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Book reviews for "Frank-Baron,_Elizabeth" sorted by average review score:

Published in Hardcover by Purple House Press (01 January, 2002)
Author: Elizabeth Orton Jones
Amazon base price: $18.95
Average review score:

This was my favorite book as a little girl
This fanciful story offers a rare treat to its' readers. The story captured my imagination and drew me into Twig's world. Even now it has the power to conjure up wonderful childhood memories. My daughter is searching for a copy of "Twig" and assures me that someday I'll find it under the Christmas tree.

My favorite book as a child-and still is 40 years later.
A delightful story of a lonely little girl living in a city apartment, and where her imagination takes her. My family still has copies they won't give up, and after a long search another was finally found to read to my elementary class each year.

I lived in this book for a couple of years.
It's a wonderful story that I loved as a child, and I am now reading it, over and over, with my 4 year old daughter. It is a great book for kids who are old enough to start hearing longer stories and who are learning to read. It's about a little girl who obviously doesn't have a lot of things or money (reminds me of pictures of my mom from that time, she would have been about the right age) but does have loads of imagination to create her own little world... but still would never leave her own. I didn't like that about it when I was a kid, but as a mother I find that part very appealing! ..., but I wanted to point that out.

Finn Family Moomintroll
Published in Paperback by Farrar Straus & Giroux (Juv) (1990)
Authors: Tove Jansson and Elizabeth Portch
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score:

A great book for children and grown-ups alike!
After a long winter of hibernation, spring is back and Moomintroll and his friends Sniff and Snufkin can finally get out and play in the woods and fields of Moominvalley. That's when they find the Hobgoblin's hat and bring it back home as a present for Moominpappa. Unfortunately, the hat's too big so they decide to use it as a waste paper basket. But overnight, the eggshell they've just thrown away mysteriously turns into five small white clouds...

Finn Family Moomintroll is a collection of several of the Moomin funny and silly little adventures following the discovery of the hat. Indeed, the sometimes absurd situations reminded me of Dr. Seuss's Cat in the Hat. Lavishly illustrated with wonderful black and white ink drawings by the author, it is also a perfect book to read aloud to your children!

Other titles in the series are: Comet in Moominland, Moominsummer Madness, Moominland Midwinter, Moominpappa at Sea, Moominpappa's Memoirs, and Tales from Moominvalley.

When I was growing up in Japan back in 70's, "MoominTroll" was a big thing - they had animated TV series too. As soon as I'd learned how to read my dad bought me a full set of Moomin books. I remember as a first grader how hard I tried to read all words in the books - little by little, irritated sometimes for my poor reading skill since I was so fascinated by all the adventures in the Moomin Valley and was so impatient to know what they'd do next. If I'm not mistaken there were a few comic book series by same author/illustrator, Tove Jansson, about some wacky happenings in the Moomin Valley. All the copies I had had been lost long time ago. Wonder if anybody has any clue??

moominvalley is a magnificent fantasy land
this is the very first of the moomintroll series by tove jansson. children of any age will love to read this book, or have it read to them. it is full of moomintroll and his friends adventures, in their beautiful fantasy land. i got this book before i could even read, but had my mother read it to me before bed, giving me sweet dreams of happiness and laughter. the moomins are fun-loving trolls from finland and are adventurous and go on wild excursions together. i reconmend this book to anyone who loves fantasy.

Angel Unaware
Published in Paperback by Fleming H Revell Co (1992)
Author: Dale Evans Rogers
Amazon base price: $9.99
Average review score:

a lesson in love and patience
I read "Angel Unaware" about 20 years ago and could not put it down until I finished it. Mrs. Rogers said she was inspired by God to write this book and I know in my heart only someone in tune with God could have written such a heartfelt book. Over the years I lost my copy and have searched everywhere for another copy with no avail. After I got my computer, I found you folks and thank God, at last, I found my dream. I have never been able to think about or tell anyone about this wonderful book without feeling the wonderful warmth and joy I felt 20 years ago when I first picked up this book. I have never read a book since that touched me the way this book did. Thank you for preserving this wonderful work of art even now that the wonderful author, Dale Evans Rogers is at long last at home with that beautiful angel of hers.

