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Book reviews for "Frank-Baron,_Elizabeth" sorted by average review score:

Sacred Ashes
Published in Paperback by West Highland Publishing (09 May, 2001)
Author: Elizabeth G. Dost
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score:

A stirring and thought-provoking novel!
In today's rather self-absorbed world where our focus very often tends to be on things far removed from our hearts, this book offers an encouraging perspective on how deeply human we are and where true happiness and fulfillment really dwell. The author has given us a thrilling story that touches upon the eternal struggle between the attributes of modern technology and the ethical considerations that will continually need to be addressed as well. 'Sacred Ashes' will open your heart, refresh your soul, and quite possibly, renew your faith in mankind and all that we are meant to be. I promise that you will be pondering the events disclosed in this novel long after you have finished the book!

Craving for More!
The highest complement I can give a book is to say that I began to read it and did not want to put it down. I can give Sacred Ashes that complement. When I did finished with it I was saddened that the journey it had taken me on was all over. But, it really wasn't over because this book is the kind of novel you finish and can't stop thinking about. I immediately rushed out and told all my friends to read it (trying not to give away the ingenious plot, which is not an easy task). I can't wait till they all finish it so we can discuss this thought inspiring novel.

Thought Provoking!
Sacred Ashes gives its readers lots to think about - what an interesting idea! Book clubs could spend lots of time discussing this one. Dost's writing flows so smoothly, the novel can be enjoyed at many levels. Anyone could pick this up and be grabbed by it in some way. The local settings of Boston and the Cape were an extra bonus. Read it for the settings, read it for the plot, read it for the colorful characters, JUST READ IT!

What to Do If a Bird Flies in the House: And 72 Other Things You Ought to Know By Now
Published in Paperback by Griffin Trade Paperback (2003)
Authors: Elizabeth Nix and Elizabeth Hurchalla
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $7.50
Average review score:

A Great Gift Book or Bathroom Book
This book is a perfect college graduation gift, or for a friend just moving into her first apartment or house, and/or your mom. It's one of those books that should be left out for frequent browsing. The writing is fun, the topics are useful. Ladies who've read this book will seem to be more clever than their friends, which is always fun.

Practical info and fun writing style!
This book is a must, especially for women! The information is practical and the writers have a witty style that keeps your attention and makes you want more! I learned so much about the things most people my age are afraid to ask or are too embarrassed to say they don't know by now. Hats off to you, Elizabeth and Elizabeth!

Practical information and fun writing style!
This book is a must, especially for women! The information is practical and the writers have a witty style that keeps your attention and makes you want more! I learned so much about the things most people my age are afraid to ask or are too embarrassed to say they don't know by now. Hats off to you, Elizabeth and Elizabeth!

And There Was Light: Autobiography of Jacques Lusseyran, Blind Hero of the French Resistance
Published in Paperback by Parabola Books (2000)
Authors: Jacques Lusseyran and Elizabeth R. Cameron
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.64
Collectible price: $7.00
Buy one from zShops for: $8.50
Average review score:

Something was missing for me....
Jacques' experience as a blind person living through, and participating in, the French resistance was amazing to follow with him through his autobiography; I find no fault in what he presented. I did, however, feel that something was missing from it. There was a painful depth that I knew had to exist within Jacques somewhere that I did not see. What he did do is tell us how beautific the experience was (generally) of being blind for him; he went to great lenght in the first half of the book to let you know that he did not really suffer from his loss; that it was not really a loss to him but actually a lovely thing. I do not doubt that this was true for Jacques but it seemed a bit too sweet for me. Perhaps this is because of my own experiences with loss in my life I wanted to be with someone that expressed more psychological dimension.

Again, no fault to this story; it was well presented and I am glad that I read it; the man was remarkable. It's just something to keep in mind about reading someone's life experience and if you are looking for how someone dealt with the pain of their loss, their struggles with daily life, this book does not go very far toward giving you much of a picture because he did not express much about it at all related to his blindness.

