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Book reviews for "Frank-Baron,_Elizabeth" sorted by average review score:

The Franklin Report : New York City 2001, The Insiders Guide to Home Service Providers
Published in Paperback by Allgood Press (20 November, 2000)
Author: Elizabeth Franklin
Amazon base price: $22.50
Used price: $6.45
Buy one from zShops for: $5.95
Average review score:

Why someone didn't think of this 100 years ago, I'll never know. Before making a 5-7 figure investment in your home, you'll never spend [your money]wisely.

Jane's Addiction
I became addicted to the 1st edition of this guide book last Christmas. A temperature check of interior design and architecture, and an unrivaled resource for the more mundane (however talented) window washers and plumbers -- The Franklin Report offered good sport and hard information. So I was pleasantly surprised to find a brand spanking new NYC edition has hit the stands. The most noticeable difference this year is that the understated almost medical-journal like cover has been replaced by an equally elegant yet more consumer friendly facade. I liken it to the new twenty-dollar bills. Inside, the book is about a hundred pages longer, including an index that makes a name-search a million times easier. To my delight, every entry has been rewritten and customer comments expanded. And while the design establishment pantheon hasn?t been rewritten, every category in the report offers some great new finds to choose from. Looks like I picked the wrong year to stop studying up on designers!


Wow -- Now I know who to Call!
I have often wondered why this guide did not exist. You select a restaurant, you have a guide, you select a hotel, you have a guide -- you select an electrician and you end up with the guy with the biggest ad in the Yellow Pages. By definition, the guy with the biggest ad also is probably the most expensive -- he needs to work at least two jobs a day to pay his Yellow Pages bill.

This book finally give the consumer a leg up -- separates the pros from the inept. The research is top rate -- who does all this leg work? Certainly will become the bible -- now if only they will do a guide for my summer house locale. . .

Kissed by an Angel: The Power of Love
Published in Paperback by Simon Pulse (1995)
Author: Elizabeth Chandler
Amazon base price: $4.50
Used price: $0.59
Buy one from zShops for: $2.95
Average review score:

This book is so great. i found it at a threft store. I loved it. If u have never read it u are missing out. It makes u believe that all love is eternal. even after death!! I give Power of Love 5 stars. No make that 10!

The BEST book I've EVER read!
Wow this is the best book I have ever read! I started reading it one night and I was hooked! I highly recommend this book! It is wonderful and everyone should read it!

All Three Books.
I think this book is the best book that I have ever read in my life . I loved this book so mouch that I have read it about ten times scince I was able to get my hands on it. whenever I have any free time I find myself reading the book. No matter how many times I read this book I am still findig new, and more intresting stuff that I never read before, and every time I read it I understand why he did what he did. All in all I would have to say that this book is the best in the world, and if your like me, and you love ramance then you will love this book. Oh! I also think that this book should be a movie it would be souch a good movie, if thay didn't chang any of the lines, or any of the book. They should leave it just the way it is, and that way the movie would be as good as, or even better than the book.

Not Without Courage (Renich, T. Elizabeth, Shadowcreek Chronicles, Bk. 3.)
Published in Paperback by Word Publishing (1996)
Author: T. Elizabeth Renich
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $6.94
Buy one from zShops for: $6.94
Average review score:

magical ways
Through the many books of Mrs.Renich they have been overall touching! You can ask anyone, but I have never liked reading, but through these episodes I was not able to put down my books! The type of description that Mrs.Renich gave made me cry, laugh, and feel hurt! I wish all love storys could be as dramatic and wonderful, as what her texture makes it out to be like! If you want something touching, and adventurous, I garentee this will give you all! I have really enjoyed reading these, and I am sure, so will everyone else who reads them!

Not Without Courage
I love the whole series. I've read then so many times I can quote from them. I recommend them to all my friends. The books talk about a struggle to survive though war and love. Salina and Jeremy love each other. They go through so much. I want to know what happens next! I've been waiting 3 years. Please Come out with a Fourth book. They all left me hanging at the end and I want to know what happens next. I also like how they quote from the Bible and are Christians. That doesn't happen much in the world today. I love them so much! Let me know!

