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Logical paradoxes aside, the "just shut up and get on with it" approach to Life is one of the key elements in Zen. The 'kill the Buddha' psychology of avoiding the pitfalls of externally arising enlightenment is well in line with Watt's own philosophy.
Completeness comes from within and from a place of non-duality, which the koans of Zen are designed to lead you towards. One of the key human errors and the cause of immense suffering is the belief that Life must make sense. Who ever said that? And make sense to whom?
The Techno Bible in The Hitch Hiker's Guide bore the words "Dont Panic" on the cover. That's a good starting point. Add to that Just Do It and This Is It, and you're going to be just fine.
Another great read from the man who gave us The Two Hands Of God.

Used price: $26.50
Collectible price: $44.65

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Collectible price: $3.48

A phenomenal writer, Dershowitz takes his own experiences and transcends them onto paper in way that the average reader is truly gripped by the story. Along the way, we learn some of his background, we can understand his views, and we can understand how courts and government interact with the law of the land.
Dershowitz is not afraid to press his personal viewpoints, but he does not make that the focus of the book. Instead, he focuses on telling stories, describing supreme injustices, and informing teh reder as to the workings of the modern day court system.
I felt his examples were well chosen and fit with his goal to expose the reader to a broad view of the constitutional issues that must be faced by society. I would have liked if some opposing viewpoints to the arguments were mentioned, but then we would not have a book solely written by Dershowitz, would we?
Overall, this book will entertain and inform any reader interested in the law, constitutional rights, or just courtroom dramas in general. I found the book very intriguing and Dershowitz has shown that he is just as good a writer as he is a lwayer.

The author lays out laws of criminal justice, not as portrayed in books or ideals, but as practiced in courtrooms. The most telling of these is the last -- no one wants justice. To be sure, that law is imprecisely put. What Dershowitz means is that, in an adversary system, almost no participant wants to do justice more than she or he wants to win.
Why might such an insight matter? Well, when I listened to Marcia Clark and Geraldo Rivera and others whine about O.J., I was nonplussed to endure their cant about the search for justice. When Johnnie Cochran and Robert Shapiro packaged their defense as the pursuit of justice, I cringed. If Clark and the prosecutors or Bob and Johnnie were seeking justice, what were they doing in court? You don't look for filet mignon in a hindo diner!
Dershowitz need not convince any reader that the criminal justice system is as flawed or that Dershowitz is as flawless as the book pretends. Nonetheless, the read will be an enlightening, entertaining call to see and think anew.

The author also writes about the cases he loses. So many books by advocates focus on the success and are about self grandisment.
Overall the impression given is how much of a dogged slog it is to achieve justice in the American System and how much calculation and thought has to go into every strategy and move. One of the amazing things in the book is how the author is so critical of a number of judges and how willing he is to make those criticisms.
It is an excellent book which shows the many flaws and weakness of the American justice system.

Used price: $4.50
Collectible price: $9.00
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Plastic surgery is not something to be taken lightly. Much thought should go into the reasons WHY you want to have the surgery. This is covered in the book as well.
Dr. Engler is a highly respected surgeon, and is a wonderful authoritative source on breast augmentation. If you are contemplating any of the procedures outlined in this book, I urge you to read this book.

The book includes lots of before and afters of each surgery, which is a great reference if you are planning on surgery or even if you are only contemplating surgery.
Dr. Engler is a graduate of Yale and is a ABPS board-certified plastic surgeon (the ONLY plastic surgery board recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties). He was listed in 'The Best New York Metro Area Doctors' and in New York Magazine's The Best Doctors in New York. His office is in New York City.

Used price: $2.79
Collectible price: $10.64
Buy one from zShops for: $10.10

I had a chance to hear Paul Cox speak and he talked about how the rainforest became his mother. The book starts with the death of his mother by cancer. He travels to Samoa to search for a possible cure in the rain forest, his quest however becomes to save the rainforest from the forces of globalization. I think the most compelling issue of this book is the positive and negative aspects of western scholarship when it comes in touch with another land and culture.
Paul is a very good storyteller and makes you want to continue reading.

Finally, as a person who has lived in Samoa for several years as a volunteer teacher and as someone who conducts ecological research there, I find Dr. Cox's presentation of the people of Samoa, shown from a more personalized perspective rather than an academic one, to be open, honest and fair. He avoids falling into the trap of romanticizing or essentializing the people as "ecologically noble savages" that live in perfect harmony with their environment that has become so common in depictions of indigenous peoples in the popular media. When I read the book, I often saw the Samoa that I knew from my own personal experience.

Used price: $69.95

I was especially impressed with the discussion of Pluto's atmosphere changing as a result of the planet's greatly elliptical orbit around the Sun. In addition, the authors give a great detailed breakdown of the discoveries gleaned from the mutual occultations in the late 80s. Also, this book was written several years ago but we have since indeed found many more Kuiper Belt objects that lend great credibility to the theory of Pluto simply being one of the largest of that family.
Too much time was spent on describing the birth and continuing struggles of the Pluto Express project. This discussion would have been more appropriate if the spacecraft had even launched, let alone successfully completed its mission. But the fact is that NASA's funding issues have kept the project grounded for now. Hopefully it'll fly in the next couple years. If it doesn't, much of the mission may be compromised because Pluto is getting farther from the Sun each day and as a result its atmospheric activity is dying.
Overall a great effort and worth your time. Don't expect incredible revelations and photographs though, because we still have yet to visit the place!

This book is complete, starting from the historic discovery (blind luck, really) of Pluto, the subsequent observations that kept on shrinking the planet, then the suprising discovery of Charon, the fortuitious Pluto/Charon occultation, and the latest HST results.
Easy to read, and yet technical enough, this book will probably make you love this planet, even though it's only a big comet saved from destruction by its orbital resonance with Neptune... and will make you hate NASA (or the US Congress) for not going forward with their Pluto Express probe.

A thoroughly enjoyable easy-to-read book. More hard science/discovery books should be written this way.
It's not just the facts that are amazing but the proven-wrong theories we use to have on Pluto. Too bad we're still waiting for our first encounter with this mysterious planet. If history proves right, the Voyager probes were just another step in our discovering the 'real' solar system.

from beginning to end. The author describes the man, Chicago, and organized
crime in the 1920's perfectly. It's almost like your with Al Capone on his daily
routs, on the streets and in jail. Money, booze, and women are what gangsters
desire and this is what the book is about.
The book was very written, and is very easy to read. The book seams like it
is at a sixth grade reading level with cartoons and hand written notes said to be
written by Al himself. It was in perfect order so you the reader could under
stand where the story was heading.
This book is a good read for anyone who likes old gangsters, prohibition, and
Organized crime. I liked this book because it wasn't strenuous to read and had
great info. about Al Capone and his gang. I give this book a four star rating.
It's not a five star rating due to the lack of information on his wife and kid.

Shortly after this book was published Quentin Tarantino appeared in a film called 'Sleep With Me' arguing this exact point. I wonder if he had a copy of Simpson's book in his dressing-room?