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Book reviews for "Fernandez-Marina,_Ramon" sorted by average review score:

The 5 Essentials in Every Powerful Painting
Published in Hardcover by International Artist Publishing (2001)
Author: Ramon Kelley
Amazon base price: $19.59
List price: $27.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $19.45
Buy one from zShops for: $18.54
Average review score:

A Good Introduction for Creating Visually Strong 2D Art
I first bought this book simply because I enjoy the many beautiful paintings within. The day after I bought it I took the time to read it and realized the lessons it contains are something anyone working in any medium will find useful. My main preferred media for painting are watercolor, acrylic and soft pastel. The only media I share with the author is soft pastel as the author prefers soft pastel and oil. The majority of this book discusses principles of art useful for all media. These are - 1) Composition 2) Value 3) Color 4) Texture 5) Focal Point.

Each chapter features many paintings that are examined for illustrating the principle the chapter is discussing. The final pages of each chapter are devoted to a step-by-step demonstration and captions explaining what the author is trying to achieve and why he chose to approach each stage of the painting the way he did. The end of the chapter then lists the other principles and thumbnails of the demo painting to show how those 4 remaining principles apply to it.

There are some things to consider about this book. The principles are timeless, yes and they apply to all styles of surface design art. Even someone who, for example, works in stained glass or embroidery will use some of these same principles for their art work. However, I think the book would have been even stronger if a gallery in the back had featured some guest artists' work. Particulary if the guest artists' work did not look like the author's.

Also, as someone who works in acrylic, his advice for textures in paintings is of greatest use for someone who prefers to let only their brush, palette knife or soft pastel suggest them. There are some media such as acrylic or collage where it is possible to use tools and mediums other than a paintbrush or palette knife to add interesting textures to a piece. Watercolorists do this all the time using everything from alcohol to salt to saran wrap for creating interesting textures and that doesn't even require the addition of mediums that will be permanently stuck to the surface of their painting. Some acrylic painters (such as myself) enjoy using the many modeling pastes and gels available to add texture and interest to their work.

This does not invalidate Mr. Kelley's advice. It's merely more tightly focused on his style of art. The book is after all, mainly about he applies these principles to his own art and he states in the text that prefers to use brush and palette knife rather than adding mediums or other elements to create texture. In my opinion, I believe it is quite possible to create successful paintings that could use mediums, collage or even found objects all over a painting's surface without falling into the trap he calls gimicky. I suspect Mr. Kelley might disagree with me on that point.

This is why I say the book might have been even more useful if it had included a chapter showing other artists' work and how they applied the 5 principles he discusses. People whose artistic style or preferred medium diverges from the author's can skip over the sections where he discusses his techniques specifically for oil or soft pastels. Also, someone who paints in a more experimental style will find they can skip over some sections. Ultimately, the book will be most enjoyable for someone wanting a serious discussion on these 5 principles all contained in a single book. I can think of other books that are better on one or maybe two of these principles simply because they exclude the others and explain the one or two focused on in greater detail. Also, if you are looking for advice on perspective, even in relation to the 5 principles discussed, you will need to look elsewhere. The book does not have the comprehensiveness of a college textbook on these principles but neither does it suffer from the typical astronomical textbook price. It should serve quite well as an introductory lesson or reminder of 5 principles all surface design artwork needs to be strong visually.

ALL artist NEED this book!

a treasure, get it while you can....

The 5 Essentials in Every Powerful Painting
I have over 300 art technique books. This one is the best of all time. I am a professional artist in oil painting and pastel.
There was information in the book I have never heard on impressionism; i.e., limited the type strokes. The studio and work placed shown in book was like my own. It was well filled with books and still life objects. I showed it to my husband so that he would stop nagging me about cleaning up or I had bought too many books. I am in a SAD depression. This book inspired me to get up and move and to just do it. I feel wonderful. This book has made a hugh impact on my painting.

Marginal Voices: Selected Stories (The Texas Pan American)
Published in Paperback by Univ of Texas Press (1993)
Authors: Julio Ramon Ribeyro, Dianne Douglas, and Dick Gerdes
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $18.00
Average review score:

Este libro reune los textos de uno de los mas grandes estilistas del cuentocorto latinoamericano. Con su penetracion sicologica y su deshinibicion para retratar al olvidado, al perdedor, al que siempre esta fuera de la historia.

Simple stories, but beautiful, sometimes heartbreaking. Unlike any other Latin American you might've read.

A Beautiful Book
This book is filled with the most beautiful stories I have ever read, by any author, Latin American or not. The stories are simple, yet profound and will touch your very soul. This book is a terrific introduction to Ribeyro and should not be missed by anyone who enjoys as lovely, yet simple, story. (I am not related to the author!)

Caesar Against Rome: The Great Roman Civil War
Published in Hardcover by Praeger Publishers (28 February, 2000)
Author: Ramon L. Jimenez
Amazon base price: $49.95
Average review score:

Give it a try...
I read this book after completing a book by Barbara Tuchman, and was immediately discouraged by the differences in writing style. Jimenez lacks the twist of phrase and economy of words that makes Tuchman such a pleasure to read, and I came close to putting the book down. However, as I continued to read, these concerns fell by the wayside. True to Jiminez's words in his preface, he lets the facts tell the story, laying them bare for the reader to absorb, and interjecting well labelled speculation from time to time when the facts weren't clear. Whether Jiminez improved his writing style as the book went on, or I simply got used to it, he sythesizes a very readable account of one of the great conquerers in history.

