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Book reviews for "Frank-Baron,_Elizabeth" sorted by average review score:

Plainsong for Caitlin (American Dreams)
Published in Paperback by Avon (1996)
Author: Elizabeth M. Rees
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $2.98
Average review score:

A bittersweet story of love, loss, and grief.
Fifteen-year-old Caitlin's entire world falls apart when she recieves the news that her father has died in a shipwreck. Caitlin's older sister, Rebecca, decides the best thing for the two of them to do is to move west to Nebraska, where Rebecca is to marry a man she has never even met. But from the day they arrive in Nebraska and Caitlin meets Rebecca's husband-to-be, she knows this is going to be harder than she ever imagine. Caitlin and Nate fall in love immediatley, but Nate is determined to remain honorable and marry Rebecca, as he promised to do. Living in the same house as Nate is sheer torture for Caitlin, especially after Nate and Rebecca marry and Rebecca becomes pregnant. Although she eventually resigns herself to never having Nate, a terrible tragedy gives them a chance to be together, paving the way for an ending that is both happy and sad (with an especially ironic twist in the end). I wish this book hadn't gone out of print, because it's a wonderful book for teenage girls who love historical romances, like myself (although I was actually quite young, only eleven, when I read it years ago).

soooooooooooooooo gooooooooooooood

very good
It was lovely, I can't take it of my hand. You should read this one

Shadow of the Almighty : The Life and Testament of Jim Elliot
Published in Paperback by Harper SanFrancisco (1989)
Author: Elizabeth Elliot
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.30
Collectible price: $10.55
Buy one from zShops for: $6.80
Average review score:

The Testimony of a Changed Life
The story of Jim Eliot and his commrades is a must read for ministers and missionaries alike. It's a life changing perspective that describes the heart of this fine man. His commitment and service to God is chronicled in this fine work by his wife Elisabeth. Those who are intending to pursue a career in missions and or ministry must read this book. Just like basic training prepares our soldiers for battle, this book is a documentary of basic training for missionaries who wish to serve in the Army of God.

A Model for Modern Missionaries
Few books have impacted me as much as this "life and testament of Jim Elliot" written by his wife, Elisabeth. This is the story of an earthly (though not worldly) man with a heavenly mind. Jim Elliot was a man of passion and a man of prayer. This book chronicles his journey from childhood in Oregon to college days at Wheaton to the mission field of Ecuador where he eventually gave his life at age 28. Full of journal excerpts and personal letters, one gets to know this great man's heart. His struggles, his ambitions, his loves, his dreams - and his all-consuming passion for Christ and His kingdom - gripped my heart as a teenager. This man became my hero. If you want to know the man behind the motto "he is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" this is the place to start. I highly recommend this book - especially to Christian teenagers who want to give 100% to Jesus Christ.

Challenging, Inspiring and Motivating!
This is a must read for all Christians who have any desire to know Christ and to offer their lives to him. If not, this book will definitely challenge you to do so. Shadow of the Almighty mainly consists of letters and journal entries Jim wrote while at college and while preparing and serving on the mission field. It represents a great example, not of a perfect man, but of a man who wanted to live his life fully for Christ, no matter what the cost. The main message is that to know Christ is to obey him, and that Christ is worth laying down anything and everything. Thus, Jim's famous words: "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." Jim is an inspiration and example to me as I prepare to serve as a missionary in some of the most unreached places on earth.

Tilt: Every Family Spins on Its Own Axis
Published in Hardcover by Sourcebooks Trade (2003)
Author: Elizabeth Burns
Amazon base price: $15.40
List price: $22.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $10.50
Buy one from zShops for: $10.40
Average review score:

If you read one book this summer, pick this one.
My review is simple: This is the best book I've ever read. I had no idea what this was about and just bought it as something to occupy my brain while I sat around waiting for my foot to heal from surgery. I just finished it, and I'm a ball of emotions. Elizabeth Burns is my hero. Please write another book soon.

From reading the other reviews I worried that this book would be one long overwrought melodrama, but luckily the author's voice is honest, wry and familiar. It's like hearing an old friend tell you the unbelievable events that have happened in her life since you last met.

As a special needs mom myself, I can only say, my life looks pretty good compared to Bridget's, and I do find that comforting. Parts of this book moved me to tears, as the author really captures the sometimes terrifying loneliness and numbing exhaustion of coping, day in and day out, with a very different child.

