Well MAGICNEERING is the BEST book ive read and i would recommend it to ANYONE at ANY age its a fabulous poetry book and may well inspire alot of people.
MAGIC MARK has a lot of talent.
One of my favourite poems out the book is "through the eyes of a child" But i think all of the poems are EXCELLENT!
I wish i could write poems like Magic Mark, He is a really good poet. :)
Just keep up the good work, Magic Poet Mark :)
Kerry age: 14 :)
It goes to show that what one truly believes and conceives, one will achieve!!!! I've applied its principles, and as a result, my life is much fuller and funner! Magicneering is the tool to get us not only what we want, but what we deserve as human beings!
The contents in this book are truly powerful, and it feels good to let my "inner child" thrive, not only for the moment, but from now on. I recommend this book for people of all ages.
List price: $17.00 (that's 30% off!)
I also find it helps lubricate the imagination and creativity. Parents drawing along with their children will be pleasantly surprised at their own results. Fun for everyone.
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
After reading this, there was no doubt in my mind that the CIA had masterminded the killing of JFK, and then carried out the cover-up. They lied under oath, pressured the media, encouraged censorship, presented false evidence, threatened and killed witnesses and potential stool pigeons--it's all right here.
While Lane's work is without question some of the best detective work in the 20th century, he was personally involved with much of the cover-up and experienced persecution as a result of his views. Unlike in his "Rush to Judgment", he has a tendancy to take much of this personal, and it shows. Throughout the book, Lane blows his own horn and vehemently attacks Earl Warren, Howard Hunt, and the like. The evidence might speak for itself, but I can see people being put off by Lane's unproffessional attacks.
Perhaps the most chilling conclusion one gets out of "Plausible Denile" and "Rush to Judgment" are not that the CIA conspired to kill a President, but that they conspired to frame and innocent, unsuspecting citizen for the crime.
The Warren Commission never extended to the murdered Oswald the right to defend his reputation by cross examining witnesses, calling witnesses and otherwise having his day in court. In a civil libel case, E. Howard Hunt Vs. The Liberty Lobby (1985) former CIA man, (and convicted Watergate felon) E. Howard Hunt had these traditional legal rights. The issue at stake was whether he had been paymaster of the JFK asassination for the CIA in Dalles. This is a book about a real trial. Lane establishes means , motive, and opportunity, demolishes Hunt's allibi, and places him at the scene with credible eyewitness testimony. Most damaging in my mind was the evidence that Hunt and CIA planted faked evidence to falsely implicate JFK in the murder of South Vietnamese President Diem. The Miami jury overturned a $650,000 libel award by a lower court, and opined that criminal prosecution of Hunt and 5 other ex-CIA operatives was called for. The national media ran from this verdict like it was a live bomb. Few Americans realize that it is a legally true statement that "Hunt and CIA murdered JFK". A brave and brilliant book.
What makes this book special is that Mark Lane uses federal trial transcripts and deposition testimony to prove his point. That point is: the Central Intellligence Agency was complicit in the murder of President Kennedy.
I was unaware that Mark Lane is an experienced litigator who had criminal trial experience prior to JFK's murder in November 1963. In December 1963 he wrote an article which set forth a lawyer's defense for Lee Harvey Oswald. By that time Oswald was dead, having been murdered in the Dallas jailhouse two days after Kennedy was murdered. Lane pointed out one month after the assassination that a jury most likely would not have found Oswald guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.
The Warren Commission and its 26 volumes went to greath length to show that Oswald was the lone assassin. Mark Lane's 1966 'Rush to Judgment' became the seminal work in disputing the lone assassin finding.
Perhaps 'Plausible Denial', coming almost 30 years after JFK's murder was old news. Whatever the reason this work has been sadly ignored. Mark Lane was defending a publication which had been sued by E. Howard Hunt for defamation. The publication maintained that E. Howard Hunt, veteran CIA operative and convicted Watergate burglar, was in Dallas on November 22, 1963.
Lane's book lays the groundwork to show that Hunt's contention he was in Washington, DC that is unprovable. Instead, Lane uses E. Howard Hunt's contradictory testimony under oath to show that nobody can say he was there.
Instead, Lane brings forth witnesses who cannot say he was in Washington DC and a witness who says she met him in Dallas just prior to Kennedy's murder.
Natually, there is much more to all this than E. Howard Hunt. What Lane shows the reader is that the whole matter of President Kennedy's murder is an issue which will never be truly resolved.