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Book reviews for "Frank-Baron,_Elizabeth" sorted by average review score:

And Then Came You (Indigo: Sensuous Love Stories)
Published in Paperback by Genesis Press (01 September, 2000)
Author: Dorothy Elizabeth Love
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $6.22
Buy one from zShops for: $6.02
Average review score:

Delicious Writing....
Novel Rating: CS/SC/RBR

When Dr. Chinzea (Chi) walks into Parker Ryan's mom's hospital room, she has no idea she is about to come face to face with her deepest desires. Parker is sitting by his ill mother and frankly says: "If I had known the doctors here were this attractive, I would have gotten here earlier."

Immediately, you are drawn into this love story as the chemistry between Parker and Chi heats up. Parker is a thoughtful son. He returns to check on his mother quite often, and make sure she is well taken care of. His mother, Harriett, is healing physically as her son heals emotionally. Only a year before he lost the love of his life and now he was feeling mildly guilty for his uncontrollable attraction to Chi.

Dr. Chinzea's cool, calm exterior is only betrayed by how distracted she becomes emotionally when Parker is near. Parker sees a beauty in Chi and is determined that no one will take this woman away from him. His obvious pursuit unnerves this work first, play later doctor. Her feelings leave her confused as she tries to escape from the emotional aspects of her job.

Parker's smooth moves, his love of Jazz and his enticing smile just adds to his charm. On a deeper level, Parker and Chi need each other emotionally. While the story focuses on Parker and Chi, we also learn of Chi's son who has sickle cell anemia. She refuses to give up on her son, but almost gives up on her own dreams.

Dorothy Elizabeth Love's writing is enticing. She portrays Parker as a bad boy who also has a very human loveable side. She uses evocative descriptive language, throws in an unexpected turn in the plot, makes the characters extremely likeable and creates a connection between the reader and characters.

The character development is only surpassed by Dorothy's descriptive writing. It will take hold of you and not let go until the last pleasurable page. The story seems to end on page 299, then Dorothy is sweet and includes an epilogue.

I was amazed at the fluidity of her writing. This is only her second novel. "Whispers in the Night" preceded this work and a romantic suspense called "You're Mine" is due out in 2001. She spent time in London and Paris researching You're Mine. While walking on the shores of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dorothy had glimpses of "Unforgettable" which will be her fourth and possibly best romantic classic. She not only holds a bachelor's degree in Business Administration and a master's degree in International Business, she loves traveling to the Caribbean Islands to dive. Somehow, she finds the time to write!

Perhaps Dorothy's inspiration for her writing springs from a core belief that love can conquer just about all. She shows a great passion for her writing and the true essence of life surrounds her work. Her writing is just delicious!

I also admire Dorothy Elizabeth Love for giving of herself through her writing. A portion of the proceeds from this book will go to support the fight against sickle cell anemia. As long as Dorothy continues to write romance novels, they will be flying off the shelves! The cover on this book is a beautiful purple iris design and the models look just like you would imagine Chi and Parker to look like.

those words best describe the great mind of Dorothy Elizabeth her last name she puts alot of Love into her work.very detailed&full of insight.this book takes feelings&relationships into a whole different come away looking in the mirror at yourself.the mark of a great story teller.i look forward to reading more of Ms.Love's work in the future.i just got the book&it's very uplifting.check it out.

Very Good
I really enjoyed Chi and Parker. Parker was an entreprenuer who had visions. He always saw visions about people he was in love with. He saw the woman he was going to marry get hit by a car two days before their wedding. After that incident, he decided he would keep his feelings under wraps.

Parkers mother had an accident and ended up in the hospital. There is where he met the beautiful Chi Addams. She was his mother's doctor.

Chi was the single mother of a son with sickle cell. Her mother was helping her with her son while she worked late. Chi didn't want to be attracted to Parker, but it was inevitable. Parker was persistent, sweet and very handsome.

There are a large number of African American with Sickle Cell traits or disease. I have friends that have lost love ones to the disease. My own grandfather had the trait.

I liked the way Chi decided to take control of her own life, instead of allowing her mother to run it. The way she handed her son's father who had been absent all the boy's young life.

Parker is also in the book Whispers in the Night. Which is a book about his sister Patricia. Good Job Ms. Love.

