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Book reviews for "Frank-Baron,_Elizabeth" sorted by average review score:

Something Queer Is Going on
Published in Paperback by Young Yearling (15 July, 1982)
Authors: Elizabeth Levy and Mordicai Gerstein
Amazon base price: $3.50
Used price: $1.50
Collectible price: $7.95
Average review score:

Great illustrations!
I loved this book when I was a child. The pictures are great, with close-ups, arrows pointing things out and detailed diagrams of various things. It's fun to look at all the details. I also had Something Queer at the Library and thought it was just as good.

Recently, on a trip to my parents house, I found this book and brought it home to read to my almost two-year-old daughter. She loves it! She keeps making me read it over and over again. She likes to imitate Gwen tapping her braces and Jill poking Gwen. (She even says "poke poke poke" to me as she pokes me.) She won't let me read her the Something Queer at the Library book because she is so intrigued by this one.

It's really a timeless book. Though it was published in 1973, it still feels very up-to-date, especially since Jill has a working mother. I love that my daughter loves it as much as me.

Childhood Favorite
This book was one of my favorites as a child, and I just re-read it tonight at age 26. It's a great story about two kids dedicated to finding their adorable lost (stolen)dog. The illustrations are fun and recall the fabulous adventures of childhood.

High Interest Low Difficulty
As a child, I loved all of the Something Queer books. When I found copies at a used book sale, I bought them for my classroom. Several of my students also enjoyed these books. In particular, the students who had difficulty with reading enjoyed these excellent stories which have relatively easy text. They often read them again and again.

Three Dog Winter
Published in Paperback by Yearling Books (1999)
Author: Elizabeth Van Steenwyk
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $1.92
Average review score:

the winter of the three dogs
The Three Dogs were big and muscular, there was Bruno, Kalia but that they look and sound cool. The book gets more better towards the end when the three dogs won the sledding contest at Colorada. Kalia is a husky, which is a type of a wolf. Bruno looks like a black lab mixed with husky. I wish I could have these dogs from The Three Dog Winter. This is a good book. I will rate it a five.

It's A great Book !
I think that this is a great book. I couldn't put it down. It's about a boy named Scott McClure who races sled dogs with his dad. Then his father dies and his mother remarries . He moves from California to Montana. He had troble with his stepfather and his stepbrother Brad. Scott won't lett anyone or anything interfere with his dream. If you want to find out whats next read this book.

A Great Winter Story
This is a thrilling winter story that took my breath away as I read page after page of this exciting novel. As Scott and his family are trying to recover from the death of his father, Scott's mom seems to immediately re-marry again. Scott and his dad had both loved sled dog racing. In the new home with more siblings, Scott wonders if he'll ever be able to race a great team like his dad, since he only has one dog. Especially with this new family and new home.

Wars and Peace: The Memoir of an American Family
Published in Hardcover by Presidio Pr (1999)
Author: Rory F. Quirk
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $2.98
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $14.69
Average review score:

How Did I Miss This One?
Wars and Peace is the work of a Vietnam Veteran, Rory Quirk, whose father, James served in WWII and later Korea, as a behind-the-scenes major player. For a seemingly humble, low-keyed guy, James is an eloquent writer as is his wife, Elizabeth; although we see far too little of her work, since it was apparently difficult for James to hang onto her letters as he traveled the front with the likes of Generals Bradley, Paton and Ridgeway. James' letters offer never before published insights into these leaders with some comical anecdotes about Paton that suggest we heard more of Quirk than Paton in earlier press releases, in stark, often amusing, contrast to post-Quirk Paton statements. The Korean letters, researched painstakingly by the younger Quirk, reveal frightening historic events that need to be responded to by those who might still know the truth. Matthew Ridgeway, about whom I read nothing in my history books, is depicted as an incredible leader and strategist deserving of great recognition and adulation. On the other hand, General MacArthur; about whom we spent so much time; comes off as an egotistical, narcissistic insubordinate. Go figure. It would have been good to hear and know more of Elizabeth Quirk, whose letters on VE day and the first birthday of their son, Rory, portray an intense love and loneliness that suggests that perhaps this is all we need to know. This is Elizabeth. Quirk brings us through the third family war with the devastating effect his service in Vietnam had on his father, the loyal patriot. Contrasted are his views of this war then and now, through his memories of 3 former college classmates who died young for something we either don't understand, or worse, for nothing at all. Quirk's father wrote his letters almost 60 years ago and they are remarkable if one thinks of his writing them late at night after, harrowing experiences. We are fortunate to read them unedited. It is uncanny to detect the similarity of style if not language, between father and son who have not exchanged a word in over 30 years. Quirk connects these human stories with flawless historical research, offering a context to the events depicted in the letters. I still don't know how I missed this when it came out. I hope it will be out in paper soon and in print large enough for seniors. It should be on tape for the visually impaired who may well hear this as their last human connection to their past. And if they haven't yet, and I believe I would have seen it, The New York Times must review this important work. This would be great book club material for serious readers interested in the human impact of war beyond the obvious.

