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Book reviews for "Moore,_Thomas" sorted by average review score:

The Soul of the Law
Published in Hardcover by Harper Collins - UK (1994)
Authors: Benjamin Sells and Thomas Moore
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $3.87
Buy one from zShops for: $6.95
Average review score:

Is Sanity Possible in a Profession Gone Insane?
A must read for lawyers and law students. Wow! I first read Benjamin Sell's extraordinarily crafted "Soul of the Law" -- part anthropological study, part social commentary, part psychological self-help book -- as a young lawyer fresh out of a judicial clerkship, while searching for a firm job. It blew me away! What a grim portrait of the legal profession; of lawyers; of our legal system. Grim...Yes. But very telling! Had I read this book prior to enrolling in law school, I probably would never have went. With three years of my life invested, and a hundred-or-so grand in education loans to pay back, I deduced that I had no choice but to land that firm job. But the lawyer of today does not have to let his career consume him, the book ultimately teaches us. Purpose and fullfilment are, believe it or not, out there...maybe. "Soul of the Law" conjures the queries: Is it the dysfunctional profession that breeds dysfunctional lawyers, or did the egg come before the chicken? How do these undeniable professional dysfunctions impact the American justice system? Is the profession on a slippery slope to hell, or is there hope? Can a lawyer today lead a quiet, normal, happy life in spite of the profession's dysfunctions? If you're a lawyer, real "Soul of the Law". You'll relate! If you're a law student or a candidate for law school, you'll run for cover!

Best insight into the law and being a lawyer
This book is a must read for anyone who ever contemplates the law or being a lawyer. Especially for anyone thinking about attending law school! Sells, along with Thomas Moore, relates the imaginative language of Archetypal Psychology to the mainstream in this insightful discourse.

It identifies a long needed soulful review of the Law's soul
A timely contribution to the Law. Without soul we are nothing. The pain and loss many lawyers are confronting and the open hostility in the law by consumers has to change. This work is a start of a journey to renew the law's soul. Best Practice may be the bridge between the lawyer and the consumer thereby helping to heal the soul of the law? I would welcome comment on this point.

Speaking Our Truth: Voices of Courage and Healing for Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Published in Paperback by Perennial (1995)
Authors: Neal King and Thomas Moore
Amazon base price: $8.00
Used price: $14.32
Average review score:

Moved me beyond sexism
I loved this book. Nothing so far that I have read by or about men has moved me beyond my own sexism like the vulnerability that allowed me to touch the hearts and souls of the men who wrote the words in this book. It was this book that caused me to look beyond the feminist agenda to incorporate the amazing number of boys who have been sexually abused. You won't find statistics in this book. But it will make you want to look for them. Boy children are no safer than girl children in this world. Until we *get* that, divide-and-conquer dynamics will keep us from ever being able to do anything about it.

Understanding the emotional experience of male sexual abuse.
'Speaking our Truth' is just that. A compilation of survivor's suffering and ultimate victory over male sexual abuse. He's given a venue to tie many different stories into common denominators that helps men to understand they are not alone in this experience. A 'must have' for survivors and their partners in recovery.

Speaking Our Truth is an eye opener
Even after I was able to start talking to a therapist about the abuse that I sufferred at the hands of a preist when I was 14 years old, I still was not able to truly accept that the abuse had actually happened to me. Neal King's collection of various men's uncensored accounts of their abuse and the feelings and descriptions of their struggles, gives any survivor of childhood abuse an opportunity to finally connect with the pain that affects every moment of our lives. When you feel like you may be ready to dance with your inner demons, this book is a perfect place to learn a few dance steps.

A Baby's Coming to Your House!
Published in School & Library Binding by Albert Whitman & Co (2001)
Authors: Shelley Moore Thomas, Eric Futran, and Abby Levine
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.00
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $9.83
Average review score:

Wonderful for Young Children (aged approx. 3 to 7)
I teach 3 to 6 year old children, and they (and I) love this book. We had several children in class expecting siblings or with siblings newly arrived when I brought in this book. The book describes preparing for the baby, including mom's shrinking, sometimes even kicking, lap, and all the furniture and clothes the new baby will get. It talks about twins, much to the delight of my student expecting two sisters. The baby's homecoming, routines, noise and initial immobility are all discussed. There are several very touching passages, especially the one about maybe being able to hold the baby. This passage evokes peace and stillness, suggesting that you may even feel the baby breathe as you sit with her.