Wonderfully touching and tender!!!
I read this book for the first time when I was a very young girl, probably about 12 years of age. I loved it then and have always wanted to re-read it. I recently found another copy and just finished reading it. I found it to be even more wonderful now that I am fully grown and a mother myself. The book brought tears to my eyes and I will always cherish the reading of this book. I would love to see everyone read this book. It really puts things in perspective.

It is timeless. I have held it in my heart for 20 years
I read this book as a little girl blind to what troubles that others had. Thanks to this inspiring heartfelt portrait told through Robin's eyes, I became aware of the world beyond my small circle. I hold it and Helen Keller's story highest in my wide range of past reading. I bought both for my two daughters in hopes that it might teach them the compassion and acceptance I value so deeply. Now at 30 I have been diagnosed with MS and I feel that the experience of these books have truly helped me to endure the drastic changes in my life. Every child should read this book. They might see things a little clearer if they did. Thank you Mrs. Evans for sharing your beautiful ANGEL with the rest of us!

Hot Summer Nights (Love Stories, No 12)
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (1996)
Author: Elizabeth Chandler
Amazon base price: $3.99
Average review score:

Interesting with a sprinkle of reality in it
Carly McFarlane has a so called 'best friend', Heather who snatches every single one of Carly boyfriends. So she finally decided to find the perfect guy for Heather to stop this craziness. Jack obviously was attracted to Carly from the first time they met being it such a bizarre situation. Though being absolutely 'blur' from the beginning, she thinks that he is the best match for her friend. This book is pretty interesting. With a few other characters in it to spice it all up. Watch out for Carly's sister, Joelle with her witty as well as thoughtful comebacks at some parts of the book. Overall it is quite a good and enjoyable book. Worth the time spent on reading it.

It is the most simulating and animated story book.
"HOT SUMMER NIGHTS" was one of the books which had a realistic approach towards life. It revolves the topic that " ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD". Carly thought that Luke was the guy of her dreams. She was surprised that in the end it is Jack who steels her heart. Most of the time the heroines of the love stories are perfect with nice figures, lovely hair and lovely eyes and very few problems. The only problem thay face is that how to catch their dream guy, however Carly faces lots of problems. Diificulting in dealing with her sister, trying to control her feelings when she finds out that she loved Jack were only few. I cannot find a better book which deals with every event and character with such art.

amazing book
this book is INCREDIBLE !! the story is about a girl whose best friend is the perfect blonde petite girl who always has to take guys away from her!! whoever she dates, heather (her best friend) dates just after her, i mean, the girl doesn't even waits for her to brake up! so that's why carly makes a perfect plan to keep heather away from luke, the guy she's after, she just has to find heather the perfect guy for her... so she starts this huge caimpaign to pair up heather with someone, and after a few tries she find the perfect guy for her, jack, whose a guy who works with her as a counselor at summer school for kids. but when they start to hit it off, carly realices that she is developing a major crush on jack, and then her sister whose pregnant and at home tells her to do exactly what heather would...
well i hope i didn't give away to much about the story! i recomend this book to anyone who into a excelent love story, i mean, i have like 8 books of this serie and this one is by far, one of the best i've read!
u just can't miss it!!

Magic Elizabeth
Published in Paperback by HarperTrophy (1999)
Authors: Norma Kassirer and Joe Krush
Amazon base price: $4.95
Average review score:

A captivating morsel of a story that girls will love.
As many other reviewers have said, I too read this book as a little girl and was excited to see it back in print after years of looking for it in second hand book stores. As expected, my little girls loved it as much as I did. It holds mystery and the main character is loveable. She has an adventure that girls can only dream of having. All the elements are here for a very good read that will be hard for children to put down until it's done!