By A Family of Gifted Writers
This is a family memoir, in the form of parents' letters and a son's narrative, gracefully written by three individuals who lives were touched by World War II, Korea, and Vietnam: a father, who served with Bradley, Patton, and Ridgeway; a loving and supportive wife who served on the homefront; and a son who served as a U.S. Army Ranger in Vietnam. It's a fine memoir of an American family's courage and sense of duty during this American century.

Touching. Inspirational. Duty. Success. And family.
A great inspirational book for young and older families. After all is said and done, whether success is achieved through financial rewards or attainment of immense power, the most cherished parts of our life are, and should be, our loved ones.

Whispers in the Night (Indigo: Sensuous Love Stories)
Published in Paperback by Genesis Press, Ltd. (01 October, 1999)
Author: Dorothy Elizabeth Love
Amazon base price: $8.95
Used price: $4.20
Buy one from zShops for: $4.25
Average review score:

I loved the way you could see the maturing in the relationship between the main characters. You could feel their feelings build up. It was wonderful. I read the book in 3 days. I couldn't put it down. I felt myself gasping when something happening and smiling later. Great climax as well.

Cindy W in Dallas, TX

Truly A Good Story!
I strongly recommend my fellow romance readers to read this book, I know you should enjoy it.

The heroine in this story is Patricia Ryan, bumps into the hero Mackenzy Carter but called, Mac Carter. This chance meeting involves a community center for at risk kids.

In any story that mixes business with pleasure; well you are bound to get trouble in the relationship. But this story that takes place in Florida provides you with aggressiveness, some humor, lots of intimacy, lies, betrayal and unconditional love from a mother and brother. It also has some moments of danger that heightens the story that keeps you turning the pages.

I enjoyed the illustration that the author shows with Patricia, her mother and her brother Parker. The characters portray such unconditional love that I believe any of us can feel the love coming through as you read the book.

Thanks Ms Love for this wonderful and enjoyable story. I hope you'll consider a story with Parker Ryan real soon.

Ms. Love did an outstanding job on this one.......
This book was great! I enjoyed all the characters..we have all been there with the 'well-meaning' sister friends. It was good to see Patricia hold on to her professional goals, while dealing honestly with her short-comings. Mac was a brother with a purpose...I loved him. I am looking forward to Ms. Love's next book.

William: The Inside Story of the Man Who Will Be King
Published in Paperback by Griffin Trade Paperback (1999)
Author: Nicholas Davies
Amazon base price: $13.95
Used price: $1.24
Buy one from zShops for: $1.25
Average review score:

This was the best book I have read on wills. It has info from birth to now and it was good from start to finish. It tells about his ups and downs of his life and it is just very well written. It is a really good book so buy it if you like prince william

This is one book about PW you wouldn't want to miss.
All right if you are a Prince William fan pick this one up, especially if youlike to read some good information too. This isn't a book just full of pictures, it has a lot of information about him and some lovely and rare pictures too. I'm warning you chapter 5 is a real tear- jerker as another of the reviewers put it and she/ he is right, it is a tear-jerker. Have fun reading this book it is the best I have read so far, but another book by Nicholas Davies, not yet published, maybe just as good be sure to try it, it is called----"William: King for the 21st Century"

A great book about a great prince.
I enjoyed it thoroughly. It was refreshing to hear a story about a wonderful young prince.