Please!!! I NEED MORE!!!
Let me just start with saying that I read each book in this series so fast and was so eager to read on that I barely noticed when I HAD finished and was halfway through the next book. I went straight through the whole series in less than 3 days. I was very impressed and emotionally filled with with the lives of the characters. It put a whole new perspective on the civil war. I must admit also, I'm not a normal bookworm, but T. Renich sure did get my attention. Although, I was extremely disappointed that it all ended so soon. I know that if I were to get the chance to read the next in the series(hint, hint) I would in a heartbeat. Please!!! I NEED MORE!!!

Ferrets, Rabbits, and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery
Published in Paperback by W B Saunders (15 Januar, 1997)
Authors: Elizabeth V. Hillyer and Katherine E. Quesenberry
Amazon base price: $63.50
Used price: $51.38
Buy one from zShops for: $51.38
Average review score:

an excellent book for vets, students and interested owners
This is a detailed book covering the medicine and surgery of the named species. It's a broad guide to the veterinary care of these species. It may be too technical for non-medical owners. Some of the treatments and disease bias reflects the American authors and experiences but it is still a very useful book for European vets too. A must for the vet practice bookshelf.

THE BEST book on this subject
This book is the absolute best resource on the medicine of these species. The book is easy to follow and find specific information as necessary. Most illustrations are quite useful, although in black and white. The book is organized mostly by taxonomic groups. However, the book seems to repeat itself in some chapters as well as in different chapters, and sometimes, finding information may be indexed in more than one place only to find that they are all quite similar pieces of information. I HIGHLY reccomend this book, and its is the best amount of informtion at a very affordable price.

Ferrets, Rabbits and Rodents: Clinical Medicine and Surgery
This book is a must if you practice exotic animal medicine, want to get started or you are a veterinarian that occasionally has one of these species come through your door. It has up to date information organized in a easy to read, easy to find format. It is written in a style that is informative but not boring and much of the information would be helpful to owners of these species as well.

Macedonian: A Course for Beginning and Intermediate Students
Published in CD-ROM by Univ of Wisconsin Pr (2000)
Authors: Grace E. Fielder, Liljana Mitkovska, Phillip Hammonds, and Christina Elizabeth Kramer
Amazon base price: $29.95
Average review score:

How about a software program that runs on Mac OS?
Christina Kramer has done excellent work in producing this course book. It is unquestionably the best resource available--of course, my conscience compels me to admit that it's the only such resource available. The book is certainly well written and well-organized with a surprising flaw. Some native speakers of Macedonian have informed me that a couple of the Macedonian words in the book are mistranslated.

Is it too much to ask that a companion software disk be available for the Macintosh platform (it only works for the PC). There are a higher proportion of Mac users among language learners than there are among students of many other disciplines.

Great for beginners
I used this book when I wanted to acquire a rudimentary knowledge of Macedonian. I found it very useful and well organized. I would recommend it to anyone else who needs to learn the language.

A Priceless Teaching Tool!
This text is an excellent one for anyone wishing to study the Macedonian language, which is a South Slavic language that is distinguished from other South Slavic languages by numerous grammatical features. The standard language was codified between approximately 1945 and 1950.

Having studied Macedonian for several years, having thoroughly surveyed the resources available for learning Macedonian, and having taught Macedonian for two years - one with, and one without Professor Kramer's textbook, I can say with complete confidence that this textbook is by far the most comprehensive one for anyone wishing to learn Macedonian (with or without a teacher!). The CD is excellent, too!

The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations
Published in Hardcover by Getty Ctr for Education in the Arts (1999)
Author: Elizabeth Knowles
Amazon base price: $31.50
List price: $45.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $15.50
Collectible price: $24.99
Buy one from zShops for: $19.99
Average review score:

Excellent Source Book!
The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations gives you more than you could ever possibly use! For a writer who often uses quotes to back up certain portions of my works, I have found this edition more than satisfactory & worth every penny paid for it. About the last 3rd of the book houses the index, where you can look up any word & corresponding quotes. It directs you to the page where it's listed by giving you the author's name, the page number, and then a number for the paragraph where you'll find your quote.