Angels Unaware: A Novel (Quantum Leap , No 12)
Published in Paperback by Berkley Pub Group (1997)
Author: L. Elizabeth Storm
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $5.95
Collectible price: $12.95
Average review score:

I love this book
This book was wonderful. I really liked the episode and the fact that there was this wonderfully written sequal...
There is too much to say and so little room. It's very inspirational.

Angelically Written...
Although this book may seem a little slow and boring at first, keep reading! If you remember the Quantum Leap episode "Another Mother" and it touched you, this book will do the same, as it is a continuation of Al's promise to a little girl that someday, he'll come back to her. It has everything in it, from suspense to comedy, while still maintaining the important elements of a good Quantum Leap Novel. This book would make an excellent movie. Don't miss out!

A great book that included some old favorites from the TV series. Storm did an excellent job with all the stories that were going on at once. A Must-Read book for all QL fans.

Dial "V" for Vengeance (Spy Girls, 5)
Published in Paperback by Pocket Books (1999)
Author: Elizabeth Cage
Amazon base price: $4.50
Used price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $14.99
Average review score:

i wish there were more books like this one
this book was amazing!!i love all of the Spy Girl books and if i were you i would read all of them!!they are thrilling yet funny and very interesting with cool twists at the end!! i didn't know a book could be this enjoyable!! Elizabeth Cage has to make more!! i can't put her books down i stay up all night reading them!! i love the characters and i think they are much cooler then charlies angles and i can auctually relate to them because they are teenagers and they aren't supposed to be bimbos like in Charlies Angles. this bool makes me want to be a spy when i grow up!!!! SO READ IT NOW!!!!!

Finally, A Book That I Can Sit Down and Read!!!
When i first saw the book i thought it would be stupid and childish, but it wasn't once i started to read it i couldn't put it down.This book is the only one of the series i have read but i'm looking forward to going and reading all the books in order i'm going to get spy girls the first series and reading it, but hope by the time i get done reading the last book that there is going to be anther book out, and Elizabeth Cage if you are reading this i just want you to let you know that your book is the one out of a few that kept my attention for a long time you are really a good writter and don't let anyone tell you different.

A great series
This series is the best one i have ever read i read all the spy girl books and they all make you want to run to the store and buy the whole series so buy them all and read them in order this one was my favorite

Die for Love
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Avon (08 January, 2002)
Author: Elizabeth Peters
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $2.75
Collectible price: $3.69
Buy one from zShops for: $3.70
Average review score:

Must-read for anyone who has ever laughed at a bodice ripper
Set in the midst of a conference for romance writers, this mystery features my favorite Peters character Jacqueline Kirby, a librarian from Coldwater College of undetermined age. Eager to escape the rain in Nebraska, Kirby sets off for NYC to attend the Historical Romance Writers of the World conference because she thinks she can write off the cost as business deduction on her tax return(!). Sandwiched in between the clues of the exciting mystery plot are magnificent tongue-in-cheek looks at bodice-rippers and the industry that produces them. The satirical tone and Kirby's dry wit will have you laughing your way through the novel. At then end, you too may be inspired to try your hands at writing a romance novel- after all, if Kirby can write and sell a novel while solving the murder, why can't you?

Romantic Satire
This was the first book that I have read about Jacqueline Kirby. I found her to be the most extraordinary character. She had style, taste, and enough satire to make even the impassive romance writers cringe. I have never read a romance novel, but the way Jacqueline described them (and so flamboyantly made fun of them) almost made them sound funny. Die for Love was a novel with everything I look for: good characters (especially heroines), good plot, great suspense, non-stop action, and lots of laughs. Jacqueline's attitude and Holmes-like deductions make this a must read for every Elizabeth Peters fan.

A Hilarious Romp!
There aren't too many books that I find laugh out loud funny but this is one of them. Written with humor and even the occasional burst of compassion, Elizabeth Peters takes on the cut-throat world of romance novelists.
Those who enjoyed this book may also enjoy "Bimbos of the Death Sun" by Sharyn McCrumb, an equally funny mystery about a murder that takes place at a Sci-Fi convention.