The Winthrop Woman
Published in Hardcover by Houghton Mifflin Co (1958)
Author: Anya Seton
Amazon base price: $33.65
Used price: $7.99
Collectible price: $68.00
Average review score:

A Childhood Favorite
It is fun to remember books that made an impression on you as a young adult. An aunt gave this book to me when I turned thirteen and it is still in my top ten.

I recently re-read it again after reading Tracy Chevalier's, "Girl With a Pearl Earring." Both books are set during the 1600's -- although one in Delft and the other in England and early America.

I have recommended this book to several people over the years and not one has been disappointed. It is such a fabulous story (and you learn lots to boot!). Unfortunately, it is out of print -- but do not despair, it is easily found in used book stores.

Haunting and Inspirational
I first read The Winthrop Woman when I was about 13 years old. It had such an impact on me, that I re-read it several times as I was growing up, and I have thought of it so often during the years since. I have never read a historical novel (and I've read many) that has stayed with me to the same degree. For anyone who is interested in the early days of American colonial development and who has a love of history and human courage and resiliance, this book is a gift. Elizabeth Winthrop was strong and courageous in days when women had few choices and little support. She is an inspiration and a touchstone, and reminds one that although generations pass, the human heart doesn't change that much at all. I believe Seton carefully researched this book, so the essence is historically accurate, and it provides a fascinating window into life in the 1600s in New England.

Loved the book and want my 14 year old daughter to read
I am 47 and read this book first in high school. I have read it at least 10 times since . I usually check it out of the library but I want a copy of my own so my 14 year old can read it as she studies early American history. I read alot of historical fiction and this book is one of the best. A true classic.

A Woman's Walk With God
Published in Paperback by Harvest House Publishers, Inc. (2001)
Author: Elizabeth George
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $2.50
Buy one from zShops for: $4.73
Average review score:

Cultivates growth in your relationship with God!
This book is an exact copy of her book entitled "God's Garden of Grace" (which is now out of print) only with a new title and cover! This book focuses on the fruits of the Spirit and how to live them out in our daily lives. The study guide in the back helps you dig deeper into the study! Very helpful!

This is the first Elizabeth George book I have read and I can't wait to read her other works! Beautifully written and inspiring. A great study guide for help in living out the fruits of the spirit on a daily basis. Guide to becoming a kinder, more gentle, loving woman while accually recognizing the strength in these virtues rather than the weakness our society leads us to believe a serving attitude shows. I loved this book!!

Best Ever
All of Elizabeth George's books are a "must read" but this is her best yet! This book is changing my life on a minute to minute basis as I choose to let the fruits of the spirit answer for me as oppossed to my flesh.

Word of Honor (Shadowcreek Chronicles / T. Elizabeth (Tammy Elizabeth) Renich, Vol 1)
Published in Paperback by Word Publishing (1995)
Author: T. Elizabeth Renich
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $2.70
Collectible price: $4.95
Buy one from zShops for: $5.40
Average review score:

Great book!
I enjoyed this book very much. The mystery/intrigue was well written and believable. It's a fun easy read..

The Best book I have ever read!
I picked up this book at a convention. It sat on my shelf for a while then when I was looking for something to read one day I picked it up. And let me tell you, I never put it down! I read it, laughed, cryed, and even got a better perspective on the war. When I gave it to a friend to read, ( which I told her she better not lose it or else! ) She read it in one night & she doesnt like to read! Now if something comes up we will use some of the lines that are in the book such as " If you will permit me to sa so", or Thats a beautiful shade of pink your turning, it becomes you!" I would definatley tell everyone to read this series! It is the best in the whole wide world ! If you'll permit me to say so..., which you had better!=-)

I have to have more! I read all the series in TWO days.PLEASE WRITE MORE! SINCERELY, HEIDI JOHNSON

Snake Hair: The Story of Medusa (All Aboard Books Reading Level 2)
Published in Paperback by Grosset & Dunlap (1999)
Authors: Stephanie Spinner and Susan Elizabeth Swan
Amazon base price: $3.99
Used price: $1.85
Buy one from zShops for: $1.99
Average review score:

"Snake Hair"...a great book
This book, illustrated brilliantly in an amazing form, follows the Greek Myth of the snaked-haired Gorgon, 'Medusa'. But the story doesn't start there. You see, Medusa was once a beautiful young girl...she upset the goddess, Athene, who punished her in return. The young man Perseus then sets out to find the Gorgon and kill her, this is their story - in a form that young children can follow. A great book.

