Used price: $46.53
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Henry Sinnreich and Alan Johnston are two of the most knowledgeable authorities and notable figures in the SIP world. I expected a lot from them them. They've greatly exceeded my expectations, doing a surprisingly good job of explaining WHY the SIP protocol works the way it does, WHAT sort of advanced services it is making possible, and HOW service providers can use it to enrich their business offerings.
This book is an absolute "must read" for anyone in the industry, especially for people familiar with traditional telephony who are trying to design, market, or implement new telecom services of any kind. If you haven't read this book and Gonzalo Camarillo's new SIP book, don't argue with the old-timers on the SIP mailing lists -- they're likely to just tell you to "RTFB" . . . and this is one of the books they're referring to.

This is not because of what Gordon does with Shakespeare's characters from Twelfth Night, but because of how he uses history. Early thirteenth century Constantinople is brought to life, and the idea of a Jesters Guild continues to be a clever and original plot device.
I'll be eager to read the third book in the series, as the Fourth Crusade approaches Constantinople.

What has happened is murder. Someone has killed all of the Jesters in Constantinople in an attempt to hide a plot to kill the Emperor. Theophilos has to find out who, why, and then decide if the world would be better off with a new Emperor.
Gordon does a wonderful job describing Medieval Europe and the role played by the Byzantine Empire at this time. The concept of a Jesters' Guild is wonderful and just believable enough to make the plot more enjoyable. Better is Gordon's character development. Both Theophilos and Viola are fully characterized, likable, and motivated. They may be fools, but they're no dummies and they're a joy to see in action...

Used price: $4.25
Collectible price: $19.99

was sensitively written during the period when psychologists were
more optimisitic about lsd psychotherapy: after all, it gets the
patient to talking, and that is what pays, especially if the result is elevating fascination. Furthermore, many of
the effects were memorable and salutory. Of course, since those
days it has become evident that lsd-25 is not entirely foolproof, and that frequent use at unknown dosages using material of unknown quality can easily lead an explorer to a hospital where he may have to recover from an induced nervous
breakdown. The reveries of Alan Watts concerning his experiences are agreeable and have a sacred quality to them. However, Interested investigators would be well-advised to read LSD: MY PROBLEM CHILD by Albert Hofmann, the chemist who discovered lsd-25. This book is less sanguine, more medically realistic, and contains specific information about disagreeable effects at high dosages, information on specific toxicity, other accounts of pharmaceutical industry professionals regarding the useful
properties and post-use side-effects, scenarios for safe usage,
and so on. All that will be left is a hunt for some blessed land of freedom where men may still take lsd once in a while without the hauting side-effects of police pursuit, imprisonment, and jailhouse blues.

Used price: $5.25

Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, University of Perpignan

Wilde's sardonic wit and ineffable satire had me enchanted from page one. Wilde writes with devastatingly appealing witticisms, and with a style and cleverness matched by few other authors. It is said that he is one of the more oft-quoted authors in the English language, and I now understand why.
In addition to axioms and aphorisms of pure genius, the plot both captivates and surprises the reader. Lady Windermere discovers that her husband has been cheating on her, and a folly of misunderstandings and poor advice then unfolds; all the while satirizing society.

List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.89
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $7.98

Dr. Gregerman's prose, metaphors, and humor inspires us to rediscover and apply our wisdom in creativity in solving our thorniest organizational challenges. He takes us through the minds and spirit of young children in helping us understand and remember how minds that are not encumbered by past experience forge new possibilities through imagination.
As I was reading Lessons from the Sandbox, I was constantly reminded of the importance of (unencumbered) imagination, a critical rule for Albert Einstein. Einstein wrote, "Imagination is more important than knowledge. To raise new questions, new possibilities, to regard old problems from a new angle, requires creative imagination." In Dr. Gregerman's mind, adults have created "boxes" through the filters they have acquired through both experience and their current surroundings. Children are not encumbered with these filters, and thus we can learn from their outlook on how the world works. It has been said that children enter schools as question marks and wonder, and leave as periods and right answer machines. Lessons from the Sandbox clearly underscore this insight.
Dr. Gregerman has organized his book using thirteen "gifts" of childhood to re-ignite the creative sprit for people in the business world. These lessons range from the gifts of focus, urgency, wonder, questioning, and participation.
I have read many business books on creativity, and none have sparked my imagination as Lessons from the Sandbox. It has brought me laughter, recaptured the lessons I learned from my own childhood, and I have profited from the ideas I have already generated as a result of this gem of a book. - Bob Bookman, President, Team Productivity Programs, Inc.

Used price: $4.33
Buy one from zShops for: $4.20

List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $6.47
Buy one from zShops for: $8.93

Used price: $0.90
Collectible price: $5.48

Kelsey Jenkins Age-10

List price: $19.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $0.89
Buy one from zShops for: $1.46

I used the book to set up a firewall. I had previously purchased a perfectly good one with simple controls, but had no idea what all the buttons meant in terms of blocking unwanted intrusions while retaining normal Internet access. (I'm an experienced Macintosh user, but naive about the underlying mechanisms of the Internet.)
Oppenheimer defines the underlying concepts and provides simple instructions, and with his book I was able to set up my computer security system in less than an hour.

The authors, Oppenheimer and Whittaker come impeccably credentialed and their expertise as filtered by joint authorship has clearly made use of their backgrounds with measured and pragmatic effective advice taking you carefully through security requirements from the bottom up. One undeniable advantage in this respect is that they also currently provide ISP services so they know what the real world is about and it shines through.
In addition the timing of the publication is excellent.
Whilst it is Mac specific it could well be considered an essential basic Internet Security Manual for PC Users as well.
The Manual of around 400 pages and 18 chapters is broken down into four sections 1. General Security Principles 2. Securing Internet Services 3. Enhancing Overall Security and 4. Advanced Topics.
The message comes through. If you don't get the basics right even if you apply the advanced advice there may be holes in your system (Microsoft where have we experienced this before!)
There are chapters on Viruses, Personal Firewalls, Home Networking, Securing Mac OS X and an intriguing - Just say no to FTP!
Here I believe in the one place is pragmatic and sensible advice which if followed will make your computer far less vulnerable to Villains, Hackers and Mischief Makers, particularly now that the migration to Cable, ADSL and other broadband DSL technologies leave us a lot more vulnerable than with dial up connections.
Peachpit Press has set up a website to facilitate feedback updates and more recent information for purchasers of the guide.

Used price: $1.00

One more word though. From a more scholarly point of view, however, I think so far the 'best' biography on the Brontes should be Juliet Barker's 'The Brontes'. If, after reading this biography written by Mrs. Gaskell, you still want to know more about the Brontes, then I will say: go and buy this other book by Juliet Barker and you definitely will never regret it!
of many of its related technologies that are discussed in
this book. As such, I am frequently asked by people how they
can quickly understand the benefits of SIP technology, why
it is important to them, and what it can enable. The answer is
simple - read the Sinnreich/Johnston book. The book helps you
understand how SIP, its extensions, and related technologies
all fit together, and why SIP is revolutionizing communications.
This is a fabulous piece of work, written by two recognized
leaders. I highly recommend it.