Book reviews for "Johnson,_David" sorted by average review score:

Lever's Histopathology of the Skin (Package includes Textbook, 8th Edition, 1997 and Text and Atlas on CD-ROM, for Windows and Macintosh)
Published in CD-ROM by Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins (15 September, 1999)
Amazon base price: $299.00
Used price: $264.71
Used price: $264.71
Average review score: 

The main source of information for dermatopathology in the United States. Excellent for the dermatology resident and dermatopathology fellow.

Really fantastic book which provides very valuable information, and it fulfil every expectations for skin pathology.

Lung Cancer: Principles and Practice
Published in Hardcover by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers (1995)
Amazon base price: $159.00
Used price: $13.00
Buy one from zShops for: $30.00
Used price: $13.00
Buy one from zShops for: $30.00
Average review score: 

Pass' book is excellent, well-written, and comprehensive. It is one of the first books patients and family members should go to, though they should be cautioned that the book is written for a medical audience. Skip the first two chapters on mollecular biology which are far too technical, and go to some of the other chapters written in a detailed but comprehensive fashion. This book will prove exceptionally useful, but tough reading for many, so keep a medical dictionary and encylopedia nearby.

This second edition is an excellent, readable resource that makes few assumptions about the reader's familiarity with lung cancer, molecular biology, or cancer genetics. Contains many entirely new chapters as well as carefully updated material from the first edition. Geared to oncologists and researchers, but nonetheless a good foundation resource for patients and families who wish to learn a great deal about lung cancer and its management.

Motivation Counts
Published in Paperback by Dale Seymour Publications (1997)
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $8.77
Buy one from zShops for: $8.77
Used price: $8.77
Buy one from zShops for: $8.77
Average review score: 

This book is a companion to Every Minute Counts and Making Minutes Count Even More. Mr. Johnson offers practical examples of how to keep students "turned on" to math.
He demonstrates how to motivate students through good questioning techniques and classroom routine.
His techniques can be used on any grade level.
Be sure to read the other two Every Minute Counts books to learn his combination of teaching philosophy and classroom management.
He demonstrates how to motivate students through good questioning techniques and classroom routine.
His techniques can be used on any grade level.
Be sure to read the other two Every Minute Counts books to learn his combination of teaching philosophy and classroom management.

search : author-'johnson' & Title-'count'-first part of wor

Reaching out : interpersonal effectiveness and self-actualization
Published in Unknown Binding by Prentice-Hall ()
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $1.50
Collectible price: $3.13
Buy one from zShops for: $1.75
Used price: $1.50
Collectible price: $3.13
Buy one from zShops for: $1.75
Average review score: 

What this book clearly demonstrates is that effective interpersonal skills are essential to the development and maintenance of any relationship - from family to friendship to work. That many of the personal and professional problems we experience everyday are the result of inadequate communication skills, lack of trust and self-disclosure, and inability to manage conflicts, anger, and stress.
Of special significance to more than half of the US population who report being shy, the author acknowledges the sometimes devastating impact of social fears on relationships and includes a section on working through shyness.
While the book is about skill building, it isn't just an exercise book. On the contrary, it smartly integrates psychological research data, theory, and exercises into a thought-provoking, readable volume. The approach is get-out-there-and-do-it experiential learning. Even though "Reaching Out" is an excellent text for classroom use, it is also very informative, practical, and useful for the self-help reader.

If you work with children or young adults this is a "must have" reference book. My first copy was the fourth edition and I continue to purchace new copies as the editions change. This book breaks down into basic teachable elements complex human interactional dimensions. If you do group work in any context you will benifit from its wisdom. I have used this book in public schools at all grade levels, in therapy groups and family sessions, college courses, and to assist teens with improved social relationships. Human services work benifits from the clear and complete presentation of facts.

Tell Me a Story, Mama
Published in Paperback by Orchard Books (1992)
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $1.00
Collectible price: $4.25
Buy one from zShops for: $4.68
Used price: $1.00
Collectible price: $4.25
Buy one from zShops for: $4.68
Average review score: 

I like this book because it is a good story. Ms. Johnson did a nice job. I liked the part where the little girl threw mud on the picket fence. The old lady was mean.
You need to read this book and find out all the stories Mama told.