Indispensable volume
This is one to have at hand right there by your desk all the time, ready to dip into whenever you get stuck looking for the source of a famous quote. Or one to have in the bathroom, for entertainment during long sessions on the toilet. Or on the bedstand for some light nighttime reading. The updated version seems good enough, though perhaps some might detect a bias towards the English when it comes to the newer entries (but then, it is an English publication). I was also disappointed with a few ommissions (I looked for Keith Waterhouse and Terry Johnson, both British comedy writers, and both sadly absent), but then you can't please all of the people all of the time (...hang on a sec... hmm, looks like that's a garbled version of something Abe Lincoln said... Gee, this thing is useful!). The listings at the top corner of each page are a little annoying, since they give the Christian name first, thus making it slightly more difficult to find something alphabetically, but this is just one minor fault in an otherwise excellently presented publication.

Great quote book...
I highly recommend this worthy publication. I consider it a much better "quotations book" than the current (17th) edition of Bartlett's, because of its superior balance and more representative content. The organization is by author, although it does have an excellent and very extensive index, as well as a (rather small) topic-oriented content section.

If you need and/or enjoy "quote books" you simply must have this one.

Patty Reed's Doll: The Story of the Donner Party
Published in Paperback by Tomato Enterprises (1989)
Authors: Rachel K. Laurgaard and Elizabeth Sykes Michaels
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $3.00
Collectible price: $8.98
Buy one from zShops for: $6.87
Average review score:

No 4th Grade Class should be without
This is a beautifully written book that captures the plight of pioneers traveling west. My fourth grade students really gain a sense of what life was like once upon a time. Great book!!...

I read this book in 1964 as a 4th grader in Northern California learning state history. I have never forgotten Patty or her doll (which used to be on display at Sutter's Fort). When my children were small it was not in print and I am so happy to see it is again. I recommend this book to anyone who wants to know about American history from a totally different perspective. That of a little wooden doll, chosen amongst many beautiful sisters, to make a rough trip in the pocket of her owner. You will never forget Patty Reed, or her doll, I know I haven't. I am buying the book to keep to read and to my grandchildren.

Patty Reed's Doll
Patty Reed's Doll is an excellent account of the Donner Party and all the other families that were part of the Donner Tragedy.The book describes the families in such detail you feel like you're traveling with them. The Reeds are one of the families that are traveling with the Donner Party. The story is an excellent way to teach elementary school children as well as adults what trailblazing was really like and the severe hardships that went with it. As an elementary school teacher I highly recommend this book. It is an asset to studying California history.

Pisces Rising
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Minotaur (2001)
Author: Martha C. Lawrence
Amazon base price: $7.98
List price: $15.95 (that's 50% off!)
Used price: $1.66
Collectible price: $2.80
Buy one from zShops for: $2.74
Average review score:

A Career Rising with Pisces
As a Southern California-based mystery writer, I have been genuinely impressed by Martha Lawrence's works. Many people initially react to Ms. Lawrence's psychic detective as a silly gimmick. As created by Ms. Lawrence, Elizabeth Chase is a fully-realized and realistic character. In this fourth outing,PISCES RISING, Elizabeth is mourning the death of her lover, and she becomes involved in investigating homicides that occur on an Indian reservation. Gambling issues play a major part in this novel, as does Native American beliefs. Ms. Lawrence tells a fine tale with a swiftly moving plot and fabulously drawn characters. Another winner for Martha Lawrence.

She gets better and better!
I just love entering Martha Lawrence's world, and I so hate to leave it! This one is her best yet, and the others are terrific too. ( I'd recommend reading them all chronologically.) I applaud her gutsiness as an author in doing away with appealing characters in situations that realistically might call for that. (I'm reminded of T. Jefferson Parker doing the same with Tim Hess in The Blue Light--a very interesting and appealing character.) ... was a real loss, I felt, but it's clear that she has even better characters up her sleeve.. I'm particularly drawn to the Sequoia character in this book. Wish I knew someone like him.

Her ear for dialogue is unerring...I'm a stickler for fake-sounding conversation and I can't find remember a false note being struck in any of her books. Wish you could write faster, Martha!

