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Book reviews for "Uretsky,_Myron" sorted by average review score:

Published in Paperback by Xlibris Corporation (2002)
Author: Myron Tuman
Amazon base price: $21.99
Used price: $18.00
Buy one from zShops for: $17.86
Average review score:
'Critical thinking has been oversold as a cure for ignorance and apathy. Myron Tuman exposes the shallowness of the conventional recipes and provides a good thing instead--a book of incisive distinctions, captivating material, and provocative reflections. It is bound to leave the reader a more thoughtful person.'
Albert Borgmann, Dept of Philosophy, The University of Montana

from the back cover
" is bound to raise a few hackles. It takes on two major thought-clichés of today's world: first, that critical thinking is the ultimate form of thinking and that we know what it is when we encounter it; and, second, that the Internet promises us a brave new world of virtual literacy that will not only replace traditional literacy but improve it. Partly philosophical, partly practical, partly pedagogical, is mostly a refreshing look at the interaction of knowledge production and technology. It is smart, more than a little daring, and probably will make you think a little differently about some of the things you thought you knew.˜

The Millenial City: A New Urban Paradigm for 21st- Century America
Published in Hardcover by Ivan R. Dee, Publisher (15 May, 2000)
Author: Myron Magnet
Amazon base price: $27.50
Used price: $11.00
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Average review score:

These articles come from the pages of City Journal magazine
Myron Magnet edits The Millennial City, which provides students of urban affairs with a new urban program for the 21st Century. These articles come from the pages of City Journal magazine and consider both social change and the ideology of urban renewal programs.

An outstanding contribution to Urban Studies.
Myron Magnet edits The Millennial City, a survey of new American interests in urban living. Essays here offer guidelines for urban health and growth, rejecting the usual ideologies and replacing them with new approaches to common urban problems from crime to homelessness. Social and legal precedent are covered in the process of defining the revitalized urban atmosphere cities are enjoying.

Motivation and Learning Strategies for College Success
Published in Paperback by Lawrence Erlbaum Assoc (04 January, 2000)
Author: Myron H. Dembo
Amazon base price: $32.50
Used price: $12.95
Buy one from zShops for: $32.09
Average review score:

Take charge of your education, buy this book!
If you are a parent that wants your children to learn or a student who wants to learn, this is the book for you. Prof. Dembo clearly explains how to become a self motivated learner. He explains how people learn, how to motivate yourself, how to set goals, how to manage your time, how to study and how to take tests. As a high school teacher I have spent years searching for a method that teaches students how to be a successful learner. Then when I heard Prof. Dembo speak, it became so clear. I have been encouraging all my students to buy the book since I finished reading it. If you have a learning problem, ADD or just feel like you study too much, this is the book for you. Don't let anyone cheat you out of an education, take charge of your education, buy Prof. Dembo's book.

Motivation and Learning Strategies for College Success
Present day college students are often overwhelmed with information that they are expected to remember on their own. Many college students seem to "survive" college, and barely make it to graduation, if at all. This book teaches students preparing for college, effective learning skills that when practiced, will assure them academic success. While this book was primarily written as a "text" book for first year students, it is definately a book that should be in every college students'library. In fact, it may also be a good book for instructors to teach their students good study and note taking habits, as well as preparation for exams that increases memory retention, and decreases test anxiety. In a framework organized by six components related to academic success-- motivation, methods of learning, time management, control of the physical and social environment, and performance, this book covers all aspects of what to expect in the college environment, as well as providing practical strategies that will enhance a student's success in the classroom. A major strength is the follow-up activities and self reflections at the end of each chapter which helps students discover their own strnegths and weaknesses, and to tailor a successful learning program that is appropriate to that individuals' personality. This is not your typical "cookie-cutter" text book that gives the same recipe for success to everyone, but in fact gives ample examples of real experiences from past students of every type, which allow for students to relate to one or two students, and examine what worked for them in a stressful collegiate environment. While most students come from highschool backgrounds that dictate their every move, this book helps students to prepare for the transition to college life, depicting the realistic 'student responsibility' emphasis, and less instructor guidance emphasis. The college environment provides a student with more freedom to do what he/ she wants to do, or doesn't want to do, without constant supervision. This is a very difficult world to live in for first year students who are used to constant adult supervision of homework, and study time. Myron H. Dembo gives students the tools they need to be successful in such a 'self-management' oriented environment, and helps them to discover and implement practical strategies to achieve their goals. If only I had this book when I first started college. I may not have been one of the statistics of graduates who barely made it to graduation day, as opposed to feeling proud of the education I achieved successfully.