A Book for Giving
Harper Collins just came out with their list of the 100 best spiritual books of the 20th Century. Yes, another list, but this one intrigued me enough to want to sample the books on the list. And that is how Icame across this remarkable book. Jacques Lusseyran was blinded in an accident at the age of 8, yet was a major force in the French Resistance during World War II, was betrayed and spent time in a Concentration Camp.This is NOT anotherholocaust memoir. Insteadit is an odd, inspiring, beautifully and simply written story, detailinghow one man lived a full spiritual life despite blindness and the presence of great evil. Blindness was not a "handicap" to Lusseyran, instead he reacted to the world in amazing ways. It was a mysticism born out ofcircumstances, not theology. Few books can overwhelm the cynic in me.For a time, this one did.I have sent this book to friends and relatives, who were as surprised and moved as I was. And There Is Light may change you.

This is one of the most incredible books I have ever read! Lusseyran describes and reflects everything inside myself that I never thought I could find in anyone else. He is brilliant! If I could meet anyone who ever walked this planet, Lusseyran would definately be who I'd meet. He has become a role model.

Four Story Mistake
Published in Paperback by Dell Pub Co (1987)
Author: Elizabeth Enright
Amazon base price: $3.25
Used price: $0.99
Average review score:

The whole series is good, but this one is my favorite
I got *The Saturdays*, the first book in the Melendy series, as my first selection from the Calling All Girls Book Club. I was an 8-year old Air Force Brat in Honduras ["own-doo-rahs"] and that book club was a lifeline. I hoped the club would send me more books about the Melendy family, but it didn't. I thought there were no more and was disappointed. Then the revolution of 1963 sent us back to the states and I was able to go public libraries. How wonderful it was to discover there were *three* more Melendy books! I fell in love with the Four-Story Mistake from the start. I wanted to live there then and I wouldn't mind living there now. What a wonderful place! What a great family! I hope I'll never be too cynical or jaded for these books. If you last read this series as a child, it's more than time to reacquaint yourself. Ann E. Nichols

Funny, exciting and enjoyable book perfect for fifth-graders
This is a book about the Melendy children-Mona, Rush, Randy and Oliver-who have lived in the city all their lives. Now they must move to an old mansion in the countryside, "The Four-Story Mistake." The house got its name because when built it was meant to be four stories, but was only built three stories high. The owners of the house built a cupola on top to make up for the missing fourth story. The house is full of places to hide and more adventures than anyone could imagine. I found the Melendy children very entertaining and their adventures quite humorous. I enjoyed this book a lot, and think it would be a very good book for other fifth-grade girls.

This is a piece of gold I found as a child!
As a child I checked this book out because it was part of an collection of 3 Elizabeth Enright books(in one very large book now out of print) that was thick enough to put me first on our class reading chart (you moved up a level for every 100pgs). After 3 years and more than two dozen readings I returned it to the library. This book takes a child and thier imagination out to play with the Melendy kids and help them explore thier new house with all its secrets and adventures. Along the way it gives understanding of what it was like for American children in the WWII Era. For me this book inspired a lifelong interest in the real lives of people behind the statistics of our history. I have been looking for this book off and on for 20 years. Now I have found it and even better, my kids are old enough to go on Mona, Rush, Randy, and Oliver Melendy's adventures too. The Melendy's lives continue in the book Then There Were Five. Don't let the reasonable price fool you both books are treasures for a childs mind.

Link Across America: A Story of the Historic Lincoln Highway
Published in Hardcover by Rayve Productions (1997)
Authors: Mary Elizabeth Anderson and Randall F. Ray
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $7.98
Buy one from zShops for: $9.95
Average review score:

I Was Taken Back To My Childhood
Reading Mary Elizabeth Anderson's "Link Across America: A Story of the Historic Lincoln Highway" was a pure delight!

I heard about this book from a friend of mine. I thought it would be the perfect Christmas present for my nine-year-old nephew. Luckily, I read it before I wrapped it up as a present.

Having grown up in Iowa myself, I related to all of the small towns and points of interests Ms. Anderson described in her book. I have seen so many of the Lincoln Highway signs in my lifetime, but never thought twice about the signs. I had no idea the Lincoln Highway spanned 12 states. I also learned what a "seedling mile" was for the first time in my life.