Elizabeth's Rival (Sweet Valley High)
Published in Paperback by Bantam Books (1996)
Authors: Francine Pascal and Kate William
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $1.73
Collectible price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $2.50
Average review score:

Lizzie's being bad...
One of the best bits about this book is the food fight between Liz and Nicole Banes. It seems that Jess can do no wrong in this trilogy, whereas poor old Liz has to deal with boring Maria Slater (I have no idea why she was introduced back into this series) and nutty Nicole Banes (the 'bane' of Lizzie's life - NOT). Not only all that but, there's also the story of a mad stalker with an axe, who hides out in the woods....

Everyone-you guys have to read this book. It's soooooo good!
This book is a great book. It really is exciting how Elizabeth and Joey fall in love. Liz is mostly the good girl while Jess is the bad one. But this time they're roles are the other way around. I thought it was awesome how Liz could hate someone like Nicole her rival so much. I also thought it was really cool how the two of them competed for Joey. And also for Maria since she's friends with both of them. You guys, I think you will really enjoy and like this book!

It's excellent!
I like this book. I especially liked the way Elizabeth fought with Nicole.It's about time that she must retire from being a goody two shoes.But it's totally weird that Jessica became good. Lila and Bo makes a beautiful couple but don't be fooled! In the end, they will end up as both brokenhearted. You'll know the story if you'll read the book Fight Fire with Fire or the books before that.

The French Recipe Cookbook
Published in Hardcover by Lorenz Books (1998)
Authors: Carole Clements, Elizabeth Wolf-Cohen, and Lorenz
Amazon base price: $30.00
Average review score:

The Best!!
Owning over 100 cookbooks, this is the one that I turn to most often. One can turn out a marvelous French dinner and not spend a huge amount of time preparing it. I have yet to try a recipe that isn't excellent and I have prepared many of them. Highly recommend this book. Not being able to buy a new one now, have ordered used to give as gifts. They have all arrived in excellent condition.

This book makes cooking fun again!
My daughter bought this cookbook in Paris and brought it home for Christmas. After looking through it, I decided I had to have it myself as there were too many recipes I wanted to try and I couldn't write them all down. Now, whenever I show the book to any of my friends, they have to order it too!

The recipes are clear and easy to follow. The pictures are lovely. The dishes I have tried so far are pure delights to the tongue! It is fun to just sit and look through it and plan a dinner party! I take a yearly trip to Paris to visit my daughter and this book helps me cope with my ordinary life the rest of the year!

Bravo from a Chinese woman
I've always wanted to make delicious food, which includes Chinese food, of course. I got this book from a book sale, and I had tried Fish Terrine, White Veal Stew, and Baked Caramel Custard. Not knowing what it would taste like before making it (because I've never had any French dish before), the outcome were amazaing. The ingredients are accurate, and the explaination are simple and clear. This is a very fine cookbook. Worth every penny.

Lords of the White Castle
Published in Hardcover by St. Martin's Press (2002)
Author: Elizabeth Chadwick
Amazon base price: $19.57
List price: $27.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $17.95
Collectible price: $21.13
Buy one from zShops for: $9.99
Average review score:

The best!
Perfect and a sure keeper.
Look elsewhere for details for I'm only adding another vote.

An Exciting Medieval Ride!
Elizabeth Chadwick does it again! This is the second novel I have read by her (the first being "The Love Knot") and this one is incredible too! The story begins in 1184 after Fulke FitzWarin is sent to serve Prince John, son of Henry II. His family thought it a great honor as did Fulke until John accuses him of cheating at chess, which by the way he didn't. He just plays chess better. Well, a fight ensues over this and both hold grudges against each other for a lifetime.

Meanwhile, Fulke is training under Theobald Walter, who becomes his friend and mentor. He also meets his future wife, Maude,on the day of her wedding to Theobald. Fulke's life takes many twists and turns and he becomes an outlaw. He tries to reclaim his family's estate of Whittington Castle time and time again, after his father's many attempts and failures. This struggle eventually kills his father, but Fulke endeavors to make his father's quest a realization.

After years pass by, he ends up finally marrying the woman of his dreams, Maude. However, their life from the beginning is spent running from King John's vengance. Even after all of this they manage to raise a family, endure one adventure after another and never cease to support and love one another.

The day-to-day trials and joys of the middle ages are brought to life with a wonderful perspective on how life must have been for not only the nobles of twelfth century England but also the commoners. The author really makes you feel as though you were there. So far all of her books have been winners, and if you love a great medieval story, this book is one of the best!

