augustine argues that they could do so by merely natural means, and that this would not even necessarily make them better than men, much less worthy of worship.

Understanding the Body of Christ: A Pauline Trilogy
Published in Hardcover by Grage Bible College Pubns (February, 1985)
Author: Charles F. Baker
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $12.95
Average review score:

If you are looking for a comprehensive and topical study of theology this is the BEST BOOK for you. This book had been written brilliantly and fairly by the author giving a lot ideas of the readers without any bias, but presenting all sides of theology. For the Author, I'd like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the wisdom God had given to HIM . Mr. Charles F. Baker was a genius, lenient, and great theologian for me.

Where's Baby Jesus? (Lift-Flap Book)
Published in Hardcover by W Publishing Group (June, 1992)
Authors: Charlotte Laughlin and Charles Reasoner
Amazon base price: $9.99
Average review score:

Please re-print this book!
Where's the Lost Sheep? and its companion book, Where's Baby Jesus? are outstanding! If your pre-schoolers like the Where's Spot? series, they will adore these two books, which are now (unfortunately) out of print. Simple storyline, repetitive text (great for chiming in), and wonderful line drawings on heavy paper. A top quality book! The publisher of this book has made a BIG mistake in not continuing to re-print it! Our church bookstore could not keep it in stock and had to re-order it many, many times.

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