Basing the book on transportation history for children is something I know my nephew will find so interesting. And oh, those pictures! I remember passing through and seeing Lincoln Highway signs as a child.

This is a book I hope my nephew will enjoy reading and treasure. I know I enjoyed reading "Lincoln Highway."

I now live in Northern California and am close to the historic Lincoln Highway. I now have a richer understanding and view when I see one the old signs.

Interesting topic & very informative
I thought the book LINK ACROSS AMERICA by Mary Elizabeth Anderson was excellent. I have lived by the Lincoln Highway most of my life but I was never aware of the histroy behind it. It is a fun book for children to read, and also learn at the same time. The book makes us appreciate what we have and also recognize the efforts of the people who gave us the first coast to coast highway.

Fantastic, I loved reading the "Link Across America".
A friend of mine recommended "Link Across America", and I thourghly enjoyed reading it. I had no idea that the Lincoln Highway even existed, since I grew up here in Michigan. I was also not a fan of history as a kid, but this book is so interesting and easy to read. Children will love it. It is a great part of history that children should not miss out on. I also love all of the colorful pictures.

The Trouble With Perfect : How Parents Can Avoid the Overachievement Trap and Still Raise Successful Children
Published in Hardcover by Broadway Books (14 January, 2002)
Authors: Elisabeth Guthrie M.D. and Kathy Matthews
Amazon base price: $16.07
List price: $22.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $4.28
Collectible price: $13.72
Buy one from zShops for: $7.75
Average review score:

A really refreshing take on parenting today
I've read a lot of books on parenting but I found this one to be especially good. It's not about 'time-outs' and sleep problems and that kind of thing but it really talks about some underlying assumptions we have as parents that we're unconscious of. These assumptions affect lots of decisions we make about how to raise our children. I'm bothered by the pressure on my kids - ages 3, 7 and 12 - that I see all around but I've never knew how to do anything about it or even really how to think about it. This book has helped me formulate what I really think about happiness and success in terms of children - what I really want for them. It's one of the most helpful books I've read recently and I think it's going to make a big difference in how I view these pressures and how I raise my kids.

A must read for parents
In "The Trouble with Perfect" Dr. Guthrie offers a unique and much needed perspective on raising children in this modern age of competition to always be the best and have the best. Not only is this important book enlightening and refreshing in its content and message to parents, it is enjoyable, easy to read and funny while exploring serious and difficult topics. This book is a "must read" not only for parents, but for all adults who spend time and interact with today's children.

Help for Gifted Parents
Kathy Matthews offers no-nonsense advice with a sense of humor. This how-to-parent-and-feel-good-about-yourself book is a must read. . .and, along with Jim Trelease's book on reading aloud to your children, will certainly become a standard baby shower gift from me in the coming years. Matthews speaks with the authority of a mother comfortable in her own skin--and with her own children. Brava, Ms. Matthews!

Garfield Beefs Up
Published in Library Binding by Turtleback Books Distributed by Demco Media (2000)
Authors: Jim Davis and Elizabeth Zack
Amazon base price: $15.20
Average review score:

PERFECT stocking stuffer.
Okay, there's not many days left until Xmas but let me assure you that this Garfield book makes an excellent last-minute gift. Everyone I know loves Garfield and would be thrilled at getting a book like this.

It's rather thick and taller than usual. Plus it's in full color. As long as I can remember I've loved reading Garfield, even when I was a little kid reading the black and white pocket books. So kids will appreciate this too. Trust me.

It opens with 'Garfield's code of Nevers', such as 'Never Eat the Mystery Meat. And ends with 'Garfield's Top Ten Suggestions for New Athletic Events, such as 'The Fridge Lift' and 'Eat till you Explode'. Crammed inbetween are hundreds of hilarious comic strips. Plus there is information on the last page on how to join the Garfield fan club. And why not?

Another laugh riot from Garfield
I was so used to the old format in the Garfield series, black & white and the book being vertical. Nevertheless I enjoyed Garfield and his constant abusings of Jon and Odie. Reading Garfield in this new format of color and in a taller book form was a pleasant surprise. I can never tire of Garfield and all his antics, especially when he is swatting spiders. I may be inching towards 30 but I will never stop buying Garfield books. As long as he keeps me laughing I'll keep buying.