A wonderful read!
Elizabeth Chadwick does it again with yet another engrossing historical novel about medieval England. I have read all her other novels and was never disappointed with any of them. It is easy to see how the true figure of Fulke FitzWarin could have given rise to the legend of Robin Hood. For those who crave historical fiction about the time period surrounding the reign of King John, this novel will not disappoint. Highly recommended!

Caught in the Web of Words: James A.H. Murray and the Oxford English Dictionary
Published in Paperback by Oxford University Press (1979)
Authors: K.M. Elizabeth Murray and Robert W. Burchfield
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $2.78
Collectible price: $15.88
Average review score:

The most comprehensive biography of the father of the OED
Elisabeth Murray writes a wonderful and highly detailed biography of her grandfather, James Murray. Simon Winchester reintroduced many in this country to Mr. Murray in his book The Professor and the Madman, which told the story of Murray and an American living in an English asylum named W. C. Minor. This book was highly readable, but not comprehensive as a true biography of Murray.

James Murray, the first editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, was a gentle man of words who dedicated his life to the study of the English Language. His efforts are best understood in this book by the descriptions Elisabeth gives of his scriptorum, where Murray spent the majority of his life, and where Elisabeth worked as a young lady.

In reading about this man's life and the effort that was required to undertake the construction of this dictionary, one really gets a sense of the vastness and complexity of the English Language, the historical richness and the regional diversity. One also sees in florid detail the life of one of the great late-Victorian pedants.

Fascinating history of a great man and a great work
This is really two books in one: the life story of James Murray, first editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, and the tale of the dictionary itself. Both are lovingly told. It's a must read for anyone interested in dictionaries or linguistics.

"J. Murray more major than W.C. Minor"
Elizabeth Murray, the granddaughter of James Murray, who was the chief editor of the huge Oxford English Dictionary on which every serious scholar of English continues to depend, has written an excellent biography of the greatest English lexicographer, and done more: she has also given an insight into his personality, and, yet more importantly, into the whole scholarly world of philology, lexicography etc. in Victorian England, and the difficulties which beset the creators of the dictionary. I recommend the biography most highly, and feel that all fans of *The Surgeon of Crowthorne* (chiefly on Dr W.C. Minor) should read this - preferably BEFORE that book (so as to get a sense of context), but otherwise after. - Joost Daalder, Professor of English, Flinders University (see "More about me')

Insatiable (Harlequin Temptation, No 835)
Published in Paperback by Harlequin (2001)
Author: Julie Elizabeth Leto
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $0.25
Collectible price: $1.69
Buy one from zShops for: $3.50
Average review score:

WOW!! Leto dazzles us again!!!!!!!!!!!
When we last saw Samantha Devereaux, estranged twin-sister of Serena Devereaux, she was badgering Brandon Chance, her brother-in-law to be to let her work for him. Chance had just retired from the Nightstalkers, due to vision problems stopping him from being a pilot, and had set up a Private body guard service. Since he could find no reason not to take on Samantha as partner, he has let her go ahead and get her license while he and Serena are on their honeymoon. Only the joyful bliss led Chance and Serena to say away for a month longer than intended, leaving Samantha to grow antsy. She has gone gun-ho in this new line of work, and spent more than Chance's petty cash allows on new 'toys' for the business, so she kills time and get experience and money by hiring on as security for an business expo.

The first day she is put on a detail to provide security for the CEO/Model of a family run spaghetti sauce corporation. Dominick Larocca loves fine food, is very family oriented, and is sexy male personified. But when he two grandmothers decide it is past time for him to settle down, they take matters into their own hands and announce Dominick is looking for a bride. When a man that looks like every woman's dream is coupled with a spiralling fortune, it seems every woman is ready to jump Dominick like he is a rock star. This is very distressing to the CEO, for he cannot even take a shower without someone crawling out from under the bed, let alone carry on the business he came to New Orleans to handle.

Sam has spent hours staring at the huge display of the bare-chested man on the spaghetti sauce presentation, but she is unprepared for the reaction of the wild women chasing Dominick, as she is unprepared for the man himself. She tried to calm her fantasies by saying the CEO is arrogant for appearing on his own product bare-chested. But as she learns about him, like the fact is was his grandmothers that used his picture without his knowledge, she begins to feel sympathy for him. So when he mentions he will need to hired a personal body guard while in New Orleans, she jumps at the chance, despite her misgivings due her personal attraction to him. She is professional enough to handle it and keep their business impersonal....isn't she???

