List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)

Hugh Schmidt, Vice President, Process Flow Specialists, Inc.

I was especially appreciative of the fact that Minister Teal addressed the popular, although misleading, notion that one must have a certain "feeling" in order to praise and/or worship the Lord.
May the Lord bless the distribution of this book so that it is placed in the hands of more of His people that they may be better equipped to Praise and Worship Him!

Harry age 10

List price: $44.99 (that's 30% off!)

I have a read many books in this area and they have been a fantastic cure for insomnia. This on the other hand is a compelling read from start to finish. Many of the concepts presented will not be foreign to people that work in this field or in the area of product development. However the logical order and detailed examples work brilliantly to drive home the principles.
Publishers in this area should use this book as a bench mark for design and layout for its susinct and logical passage. Thank you very much Ellen and Allan for such a useful tool!

This is one of the books that have great impact on me. I agree with the review written by Kevin Mullet (printed on the book's back cover) that the ideas presented in this book are a bit "dangerous". It is dangerous because they are not the common practice yet. If people want to follow these ideas, they need to have changes. Changes are always dangerous to many people.
Those "dangerous" ideas include:
- Build fewer features but build them well. (The current practice is to build as many features as possible so that marketers can list those features for promotion. Is a product easy to use? Everyone can claim that since there are no criteria for such a claim.)
- User interface design should drive the system architecture, not the other way around. (Modifying system architecture is always hard. If we want to support a certain interaction afterwards, the architecture will probably can't support cleanly, if at all.)
- Technology should be used for user needs, but not for technology's own sake. (Visual design should also be treated the same.)
Last but not least, this book shows that user interface design is actually science but not art. We don't need a graphic design degree to be an interaction designer.

The third part has Urd starting the Ultimate Destruction Program (UDP) to destroy everything while Belldandy unleashes her full powers. The fourth section has Urd summoning Fenrir who becomes the UDP while the goddesses summon Midgard to defeat the giant wolf. The fifth part has Urd free from evil but powerless while the UDP transfers itself first to Midgard, then to Keiichi. The final part has Keiichi possessed by the UDP and forcing Skuld to build a device to help it destroy the world while Belldandy makes a choice.
The humor level in this book is much lower than in previous OMG manga, but this story is very interesting & well written. It is cool seeing Belldandy unleashed (within limits).
Bottom line: Certainly this is the best volume to this point in the series despite the limited humor factor. OMG fans will have to have this. Fans of comic arts should appreciate this. Those looking for a fairly wholesome, light reading material shouldn't overlook this title. Be warned you might not put the book down until you've completed it!

Despite the seriousness of the story, it still carries the humorous undercurrent that is Fujishima's trademark. Just when it gets a little too serious, there's a gag around the corner that reminds you, "Hey, it's only a story." The plot is so perfectly balanced, it reads better than some Bible stories.
One last note: Make sure you have time to read the whole book when you start. "Terrible Master Urd" flows so well from chapter to chapter, you'll want to read it all in one sitting.

List price: $16.95 (that's 44% off!)

List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)

I agree with Rick Siler. In re-reading my review of this book, I realized that it sounded rather lukewarm. Actually, this is one of the best overall books on youth soccer coaching that I have found so far. There are a lot of useful tips on technique, and a very good section on defense.