Garfield, not just another fat cat
I still can't believe after all these years he's still going strong! The first book i ever remember reading was "Garfield Takes The Cake" i learned to read on these things! However, i must admit that Jim Davis is starting to run out of ideas. Lately all of his books are about how mentally challenged Jon is, or redo the same lines over and over. The spark is stll there, but its somewhat dimished. This book is still great, but if you look back at the earlier ones you see Garfield coming up w/ better ideas to pass the time (like "Ameoba Man" and "The Sludge Monster" or who could pass up all of Garfields vacations?). Also some of the ideas have changed. In the beginning Jon was a cartoonist, Lyman lived with Jon, Odie was Lyman's pet, and Nermal also used to belong to Jon's parents, those are just a few differences. The book itself has changed too,i like the new color format and all but i kind of miss the black & white version. All in All Garfield is STILL the greatest comic strip ever created, its a must read and he keeps you laughing.

License to Thrill (Spy Girls , No 1)
Published in Paperback by Simon Pulse (1998)
Authors: Elizabeth Cage and Elizabeth Cage
Amazon base price: $4.50
Used price: $3.60
Collectible price: $7.00
Buy one from zShops for: $14.79
Average review score:

There is probably no word to describe this series, so i just chose awsome! It's got sassyness, class, sensitivity, witt, fashion, wildness, flirting, and SO much more! This series is truly one of my favorites:-D! Although the cover may make it out to be a tad bit childish, it very much is not. Elizabeth Cage is a trully gifted writer, and has a ton of creativity! (thats what makes Cage's books sooo great!)

Basically, if you liked Charlies Angels or an other Spy type things, then you'll totally love this book!

This is the girls first mission, but do they have enough witt and cleverness to pull it off? you'll never know unless 'ya read it.:-D haha.

Don't judge a book by its cover
When I first saw "License to Thrill" out in bookstores I thought it looked SO STUPID. The cover has a bunch of girls dressed in leather pants looking very suspicious so I thought it would be a very stupid book. Then a couple of months later I was out of stuff to read so I decided to buy it-just for the heck of it- and I found out it was REALLY GOOD. I really love the characters (I can identify with Caylin the most) because there exaggerated versions of today's teens and I thought that was funny. I also like how they get all this cool first class stuff like: limos, cool little gadgets (the lipstick cam), expensive clothes, and they got to stay at The Ritz hotel which had jacuzzis and more nifty things like that. The story is also very interesting, I loved how they all got undercover jobs and how the ending was not what I was suspecting. This is a awesome book though the title and the cover might throw you off, so BUY IT.

I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When i first read the back of the book i thought, boy this is totally a write off of Charlie's Angel's. But i was wrong this book was sooooo much cooler. Plus the girls were younger so yyou could relate to them more. All in all this book was great!!!!!!!!
I definatally (pardon my spelling) recomend this book to anyone.

You Can't Catch Death: A Daughter's Memoir
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Press (2000)
Author: Ianthe Elizabeth Brautigan
Amazon base price: $15.37
List price: $21.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.32
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $5.00
Average review score:

Brautigan's Daughter Finds Her Voice
I love this book. It is as painful to read as going to the funeral of a friend or a writer whose work you loved. It is as rewarding as the grieving process. We've been wondering about Brautigan's daughter, the girl with the stange name, Ianthe, and this book of hers lets us know all about her. This memoir she has taken so long to write suggests she has struggled to find her own voice, as a writer, and I am happy to report that her father's style has influenced her enormously. That's a very good thing. I will look forward to the publication of the next Brautigan and I will be as sad it is not by Richard as I am happy it is by his daughter, Ianthe. Write a novel, Ianthe, write short stories and short short stories, too. We'll be waiting patiently for you.