Things soon steam up as Dominick makes it clear that he wants her not only as a body guard, but for her to pretend to be his girlfriend, hoping to stop the mobs of marriage hungry females.

What I like about Leto's writing is she presents strongly developed good-girls-do women, ladies who are not afraid to face romance and go after it, instead of blushing and denying...
Her men are sexy, to die for, yet are very down to earth...yeah, they are pure alpha males, but they are mannered, raised well gentlemen who respect women of all ages. She sprinkles her books with quirky characters, spices it with steamy love scenes, knows the difference between romance and sex and how the two go together. She breathes vibrant life into her writing, while drawning on her love of New Orleans and ethnic backgrounds.

You cannot ask for more than that!!!

A super follow up to Pure Chance!!

Great Book
This was a really good read. I'll have to pick up Pure Chance - The book where sam is introduced.

Hot and Steamy
The book is awesome! You definitely want to read this one. It is hot, steamy and leaves you wanting more! Julie Elizabeth Leto is at her best! The steam between the two main characters is unbelievable. The added plus of his aunts' interference is incredibly funny. I am not normally a big fan of Harlequin romance novels, but in this new genre, they have taken the lead in hot romance. I cannot wait until Julie's next book for the series is published!

Italian Journey (1786-1788)
Published in Paperback by North Point Press (1983)
Authors: Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Van Goethe, Elizabeth Mayer, and W. H. Auden
Amazon base price: $16.95
Used price: $7.45
Average review score:

Travelling in Italy in the 1780's
Goethe comes alive as a very real person, not just the famous German author, in this travel memoir detailing the two years he spent in Italy in the 1780's. A wonderful description of travel before airplanes and cameras. Somewhat tedious descriptions of geology and of his works-in-progress are frequent, but never too long.

It might be helpful to read (or re-read) the introduction after having read part of the book (say, into the first Roman visit).

The Original Beautiful Mind Goes South
In preparation for a trip to Italy, I began reading the accounts of famous travellers to that land: D.H. Lawrence, Charles Dickens, Tobias Smollett, and now Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. I had no great expectations but was knocked for a loop from page one.

Never before had I encountered a questing mind quite like Goethe's. Almost from the moment to left Carlsbad in September 1786, he was noticing the geological structures underlying the land and the flora and fauna above it. He sits down and talks with ordinary people without an attitude -- and this after he had turned the heads of half of Europe with his SORROWS OF YOUNG WERTHER. Here he was journeying incognito, apparently knowing the language well enough to communicate with peasants, prelates, and nobility.

One who abhors marking books I intend to keep, I found myself underlining frequently. "In this place," he writes from Rome, "whoever looks seriously about him and has eyes to see is bound to become a stronger character." In fact, Goethe spent over a year in Rome learning art, music, science, and even sufferings the pangs of love with a young woman from Milan.

Bracketing his stay in Rome is a longish journey to Naples and Sicily, where he becomes acquainted with Sir Warren Hamilton and his consort Emma, the fascinating Princess Ravaschieri di Satriano, and other German travelers. One of them, Wilhelm Tischbein, painted a wonderful portrait of Goethe the traveller shown on the cover of the Penguin edition.

The translation of W.H. Auden and Elizabeth Mayer is truly wonderful. My only negative comments are toward the Penguin editors who, out of some pennywise foolishness, have omitted translating the frequent Latin, Greek, and French quotes. I am particularly upset about the lack of a translation of the final quote from Ovid's "Tristia." In every other respect, this book is a marvel and does not at all read like a work written some 215 years ago. It is every bit as fresh and relevant as today's headlines, only ever so much more articulate!

Rocks and Rolls
This was billed as a good introduction to Goethe. I don't know, since this is the first Goethe I've read--but I'm delighted. It starts as a sojourn south, with detailed notations of rocks, geologic information and topography. Don't let that deter you! His description of eating just bread and red wine on his sea voyage to Sicily (because of his rolling seasickness) had me running for a bottle Italian Barbera! As my late great aunt would have said: "A nice, nice book."

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