It's Available Again--I'm SO Excited!
As others have said, I read this book when I was a little girl, and it has always been my all-time favorite! Unfortunately, I lost my copy sometime after I entered high school. I loved it then, and I love it now! I was so very desperate to share this wonderful story with my daughter when she reached the age I was when I first read it, that I searched for months and months, through every source I could, trying to purchase a "used" copy because it was "out-of-print", and could not be found anywhere!! Eventurally, we had to settle for checking it out of the library, over and over and over....Today, though, while searching for something else, I typed in the search box on, "Magic Elizabeth", just to see what would happen....well, when it came up AVAILABLE on the search, I literally felt a rush! I called my daughter into the room, and together we read all the reviews, and she just kept saying over and over to me, "GET IT!" So I did. I'm 42 years old, but I'm as excited for my NEW copy to arrive as I was when I would re-read my original again and again. The story is timeless, and wonderful for all girls....young and old!

This book brings back soooo many memories!
I read this book years ago and loved it as a child! It took me quite awhile to find it again. I loved the story when I was 9 and I love it still at 35! It's a great book about a little girl and a long-lost doll. It has mystery along with special friendships. It's a keeper!

Tea With Friends
Published in Hardcover by Storey Books (1998)
Authors: Elizabeth Knight and Carolyn Bucha
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

More than just another book about tea....
Amazingly, Elizabeth Knight's book achieves the Herculean task of providing a primer for beginners as well as delighting the avid and informed hostess with creative and polished tea themes. The menus serve as both a journey and a destination; have a look and enjoy both!

The art, coupled with the quotations and introductory material make this a delightful book just to leaf through, but the ideas and the warmth of them sing, "It's time for a cup of tea with friends."

The initial chapter, "Taking Tea," launches the novice but serves the informed as a succinct reference. Keep this volume in an easily accessible place!

A delightful book celebrating the pleasures of entertaining
Elizabeth Knight's book Tea With Friends is a real joy. Organized by months, she gives twelve great excuses for parties, both formal and informal. Full of ideas for decorations, music, menues, and setting the mood, she offers suggestions for entertaining with class but without hassle. A great gift for anyone who loves a party, not just for tea-totalers!

Ms. Knight pours forth history, advice, and humor.
I have spent happy hours curled up with this book, leafing through the pages, planning parties and sipping tea. One can read for little known facts or recipes as easily as straight forward tea information. Ms. Knight's book is well researched and informative, but at the same time, it is creative and practical. She has a keen sense of humor which is reflected in her writing and in her ideas. The illustrations in Tea With Friends are charming. In our antipodal world, I have enjoyed adapting her calendar's teas for ours; wintery July and summery January have just the right tea . I look forward to the very great pleasure of this talented author's next work.

A Woman After God's Own Heart
Published in Hardcover by Harvest House Publishers, Inc. (2001)
Author: Elizabeth George
Amazon base price: $11.89
List price: $16.99 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Desiring To Be What God Wants You To Be
The title of this book really caught my eye. I have always wanted to be what God wants me to be, but I never knew where to begin. Elizabeth George did an excellent job giving practical insights on how to begin to mold you heart after God's own heart. That task is not any easy one to accomplish. As a wife, pastor's wife, and a soon to be mom, I was grateful for all the topics she covered in her book. This book will really help you learn how to put God into the center of every area in your life! It has helped me to get my spiritual life back on track with my loving Heavenly Father! Another plus was that it strengthened my relationship with my husband. We are all taught some pretty unhealthy ways of being a woman, wife, and mother. George did a wonderful job bringing in Scripture along with her insights. I now know the TRUE way to be a Godly woman, wife and mother! I recommend this book to any woman who has the desire to be what God wants her to be! The neat thing about this book is that it is geared to any woman, single or married.

Great Details for Living God's Priorities In Your Home
This book is a great guide for any woman who wants to better organize her life in order to accomplish all God has for her and to grow into a woman after God's own heart. Her practical advice on a woman's priorities (God, Husband, Children and home) are a literal "God Send". I highly recommend this book!

Stop Stuggling By Yourself! Let God In!
Before I got married I would not have had the heart to read this book. I thought that being a partner and being equal meant being the same, and that anything that told you differently went against the interest of women. This book shows you how to live as the woman that God wants you to be. I'm still reading it and don't want to rush because each lesson is so important. This book is changing my life and making me much more comfortable about my new position as a wife who will soon become a mother. I've been trained to be a superwoman, and this book is full of lessons about how to be the woman that God intends for you to be. My trust in God and my husband has been building as I implement these lessons into my new life. Read it!

