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with U.S. patents. Although technical throughout, I was never
lost or floundering. Well organized, well written, and just the
length and depth, I wish all technical books were of this
This book does NOT deal with corporate strategy for intellectual
property, nor does it get into much detail on how to write a
patent. There are, however, other books that directly address
these topics.

Now that I am into the thick of learning the subject in detail in preparation for the exam, I find the subject matter familiar and that the overall perspective gained from Patent Law Essentials is invaluable.
This is a well organized, informative book that should be useful to any technical professional, especially, who wishes to demystify the arcane practice of patent prosecution.

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What I wanted to point at is the various similarities between this book and the famous Matrix movie.... really makes me wonder if the brothers read this book, there are a few elements in this book which have been used in the movie, which would make it too much of a coincidence.
highly recommendated

Used price: $3.85
Collectible price: $15.87

My sole complaint was with a few glaring problems with continuity that spoiled the story for me somewhat. (It's hard to give an example without giving away the storyline, but watch for references to the characters' eyes.)
Despite the technical goofs, I still enjoyed the book, as I've enjoyed nearly all of Alan Dean Foster's works.

Our protagonist is is pulled into a struggle between light and dark by a tribal wise man. I do not wish to give away any of the plot, but our heroes must fight "demons" from the other side who are trying to enter our world.
The story appears to be very well researched (except the author seems to think that glass eyes are functional and not merely cosmetic (the only real flaw in the story)). Into The Out Of was followed by Foster's Maori, after which the author seemed to leave the dark continent for good (although he did revisit horror with Vanishing Point).
Truely a good book.

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The most brilliant thing about this book is that the author combines Japanese history into his narratives as he traces three historical figures and/or locations in Japan by foot. The way he makes the characteres he meets along the way of his journey come to life is outstanding. I really enjoy this book and wish that he had written others before he died. The only thing that bothered me somewhat and makes me feel unsympathetic towards him, however, is that he drank too much. But who am I to judge? This is a great book. Highly recommended.

Looking for the Lost is an oddity. A book that I remember few details of, yet I remember with great vividness that I was moved by a intangible sadness that was always just over the next horizon of his journeys. Alan Booth was a writer of invincible good humor. Too much so to speak of his own impending death (though his newspaper writings about his trials with the Japanese medical system are classic). But the alert reader is constantly aware of an impending passing of life, seemingly inseparable from the passing of beauty in this country.
I was in Japan during the final years of Alan Booth's life here, pretty much in the same circles. It is my deep regret that I never took the trouble to make his acquaintance.

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We all know Beverly Clearly is an awesome writer and she wrote this book so well.

"Being twins are harder then you think." Mitch and Amy said in unison. Trying to be able to win the argument over who got the bathroom this morning. I can believe it is. Mitch and Amy is one of my favorite books of all time. It has family life, twin arguments, and school issues. Over their summer vacation, Amy would brag on what page she is on, she knows Mitch has problems with reading. Then on the first day of fourth grade, Mitch brags about multiplication tests on the fist few days of school. Mitch knows Amy has problems with multiplication. , Mitch and Amy would often feel bad for each other.
I found this book tops because I can relate to it. Even though, my two little brothers, (5 and 7) equal one Mitch and my older (15) sister is another Mitch. I, unfortunately (13) am just one Amy. Only, just like Mitch and Amy, we do get along, sometimes. I do believe that it was a page-turner. I just had to know what Amy did at fights. So now when my two Mitches start a fight, like they always do, I will do just what Amy did. I would certainly say that the end of the chapters had a cliffhanger. Examples, "You'd be surprised, Amy." Amy went into her room and put "Mitchell was a pest," before drawing a skull with cross bones below it. Another ending was he did not want them to see him come with a broken skateboard and...

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