Beautiful book!
I absolutely loved this book. It made me laugh and cry and I can't wait for her second novel! I used to work with autistic children and it was heartwrenching to see what it is like for the family of an autistic child. I learned so much even though I've been a special ed teacher for over twenty years. Really a wonderful novel.

The Yachting Cookbook: Glorious Menus and Quick Dishes Afloat and at Home
Published in Hardcover by Crown Pub (1990)
Authors: Elizabeth Wheeler and Jennifer Trainer
Amazon base price: $30.00
Used price: $2.21
Average review score:

book is back in print!
Many people lamented when this book went out of print, but Ten Speed has brought it back in print under a new title, FEASTS AFLOAT. Moreover, it's in paperback, and now cheaper than the hardcover was 10 yrs ago!

We live aboard and really use the book
We live, full-time, on our fifty foot motor yacht, and though it may sound large to some folks, space is a consideration. Our galley is large and does have a full size side by side frig. and a full size Jenn-Air. Despite the large galley, there is a need for using as few pots as possible and not requiring lots of ingredients. We have tried quite a few of the recipes and with an exception or two, all have been great! We recently had a chili shoot-out at our marina and MICHAEL'S PORK AND BLACK BEAN CHILI was the winner by a mile. I had several requests for the recipe and our friends were quite disappointed to find the book out of print. Too bad. Liz and Al Nalven, Longboat Key, FL

Cooking at its best
We've had this book for a couple of years now and are delighted with the simplicity and quality of the recipes. Initially purchased as a gift for sailor friends but their success with the recipes was so great that we purchased one for ourselves. Our friends even won a contest with one of the eggplant recipes. This book NEEDS to be reprinted. We are so sorry we can not offer it as a gift for more of our friends and are very dissapointed about that.

Hopefully the publisher will reconsider.

Pokemon Master Pokedex: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
Published in Paperback by Prima Publishing (18 January, 2001)
Authors: Elizabeth M. Hollinger, James M. Ratkos, and Prima Games
Amazon base price: $14.99
Used price: $23.51
Buy one from zShops for: $34.95
Average review score:

Excellent guide (and a learning tool to boot!)
Complete, easy-to-follow, well-organized. The two Prima Guides credited to Elizabeth Hollinger and James Ratkos, ("Pokemon Master Pokedex" and the "Pokemon Gold & Silver" Strategy Guide), are in a separate class from the other Prima Guides, which are visually eye-catching, but less complete and harder to follow. (I have not yet seen Elizabeth Hollinger's "Crystal" Strategy Guide.) **PARENTS**: The Prima Guides are EXCELLENT learning tools, teaching children how to use reference materials independently. When my son was younger, I would read the instructions to him as he went along. Now an avid reader, my 7-year-old flips back and forth between his Prima Guides, plotting strategy, discovering information, confirming what he suspects to be true. EXCELLENT!!!

Wonderful Guide!
This 'book' is very useful and fun to read. I have used it in many battles where it seemed like I was going to lose, but with it, I won!

Pokemon Master Pokedex: Prima's Official Strategy Guide
I liked this book because it really helps a lot. If you have to go on the internet to find Pokemon answers here is your guide! If you spend a lot of time on the computer to look for info on Pokemon this would be a good book! It has more Information than the Internet.

The Politics of Hallowed Ground: Wounded Knee and the Struggle for Indian Sovereignty
Published in Hardcover by Univ of Illinois Pr (Txt) (1999)
Authors: Mario Gonzalez and Elizabeth Cook-Lynn
Amazon base price: $44.95
Used price: $36.87
Average review score:

This book is about the relationship between the United States and the Sioux Nation from the signing of the 1851 Ft. Laramie treaty up to the present. The book centers around the efforts of the Wounded Knee Survivors Assoc. and their attorney Mario Gonzalez to obtain a formal apology from the U.S. government for the 1890 Wounded Knee Massacre and the establishment of a National Tribal park at the massacre site. This book includes:

*Gonzalez' diary entries from 1989-1992--an excellent window to see firsthand how contemporary tribal governments work and how Native Americans on reservations interact with each other on a daily basis.

*Commentary (called chronicles)by Elizabeth Cooke-Lynn explaining events described in the diary entries including Gonzalez' efforts in stopping the payment of $100 million claims commission for the Black Hills in 1980, and his efforst in Europe from 1981 to 1984 to get the World Court to issue an advisory opinion on the illegal confiscation of the Black Hills.

*Appendices that include a complete chronology of Sioux land claims from the signing of the 1851 treaty up to the present--a must for anyone interested in Indian land claims.