Loving Ben
Published in Hardcover by Delacorte Press (1989)
Author: Elizabeth Laird
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

Great book!
I first heard of this book when I had this book for literature. The title "Red Sky In The Morning" gives people a melancholy feel that just fits the theme of the book.
This is about a girl, Anna, who has a severely handicapped brother, Ben. Ben was more of intellectually disabled than physically and he brought great joy to her life, changing it drastically.
Through this book, you can actually empathize with Anna. It is also a very touching story with a great plot. I'd recommend it strongly to everyone!

A warm story, it fully touched my heart...
When I was first introduced this book for Literature, I thought it would be like the rest of the Literature books-boring. However, when I started reading it, I realised it was not, it was filled with touching scenes. This story basically revolved around the main character called Anna. Her mother gave birth to a baby boy, Benedict or Ben in short, when she was 12. Ben was not born normal, as he was disabled, but this disability brought in lots of joy, fun and laughter to Anna. Throughout this book, I encountered some themes such as family relationships, relationships amongst classmates and friends, and romance...
This is definitely a book not to be missed, and near the ending, I was especially touched.... I would like to recommend this book to all between age nine to thirteen and...those who think this is another dumb book, you are wrong...

Loving Ben AKA Red Sky in the Morning
This heart-warming book is about Anna's life during her early teens. Her mother gave birth to her younger brother, Ben, when she was 12. Unfortunately, he is severely disabled. Anna loves him very much and spends most of her time with him, taking care of him and teaching him to do things that normal kids could learn when they were younger. The parts I loved best about this book are the touching and sad parts as it seems so real, it could make you cry on and on without stopping... I would definitely recommend it to people between the ages of 12 to 15 as they would definitely relate to the characters.

Cross and the Switchblade
Published in Paperback by Chosen Books Pub Co (1984)
Authors: David Wilkerson and Elizabeth Sherrill
Amazon base price: $8.99
Average review score:

The reality of recovery ministry
The story of how David Wilkerson came to found Teen Challenge should be a must read for anyone who follows Jesus Christ. The Cross and the Switchblade describes how Wilkerson put feet on his faith that took him from rural Pennsylvania to the streets of New York City. It's the story of how a pastor followed the leading of the Holy Spirit and reached out to minister to people with whom the churches would not associate.

Wilkerson describes in his book how essential it is to meet the unloved where they are, rather than waiting for them to show up in church all dressed up and ready to worship within the ranks of the clean and respectable. He also rightly emphasizes the importance of follow up, how one can't just expect to go out and distribute tracts or preach from street corners without also developing real, loving relationships with people and ministering to their needs, both spiritually and physically.

Now that Teen Challenge International has grown to over 200 centers around the world, it is interesting to note that the struggle in recovery ministry continues to be much the same: It's extremely difficult to get people to reach out in love to those who have never been loved, and it's nearly impossible to get church members to venture outside their doors to love their neighbors as they love themselves.

I praise God for Rev. Wilkerson and the way that he listened to God and ventured out in faith. I thank him for sharing the story of his work.

Blew me away
A powerful book that will send God-bumps down your spine! Even if you are not a fan of David Wilkerson's later writings, this book is truly a God send. Read this book if you want to learn of the power of the Holy Spirit in the lives of others.

Six stars at least
What a tremendous message this book has to give. Miracles happen right in the worst parts of New York, away from the glamourous bits, right in the middle of the hard, the tough, the smelly and the nasty - and it actually keeps on happening.

These days, so much has changed. A local pentecostal preacher once told me that he went to Leeds one Saturday; that he was so disgusted by the beggars, and used to see the same ones all the time, how awful that they should always be there; and once he got real close up to one, who was (from what he told me) probably very weak, maybe even dying, lying on the ground, got about six inches away from their ear, and shouted at the top of his voice, "GET A JOB!!!"