Multidimensional Scaling
Published in Paperback by Sage Publications (1978)
Authors: Joseph B. Kruskal and Myron Wish
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $9.99
Collectible price: $14.20
Buy one from zShops for: $14.20
Average review score:

An MDS monograph written for applied researchers
It is quite hard to find easy-reading reference for MDS. Some are written in Mathematics rather than in English. Others are over comprehensive as an introductory text for laymen. In this regard, I found Kruskal and Wish's "Multidimensional Scaling" to be the most 'user friendly'( only in a relative sense).
In short, this is certainly a monograph with just the right amount of substances for any applied researcher interested in MDS to get started with their work. Fundamental knowledge of statistics is a prerequisite, of course.

Excellent layman's introduction to Multi-Dimensional Scaling
This book is an excellent layman's introduction to the topic of Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS). There is just the right amount of detail to quickly get started in practical use of MDS. Some of the data and projects in this text are used as examples in StatSoft's Statistica software for PC's and Mac's; establishing a much needed connection between a reference text and software that incorporates the mathematics in the topic.

Periodontal Therapy: Clinical Approaches and Evidence of Success
Published in Hardcover by Quintessence Pub Co (15 January, 1998)
Authors: Myron Nevins and James T. Mellonig
Amazon base price: $188.00
Average review score:

What a wonderful book !
If you have a big interest in periodontics, or if you are a dentist,

You have to read this book.

It is exciting to see the tremendous progress in the field.
Initial chapters cover diagnosis, treatment planning, and medically compromised patients. These are followed by chapters on specific procedures, each procedure is covered by both chronological clinical photographs of specific cases, including pre and postsurgical ones, as well as by discussion of the technique, with ample literature sitings about the success level of each. The newest techniques, guided tissue regeneration (GTR) and bone grafts, are also covered, with the final chapter on supportive periodontal care. Figures are used when necessary, along with radiographs, and a few histological slides.

There is not an excessive amount of text, so reading about each procedure is easily accomplished, nor is textbook jargon used. Unlike some surgical textbooks, the photographs have been cleared of debris and the tissue is easily seen. Each photograph has been taken from the same location (or edited to approach this) for ease of viewing, understanding the technique, and comparing of techniques. Each technique is evenly handled as to its success (or failure) based on the research that has been done. The hardback text size is larger than normal so that the font and illustration size is comfortable for reading.

Many of the postsurgical photographs illustrate many of the remarkable successes now possible, especially in grafting. To their credit, each technique, even if it is not all that new, has incorporated the latest in materials and instruments. The chapter on mucogingival considerations for the adolescent patient puts together many concepts not witnessed before; it is a very exciting mixture since it covers both orthodontics and aesthetics to allow a healthy adult periodontium. Book Review: Journal of Dental Hygiene, ADHA, 72:2, Fall 1998.

Public Education: An Autopsy
Published in Hardcover by Harvard Univ Pr (1993)
Author: Myron Lieberman
Amazon base price: $30.50
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $5.29
Buy one from zShops for: $18.00
Average review score:

Details the flaws of the public education model
Unlike Sheldon Richman's passionate libertarian polemic, Separating School & State, which is like the light cavalry slashing through the defenses of the public education status quo, Myron Lieberman's Public Education An Autopsy is a dry, dispassionate examination of why public education is so difficult to reform and contrasts how certain problems would be handled better in the marketplace.

Lieberman stresses that the public education organizations, such as the NEA, are more focused on protecting the interests of the producers of education rather than catering to the needs of the consumers. For example, even though most bilingual education programs fail to teach Hispanic students English, the NEA and ethnic activist groups will still stridently support the programs because it provides jobs and patronage for their supporters. Though the jury is still out on bilingual education, it appears that since Proposition 209 in California passed, Hispanic students are doing well in English immersion. But, in the absence of voter pressure, the public schools never would have implemented this approach on its own.

Lieberman takes great pains to show that he being fair and balanced in this book, which may frustrate some libertarians who agree with Lieberman that we need a free market in education. But this book is very important reading for anyone who cares about education in America and the direction it needs to take.

Best book available on American public education.
The one book I most strongly recommend that readers interested in education reform start with is Dr. Myron Lieberman's Public Education: An Autopsy (1993). Despite its radical-sounding title, Dr. Lieberman's book is thorough and moderate in its approach to these issues. Dr. Lieberman began his working career as a schoolteacher in the same urban public school he attended as a child. He is a life member of the National Education Association and has been writing books about education reform since 1956. Dr. Lieberman is also trained as a lawyer and spent many years as a negotiator for schoolteacher unions bargaining with school boards. Public Education: An Autopsy reflects the latest developments in Dr. Lieberman's thinking and is full of important information not found in other books about education. The book shows great compassion for learners, parents, and teachers and contains excellent endnotes guiding readers to additional research sources.