*Excellent footnotes with valuable information found no where else including information about Chief Crazy Horse's family members contained in the probate records of Chief Crazy Horse's father.



the politics of hallowed ground....
Wonderful workings of writing the whole truth. A must have, must read, must distribute widely!

Rich Shall Inherit
Published in Hardcover by Delacorte Press (1989)
Author: Elizabeth Adler
Amazon base price: $18.95
Used price: $0.98
Collectible price: $2.96
Buy one from zShops for: $9.99
Average review score:

Great read but....
Poppy Mallory was a woman who lead a very difficult and interesting life and upon death left her inheritance to her heir. The problem was... who was the heir... an ad had been placed in the paper asking the heir to make him/herself known. Mike Preston, an investigative journalist found the add and decided he would investigate who was the rightful heir, for the sake of a book he wanted to write. Several people answered the ad, all believing they were the true heirs. As a reader also stated, I found myself rooting for some and hoping others were not. I liked the fact that present and past events were mixed in throughout the book. The only problem I had was that it didn't end as I would have hoped; slightly disappointed, but as I have read the reviews of others, they all seem quite satisfied.. so you be the judge.

Fantastic Romantic Mystery
As I have experienced with other Elizabeth Adler works, it took me a few chapters to get wholly engrossed in the story. But once I did, it took hold of me and wouldn't let me put it down. The characters are so well-defined and the mystery is expertly woven. I found myself rooting for the underdog and booing the villians. Although history has never been my cup of tea, I was entranced by the trials and tribulations of Poppy Mallory's life, and I found myself wanting to skip ahead through the present-day segments in order to be back in Poppy's world. As I closed the book for the last time, I had mixed feelings in that I was elated at how the tale ended, but sad that it had indeed ended. Now I am trying to decide who to pass this book to, as I am eager to share this beautifully written story with someone.

Excellent read
This was the first Elizabeth Adler book I read all the way through (I didn't enjoy her first two novels Peach/Private Desires) I have read TRSI about 4 times over a period of five years, and I still enjoy hearing the story of Poppy Mallory and her descendants. Even thought I have enjoyed all her other books I still rate this as the best

Seventh Grade Tango
Published in Library Binding by Turtleback Books (2001)
Author: Elizabeth Levy
Amazon base price: $12.24
Average review score:

Seventh Grade Tango
An awsome book about 7th graders. The whole breaking his toe thing is really funny!! it took me less than a day to read becuase I coundn't stop. I even was reading it in history class :) I have already given the book to my friend and she lovesd it too. I think that this would be a great book for book lovers (like me) to read.

WOW! the best book ever!!
Wow! This book is the best book I have read in a very long time! I would so read this book over and ever again of I had the time but, unfortunately I don't. The main character, Rebecca, reminds me of myself when I was in seventh grade at central middle school. I have read several Elizabeth Levy books and I find this to be one of the best books I have ever read and I think it is my favorite book too. I am waiting for her to write another book. Hopefully it will be soon!

I thought that Tango was a hillarous book and when they had the anti-valentine party it was so cleaver. I loved that book. Everyone asked if they could read my book after I was done.

Wisdom of the Animals: Communication Between Animals and the People Who Love Them
Published in Paperback by Adams Media Corporation (2001)
Authors: Rapheala Pope, Elizabeth Morrison, and Raphaela Pope
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $8.00
Average review score:

From Firsthand Experience...
I first heard of Rapheala (when I still lived in Hollister, CA) through my mother, who is a friend of a friend of hers. I arranged a day with Rapheala, who came to my barn & spoke with many people. She is amazing! There were a few "non-believers" that day who left believers in a BIG WAY. And one who heard something they didn't want to hear, but years later realized the truth of what she had been told. If you have EVER wondered "What IS my cat trying to tell me" or had any similiar questions about the animal friends in your life, this book is for you! Talk about getting a new perspective, not to mention the laughs, insights and ok, some tears. And to anyone who's lost beloved pets, and wants to believe they are still alive in's your proof! And, if you see this Rapheala, expect to hear from me mare is going to be a mommy!

The right book at the right time...
Wisdom of the Animals is among the first to go beyond demonstrating the validity of animal communication and recounting consultations for kitty potty problems and the like. For this book, the authors seek out wolves, whales, dolphins, and wild birds to learn about their lives and the impact of humans on them and the planet. They speak with domesticated animals too. The authors convey how horses, cats and dogs perceive human habitats and foibles.