The story of Perseus and Medesa told with cut paper pictures
The cut paper illustrations by Susan Swan are the chief charm of this All Aboard Reading Level 2 (Grades 1-3) book written by Stephanie Spinner. "Snake Hair" is, as the sub-title indicates, "The Story of Medusa," who in this version is a vain young girl who makes the terrible mistake of saying that her hair is more beautiful than that of Athena. The angry goddess change's Medusa's hair to snakes and makes her so ugly her look will turn any living thing that looks at her to stone. What follows is the story of the hero Perseus, who is aided by the gods to fulfill his destiny. The illustrations here by Swan are absolutely exquisite and I find it incredible that these were actually cut by hand and are not computer generated (look at the chains on Andromeda, for example). Teachers who use this book in class should be prepared for young students wanting to try their hand at this particular art form (I could never, ever do this).

One of the interesting things about classical mythology are the different variations that exist on the story of Medusa, Perseus and many others...Other myths tell of Medusa as being one of the three Gorgons, who were dragonlike creatures with wings whose look turned men to stone. In some myths it is said that Pegasus, the winged stallion, was born of the Gorgon's blood after Perseus slew Medusa (the one Gorgon who was not immortal apparently). As for Medusa's head, it supposedly becomes part of the aegis, the shield of Zeus carried by Athena. Consequently, having been introduced to the wonderful world of mythology, young readers will have many more fascinating tales to read and learn about in the years to come.

Classic story, excellent illustrations
Medusa is one of the most memorable characters from all of Greek mythology. "Snake Hair: The Story of Medusa" is an effective retelling of her story. Stephanie Spinner's simple text (geared towards 1st to 3rd grade readers) is well complemented by Susan Swan's fine illustrations. Author Spinner thoughtfully provides pronunciation guides for the mythological names.

"Snake Hair" tells how the beautiful Medusa is punished for her boastful pride by being transformed into a monster with snakes for hair and a face so ugly that anyone who looks at it is turned into stone. As the story progresses, the monstrous Medusa is confronted by the hero Perseus (who will face yet another monster before the story ends).

What makes this version of the ancient story really special is the marvelous artwork. Swan's illustrations appear to be cut-paper collages, and they are alive with color and energy. Particularly impressive are her renderings of the multicolored tangle of serpents that make up Medusa's hair. Overall, a well-done book.

Soul Satisfaction: Drawing Strength from Our Biblical Mothers and Sisters
Published in Paperback by Morehouse Publishing (1998)
Author: Elizabeth Rankin Geitz
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $5.47
Buy one from zShops for: $6.82
Average review score:

Inspired and affirming
Two sentences into the introduction I began to cry. Since then I've laughed, smiled, cried some more... and now I'm making a list of the friends who desperately need to read this book. Truly a blessing for any woman!

More Helpful to Me Than Therapy
Before reading Soul Satisfaction, I had no idea that hearing only male language for God in church had affected my self-image. As Geitz states in her introduction, images of God and self are very closely connected and a change in one can bring about a change in the other.

This is really true!!! After meditating on the many feminine images of God in the Bible (which by the way I'd never even heard before) I have experienced a more positive sense of self than I ever thought possible. This book has been more helpful to me than therapy.

Meditating on the strong, courageous women in the Bible in Soul Satisfaction has also been very empowering for me.

My advice is this, "Put this book in your cart now!"

Great book for all women
Soul Satisfaction comforts, challanges, and compels me to tell others about it. I never knew the Bible could be so affirming of who I am as a woman. Where has this book been all my life?? The brief meditations are heartwarming and gut-wrenching, but also instructive for women today. You will want one for yourself, and one for each of your friends

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