My students were captivated by the stunning photographs and the narrative, by turns touching, funny, and serious. Reading this book caused may of them to share true stories about their own lives and interactions with siblings. Even the younger children thought about first memories with siblings now a year or two old. The photos also show children of many different ethnicities.

This was a great tool for stimulating conversation with the children and was a big hit in the book corner. I enjoyed the upbeat message of this book as well. Even though routines change and diapers are smelly, parents still love you. Even though your baby might seem a little boring at first, the big sisters and brothers will get to teach this little one what they know. I thought it very positive for the children, stressing their competency and the importance of their role as a member of the family raising a baby.

I would recommend this book strongly for any classroom or expectant parents. Or any child aware and interested in babies. (One of my children who loved this book is a little sister, but talked about her baby cousins!)

A Baby's Coming to Your House
Great pictures of beautiful children help to tell the story of a new baby arriving at a child's home.

The DASH Diet for Hypertension
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Pocket Books (01 March, 2003)
Authors: Thomas Moore and Mark Jenkins
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $4.85
Buy one from zShops for: $4.63
Average review score:

Too good to be true -- but it is true!
I ordered this book for three reasons: Since I taught a course in college-level nutrition, I am appalled at how terrible the diets of too many of us really are. Plus I am something of a fitness nut. Finally I am also a "foodie" who enjoys cooking and eating delicious "gourmet quality" meals that also incorporate first-rate nutrition.

This is the diet book that the USA has been waiting for but too few persons seem to know about it -- yet. It is scientifically accurate and the conclusions of the authors are sound. It is proof that eating for improved health and fitness need not be boring. Indeed, the day after I received the book, I prepared the mango/black bean salad to rave reviews and no leftovers.

The message is not new: We need to increase the fruits, veggies, and whole grain foods in our diet, and to decrease red meats, sodium, and sweets. Although the target audience is those with hypertension, nearly everyone can benefit from accepting the book's challenge to try the DASH diet for two weeks -- and for a lifetime. The fact that the authors go beyond the science and present imaginative, delicious recipes and menus is a definite strength of the book.

A salute to the authors for this timely book!

A scientifically proven method of reducing blood pressure
Dr. Thomas Moore's DASH Diet For Hypertension poses a drug-free, scientifically proven method of reducing blood pressure and is based on two large clinical trials documenting dietary approaches to controlling hypertension. A team of doctors explores how the DASH diet system works, from choices in fruits, vegetables and low-fat diary products to the right serving portion and the influence of exercise.

Henry Miller on Writing
Published in Paperback by New Directions Publishing (1964)
Authors: Henry Miller and Thomas H. Moore
Amazon base price: $9.56
List price: $11.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $5.95
Buy one from zShops for: $8.26
Average review score:

An especially important book for any aspiring writers or students of fiction or the creative mind. Henry Miller on Writing shows Miller as he struggles to learn how to write and questions and wrestles with all the insecurities and self-loathing that is endemic to writing. As important as John Gardner's books on writing, only more readable and more fun.

Henry knows writing
For anyone who hasn't read Miller, this is a great introduction. As always, Miller's work is permeated with joy and lustfull arrogance. He is truly in love with life- and as writers go, a great and unique participant. Henry Miller on Writing provides glimpses into his work and the nature and derivitive of his own inspiration. The book will thrill the adventurer and offend the weak-minded. You will love or hate Miller.

Principia Ethica
Published in Paperback by Cambridge Univ Pr (Pap Txt) (2002)
Authors: G. E. Moore and Thomas Baldwin
Amazon base price: $26.00
Used price: $9.75
Average review score:

A revolution that remains
This edition of Moore's classic book is handsome. It has a nice navy colour with the title written in bold roman font. And when you carry it, there's a good feeling of weight. You know this book is long enough to be important, but at the same time short enough to be read.

This edition comes with a wonderful introduction from Thomas Baldwin, quite a scholar himself.

If you haven't read Moore before, read this one. His writing is so utterly clear and eloquent that you will be wondering why can't all philosophers write like this. When it was written, some people thought it was better than Plato.

If you have read this book before, read this one. But you will not find answers to the open-question argument. Sadly enough, Moore passed away before he could respond to the objections to this book.

This is a beautifully bound book with the text and thought of a philosophical genius.

G. E. Moore offers a great evaluation of all the ethical philosophies, from the psychologist propositions (John Stuart Mill), to the naturalist, evolutionary ethics, utilitarianism, hedonism, etc. You see how they all fall into the "naturalistic fallacy", that the "good" is somehow related to some physical, psychological, emotional or evolutionary aspect. Bright refutation of all of these positions. Very good for those who want to start knowing about ethics, specially analytical ethics.

