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This is not light reading but it does touch the parts that most other authors fail to reach. In this category I exclude the inspiring "THE Autobiography of Jesus of Nazareth..." by Richard Patton. Both these authors deal with taboo religious subjects in a seemingly unbiased fashion that illuminates without emotional persuasion (the touch-stone of many a great writer). It appears that Moore has 'discovered' Tantra which Patton has already gone into in some considerable depth. Am I wrong or are there more writers today dealing with profound paradox's? Where were the Deepak Chopra's and Richard Patton's twenty years ago? Moore works from within the 'system' yet clearly wants us to question it. I loved this book and would love to see the look on Moore's ecclesiastical colleagues when they see it. This is a great book for those times when you KNOW you are not going to be interrupted. It needs concentration but the journey is well worth it.

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If you accept the idea of the probable existence of Q, then you can look forward to reading sayings of Jesus which were recorded and used by some of His earliest followers less than two decades after His death and resurrection.

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This is a great book. The wording is very practical and down to earth. The subject matter in most of these chapters is formidable (given the limited space), and allows dialog between the reader & writer. What I enjoyed the most was not the diversity that was braught to the book, but the depth of knowledge that was braught to it. The chapter written about Chinese "Five-Element" Astroloy was my favorite. For more info about "this stuff"; I recomend anything written by DEREK WALTERS.
Now if you'll me let complane (which is what most of the critiques on Amazon.com do), I'll share with you what I don't like about most practicing astrologers. Most people (including Fagan) try to dispute the validity of using one Zodiac over another (sidereal vs. tropical). But the fact is that some Zodiacs don't even use the ecliptic! Incuding Chinese astrology. Or the Nakshatras, which most western astrologers "throw in"! And this is my point, that these Zodiacs are a cration. Our creation! And that's what makes astrology valid! Remember Arroyo. Don't forget Arroyo. He said, "If astrology is in fact an emination of universal mind or 'Collective Unconscious' or anything like that, then instead of imposing foreign dogma on astrology, I would say, let us open our eyes to what astrology already is! Let's acknowledge its inherent, extremely sophisticated, psychological [soulful] dimentions. It's all there. It's a tremendous tool, a language of consciousness and inner experience... This is one reason why traditional astrology has become quite meaningless to many of us; the astrology has not for the most part evolved to keep pace with our growth [in] consciousness. And it's why every culture has it's own astrology-the consciousness of that culture determines what level of understanding they can have of astrology."
I really need to emphisise this feeling I have about these truths! It seems as though all we need to do is look up and astrology becomes valid, alive because we are!
For another "good read" try The Origin of The Zodiac by Rupert Gleadow.

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A very sobering look at one of mankinds great killers that allows few patients to have all the information they need to make the proper decisions in life threatening situations. A picture of money grubbing medical professionals who cut and prescribe based on a robot like following of their medical professional society dogma.
I haven't been able to find any books rebutting Mr. Moores allegations. On the other hand, I have read many sad stories of the cost of treatment and deaths of many. I only hope one does not find themselves in one of these life threatening situations. Even your trusted medical professional may not have the information they need when you have a serious problem. A sorry state, if true.

The fact that it is out of print tells a vast story about the forces at work.
Heart disease is still the number one killer -- about half of all Americans die from it. The orthodox truth about heart disease has changed but only slightly over the past twenty years -- the "truth" still is that heart disease is claimed to be caused by cholesterol that is too high, that the proper solution is eat a diet that is low in cholesterol, which means low on zero eggs and butter, and that only when people fail on this diet should they then consider going on to a life-time of the most profitable drugs in the history of pharmaceuticals -- a cholesterol-lowering drug. These drugs are currently selling at the rate of about $10 billion per year, and the recent government announcement that about 300% more people should be on these drugs adds to the importance of this subject.
Mr. Moore actually read the so-called scientific reports on which this vast deception is based -- the original reports of the Framingham Studies. These studies were very often falsely reported as finding that cholesterol in the diet caused cholesterol in the blood (Moore proved that these studies claimed the opposite, despite how they were publicized). These Framingham Sudies then "showed" that high cholesterol in the blood led to death by heart disease. Mr. Moore found, within the very reports used to support these false claims, the truth that has never been reported.
The current theory of heart disease, and certainly the entire methodology of treatment is a farce -- easily proven by looking at less than a dozen different facts that cannot be refuted.
Bypass surgery, currently on the hit list by the drug companies, was positioned as the last recourse for those who "failed" on the no-egg diet, and who didn't respond (as, of course, they would not) to the cholesterol-lowering drugs -- those who failed on these two early treatments would be caught in the safety net of bypass surgery.
Bypass surgery is also demolished in Moore's book, but who is reading?
Bypass surgery has been the most profitable surgery in the history of medicine.
Now that the drug companies have a new generation of cholesterol-lowering drugs, and are posed to collect money from more than 30 million Americans who have the "disease" of high cholesterol, the master planners can and will move bypass surgery out of the scene -- using up the money spent there for drugs.
If you are avoiding eggs and butter, then you have not read this book, and you have swallowed the lies put out with billions of dollars of false promotional claims.
Find and read a copy of this important Book.

Used price: $5.97
Collectible price: $25.00

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Moore was slated early for a life of reflection, but soured on religious practice and observance early. He entered a preparatory seminary at age 13 to become a priest, but found that the tendency toward authoritarianism was a bit too much (a common trait with prophets and saints throughout much of history).
'When I finally left the order, I left most of religion behind. I lived as an agnostic of sorts for a while. In my monastery days I had studied music seriously and had written and directed a considerable amount of music, and so, once out of the order, I planned on the life of an academic musician. Unexpectedly, my love of theology and religion stayed with me.'
Having put some distance between the formal structures and his own life, over time he has come to an important realisation.
'In my life now both the priesthood and the monastic life are made of subtle stuff--not literal ways of life, but possibilities powdered so finely that they have become values, nuances, styles, and elements of character giving my life a certain tone and colour.'
Moore's meditative reflections are each less than one page long, which make them ideal both for rapid study (recommended only if you're going to come back to them later) as well as for small, bite-sized meditative morsels to slowly appreciate and inwardly digest.
'The monk lives according to the advice of Marsilio Ficino--partly in time, partly in eternity. Whatever is done is never fully of this world, and yet it's always in this world. We could all live partly out of this world, and perhaps discover the limits of worldly law and convention.'
In talking of different themes -- silence, hospitality, charity, prayer, music, God, humanity -- Moore interjects insights of his own and those he has inherited from friends, mentors, teachers, and history.
This book makes a perfect gift book; a wonderful, thoughtful book for short meditations; it is a great thing to carry around for reflective periods during the day.
Sometimes a monk, used to chanting, will suddenly strike upon a note that lingers, that stays with the soul in the ear for longer than usual. Perhaps this is the voice of God speaking. As we go about our daily lives, perhaps the common detail that assumes a new proportion -- has a little more resonance -- is God's way of trying to speak to us.
Let this book be an opening to that awareness.

List price: $18.00 (that's 60% off!)

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- As usual, Que did a great job editing. I found two mistakes, but they were very minor.
- The sample questions / practice exam could use some re-working, but if you read this book through, the exam should not be too much hassle.

List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
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Thomas Moore nos invita, a través de estas páginas, a explorar nuestra vida cotidiana -en el trabajo, la naturaleza, los negocios, el hogar- y redescubrir todo lo que ella tiene de sagrado y maravilloso. (Ed. Sudamericana)