Book reviews for "Moore,_Thomas" sorted by average review score:

Let's Go the Budget Guide to France 1997 (Annual)
Published in Paperback by St. Martin's Press (1996)
Amazon base price: $21.99
Used price: $1.41
Used price: $1.41
Average review score: 

This is the sort of guide for people who need a guide to walk out the front door of their house. The advice about money exchange is completely outdated now that ATM's are found nearly everywhere in the world. The guide misses several interesting areas of France, most notably the Ardeche region. It completely misses the mark on Vieux Nice by characterizing it as unsafe when in fact it is probably the most interesting part of the town. And if you follow the bar advice, you will normally end up in an Anglophile ersatz pub and miss the French cafe experience. If you are a traveller who likes to remain insulated from the French, buy this book.

I used this guide while traveling in Paris and plan to use it in an upcoming trip through the Riviera. Their tips were insightful yet witty. With this book I found a really nice hotel which was quite cheap - 130 francs ($22) a day for a single room. Follow their advice and splurge on food, the French take their food very seriously. However, don't follow the advice on exchanging money at the American Express office. Their rate is horrible. A better suggestion would be to exchange US cash at one of the exchange bureaus on the street and compare rates. Their 'security suggestions' regarding places to use caution at night were a bit excessive according to my French friends from Paris. Their maps of Paris could have been more substantial as they only covered a few of the arrondissements in great detail. Otherwise a great guide to France.

Thomas Moore on Writing
Published in Audio Download by ()
Amazon base price: $8.76
List price: $18.95 (that's 54% off!)
List price: $18.95 (that's 54% off!)
Average review score: 

Thomas Moore On Creativity (audiotape) had a fascinating historical perspective, as well as many psychological insights about the creative mind and the creative process. Therefore, I expected his new audiotape, Thomas Moore on Writing, to treat the process of writing in a similar manner. It did not. Instead, he droned on endlessly about the art of letter writing until I was nearly asleep at the wheel. As a writing teacher, I was counting on Moore to give me something new to ponder. Regrettably, this did not happen.

I am a huge fan of Thomas Moore, and I love his writing, so I was thrilled to find this cassette program. This is a discussion, and not a reading, so I had the sense of interaction throughout the tape. Moore discusses all types of writing that occur throughout everyday living. He talks about the specialness of writing letters, for example.
Through his examples and stories, Moore reveals details about his life that made him seem very human and likeable to me. His general approach to writing, not just professional writing, makes this program valuable for everyone.

On Meaningful Work
Published in Audio Cassette by Sounds True (1997)
Amazon base price: $13.27
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.40
Buy one from zShops for: $2.50
List price: $18.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.40
Buy one from zShops for: $2.50
Average review score: 

Thomas Moore meanders around various aspects of work based, it appears, almost exclusively on his personal life's experience. Some of his observations seem insightful, but he completely blows his credibility by long-winded and unsubstantiated diatribes about corporations, corporate managers and technology. These seem to be very naive, uninformed and based largely on the author's sentimental longing for a return to simpler times. Well, folks, that is just not going to happen. If he had spent time discussing on how to best adapt to these times, his observations might be more worthwhile. As it is, this two tape program is too pedantic for an investment of either your time or your money.

Country Auctioneer: Anecdotes, Admonitions, & Advice
Published in Paperback by Hamilton (1994)
Amazon base price: $12.50
Average review score: 

Don't even bother reading this book. It's poorly written, boring, and shallow. If you're looking for some down-home, country, good-ole-boy stories and recollections...try somewhere else. I was extremely disappointed with this reading...

Six Ideas That Shape Physics: C, E, N, Q, R, T
Published in Paperback by McGraw Hill College Div (2003)
Amazon base price: $148.40
Used price: $97.65
Buy one from zShops for: $92.95
Used price: $97.65
Buy one from zShops for: $92.95
Average review score: 

I hated this text. It didn't help me learn physics one bit. Every student in my Physics II class made weekly trips to visit the prof because of the unclarity of the text. There were no answers to the odd problems and no real help in the book for any of the problems. Try Cutnell and Johnson or Halliday, Resnik, and Walker. Soooo much better.

Six Ideas That Shaped Physics: Unit E: Electromagnetic Fields Are Dynamic
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math (1998)
Amazon base price: $26.30
Used price: $12.00
Buy one from zShops for: $19.76
Used price: $12.00
Buy one from zShops for: $19.76
Average review score: 

If you can, try to convince your prof not to use this book. I'm not kidding. I've always done well with physics, from high school (AP) and my previous semester course in college. This book, even though I'm familiar with most of the concepts, is AWFUL, and most of the students (myself included) in my class are struggling with it. The writing style, even as a physics book, is bland. The explanations and example problems aren't great.
In my mind, the worst is that it lacks answers in the back. And if you're like most of the students I know, you're accustomed to having the answers to the odd numbered questions in the back, just so that you know what you're doing or at least know whether or not you're right. Try Schaum or Cutnell; those are great

Dear Harp of My Country: The Irish Melodies of Thomas Moore (Spirit of Ireland in Lyric and Song, Vol 1)
Published in Paperback by J S Sanders & Co (1997)
Amazon base price: $20.97
List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.40
Buy one from zShops for: $14.81
List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.40
Buy one from zShops for: $14.81
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Four Faces: A Journey in Search of Jesus the Divine, the Jew, the Rebel, the Sage
Published in Paperback by Ulysses Press (1997)
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $2.91
Collectible price: $9.48
Buy one from zShops for: $12.19
Used price: $2.91
Collectible price: $9.48
Buy one from zShops for: $12.19
Average review score:
No reviews found.

Managing Interactive Video-Multimedia Projects
Published in Paperback by Educational Technology Publications (1990)
Amazon base price: $44.95
Used price: $19.94
Buy one from zShops for: $20.20
Used price: $19.94
Buy one from zShops for: $20.20
Average review score:
No reviews found.

The New Bottom Line
Published in Hardcover by New Leaders Pr (1997)
Amazon base price: $20.00
Used price: $1.94
Collectible price: $14.82
Buy one from zShops for: $1.94
Used price: $1.94
Collectible price: $14.82
Buy one from zShops for: $1.94
Average review score:
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