Published in Audio Cassette by S&S Sound Ideas (1997)
Authors: Thomas Moore, Marianne Williamson, David Whyte, Caroline Myss, and Bernie Siegel
Amazon base price: $9.60
List price: $12.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.34
Buy one from zShops for: $7.92
Average review score:

A soul uplifting that gives hope , things we really knew.
Comming from your ear phones is an irrestible seduction into the present that makes your being quivver with hope.

The third in a series---own them all
The third in a series from a PBS show of the same name. (see the reviews on the other two tapes in this series)This is so well done that you can listen to it over and over and always come away with something new and stimulating each and every time. With out going into a detailed explanation of the series this is simply a superb compilation of some of the thoughts and ideas as expressed by some of our era's best author's, lecturer's and thinkers. It is so well organized and presented that all three tapes flow one into the other. As with many series where the latter in the series are not as strong as the first, this is not the case here. All three are equally as strong without repeating and without pandering to the listener. It is a must own series for those who enjoy being stimulated to THINK! And for those who don't you might be surprised--you might still come away with an experience that you will enjoy. Own all three.

Where Is Thumbkin?: Over 500 Activities to Use With Songs You Already Know
Published in Paperback by Gryphon House (1993)
Authors: Pamela Schiller, Thomas Moore, and Cheryl Kirk Noll
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.89
Buy one from zShops for: $13.09
Average review score:

If you teach young kids and use songs and rhymes, this book is a must have. It has lots of fun activities to use for each song. Some of the songs are not in the month I would have thought logically but most of the ones you will use are in there. It gives you enough ideas to come up with your own unit from each song.

An Excellent,Excellent Resource!
I am a Pre-K/Kindergarten teacher who is also the mother of a three year-old and a 2 month old. I use this book in and out of the classroom. It combines traditional children's songs, rhymes and finger plays with activities that cover all content areas. I try to buy books that are arranged thematically and/or seasonally and this accomplishes both. I must admit I love Pam Schiller. I also have her Creative Resources Book:A Complete Childhood Curriculum( I think that is the title) Anyway, her books are so thorough that lesson planning was made less of a chore. Now that I'm on maternity leave my 3 yr. old and I use this book almost daily. Early childhood educators should get this and her other books. I am working on getting all of her books (I'm a bookrat). Also recommended Hang Loose with Mother Goose by Dayle M. Timmons. She gives numerous activities using many nursery rhymes including clip art. She also arranges them under at least twenty early childhood themes eg. Little Miss Muffet and/or The Itsey, Bitsey Spider and their activities could be taught as you teach a learning unit on insects. This is a fun book.It has pocket chart activities, mini-books, rebus activities and simple cooking activities.

Art of Simplicity
Published in Audio Cassette by Nightingale-Conant Corporation (1996)
Author: Thomas Moore
Amazon base price: $49.95
Used price: $39.50
Average review score:

Far from simplistic!
I found myself smiling, sighing with relief, and optimistically looking forward to tomorrow, without having to clean off my desk. The author, (and marvelous speaker) offers an enlightened view of accepting your fate and understanding your urges to change it in order to find your missing elements of happiness. I intend to replay this many times over and learn more about my life's unnecessary complications and finding joy in simplicity. For me, this work is the perfect cement to join Care of the Soul and The Re-Enchantment of Everyday Life, my nightstand therepists.

The Descent of the Imagination: Postromantic Culture in the Later Novels of Thomas Hardy
Published in Hardcover by New York University Press (1990)
Author: Kevin Z. Moore
Amazon base price: $45.00
Used price: $11.95
Average review score:

Most helpful book in understanding Hardy in context.
Moore captures the sense of Hardy's writing in historical literary context. He demonstrates, in detail, that Hardy's novels were ironic, satirical, and by and large critical responses to the major themes of Romantic and Victorian cultural postions. Moore argues, convincingly, that Hardy's main theme in Wessex was the fall of idealism into a history which was without Reaon, or "non-rational," as Hardy once named it. Hardy's major novels, more shows, replay the dark themes of Shelley's "Triumph of Time," in local contexts.
Moore's study is comprehensive, detailed, and well-argued. It is surprising that it is not more widely appreciated in the Hardy and Victorian studies communities, both of which are sorely in need of a few good arguments and fresh critical approaches.

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