Wisdom of the Animals is unique for another reason. The readers see the process of learning to communicate with animals mirrored in the authors themselves. Elizabeth Morrison is much newer at it than Raphaela Pope. She shares her process of building confidence, learning techniques, and receiving clearer and clearer information. Animal communicators in-training will benefit from reading what Elizabeth and Raphaela receive from the same telepathic conversation.

Best of all, this book is a heart-opening and heart-warming read. It was a treat to spend 240 pages in the company of two such wonderful people!

Touching and beautiful
I was moved to tears as well as smiles by the stories in this wonderful book. I couldn't put it down until I read the very last page. Anyone who appreciates animals, anyone who has ever felt a connection to a favorite pet, will find a wealth of wisdom in this book. You'll never be able to look at animals in the same way, and you'll gain new insights into their behavior -- as well as your own! I highly recommend this book.

Wild Thorns
Published in Paperback by Interlink Pub Group (1998)
Authors: Sahar Khalifeh, Sahar Khalifah, Elizabeth Fernea, and Trevor Legassick
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.99
Average review score:

tragedy or farce?
My cousin kills a man and I carry off his daughter. Tragedy or farce?
-Wild Thorns

This novel is part of something called the Emerging Voices Series and, from what I could find online,
although the book is now over twenty-five years old and Sahar Khalifeh is in her fifties, she is indeed
considered one of the important voices in Middle Eastern literature. The action of Wild Thorns takes
place just a few years after Israel occupied the West Bank, which is where Khalifeh lived when she
wrote it. The main character in the book is Usama, a young Palestinian returning to the territories
after being fired from his job in the oil states. Though his mother has high hopes that he will marry a
lovely cousin, Usama has actually returned to his homeland on a mission, to blow up the buses which
carry Palestinian day laborers to their jobs in Israel.

Usama is shocked by the changes he finds on his return, the indignities that people put up with,
starting with the difficulty getting through the check points on the way into the territories, having to
submit to searches and interrogations. But he is most disturbed by how economically dependent
Palestinians have become on Israel, both for jobs and for consumer goods. He sees this as a kind of
collaboration, which implicates everyone in the occupation.

Meanwhile, the hero of the book is really Adil, another young Palestinian, Usama's cousin, who has
stayed at home, works at one of the well paying Israeli jobs in order to take care of his extended
family, and wants no part of the coming violence. But, inevitably, he too gets caught up in the sweep
of events. In the first instance, when he just happens to be on the scene when an Israeli soldier is
attacked and stabbed, Adil carries the soldier's young daughter to safety. But in the end, when Usama
and his cronies attack the very bus convoy that Adil is riding in, he ends up grabbing a gun himself.

Though Ms Khalifeh is obviously sympathetic to the plight of her people, the novel is largely
non-polemical. Adil seems to be as much a victim of Usama's mindless terrorism as is the Israeli
soldier. Yet, Adil's final decision to take up arms makes a certain awful sense too. Even someone as
generally hostile to the Palestinian cause as I am can understand how even the most decent and
reluctant of men would choose to fight with his own people when push came to shove. But, of course,
this is the evil logic of terror, to make everyone take sides, to turn even the peace loving into killers.
It is this that makes the events of the novel as tragic as they are inexorable.

Understanding the Realities
I have always considered myself a dedicated sympathiser to the Palestinian cause, I have always had my doubts as to how to categorise in my mind those Palestinians referred to as "Arab Israelis" and those who accept to work 'inside'. With this book I have learned of my total ignorance on the subject of occupation, and Ms. Khalifeh has taught me a valuable lesson: it is impossible to draw this conflict in black and white. The shades of grey in this novel render the reality from within all the more tragic. Never before have i empathised so with this most unbelievable of injustices, one of the heaviest burdens to be placed squarely on the conscience of all nations and most of their citizens. I am sure that anyone who reads this book will be robbed of his or her ability to view the current developments with cold indifference.

Truth is only one but there are many versions of it
Even for those persons with strong opinions about the conflict between Palestinians and Israelis, or with those like me who truly do not know what comes first if the egg or the chicken, this book will open their eyes to the real nature of every conflict. It shows with amazing beauty how life is more powerful than death. How every time a person picks up an arm to impose its ideas, he is merely a tool for the dispensers of stupidity.

I do agree completely with the other reviewers who have stated that this book can not be approached believing that is merely propaganda against Israel. It simply shows that no matter the reason, violence only creates suffering for of those who are involved in the conflict.

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