Book reviews for "Johnson,_David" sorted by average review score:

Counterfeiting in Colonial America
Published in Paperback by University of Pennsylvania Press (2000)
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score: 

This coverage of an aspect of early American history and culture will delight readers researching this era. Kenneth Scott's Counterfeiting In Colonial America reviews the law enforcement system of the times, liberal attitudes toward counterfeiters, and the prevalence of counterfeiting during the times. From individuals who made a high art of the practice to how counterfeiting transcended social and political boundaries, this provides an intriguing coverage.

Creating Confidence: The Secrets of Self-Esteem
Published in Paperback by Harper Collins - UK (1999)
Amazon base price: $10.95
Average review score: 

I found this book to be pretty slow at first and was not getting much out of it, until I got about half way through. It has some very powerful excercises later on, and the effects that it has had for me in just a few short weeks has been fantastic. It has really helped me to reorient my life at a time when I really needed it. It's a great book, and I highly recommend it. Anyone can benefit from the excercises and improve his/her self-esteem.

Dictionary of Human Geography
Published in Paperback by Polity Pr (2000)
Amazon base price: $38.95
Average review score: 

Yes, It's a great book -- Not only a dictionary of jargons, but also a collection of guidelines for study and research in various fields within the discipline. Most items provide a brief but critical review on the topics, all by preeminent figures in related areas. It's will be great helpful for both students and professionals.

Douglas Southall Freeman
Published in Hardcover by Pelican Pub Co (2002)
Amazon base price: $19.25
List price: $27.50 (that's 30% off!)
List price: $27.50 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score: 

David Johnson has done us all a great favor by finally writing a biography of the most amazing "Doc" Freeman. The son of a Confederate soldier, Douglas Southall Freeman's life is a study in self-discipline and perseverance. Freeman was a man who crammed 4 careers into one life - Pulitzer (One for the biography of General Lee and one post-humously for George Washington) winning author, newspaper editor, teacher and broadcaster. Ever since learning of Freeman many years ago, I'd wondered why no biography had ever been written of him. Freeman was a man that was faithful to his calling, to serving his fellow man and to serving his God. The book should be in every history lover's library. ~ Richard G. Williams, Jr., editor of "The Maxims of Robert E. Lee" to be released in November.

Dr. C. Wacko Presents Microsoft Basic and the Whiz-Bang Miracle Machine
Published in Paperback by Addison-Wesley Pub Co (1986)
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score: 

I actually used the basic book for the Atari. Dr. Wacko has an easy style and approach to learning to program. He even includes already written programs to play around with and incourages the user to add in his\her input. This book was my favorite of around 100 books. Unfortunately, I lost the book through theft.

Dr. C. Wacko's Miracle Guide to Designing and Programming Your Own Atari Computer Arcade Games
Published in Paperback by Addison-Wesley Pub Co (1983)
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score: 

I was given this classic about 15 years ago. It was the basis of everything I ever knew about programming in Atari BASIC. Now I am learning Visual Basic and C++. All the basic concept I laened from Dr. C. Wacko still aply. It's unfortunate that due to the fact Atari BASIC and Atari computers have become obsolete, so has this hilarious and educatonal book. It's better than the "complete idiot's guide's" or "...for dummies" books could ever hope to be. Wouldn't it be great if David Heller wrote new books for current programming languages?

Elements of Logic Via Numbers and Sets (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)
Published in Paperback by Springer Verlag (1998)
Amazon base price: $41.95
Average review score: 

This is the clearest and most thorough introduction to the subject matter I've read. The beginner interested in logic, sets, relations, maps and cardinal numbers cannot do better than to read this text.
It also has a solutions to most exercises, a very good index and a guide to all of the symbols and notation that appear.

Evolution: Change over Time
Published in Hardcover by Prentice Hall School Group (1994)
Amazon base price: $17.75
Average review score: 

This book helped me though the toughest parts of the game. Without it I would be toast!

Fantasies of an Active Mind
Published in Paperback by Writers Club Press (2001)
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score: 


The Breath of Parted Lips: Voices from the Robert Frost Place
Published in Paperback by CavanKerry Press (01 September, 2000)
Amazon base price: $28.00
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