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Book reviews for "Frank-Baron,_Elizabeth" sorted by average review score:

Stepping Heavenward
Published in Paperback by GAM Publications (1998)
Author: Elizabeth Prentiss
Amazon base price: $10.99
Average review score:

Life Changing Book
This book has changed my life. Since reading it, I have gained new insight in my walk with Christ and how to live.
I have a new appreciation for faith, happiness, and sorrow.
I highly recommend this book to anyone who is just beginning or has been walking with God for quite some time. I have two children and I l feel new
enthusiasm and peace that I've never felt before when we are together. Buy this book, read it, and use it as a reference!

A wonderful look at the very real struggles Christians face
I am not quite finished with this book, but have thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it. In the 270+ pages I have read, Mrs. Prentiss has shown an astounding ability to put into words the struggles that I believe are universal for men and women who desire to live out their faith in Christ, yet who are continually confronted with their flawed humanity, i.e., sin!

There is humor, seriousness, sadness--all the emotions one can imagine, since the book is designed to depict the different eras of a woman's life from age 16 onward, through courtship, marriage, and motherhood. I eagerly anticipate finishing the book, and then picking it up again and again as I go through my own life. I plan to have my teenage daughter read it, and will suggest it as a must-read to all my friends.

Excellant book! It will inspire and encourage every woman!
Stepping Heavenward is one of the most life impacting books I have ever read. Elizabeth Prentiss weaves a story which every wife and mother will recognize. She gives us a glimpse of the deeper life available in our everyday duties and encourages believers in Christ to rely on Him and grow in His love!

I Do
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Author: Elizabeth Chandler
Amazon base price: $11.25
Average review score:

I Do was Amazing!
This is definitly one of the best stories in the series! Elizabeth Chandler did a great job with this book. It's full of twists and unexpected surprises. My favorite scene is the one-on-one lacrosse match between Adam and Jane(Daisy). If you enjoy reading romance novels, this is the book for you! Even if you hate to read, try it because I know you'll love it too.

Simply Fantastic!
When I first read the book, I know it was the best book that I ever read in the Love Stories series and one of Elizabeth Chandler's best. Her other books, Hot Summer Night and At First Sight also entertaining. But I prefer I Do best. I like the story. Spiritual Jane and athletic Adam, they match together. This is definetly love in the 90's. To Elizabeth Chandler, hey how about the sequel to this story? I'm sure you can make one.

absolutely remarkable!!!
this is definitely one of the best books i have read so far.the author has done a great job with this book. i loved the tension between jane and adam at the beginning and how they eventually developed feelings for each other at the end. very well written, not to mention sweet, funny and addictive. once i started reading i couldn't stop! i also loved the chemistry between jane's cousin, stacy and coach 'grizzly'. a must read!!

Feminine Wiles: Creative Techniques for Writing Women's Features Stories That Sell
Published in Paperback by Word Dancer Pr (1998)
Author: Donna Elizabeth Boetig
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Fabulous! A terrific book for any freelance writer.
Do you want to sell an article to Reader's Digest? McCalls? Learn how to target each magazine by reading FEMININE WILES. Filled with practical, fresh advice for writers, the book offers lively, concrete examples and anecdotes to illustrate secret tips to writing and selling in this competitive market. Boetig simplifies the structure for articles which makes a great "how to." This book is a "must" for any freelance writer.

Some great writing advice I'd never heard before
If you want to write for women's magazines, you must read this book. Donna Elizabeth Boetig has taken her 20 years of experience and packaged it into a very readable (even entertaining) how-to guide, brimming with information you can use right now. She includes everything from generating ideas, to the all-important query letter, the writing itself, dealing with revisions (and editors!), and much more. Although I have read many books on writing, I was very pleased to discover a gold mine of new information and tips in Feminine Wiles.

WRITERS' JOURNAL: A Great example of how to write
There is probably not one writer who hasn't dreamed of having a feature in one of those top national magazines..And if you have tried submitting your work (unsuccessfully), you surely realize that breaking in to one isn't something that happens very often. Boetig, who has first-hand knowledge of writing for these magazines after appearing in such familiar titles as Woman's Day, McCall's, and Family Circle, is the perfect candidate to write this book because she's actually doing it..and regularly. Her open, friendly style shines through in the book and it's easy to see why she is so successful in writing for women's magazines. Not only does this book offer her expert (and proven) advice, it also is a great example of how to write! Sandra L. Toney

Published in Hardcover by Severn House Pub Ltd (2003)
Author: Elizabeth Lowell
Amazon base price: $26.99
Average review score:

I wish I was in the book!
Duncan is a man I would dream of having, Amber and all herhonest love,"One true love story".I have read only one otherauther's books(every one) Be sure after reading Untamed and Forbidden I am on a hunt to have each and every one of Ms Elizabeth Lowells. I am finding I so hard to get close to anyone's books so please keep writing! Jen

A wonderful story!
Lowell weaves a grand story with memorable characters. Lowell offsets the unbelivable aspects of the characters with human weakness that added to the depth of the characters. I must admit I did think Amber needed more backbone to stand on her own opposite the character of Duncan, but its just my opinion. I particularly liked how she incorporated the characters from Untamed but did so without loosing readers that may not have read Untamed first. I also think Lowell could have her best book yet with the story of Erik. I'm hoping she made his character so intriguing for the same reason she mad Duncan intriguing in Untamed!