This is Not Her Father's Story
Although I began reading You Can't Catch Death with the expectation that it would be about her father, Ianthe Brautigan quickly set me straight; this book is about her. Reading the book provides a fascinating look at her turbulent childhood with a talented, but troubled father. A father who clearly loved his daughter but, just as clearly, didn't quite know what to do with her.

Brautigan the younger is a skilled wordsmith whose first book displays a polish and readability usually associated with more 'seasoned' authors. Whether or not you appreciate Richard Brautigan, after reading this book you will appreciate his daughter.

A daughter's touching tribute
In an effort to reconcile memories, dreams and fears with real life, Ianthe Brautigan writes of her life with father, Richard Brautigan. After he took his own life in 1984, she was left with memories and what-ifs. This book is her journey into remembering and discovering her father and his life. Within the pages of this book lies a healing journey, back to the terrible drinking times, back to the grandmother she never knew, back to treasured morinings at her father's San Francisco apartment, and other times shared with her father. Photos capture the fragments of that life, and let us glimpse again at the shy, wild-haired Brautigan. Somewhere in facing down deamons and fears of this past life, I feel she somehow reclaims her own life and is no longer afraid of the future. This book had a powerful impact on me. The story of a daughter trying to gather the pieces of her life and to set them out to study, is a portrait of courage and grace.

Bradymania!: Everything You Always Wanted to Know - And a Few Things You Probably Didnt (25th Anniversary Edition)
Published in Paperback by Adams Media Corporation (1995)
Author: Elizabeth Moran
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $4.65
Collectible price: $5.81
Buy one from zShops for: $6.87
Average review score:

For Brady Experts and Nonexperts
Elizabeth Moran did her homework. The famous TV show which first aired October 3, 1969 accumulated a lot of trivia, and Moran found most of it,

It is as if she read every Brady Bunch fan site and spoke at length with every Brady contact.

I'm not a Brady collector, and found "Bradymania!: Everything You Always Wanted to Know" to be an entertaining book about a show I grew up with.

Learn about every episode, the careers before and since the show (including Oliver and Sam, and even 'Tiger the Dog' and 'Fluffy the Cat'). Incidentally, there were as many as 36 cats (all named Rhubarb) that may have played Fluffy.

There are sections on how the actors became Brady kids, how they were schooled on the set, how they relaxed, and why the show was eventually canceled.

Anthony Trendl

Bradymania! Everything you always wanted to know
As a child, I grew up on Brady Bunch every Friday night in the series run 1969-74 and continued to watch when the show went into re-runs. The things I liked most about the Brady Bunch are these: Family Values, Family Closeness, Lessons Learned, Togetherness, All for one and one for all. Even now, I love the Brady's and watch the Bunch on Nick at Nite; I never tire of the Brady Bunch. I still love the humor, tacky 70's outfits; words like groovy, far-out.

Bradymania is well-written by Elizabeth Moran, an enjoyable read from cover to back with really interesting tidbits about the Brady's; it's everything that we Brady fans have always wanted to know and things we didn't.

Elizabeth Moran talks about the actors/actresses real-life experiences and interests as well as their fictional characters. She talks about a typical day on the set and about studio school for the Brady kids. There is interesting information about the casting of the Brady characters. The Brady actors/actresses have had prior acting experience and they were perfect for their roles on the Brady Bunch. I learned some things about Sherwood Schwartz, the Creator of the Brady Bunch And about the house on Clinton Avenue.

Real life can get complicated and problems that plague us today can, at times, seem insurmountable. The Brady Bunch, on the other hand, is simple and problems are easily solved. Monumental problems in the Brady household include things like: Getting Braces (invisalign was not available then), Jan getting glasses, Sibling rivalry (Marcia and Jan), Greg sneaks a goat (Coolidge H. S. mascot) into his room and, Popularity.

I really enjoyed the Brady quizzes and did quite well on them. I am a true Brady fan. I love the 'never before seen' Brady photos. There is also a little something about Tiger and Fluffy (the girl's cat seen in the pilot).

It was a very very very good book.
I loved the book I learned a lot about my faviourt show the brady bunch.I have other brady bunch books but this was the beast one I've ever read befor.someone gave me rthe book an I loved it! I LOVE THE BOOK!

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