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The Governor's sensitivity and caring ways always show through in his writings. Gov, thanks for continuing to teach us with such thought provoking simplicity. My grandchildren also thank you.
Used price: $22.31
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Luis Mendez
Andamios is an excellent Latino American literature work, where the author, Mario Benedetti, relates the story of Javier, who had been exiled in Spain (for political reasons) from Uruguay for a period of twelve years. Javier, a journalist, comes back to find Uruguay in a general atmosphere of political, social and personal lack of conformism, political submission and, above all of loneliness .
However, we cannot say it is a novel, as the author himself conveys. Actually, it is a merge of utterly exquisite prose, dialogs, letters, dream's narration and poetry that Benedetty uses intermittently to covey different aspects and ideas of his (Javier's) return to Uruguay. For example, he uses faxes to express his economical and socio political points of view. He uses dialog to summarize other's (perhaps his old friends and not so friends) positions in life, and also utilizes poetry to bewilder us with his great talent as a writer.
It is definitely worthwhile to read Andamios, Benedettis first "sort of novel" since "La Tregua". However, if you are reading Benedetti for the first time, it is a whole lot better to read his novel "La Tregua" first.
Así también los seres humanos se aíslan en diferentes ámbitos como el religioso. Se esgrime la Biblia, supuestamente el vehículo de Dios no para ayudarnos a amar, sino para erigir muros de intolerancia y sectarismo, de odio disfrazado de falsa piedad, de chisme, encubierto en censuras estúpidas.....
La literatura y los escritores puntualizan estos aspectos muy bien con el sentimentalismo que les falta a los sociólogos que ven la sociedad como una gran estructura y se olvidan que esa estructura esta compuesta de personas. Los novelistas muchas veces se han adelantado a los acontecimientos, no porque tengan un poder de visionarios o profetas, sino porque su sensibilidad los hace ver los cambios de la sociedad antes de que estos ocurran.
Lo que ven los novelistas contemporáneos es mucho pesimismo, crueldad e intolerancia, infiltrada dentro de los regímenes democráticos de una manera sutil, mucho mas difícil de combatir, sobre todo cuando se disfraza o se escuda en la libertad de expresión del pensamiento.
De esta y muchas otras cosas trata Andamios, aunque quizás yo haya puesto mis propios andamios personales mencionando algunas cosas que Benedetti omite, pero es tanto lo que él menciona, tratando de explicar el mundo que tiene que enfrentar el exilado/exiliado antes y después de su llegada que no creo que este de mas agregar unos cuantos más en este comentario.
Primero y aunque no parezca importante, la barrera del lenguaje que se bifurca entre los pueblos, las diferencias idiomáticas a veces pequeñas y siempre confusas que se dan entre los pueblos: Tomar el bus/ coger la guagua andar en coche/auto/carro. Hablar en el celular/movil . comprar una caja de fósforos / cerillas; Hasta las más complicadas, como las causas que han provocado el exilio en principio y que aunque hayan dejado de existir no se han olvidado. Los viejos rencores, los amigos que te miran con recelo porque pudiste escapar la chirola/cana/carcel. Los que creen que has vuelto a conspirar, los resignados, los vendidos o cambiados; Los que se quedaron sin ideología después del socialismo.... Es una novela compleja que solo pudo haber sido escrita por una persona que sufrió en carne propia y tal vez ajena el exilio; También llena de experiencia narrativa para poder contar esas cosas de una manera amena, sin que suene a perorata o a didactismo, ni si quiera a añoranza con remordimiento. Es un buen libro que los hará pensar sin importar que nunca hayamos sufrido un exilio.
Luis Méndez
Used price: $0.85
Collectible price: $3.50
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I was conducting a seminar in Manhattan for the great Joe Riley when I was introduced to Bill. I gave him a copy of my latest book and he gave me a copy of his, this (just released) Airwaves. I wasn't expecting much... but then I'm an idiot.
William O'Shaughnessy beggared America by limiting his radio commentary to Westchester County, New York. He should have been a network anchor.