A Perfect Romantic Fantasy
Outstanding! This was one of the best romance novels that I have ever read. The characters were interesting and appealing; the story was original and creative.

The heroine is Amber the Untouched, so named because of her special affinity to amber -- all things amber belong to her -- and because of her special ability to feel the emotions of others by touching them. Lowell thoroughly explores both the advantages and the drawbacks of such an ability. The hero, Duncan of Maxwell, the Scots Hammer (his name is charming and lyrical, like much of the writing in this book) is the perfect combination of strength and sensitivity. The amber prophecy, the revelation that attended Amber's birth, defines the cosmology of the book. As a lover of fantasy, I was totally captivated by it! Amber and Duncan's story is gracefully and beautifully told.

Like everyone else, I can't wait for Erik's story!

The Night Before Christmas and Nine Best Loved Carols (Troll Illustrated Classics)
Published in School & Library Binding by Troll Assoc (Lib) (1988)
Authors: Clement Clarke Moore and Elizabeth J. Miles
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

The Night Before Christmas illustrated by Tasha Tudor
I discovered this book 31 years ago, for my daughter and it is still loved by all the family. The illustrations are wonderful, warm, charming and delightful and bring a special meaning to the story. We still read it to all the young children on Christmas Eve and for adults we read the story and pass a grab bag gift every time the word THE is mentioned. It would not be Christmas without this book. It is magical.

A beautiful edition, to give as a gift
We have an inexpensive paperback version (see our reviews) of this classic poem, and we said that's enough for us. That was before we looked through this beautifully illustrated (by Bruce Whatley) edition of The Night Before Christmas.

The lyrics are the same, from book to book, but the fanciful illustrations in this one are enough to engage adults and children as they read this book together.

The perfect gift for any family whose Christmas tradition includes reading this classic!

A Happy Christmas to All
This beautiful book was in my family as a hard cover edition for many years and was a Christmas Eve tradition for my four sons when they were growing up. It's poor battered body disappeared some time after the last of my little ones went off into the adult world. I am so delighted to see it back again, though this time as a nicely affordable soft cover. Clement C. Moore's enchanting story poem already provides an atmosphere filled with warmth and joyful expectation and with the addition of Tasha Tudor's quaint, nostalgic water-colors from an antique New England the Christmas magic is complete!
The winter landscapes fill our senses and Tasha's own gray tabby cat and Welsh Corgi welcome us into this charming world.
Tasha's Santa that you will meet in this book has been portrayed as the poem describes him...a right jolly old elf. He's not that much larger than the corgi and his team really consists of eight "tiny" reindeer. His pointy ears and his Eskimo mukluks add to the delightful ambiance of the book. He dances with the toys and with the happy animals and we can truly believe it will be a happy Christmas for all.
I hope this book becomes a Christmas Eve tradition for many, many more families.

Night Train to Memphis
Published in Hardcover by Warner Books (1994)
Author: Elizabeth Peters
Amazon base price: $21.95
Average review score:

--Thrilling Story--
I'm so delighted that I discovered these Vicky Bliss mysteries. The characters are good and Elizabeth Peters always provides fascinating settings for her stories.

In NIGHT TRAIN TO MEMPHIS, Vicky Bliss is asked by a police agency to be a part of a tour group as they cruise down the Nile River seeing the beautiful monuments and ancient pyramids of Egypt. The police suspect that some professional thieves will be on board and hope that Vicky can assist in identifying them. The characters are diverse and of course, Sir John Smythe also shows up for the tour. Vicky's dismayed to find him using a different name and traveling with a sweet young woman. Just a few months before the tour, John and Vicky had resumed their love affair and now she's thoroughly confused by the way that he's acting. There are a lot of surprises in this story.

I found it amazing to see that out of 32 reviews on this book, 30 reviewers gave this story a Five Star Rating. That has got to be some kind of a record. It shows what an excellent writer that Elizabeth Peters is and how she always delivers great fiction.

