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This book is his reaction against the violent century which he was born into and which was born into him. He speaks against issues including such things as the true nature of the monastic relationship with the world (he calls "separation from the world" an illusion); unity/ecumenism; war & violence; false "truths" (particularly what he calls the American myth); technology versus nature, etc.
He calls himself a "bystander" relating to his aloofness as a monk. He calls himself "guilty" in relation to not living up to his responsibility for the outside world. As a monk, he calls himself a contemplative activist. As a collection of "conjectures," it is a compilation of thoughts or pensees grouped together loosely, only slightly tied together by five section titles. Because of this format it is not the easiest thing to read; it is helpful to read topically (a good guide for this can be found in Something of a Rebel by William Shannon). But I would say the experience is worth it. The book is deeply moving and convicting. Merton stands out as an authoritative voice on how Christians, all people in fact, should be aware of the world around them, while they also should not neglect the contemplative life that feeds their love for that world.
There is a short observation Merton gives us in his Conjectures as he witnesses the way of the world around him:
"This morning, before Prime, in the early morning sky, three antiquated monoplanes flew over the monastery with much noise followed by a great heron." (15)
Commenting on this thought, Thomas Moore writes in his introduction to Conjectures:
"Many antiquated machines have come and gone in the time since Merton wrote these lines, an explosion of technology giving the illusion of progress, while Merton himself continues to fly, pulling up the rear, a great silent heron reminding us that the noisy are not necessarily the knowledgeable." (v)

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List price: $14.00 (that's 20% off!)
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S/M has helped me understand (or given a new perspective on) all relationships -- from spousal to neighbors to co-workers to friendships and family. Thomas Moore says that we should appreciate the complexities and mysteries that come with all relationships.
S/M doesnÕt offer any concrete step-by-step advice for solving relationship problems. Instead, Mr. Moore explains that every relationship is different and that everyday problems on the surface may have a deeper hidden meaning. And with this in mind, by not immediately relieving ourselves from what it is that is bothering us at the moment we may be able to understand what it is that is really troubling us if we give ourselves the time.
S/M is a great book if you are looking to better yourself, improve existing relationships, and gain insight on all relationships and life in general. I reccomend it and I believe it can help everyone understand themselves and others. --Douglas

Annabel Temple (B.A. DPH (Cred)) Christchurch, New Zealand

List price: $22.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.99
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Emotional abuse and physical both erode the victims identidy, the only difference being that emotional abuse victims don't wear their scars on the outside. This book explains how the abuser gets inside your head, and the slow steady degradation of self that occurs as a result. I found myself amazed at the author's insights, and vindicated by her words of encouragement and healing. From this book, I learned to spot the warning signs of emotional abuse - in myself, and in my relationships. After reading this book, I don't think I will ever fall into an emotionally abuse relationship again. This book is a must read for anyone who has been in an emotionally abusive relationship, and anyone who suspects they may be.

The author of the book does an outstanding job conveying a timely and critical message to those who have had their souls stalked by lovers, friends, family or in the work place.
I truly can not recommend this book enough. I guarentee you will learn some frightening and sobering truths about soul stalkers, psycopaths and the personality disordered. It can give you ammunition and insight into how these people operate and think.
In a world filled with those who seek to control and manipulate, this book is a must read!

List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.25
Collectible price: $34.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.65

In this book Thomas Moore takes us through his spiritual journey which may well be interesting for some and I am sure was cathartic for him. He is also an eloquent writer; to that extent I found merit in his pen and leveraged this inspiration into a few poems myself.

Since that time I have been trying to define myself (spiritually). This book has truly been a key to that definition. The key authors that have guided me have been Thomas Merton, Oriah Mountain Dreamer, Thomas Moore, Thomas Keating, and Harold Kushner. Each of the authors have played a major role in my spiritual development.
I recommend the book, "The Soul's Religion: Cultivating a Profoundly Spiritual Way of Life" by Thomas Moore, to anyone truly wanting to discover ways to the "core of life"!

Solomon 6:'Wisdom is radiant and unfading, and she is easily discerned by those who love her, and is found by those who seek her. She hastens to make herself known to those who desire her. He who rises early to seek her will have no difficulty, for he will find her sitting at his gates'
I have found her in this book.

List price: $22.00 (that's 49% off!)

