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List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
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My students were captivated by the stunning photographs and the narrative, by turns touching, funny, and serious. Reading this book caused may of them to share true stories about their own lives and interactions with siblings. Even the younger children thought about first memories with siblings now a year or two old. The photos also show children of many different ethnicities.
This was a great tool for stimulating conversation with the children and was a big hit in the book corner. I enjoyed the upbeat message of this book as well. Even though routines change and diapers are smelly, parents still love you. Even though your baby might seem a little boring at first, the big sisters and brothers will get to teach this little one what they know. I thought it very positive for the children, stressing their competency and the importance of their role as a member of the family raising a baby.
I would recommend this book strongly for any classroom or expectant parents. Or any child aware and interested in babies. (One of my children who loved this book is a little sister, but talked about her baby cousins!)
Used price: $4.85
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This is the diet book that the USA has been waiting for but too few persons seem to know about it -- yet. It is scientifically accurate and the conclusions of the authors are sound. It is proof that eating for improved health and fitness need not be boring. Indeed, the day after I received the book, I prepared the mango/black bean salad to rave reviews and no leftovers.
The message is not new: We need to increase the fruits, veggies, and whole grain foods in our diet, and to decrease red meats, sodium, and sweets. Although the target audience is those with hypertension, nearly everyone can benefit from accepting the book's challenge to try the DASH diet for two weeks -- and for a lifetime. The fact that the authors go beyond the science and present imaginative, delicious recipes and menus is a definite strength of the book.
A salute to the authors for this timely book!
List price: $11.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $5.95
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Used price: $9.75
This edition comes with a wonderful introduction from Thomas Baldwin, quite a scholar himself.
If you haven't read Moore before, read this one. His writing is so utterly clear and eloquent that you will be wondering why can't all philosophers write like this. When it was written, some people thought it was better than Plato.
If you have read this book before, read this one. But you will not find answers to the open-question argument. Sadly enough, Moore passed away before he could respond to the objections to this book.
This is a beautifully bound book with the text and thought of a philosophical genius.
List price: $12.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.34
Buy one from zShops for: $7.92
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.89
Buy one from zShops for: $13.09
Used price: $39.50
Used price: $11.95
Moore's study is comprehensive, detailed, and well-argued. It is surprising that it is not more widely appreciated in the Hardy and Victorian studies communities, both of which are sorely in need of a few good arguments and fresh critical approaches.