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Winnie the Pooh, Piglet and all their friends have been family friends of us for a long time, and it was a treat to find this book about Christopher Robin, and be able to read about what it was like to be him. Did he really have a bear named Winniw the Pooh, did the Hundred Acre Wood excist, did he and Pooh play on Poohstick Bridge? What a fantastic childhood he must have had?
Of course the imagination in my mind was not all correct, at least not the fantastic childhood part. In this book Christopher Milne tells us from his heart how it was to be the son of A.A.Milne, the creator of all our childhood friends. The book is written with alot of charm, but we can also read between the lines about the negative effects of being a "famous" child, a boy with a childhood who belonged to, and still belong to the whole world.
If you know Winnie the Pooh, and who doesn't, this book is a little diamond, a book full of great details, a book which gives a unique view of the Christopher Robin myth.
Britt Arnhild Lindland

I have a special interest in this book because Christopher Robin, of all the characters, was my favorite -- indeed, my alter ego. I knew from an early age that there was a real boy behind the fictional character, and I sensed the three of us were a lot alike. It was a delight to find out just how right my intuition was.

Used price: $31.35
Collectible price: $24.99

Used price: $30.51
Buy one from zShops for: $29.89

Overall a truly excellent book that raises the standard for WAIS-III interpretation above that seen in many practitioners. This is a treasure chest of information at a great price.

Used price: $9.80
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I recommend this tome to anyone that likes travel stories. Especially if you dont know, or want to know more about, the Cheyenne Exodus. Expensive, but worth the money.

1. Need more charts and graphics to explain the concepts, ie: when explaining the DU PONT System, i think the pyramid structure can be illustrated so as to state a whole concept, not only fragments
2. Too many examples
3. This book is too detailed in both relevant and irrelevant matters
Still, I think it is a good book.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

The concepts are explained very clearly(even kindly) and sample tests with complete solutions are very useful. The book also has solutions for selected end-of-the chapter problems and I enjoy mini cases which help me apply the concepts to the practice in detail.
I had tried other finance books before and most of them were not clear in explaining concepts and a bit difficult for me(my major was chemistry). I think that this book is probably the easiest and the best book to begin with for starters in finance.

List price: $17.50 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.87
Collectible price: $6.87
Buy one from zShops for: $10.95

- On page 63, Mr. Blinder argues that employees should get a share of a company's net income rather than a fixed wage rate. This is no less than a recipe for disaster. How do you define a company's net income? Upper management would spend most of its time devising ways to understate their results while employees would make a great effort to dispute the company's income statement. In the end the holy grail of economic efficiency would be lost as both parties squabble endlessly. Just look how easily Enron cooked its books.
What really struck me as fantastic was Mr. Blinder's brilliant if unintentional critique of American style democracy. He did this by showing how often the American political process produces mediocre results that fly in the face of simple economics. He turns the spotlight on the damaging effects of lobbying by powerful groups and their vested interests. This was particularly apparent in his chapter on tax reform.
I recommend this title to anyone who is interested in setting society on the road to prosperity. I would also recommend it to anyone interested in knowing just how harmful the US's corrupt brand of democracy is. Perhaps this book's greatest contribution lies in raising the following question:
How can a system be devised that safeguards the ideals of democrarcy and freedom without compromising economic efficiency and equity?

List price: $59.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $41.00
Buy one from zShops for: $40.89


The first half of the book goes into startling, fascinating detail about the condition of Victory and the many years since her permanent drydocking in 1922 spent repairing and restoring her. The battle against dry and wet rot, death watch beetle infestations, and the odd German bomb (a bomb fell into Victory's drydock in 1941 - by some miracle she didn't catch fire, which would have destroyed her utterly) has gone on more or less continuously, and it is interesting to read how the restorers have learned from earlier mistakes (new repair work has sometimes rotted within a few years) and adopted new techniques and materials. While she appears very authentic, there have had to be compromises, cleverly disguised, and these are described by McGowan - emergency escape doors carefully camouflaged in the hull, her rigging replaced with polypropylene rope, her heavy wooden spars replaced with steel, her wrought-iron lower masts (themselves borrowed from the armored frigate HMS Shah in the 1880s) fastened through her keel into the floor of the dock to relieve the pressure on her 240 year old hull.
In the second half of the book, artist John McKay contributes a series of magnificent drawings showing Victory in her Trafalgar configuration, with details of rigging, armament, interior layouts, etc. This portfolio of illustrations will provide almost all the reference needed for anyone interested in building a model of HMS Victory in her prime.
I cannot recommend this book more highly to anyone interested in sailing warships in general and HMS Victory in particular. I don't give many books five stars, but this one deserves every one.

Used price: $150.00
Buy one from zShops for: $183.08

This book is not a book that can or should be read only once. "The Effective Invitation" is a book that's not meant to be put on a shelf to flex ones intellectual muscle, but one that should be found on the desk, coffee table or some where sermon preparations are done. It's a book designed for the lay person, Pastor, Evangelist or anyone who is serious about the Word of God and how to deliver an effective call for sinners to Repent and Trust Christ through the proclamation, preaching, or heralding of His Word.
Without this book I would still be preaching a half-empty gospel. It is like putting a puzzle together and missing a piece. Some might say "it's no big deal" or others might say "Oh, well". But to me it never seemed complete. You see my preaching seemed to be missing something (just like the puzzle) until I found the missing piece in "The Effective Invitation".
This book has also shown me the need to have a message with an invitation and music that flows together in one accord. It has given me the necessary tools to be able to prepare, put together and deliver an effective evangelistic message. It proves this point through the use of Historical, Theological, and Biblical bases. It has shown me that it's not through the words of man but from the very Word of God is the call issued for the sinner to repent and believe in Christ and Him alone to save them.
The book also covers the invitation from A to Z which is the best method especially in these fast paced, hectic times we as minister are living in. Again it has shown me that I don't draw the people to repent and trust but that it is the role of The Holy Spirit to convict and draw.
This book has caused me to examine the reasons, moods, and methods of other preachers as wells as mine to have people walk the aisle. Also it has shown me how to deal with those who down play or even deny the need for an invitation and its biblical roots. May the Lord bless you as He has me through this book.