Stand this in contrast with the Wilkerson man. This guy, realizing that the zonkos and beggars know that they're sinners, possibly scarcely realizing anything else at all, goes and gives them a bed for the night - feeds them - gives them a bath and warm clothes. The tells them that God knows them and has already fixed up a plan for them - that to the God who made the sun and the outer planets, THEY matter - "whosoever will" can come and drink from the waters of life, that they can repent, and be made blameless before the king of kings.

[Life isn't cheap to this man.]

Then the guy fixes up this organisation called "teen challenge", held together by almost no money at all, but lots of prayer, who pulls loads of dropouts and folks who are very nearly dead from all over the place and stands them on the the higher ground...

Man, this book is so good. I know that these days, many of the big churches... (I used to be in Perth, Western Australia) and there was this huge church near to the Casino. The car park was full of BMWs, and all the evidence was that the church was really inwards looking, far too concerned with "signs and wonders" to remember about the plan of Salvation at all. So much for the lost, no place for them. When I went to Yorkshire, I was amazed how the church had similarly split along these lines - those who preached the gospel, the same one as David Wilkerson preached - to the lost sheep - (go and READ this, will you) and those who prayed for (and maybe got) bigger houses, fatter share options, sports cars, foreign holidays, etc. The contrast is huge.

Read this book and find out what the cost of discipleship to Christ really means - how many days and nights of prayer it really takes to move those mountains - and what faith is REALLY about. And the failures, when Sonny does not come back, and all the disappointments when it doesn't seem to go to plan and they're just about to get kicked out of the building...

I was brought up with this book, and as far as I can remember, I have worn out probably six copies. Time I got myself a new one....

When Butterflies Kiss
Published in Paperback by Silver Lion Press (28 October, 2001)
Authors: Sekou, Kiini Ibura Salaam, Elizabeth Clara Brown, T'kalla, Natasha Tarpley, Korby Marks, Shange, Kim Green, Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie, and Leticia Benson
Amazon base price: $13.95
Average review score:

When Butterflies Kiss
Butterflies Kiss is a must read. It's the type of novel that moves you to no end - you can easily finish it in one sitting. It's captivating, suspenseful, passionate and lustful. Dante takes the reader on a journey that never appears to end. The reader is constantly intrigued -- "What's next?" The best aspect of the book is that it is unpredictable. Yet, at the same time - each chapter is realistic and takes the reader to another level. I found myself saying "What, no way!" And then saying "Ok, ok Dante, Im feeling you, I understand".
Butterfly is a novel that takes you there, you have no inhibitions - it just takes you and you go with it. Next thing you know your lost in Dante's world, waiting for the next move and then it happens. Dag, you finish the book. I loved it!!!

A Worthy Excursion
As an English teacher, I read for the experience, the flavor of words, and the insight into life that good literature provides. When Butterflies Kiss satisfies all three areas.

As a young man coming of age, discovering his place in society, and desiring to "do the right thing," Dante emerges not merely as a character but as a person complete with feelings, fantasies, and foibles. In this respect, he is everyman. His external journeys help us explore the interior problems of a young man's world, but, more importantly, his internal self-examinations take us into uncharted territory--the real meaning of manhood, the growth few men experience in a world where self dominates. With Dante's insistence on becoming a better person and liking the person he sees in the mirror every morning, he enters mentally and spiritually into dangerous territory, the sanctity of his own heart.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It certainly merits the attention of anyone who enjoys a good read.

Absolutely amazing!!
Run out and buy "When Butterflies Kiss"!!! It's a wonderful page turner. I've read it twice now, and it gets deeper, more insightful, more laugh-out-loud funny and more shocking each time. These 10 extremely talented writers all did a great job. The authors' voices, though individual, blend together so seamlessly it's easy to forget that this was a collaborative effort. I've read "Naked Came the Manatee", which is another collaborative novel, and I think "When Butterflies Kiss" vastly improves upon the form first in that it's so well written, but mostly because it presents such a cohesive story. All in all, Dante's story -- how he struggles to accept and then conquer his destructive (but funny at the time) behavior -- is one that will stay with you. I highly recommend this book!

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