Used price: $48.00

The authors have divided American history into three unique periods: Preindustrial America, from the beginning of the sixteenth century to the 1820s; Industrializing America, from the 1820s to the 1920s; and State and Society, from the 1920s to the present. Each of these periods has its own logic and contains special kinds of human relationships that prodice a distinct history of the United States.

Used price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $29.94

Updated to cover Windows 2000 and Linux, this book is made for the classroom setting. The authors include hands-on projects and case projects to help the student learn in more than a self-study and lecture setting.
With topics like network concepts, design of VLANs and topologies, media, nics, protocols, architectures like 10 and 100 mpbs, token ring, apple talk, FDDI, CDDI, ATM and SONET, simple and complex networks, WANS, and troubleshooting, you have everything you need to gain a great foundation for the networking arena.
With everything in the book there is also review questions, chapter summaries and key terms for each chapter. Overall this is the perfect teaching guide.

Used price: $1.71
Collectible price: $6.95
Buy one from zShops for: $3.99

Used price: $2.92
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $6.95

Used price: $0.79
Collectible price: $10.31
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It never gets better. On page 231, for example, in the chapter "Using Power," the authors state, "Even though we sometimes do not like to admit it, power is a basic aspect of social life. It can be seized or given up, increased or lost. It can be used for good, evil, or trivial purposes. All relationships -- with family, friends, lovers, co-workers -- involve power and influence. Yet many person are unaware of the influence they exert on others, and many people are unaware of how necessary and constructive mutual influence is in building effective groups and collaborative relationships among members. Being skillful in influencing other group members and taking responsibility for such influences are important parts of being a member of a group."
Ya think?
The book goes on to identify "the process by which group members mobilize their power in order to accomplish their goals..." Each "action item" is followed by a paragraph of fluff just in case the heading isn't clear enough (not included here):
1. Determining Your Goals.
2. Assessing Your Relevant Resources.
3. Determining Your Needed Coalitions.
4. Negotiating a Mutual Support Agreement.
5. Implementing the Contracts.
I was really disappointed with this book because I was hoping for a book that analyzed the psychology of group behavior and offered practical rules based on that analysis. This book, however, is just too shallow to accomplish that. I imagine it was written for undergraduates, but I would think that even a sophmore would feel insulted.

Used price: $4.59
Collectible price: $8.47
Buy one from zShops for: $19.99

Used price: $69.00
Buy one from zShops for: $40.00

List price: $44.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.15
Buy one from zShops for: $3.49

Used price: $10.95
Collectible price: $23.95
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The conclusion that Defoe and Johnson were one and the same has come under fire these last few years and is not the accepted fact it once was. This text includes portions of the original volumes by Johnson, but not the whole, although it can be argued that it includes the stories that most readers would want. There is also some question about the validity of the stories, but we may never know whether they are true or fiction. P-)

However, the down side of this particular volume is that it includes only a subset of Johnson's original writings. And, there is no added index with which to quickly reference particular names and such. While I don't quite agree that the editor has ruined the original, I do find that this version falls short of its potential. P-)

List price: $29.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $0.59
Collectible price: $15.88
Buy one from zShops for: $2.49

MCSE, A+, Network+, i-Net+

I had no intention of reviewing this book, since I passed my Proxy test back in the summer of '98, but after reading these absurd reviews I felt compelled to defend the book. Some people have made the effort to defend the book by stating that IIS is something that should be taken/mastered first. What a crock. I've never taken an IIS test and I never will. I couldn't possibly care less about being a web master, or web server baby sitter. I'm a network engineer, and using a proxy server to manage traffic flows is part of what I do. If you don't understand TCP/IP, don't bother. If you are naïve enough to assume that the world begins and ends with Microsoft Windows NT, don't bother. Take another elective.
I took the Proxy test to complete my MCSE because I thought it would be an extremely easy test, and all I would need to pass is the Exam Cram and Exam Prep books, with about a week of study time, and boy was I right. I had used MS Proxy 1.0 at a previous job, but had never touched Proxy 2, and wouldn't any time soon. With no experience with the software (which is to say that I never saw MS Proxy 2.0, ever.) and no practice test software to fall back on I used nothing but the Exam Cram and Exam Prep books and walked in and blew away the test. This is one of the BEST Exam Cram books I've ever used, and to be frank it wasn't a big deal since the MS Proxy Server 2.0 test is far and away the easiest certification test I've ever taken, to include the Citrix CCA exams and the CompTIA Network+. If you used this book and didn't pass the test, odds are that the book wasn't the problem and you should consider a new career field in the housekeeping or fast food preparation industries.
Exam Cram rocked, as usual.