Even though the book has a somewhat regional "New York" flavor, (I'm from Texas,) I liked it.
Bill! Write us another one!
Used price: $41.06
*Gonzalez' diary entries from 1989-1992--an excellent window to see firsthand how contemporary tribal governments work and how Native Americans on reservations interact with each other on a daily basis.
*Commentary (called chronicles)by Elizabeth Cooke-Lynn explaining events described in the diary entries including Gonzalez' efforts in stopping the payment of $100 million claims commission for the Black Hills in 1980, and his efforst in Europe from 1981 to 1984 to get the World Court to issue an advisory opinion on the illegal confiscation of the Black Hills.
*Appendices that include a complete chronology of Sioux land claims from the signing of the 1851 treaty up to the present--a must for anyone interested in Indian land claims.
*Excellent footnotes with valuable information found no where else including information about Chief Crazy Horse's family members contained in the probate records of Chief Crazy Horse's father.
Used price: $43.34
La historia se desenvuelve dentro de un colegio militarizado (el Leoncio Prado, el cual aún se encuentra en funcionamiento) y narra de manera cruda las vicisitudes de un grupo de adolescentes que llegaron a ese colegio por diversos motivos. Unos para reformarse y convertirse en hombres de bien, y otros para hacerse "machos". En este micro-cosmos, MVLL nos revela los secretos mejor guardados de la sociedad limeña, sus vicios: el racismo (peculiar en un país pluri-cultural), las diferencias sociales (los burgueses blanquecinos viven en San Isidro, y los pobres acholados en Lince), el autoritarismo militar (los cadetes y los perros), la corrupción (la venta ilegal de pisco y cigarrillos a cambio de algunos favores, o dinero adicional), el servilismo militar ("Gamboa esa denuncia fregará tu ascenso") y el chantaje ("Cadete Fernández, si usted promete no volver hablar del tema yo olvidaré que usted escribió estas historietas inmorales"). Y aunque algunos personajes tratan de mostrar el lado bueno de la vida militar (Gamboa y su tozudez por cumplir su deber al pie de la letra, a pesar que eso podría perjudicar su futuro; el Círculo y su lealtad enfermiza, aunque esta sólo le sirva para cometer actos ilegales; la amistad entre el Poeta y el Esclavo, aunque sea considerada como una mariconada por sus compañeros de clases) es claro que el mundo que se pretende mostrar es el negativo, en el cual prevalecen las taras sociales. No olvidemos que MVLL estudió en el colegio que hace referencia en este libro, y quizás haya sido testigo presencial de aquellos excesos.
Sin embargo, lo magistral de esta novela no radica precisamente en el tema -este es sólo un medio a través del cual el escritor logra su objetivo: escribir -, sino más bien en el estilo que emplea el escritor. Un vocabulario enriquecedor, empleando incluso jergas peruanas que revelan por sí mismos su significado; una descripción precisa de los personajes y ambientes, sin caer en el uso excesivo de esta técnica que podría llevar al lector al tedio somnífero; y una magnífica conexión entre sus historias.
Sin atenuantes, un clásico de la Literatura Latinoamericana.
Used price: $7.50
The plot is rapidly developed, with the surfacing of a sect of fanatics as its counterpoint. These sect crucifies people and animals, and the story includes a harsh criticism of the Church as parallel to the Army. The reader wonders: why is it that Vargas Llosa decided to intertwine a satire of military discipline with another one of religious fanatism? And the conclusion is that it is an extremely smart and witty novel, hilarious and troubling at the same time. The characters are really, really great, including Panta, his wife, his mother-in-law, some of the prostitutes, and some of the officers. Great book by a great contemporary author.
List price: $39.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $15.00
Buy one from zShops for: $13.50
This book was very well written, and seemed to address exactly what I needed. I found the sections on CGI and COM very helpful on the Internet side (part of our project is a ColdFusion page using a COM object), and the comparison of various database approaches like ODBC vs. DAO very helpful. The sample programs comparing the different database technologies was a great idea.