This is Peters at her Best!!!
First of all: If this is your first Vicky Bliss stop reading this review right now. Go back and read the others in the series starting with "Street of Five Moons" (Borrower of the Night was actually first but it isn't nearly as good as the others. Maybe I think think this because I am in love with John though....) Follow "Street of Five Moons" with "Sillouette in Scarlet" and "Trojan Gold". After those, this book will be much more fun to read. After I read Trojan Gold I thought that Ms. Peter's books just couldn't get any better. "Night Train to Memphis" is absolutely amazing. I started it and couldn't put it down until I knew what happened. The characters all seemed like old friends and even after I read it again and again I would laugh out loud at the witty remarks made by John and Vicky. If the rest of the Bliss fans are suffering as much as I am from the authors failure to produce anymore Vicky Bliss mysteries ( I hope it isn't permanent) I thoroughly recommend "The Camelot Caper". I read it before "Night Train to Memphis" and didn't recognize it until it was pointed out to me, but this is John's first scam.

And you have to love John Smythe!!!
Of all of the books in the Vicky Bliss series, I would have to say that "Night Train to Memphis" is my favorite. Not only do we learn more about Vicky and John's true feelings about one another (finally!!!), but most of the story is set in Egypt! Elizabeth Peters is a master at winding historical fact into her novels, and "Night Train" is certainly no exception. Her knowledge of Egyptology is displayed throughout the novel--but reading it feels nothing like a history lesson! It's more like a vacation! In fact, I could not put it down until I was sure Vicky, John, and Schmidt made it through their adventure unharmed (or do they...)! Oh, and for serious fans of Ms. Peters...have you noticed yet that John Smythe and his mother appeared in another book far before they showed up in the Vicky Bliss series? Check out "The Camelot Caper"... :)

Lost and Found: Dogs, Cats, and Everyday Heroes at a Country Animal Shelter
Published in Paperback by Harvest Books (17 April, 2000)
Author: Elizabeth Hess
Amazon base price: $10.40
List price: $13.00 (that's 20% off!)
Average review score:

A book that should be required reading for everyone
For everyone who has ever adopted an animal, surrendered an animal, loved an animal or simply wants to know how we who work at a shelter manage to hang in there, this is the book. Elizabeth Hess has done a marvelous job recording her insights into the very stressful, often frustrating, often heartwarming aspect of this very difficult job. It is not a depressing book, but, rather, a realistic one. I could have written every single word she has put on paper, even though my shelter is many hundreds of miles away from hers and deals with a different population. What most people do not realize, and which this book points out, is that it is a humane shelter's job to protect the animals, most of which are abused and neglected, and get them into stable, non-abusive homes. This can be source of stress, as the average person thinks of a shelter as a pet store. We are far more than that, as Ms. Hess points it. She covers the horrors of puppy mills, the frustrations of working with an abusive public and non-caring judicial system, and the marvelous families who adopt and care for the unwanted and suffering. The most wonderful animals are found in shelters, and often some of the most wonderful people. Thank you, Ms. Hess, for letting everyone see this.

Great Book!
This is a great book that portrays what really goes on inside animal shelters across the country. From the horse abuse cases to the abandoned box-kittens, this is a great read for anyone interested in animal shelters. It also reveals the myths about the animals in shelters, like: Mixed breed dogs don't have anything inherently wrong with them. Animals other than dogs and cats end up at shelters, and not always because of
aggressiveness or behavioral problems (which can be fixed with amazing simplicity without bringing animals to a shelter). The author goes into detail about daily chores inside the shelter, but don't forget the puppy mill raid!
I got this book because I'm going to volunteer at an animal shelter with my sisters in the near future. Over all, I think you should buy this book. If you love animals, you won't be disappointed.

Extraordinary Read..
Ms. Hess does a wonderful job in portraying the true life aspects of the life and work in an animal shelter. As was previously expressed, it is a book that everyone should read since it is not only about animals but about the people who take them into their lives as well. We need to take a serious look at our motivations in becoming pet owners. I have passed the book on to my friends to read. It was a wonderful experience and I could not put it down.

At First Sight
Published in Paperback by Skylark (13 October, 1998)
Author: Elizabeth Chandler
Amazon base price: $4.50
Average review score:

Awesome Book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is one of the best books I have read Actually it is the best book I have ever read.It is about this girl Allie Parker who is going home for Christmas vacation she doesn't really want to go but she ends up going after all. When she goes to the rest stop on her way home she meets cute Ben Harrington and his little brother Tim.Later she finds out that they are going her way since by this time Tim has this huge crush on her he is really happy,but Ben isn't. Allie has two gorgeous twin sisters and soon finds out because of them and their superficial friends that Ben was a star jock when he went to school there. Well enough of this story if you want to know more you are just going to have to read the book The only thing I can tell you is that it's a wonderful book and it is really fun reading it. I know everyone who reads it will love it as much as I did maybe even more no I don't think anyone can like it more than I already do. Happy reading:))!!!!!!!!!

this book is great- one of the best Love Stories. it's so sweet, i just really liked the things he said to her, and the way that he treated her. she is so lucky to get a guy like that!