I have gifted several copies of his work to friends at appropriate times in their lives when they too needed a constant companion. I lived his words and painted my house in rennaissance colours, played wildly romantic Italian operas, purchased a few antiques to gaze upon their craftsmanship and history and immersed my soul with renewed values around family love and passion for everyday simplicities and sanctuaries. I've lived Thomas Moore's work for several years now and it has made my life rich and rewarding.
I believe it was more than a synchronicity occurence when his recent book "Original Self" came into my life, again, coinciding with a trip to a far off place where I was considering another internal shift. It arrived right at a time when I was entertaining the idea (unfortunately, once again) to sell my soul to do a somewhat souless task. His message was simple but profound, return to my own authenticity and "Original Self" or chance loosing my soul. Since that fortunate time, I have been pouring over his words from this recent masterpiece like a child at play with a deep curiosity of how his writings have affected my life, again, in such a deeply mysterious way. Thomas Moore's books are part of my life and now, thanks to his urgings, my soul. Be assured, whatever he writes about is speaking directly to your soul. I can't imagine how anyone living, after reading his work, not knowing that they have just been touched by a master. But I know it happens to an unfortunate few.
Only read this book should you want to be roused by the intervention of divinely tender words or stirred by deep meditations about life. I suggest you buy his book and see it as part of the magical immersion into soul that Thomas Moore wants for you. You may in fact be able to reignite your passion to overcome the sufferings of your neglected soul and start to recognize the bitter ailments of a soul-less society so desperaely in need of nurturing. Or perhaps not, you may just return home to your "Original self".

Used price: $47.99
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This volume is has some decent material, but is marred by a tendecy to sloppiness.
Firstly, as other reviewers have noted, there are too many authors (count 'em - 16!), which is unnecessary, and leads to inconsistencies in presentation. The book could quite easily have been authored by a single writer. There are only a few chapters that required specialist knowledge.
For example, the early chapters are quite good at advising the reader on PHP settings. Since there's no option explicit in PHP,the author correctly advises the reader to increase their error setting to report unused variables. Later, however, much of the code uses uninitialised variables. This is particularly the case in the chapter on form handling, the approach to which is too crude, and uses form variables directly in code, whereas a better approach would be to capture them and process them using isset(). The isset() function isn't even covered in this chapter,but is used correctly in other chapters.
Secondly, while the converstational tone of Wrox books is often appealing, it can also be a problem at times. The presentation is not always comprehensive enough, and Wrox authors have a tendency to give overly clever examples.
Strangely, there's no reference section. I found some of the explanations sloppy and confusing, especially the section of session variables. (I still can't get the WAP application to work properly.)
Thirdly, the chapter on OO design leaves the reader stranded. After a decent theoretical discussion, the writer informs the reader that there will be no code examples, as the reader now knows enough theory to work an example out for themselves! If I've paid for the book, I don't really want to have it set homework for me.
Fourthly, there are an annoying number of errors in the code. Many of these are corrected in the online errata, but there are quite a few that aren't at present. Furthermore, some of them are not typos, but seem to be the result of misconceptions on the part of the writer. This tends to reinforce the impression that some of the authors are relatively inexperienced.
Lastly, there are a large number of errors in the downloadable code. I suppose supplied code should be seen as a bonus, but it's poor quality control, and greatly adds to the user's annoyance.

It is a must for anyone wanting to use PHP or make the move from PHP3 to PHP4!

Things that i found really helpful:
Explanation for all those buggy installation problems
Handling files on the server's file system, and how to upload files from the web browser
Sending e-mail and posting new articles with PHP, working with SMTP, POP/IMAP and NNTP
An exhaustive case study (76 pages!) on building a shopping cart application for mobile phones
Using PHP as a command line script interpreter
PHP with XML
This book has a pretty exhaustive view of most topics, and is the ideal book for PHP developers wanting to add professionalism to their web application development. I shall continue using this as a reference for all topics PHP (till I get another red book with photos).

List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.49
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $12.99


For example, the rune shaped like an "X" is the rune of "trust" in the "Healing" book. In the original book it is "partnership". The healing book asks you to examine trust in your life and what you can heal around that issue.
I find these runes very useful and enjoy the "recovery" language used by Mr. Blum and Ms. Loughan. There are so many people who are putting their lives back together -- runes can only aid them in the spiritual quest. I have used runes for about 6 years now and always get so much out of them.

List price: $13.00 (that's 60% off!)
Used price: $4.69
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What John is, and the reason he is still read and studied and, in fact, treasured, is a scientist of prayer. If you are genuinely determined to climb Mt. Carmel, to pray and live your way into God, you need to read and re-read John. Like the Gospels, his work is dense and allusive, and full of layer upon layer of meaning. It is well to read present day authors who write about his work, too. But by no means should you leave him aside in your search for information and inspiration. There is no one else like him. He is the real thing.
review by Janet Knori, author of Awakening in God