My daughter is still a little too young to read the book, but she LOVES the pictures. This is a very well illustrated book. The story reminds me of times in my childhood when I would ask my mother to tell me stories of when she was little. My nieces and nephew (5 years old and 8 years old), can relate very well to the book. They giggle and laugh at things the main character says, because they can relate to it. This book is a family "keeper!"

18 Buddha Hands Qigong - A Medical I Ching Exploration
Published in Paperback by White Elephant (01 January, 1999)
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $24.90
Buy one from zShops for: $22.99
Used price: $24.90
Buy one from zShops for: $22.99
Average review score: 

Buddhism, Qigong, the I Ching, and Chinese medicine have been integrally linked together for centuries. All these systems originate from a common theoretical view of reality and compliment, clarify, support, and occasionally challenge each other. Larry Johnson's 18 Buddha Hands Qigong examines Qigong in general, and the energetic transformations possible through these practices, exploring what is referred to as 18 Buddha Hands presents an intriguing perspective of the Yin/Yang mechanics of Qigong, within the manifold framework of the Medical I Ching. 18 Buddha Hands Qigong is highly recommended for students of Buddhism, Qigong, the I Ching, personal health from the perspective of Chinese medical practice and theory.

Abraham Lincoln
Published in Hardcover by Scholastic (2002)
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.99
Collectible price: $14.61
Buy one from zShops for: $11.17
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.99
Collectible price: $14.61
Buy one from zShops for: $11.17
Average review score: 

This book is perfect. I discovered it at my local library while working on my children's literature review file. I read it and was floored by how great it was and how I would not rest until I owned a copy of my very own. The book is tall and narrow just like the man himself. I especially liked the pictures of Abraham as a little boy. In so many other books, even children's books, Mr. Lincoln is portrayed as looking gruff his entire life. In this book, he smiles and grins and is adorable just like any other little boy. The book also has small ancedotes about his life which make Abraham more real to young children. The text handles the assassination in a way that is not as scary to young children. One of the most moving pictures is Lincoln's funeral train passing a field where both a black and white man were working, side by side, but had stopped to bow their heads. I read this book to a Kindergraten class and they were enchanted. I highly recommend this book for any classroom or school library. Enjoy!

Amended Return
Published in Paperback by PublishAmerica (12 December, 2001)
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $23.33
Buy one from zShops for: $23.33
Used price: $23.33
Buy one from zShops for: $23.33
Average review score: 

If you like to read fast-paced, action-packed, adventurous thrillers, you must read "Amended Return" by David Johnson. Jennifer Johnson, decorated CIA agent easily classified as a lethal weapon, hears gun shots across the street and watches as evidence of the crime is erased by an explosive fire, a fire that consumes her own son. In a bizarre twist of fate she and her neighbor's son find themselves in a struggle to survive rogue government goons intent on more murder. In a narrative sure to give you goose bumps, Mr. Johnson paints a portrait of greed and corruption at the highest levels of our government. Fiction or non-fiction, you wonder, as page after page you are drawn into this author's intense and mind-boggling plot. You will not be able to put this book down until the very end. David Johnson's talent will soon propel him to best-seller status and I look forward to reading more from this author. Great work, David. Keep it coming.
Beverly J Scott author of "Righteous Revenge" & "Ruth Fever"
Beverly J Scott author of "Righteous Revenge" & "Ruth Fever"

The Beggar's Magic: A Chinese Tale
Published in School & Library Binding by Margaret K. McElderry (1997)
Amazon base price: $16.00
Used price: $7.40
Collectible price: $25.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.89
Used price: $7.40
Collectible price: $25.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.89
Average review score: 

Beautifully written and illustrated, my daughter (3 years)asks me to read this one again and again.

Prayers To Move Your Mountains <i>powerful Prayers For The Spirit-filled Life</i>
Published in Hardcover by Thomas Nelson (13 June, 2000)
Amazon base price: $12.99
Used price: $5.14
Buy one from zShops for: $7.99
Used price: $5.14
Buy one from zShops for: $7.99
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