A Terrific Read!
I've been a fan of Martha Lawrence ever since her first book, following her psychic detective, Elizabeth Chase, around the zodiac from Murder in Scorpio to the current Pisces Rising. Her gutsy detective, Chase, combining sound detective skills with her psychic gifts, sets out to discover the murderer of casino owner, Dan Aquillo. Along the way she encounters one of Lawrence's most compelling characters, the Native American shaman, Sequoia. Lawrence introduces the reader to some fascinating Native American lore, as she combines a taut, thrilling tale with tantalizing psychic phenomena. Combining suspense with New Age is rare, but fascinating. The only other book I can think of that does that successfully is "The President's Astrologer", which interweaves an exciting political drama with the world of astrology.

Night Flyers
Published in Library Binding by Bt Bound (1999)
Author: Elizabeth McDavid Jones
Amazon base price: $13.80
Used price: $11.59
Buy one from zShops for: $11.59
Average review score:

OK, But not a "High Flyer" in my book.
I read this book in about 3 1/2 hours. I had previously read one other "History Mystery" book about 3 years ago when I was in 4th grade. The plot of the story is this:
12 year old Pam Lowder hates school. She especially hates her worst enemy, Henry. When she discovers that her prize winning pigeons with the rare ability to "home" at night are missing, she is furious, and the mysterious Mr. Arminger, a new man in town with a German accent, is a prime suspect. (The whole town believes that he is a German spy, it is World War I) Pam must collect her wits and, well, do something about it.

The Night Flyers
A mysterious man shows up at Pam's loft wanting to buy her pigeons. He says he'll give her $200 for all her pigeons.Pam said "No." The next night,he shows up again wanting her pigeons. He said he'll give her $200 for two pigeon but Pam still won't sell them. Then her pigeons start to disappear. Pam gets in some trouble trying to find her pigeons. Read this book to find out who stole Pam's pigeons.

A definate 5 star book!
It's 1918 and Pam's dad is in the army for WW1 he gives Pam pigeons before he leaves to go to the war. She takes excellent care of them but when a mysterious man comes to her farm that talks like he's a German and he wants Pam's pigeons Pam believes that her dad's pigeons are in danger.
I really enjoyed this book and I've read almost all of the history mysteries and this is one of the best ones there are!

Once Tempted
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Avon (03 Juli, 2001)
Author: Elizabeth Boyle
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $2.64
Buy one from zShops for: $0.85
Average review score:

I read colin's story first and then read this
I found it really strange how this book took place in 1812 and the sequel - which is actually a prequel came out this year and took place in 1800. I liked the newest book the best so far. This one got boring towards the middle and towards the end I just wanted to get finished. This is the 3rd book I read of hers, and my least favorite so far. I still give it 4 stars because it is better then most books - I just expected more from the author.

A very adventurous Regency romance
"Once Tempted" is my first book by the author and in my opinion a very good one. The setting is Regency London and the Penninsula during the Napoleonic Wars.Miss Olivia Sutton is a young lady living under a false name since she was betrayed by her so-called lover, the Marquis of Bradstone. Bradstone sullied her name and reputation involving her in treason. Major Robert Danvers arrives in London on a mission. He is masquerading as his treasonous cousin and he intends to make his mission successful by finding and using Olivia. When they meet they are both shocked and surprised. Olivia is not a plain unsignificant girl Robert was led to believe and she shows lots of spirit and passion, which captivates Robert.Olivia fights very hard not to fall under the strong charm of the Marquis again but she is shocked and helplessly attracted to him especially when she finds out his true identity. They don't trust each other at all. Olivia wants to clear her sullied name and Robert wants to fullfil his mission.Their life is in danger and they have to leave London. During their journey to Spain they encounter many dangerous obstacles and they constantly fight for their lives. They start seeing each other in different lights and they can't resist the growing attraction between them. Their love is passionate, sensual and desperately heartaching. There is much danger, dishonesty, violence and bloodthirst around them and the way to victory and fullfilment of their love leads through the horrors of war.This is a very well-written historical romance set during the Napoleonic Wars. The author managed to combine enough love and action to make it a wonderful piece of work. All the characters are well developed and excitingly alive.
ONCE TEMPTED is a brilliant historical romance with an action-packed storyline, a passionate love story and likeable characters from one of the most fascinating eras in history. I look forward to the other novels written by this talented author.

A Page Turner that you won't be able to put down
This book caught my attention from the first page and I sat up all night reading it. Olivia and Robert are well matched and the love story is passionate and heated. If you like your stories full of suprises and action, this is your book. I have only one question--when is the author going to write Colin's book???

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