My only complaints would be that the index was a bit hard to use, and there was no CD provided. But, I was able to locate the source code for download on the authors FTP site.
I recommend this book for anyone familiar with programming, that needs to get working quickly with some new specific aspect, like Internet or database.
That's what this refreshingly straightforward and intelligently laid out book, written by Keogh&Giannini, is. It is a phrase book for Windows programmers. The most common scenarios are discussed, with full code given. You won't find obscure situations such as those found in Petzold's oversized Windows Programming book like how to draw an elliptic circle in a window! What you will find in this concise book is useful code such as creating an application where the main window is a dialog box used for data entry through edit boxes. (This very common and fundamental of situations is not addressed in Petzold's book).
Each example is explained sufficiently enough for any programmer to build on or tailor to their needs. And the core explanations are embedded within the code so you won't have to laboriously cross reference with the main body of the text. How refreshingly intelligent is that?!
Whats more, for those new to the Visual C++ environment, step by step instructions on how to use it to enter the code and build it are given in list form e.g. 1) Select File/New menu choice 2) select the Win32 Application project type, and so forth. Most Windows programming books often make the assumption that you know your way around the environment.
And you will find each example written in both MFC and Windows API! Name me a book that has done that?!
The problem with so many Windows programming books on the market including Charles Petzolds and Joseph Newcomers is that they are basically dictionaries, grammar references of the Windows language. They are inaccessible. If these books were to be useful to anyone it would only be to a seasoned Windows programmer who already has a feel for the language, but definitely not for a beginner. These books are not practically organized and don't fit the needs of today's developers. For example, discussions on essential topics such as dialog boxes are left until chapter 11 in Petzold's classic; in Keogh&Giannini's book, it is discussed in chapter 3. And Petzold's book misses a number important programming issues. These are not my own criticisms by the way. These criticisms are those of Dr Dobbs Journal, arguably the most technical journal in computing, certainly more so than those that Petzold decided to quote on the back cover.
In Keogh&Giannini's book , there are bonus chapters on database programming (ODBC), internet programming, Windows CE and 2000 programming, threads, ActiveX controls and lots more.
I am giving this book 5 stars because it is head and shoulders above the rest in terms of accessibility, completeness, conciseness, modern refreshing style, and its use of novel approaches to speed up learning for the impatient novice Windows programmer.
Then, looking at the other chapters, which is rich in MFC examples, I decided I had made an excellent purchase. If you are an MFC programmer at any level, I highly recommend this book.
Used price: $7.00
Collectible price: $12.71
The book is based on the same material as the late 1990s TV series of the same name, and having watched that series many of the incidents and issues were familiar to me. The advantage of the book is the ability to digest information at your own speed and refer back to earlier pages, but it has to be said that the TV series communicated some of the issues better, helped by animated graphics and by the better mutual support of both pictures and narrative.
Each chapter takes a topic, whether a human factor like the law, a type of construction such as the dome, or a cause of failure such as metal fatigue, and then illustrates the issues by consideration of a number of case studies, frequently including some notable successes as well as dramatic failures. In the case of failures the book always attempts to assess both the practical cause, and also any human cause, impact and implications.
The book is very well written, in an accessible style supported by some useful appendixes on structural engineering principles. However, sometimes the simple line drawings and verbal descriptions of a structure don't manage to communicate a full understanding, and more sophisticated illustrations might have helped.
Mario Salvadori died in 1997 (at the good age of 90), and the surviving author, Matthys Levy updated the book in 2002. My feelings on the update are mixed: the chapter on terrorism, culminating with the collapse of the New York Trade Centre towers on September 11th 2001 is excellent; but why did the author not acknowledge the brilliant success of efforts to stabilise the Leaning Tower of Pisa in the late 1990s?
Overall I heartily recommend this book to anyone with a serious or lay interest in structural engineering, and the many complex human and natural issues which influence it.