Better than i thought it would be
I have to admit, Im adicted to these books. But this one was better than I thought it would be. I when I first read the back cover, I thought that the storyline was kind of cheesey, but I read it anyway. I didn't really like it until the end though, when Ben told Allie that everytime he saw a silver car, he hoped it was her, and how he got jealous of Tim everytime she put her arm around him.

Now Im gonna tell you: YHTRTB (You Have To Read This Book)

Kid Cooperation: How to Stop Yelling, Nagging and Pleading and Get Kids to Cooperate
Published in Paperback by New Harbinger Pubns (1996)
Authors: Elizabeth Pantley, William Sears, and Louise Bates Ames
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Excellent Parenting Advice!
I found this book very positive and helpful, much like "How to Talk so your Kids will Listen and listen so Kids will Talk". It teaches a balanced parenting approach, which is neither permissive/democratic or autocratic. The author shows parents how to take charge and provide the consistant structure that children need with confidence. Countless examples are used throughout the book.

Many different skills are explained, teaching parents the difference between discipline and punishment. Listed to are the many disadvantages and counter productive negative effects of spanking.

There is good advice for nurturing sibling relationships, understanding and coping with anger, and how important it is for parents to look after themselves as well. The last part of the book is devoted to providing ideas for dealing with all the common discipline situations such as homework, bedtime, mornings, interrupting, meal times, tantrums etc..
I have recently read Elizabeth Pantley's book on sleep, "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" which is also a wonderful book.

I would also hightly recommend reading "Setting Limits: How to Raise Responsible, Independent, Children by Providing Clear Boundaries" by Robert J MacKenzie.

Nannies Need this Book Too
Wow! Finally a book that really helps with you understand and manage your relationships with your children, the children in your care, or even your spouse or significant other!

The solutions given were practical and realistic, including common sense things we adults need to be reminded of from time to time. The examples of actual situations and the way real people have handled them effectively was particularly helpful. The end of chapter summaries were a good way to reinforce the key points contained within the chapter, very useful for readers like myself who cannot always read a chapter from start to finish uninterrupted.Most importantly, when reading KID Cooperation you realize you aren't alone, that your children and your family are not unique and many of us share common challenges in child rearing.. KID Cooperation is actually a page turner (no kidding) just because it is so easy to digest.

The only parenting book you'll need!
The minute I saw this book on the shelf I had to have it. I wanted to stop yelling, nagging, pleading and get my kids to cooperate. Who wouldn't? I have three children and have been using the many ideas in this book since I purchased it a year and a half ago. Each time I read it - either cover to cover or just glancing over the great reminder pages - I gain more useful ideas to help me be a successful parent. As my children enter new stages in their life and new parenting challenges are faced, I have the confidence to tackle them head-on by using the techniques that I have learned in this book. I have recommended Kid Cooperation to all my friends and I highly recommend it to you as well. I can't imagine what my family life would be like if it wasn't for this first rate parenting book. It is a must have for every parent.

Screaming to Be Heard : Hormone Connections Women Suspect and Doctors Ignore
Published in Hardcover by M Evans & Co (1995)
Author: Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD
Amazon base price: $27.50
Average review score:

only a starting point
I read this book more than once, as well as Women, Weight, and Hormones, had a consult with dr Vliet and must say this book is a well researched starting point but that since then I have found other books more helpful. I suggest the excellent book by Uzzi Reiss MD, Natural Hormone Balance for concrete suggestions that addressed some problems I developed during NHRT treatment, Dr John Lee What your doctor may not tell you about menopause, and Alan Gaby's book on osteoporosis. It is my experience that without a well thought out plan of attack and a doctor who really listens, you end up in side effect city. Thanks to Dr Reiss I now am able to implement something that really works in balance with my body.

This book is dynamite! It is one every woman should read. Dr. Vliet outlines and addresses so many of the complaints most women have but the world ignores. This book contains all the information and ammunition necessary to take to our doctors to demand our problems be addressed and treated. Women no longer have to accept the oft repeated "It's all in your head" comment so many of us have heard all these years. Dr. Vliet not only helps us understand what ails us, and suggests alternatives, she tells us what to look for and what to ask the doctor when we visit. And, she shows us how to listen to our body and to learn that there are things we *can* do to get the help we need. As the title suggests, women are Screaming To Be Heard, and Dr. Vliet directs us in how to make ourselves heard--and not only that, to get the care and attention we need.

Finally some straight answers!
Here is straight, knowledgable advice based on science and research and respect for what women feel! Thank you Dr. Vliet!!I highly recommend this book for anyone out there who can't get straight answers on balancing hormones. The problem that I encountered in the plethora of literature that I read was that books on "natural" normonal balance never discussed any negative side effects that can occur in a woman. This book is honest and easy to understand. A must for every woman's library!

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