Taking Control of Your Life
Published in Paperback by 21st Century Communications, Ltd. (01 November, 2000)
Authors: Myron K., Ph.D. Downing and Myron K. Downing
Amazon base price: $19.95
Buy one from zShops for: $14.06
Average review score:

An Amazing How-To Book for Seizing Control of Your Life!
In this groundbreaking book, Myron "Doc" Downing casts a new light on how we become the way we are, how we got this way, and how we can change -- if that is our choice. Doc's writing is brave and personal. He never asks you to go where he has not already gone, and his own experiences light the way.

This is not an ordinary run-of-the mill self-help book. Rather, it is a book to be read, discussed, re-read, and then discussed again. If you work with people, I would suggest keeping extras on hand. I have given a copy to each of my five daughters and to co-workers. Almost every day, as I listen to people, I find myself thinking "there's an answer to that problem in Doc's book!" and there goes another copy.

I would give this book has my very highest, five-star plus, recommendation!

Doc ends his book on this note: "My wish for all of you is that you Take Control of Your Life from this day on." This book will let you do exactly that.

A must-read, no doubt!
Taking Control of Your Life is a must-read, no doubt! It's everyday language makes it useful and applicable for just about anyone. You needn't be a mental health professional to follow its flowing text, its comprehensive Lessons, and its practical Exercises. It is the ultimate in personal, self-help guides.

One main factor that sets this book aside from other self help aids, is the author's use of personal history and personal experiences. He does not "preach" from a soap box, but rather teaches you what he has learned from his own life experiences. Reading about his experiences made me feel very validated and normal. He helped me realize my problems and issues are common to many people. By the end of the book, I felt I as though I had made a friend.

Thanatos to Eros: 35 Years of Psychedelic Exploration Ethnomedicien and the Study of Consciousness
Published in Hardcover by Thaneros Pr (1994)
Author: Myron J. Stolaroff
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $74.11
Average review score:

An important testament to the guided use of psychedelics
This truly remarkable book details the structured use of a variety of phenethylamine and tryptamine derivatives by the author and his entrepid band of psychonauts. Working within the framework of the law (Stolaroff stopped use when particular drugs were scheduled) Myron Stolaroff is truly an inspiration. His research over the last 35 or so years has taught many and suggests a future-time when these compounds may be used within a legitimate medical and psychotherapeutic context

Entheogens: Professional Listing
"Thanatos to Eros" has been selected for listing in "Religion and Psychoactive Sacraments: An Entheogen Chrestomathy"

The airline bibliography : the Salem College guide to sources on commercial aviation
Published in Unknown Binding by Locust Hill Press ()
Author: Myron J. Smith
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

A new edition
I am the author of this guide. After many inquiries, it has been decided to update this work with a new title, not yet chosen (I am no longer affiliated with Salem College, which became Salem-Teikyo University a decade ago). The new book will be published by Scarecrow Press in early 2001. The compilation is being built to emphasize materials published since 1985, but it will also include references to items missed in the earlier outing and perhaps (it hasn't yet been decided) will include up to 10 of the most important titles from each of the many sections of the earlier edition. It pleases me that copies of the earlier work were purchased throughout the airline industry, by enthusiasts, and are found in most major university, government, and large public libraries. I am working diligently away to make certain that the next installment is as well received. If you want to offer suggestions for material inclusion or other comments, please direct them to me in care of Scarecrow Press.

The Airline Encyclopedia 1909-2000 (3 vol. set)
Published in Hardcover by Scarecrow Press (2002)
Author: Myron J. Smith Jr.
Amazon base price: $695.00
Average review score:

All You Ever Wanted to know
While expensive, this huge (3,300 page) reference includes just about any airline past or present you can think of. Entries provide a chronology---sometimes extending over many pages---of each airline's development including aircraft purchases, changes in the executive suite, policy issues, route structure changes, and the like. It takes a bit to get used to the author's convention of present tense even for things that happened decades ago. Smith, who has authored some 70 refered works (chiefly bibliographies) has done us a huge service by pulling all this information together in one place. Don't be put off by the few pages of poorly-reproduced photos at the beginning of each volume---they clearly must have been an afterthought, and should not deter you from the wealth of information to be found here. Coverage includes airlines from all parts of the world, even those with brief lives. Major and currently-flying companies often spread over 10 or more pages. While nits can be picked with any work this large (and done by one person!), overall, this is an impressive labor that should see widespread library purchase and thus use even by those unable to afford the price tag. On the other hand, if airlines are your business or passion, this is well worth having on a shelf nearby.

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