I picked up this book to augment my weak understanding of the late roman republic and the specific things Caesar did to form the empire. I was well served by Jiminez in this regard. Anyone who wants to know how Caesar's life was intertwined with a whole host of other household names from the same time period (Cicero, Mark Antony, Brutus, Pompey and Cleopatra) ought to read this book. Jiminez also gives context to many of Caesar's well known, but little understood exploits such: crossing the Rubicon, the Gallic wars, and Veni, Vidi, Vici.

All in all, an adequately written book with loads in information presented interestingly enough to make you want to continue to read.

Oh baby you got what I need!!!
This book is awesome!!! Dude I love ancient history and this book is like getting a history IV right in your veins, oh yeah that's the stuff!! Seriously though this book is so easy to read that I would say it is hard to put down, and it still manages to give some awesome info about the Roman Civil war that ultimately led to Caesar's complete domination of the Roman World. So if you like ancient history, especially Roman History(and who doesn't?), or if you just like an action packed story I would highly recommend this book.

The Roman Civil War
This is an excellent short work on the Roman Civil War for the general reader. It is written in such an easily read style that, at times, it reads like a novel. It's quite linear, and so all of the many convolutions of this distant and confusing conflict appear to be made clear. Where there are contadictions in the historical record the author notes them, and then gives his best idea of what he feels is correct. I found the work very interesting, and learned quite a bit about this period of

Roman history that I had never known before reading this work. That is a high compliment to the author.

Contested Eden: California Before the Gold Rush (California History Sesquicentennial Series)
Published in Paperback by University of California Press (1998)
Authors: Ramon A. Gutierrez and Richard J. Orsi
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $15.00
Average review score:

found this very useful....
....for my doctoral research, which involves the history of California. The editors made a conscious choice to show this history in less Eurocentric form; Native Californian voices and perspectives are taken seriously, and there is good ethnographic and naturalistic information to be had.

While I'm not an expert in this area, I do question whether the persistent use of terms like "aristocracy," "hierarchy," "wealth," "headman," and "chief" are appropriate when discussing Native Californians. My impression is that our Western and European prejudices are still at work here.

Pre-Gold Rush California Essays
This book looks at pre-gold rush California from various angles. Essays on native California history, along with indigenous actions during early occupation years are major parts of this text. The history of "Californio" women and indigenous sexuality are also included. Californio and Anglo interactions between 1820 and 1850 cover new ground.

At times the work appears a bit "heady" because the advanced vocabulary. However, this is a "must read" for any California scholar.

Scholarly essays about pre-gold rush California
This book looks at pre-gold rush California from varorious angles. Essays on native California history, along with indigenous actions during early occupation years are major parts of this text. The history of "Californio" women and indigenous sexuality are also included. Californio and Anglo interactions between 1820 and 1850 cover new ground.

At times the work appears a bit "heady" because the advanced vocabulary. However, this is a "must read" for any California scholar.

Diccionario Larousse del español moderno
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Signet (1983)
Authors: Ramon Garcia-Pelayo Y Gross, Larousse, and Ramon Garcia-Pelayo Y. Gross
Amazon base price: $6.99
Used price: $3.99
Buy one from zShops for: $4.78
Average review score:

Useful for advanced Spanish students
It was suggested to me by a Hispanic Studies professor that I pick up an all-Spanish dictionary. I wanted one light and portable enough to take to class. This one fit the bill. It has thousands of words, and the definitions are not so complicated that I have to resort to using my Spanish-English dictionary. A worthy purchase for your dictionary collection.

A Spanish-only dictionary for the rest of us
My wife (from Monterrey, Mexico) and I (from Dallas, Texas) needed a Spanish-only dictionary. I have an excellent Spanish-English dictionary (the American Heritage), but that didn't work too well for her, and I had progressed far enough that I needed one that didn't refer back to English. I first bought her a piece of junk (the Diccionario Practico De La Lengua Espanola Del Nuevo Mundo); nothing we looked up was already there! It became quite clear to us that this was the most fundamental dictionary; anyone who spoke Spanish didn't need it.

Fortunately, this dictionary saved us. While still not as extensive as we might like, it's comprehensive enough that nearly everything we look up is in there. I'm still looking for the truly comprehensive Spanish dictionary she wants, but this is quite serviceable.

Excellent for a paperback
The best, smallest paperback Spanish dictionary I have found. Excellent for students as well as translation professionals.

Better Than Ever/Mejor Que Nunca
Published in Paperback by Pinnacle Books (1900)
Authors: Caridad Scordato and Ramon Soto
Amazon base price: $5.99
Used price: $2.86
Buy one from zShops for: $2.89
Average review score:

Caridad Scordato, the author writes:
Begin this sexy and humorous new trilogy with BETTER THAN EVER. In February 2001, watch for ALL MY LOVE, the continuation of the story in which Brad and Daisy finally get past their reluctance and burn up the pages with their romance!

New Jersey residents will enjoy the sights in this upcoming trilogy which begins in the towns of Edison and Metuchen, and then moves it way through Point Pleasant and West New York.

Praise for BETTER THAN EVER: ****Romantic Times: "Ex-lovers meet again in . . . Scordato's sexy BETTER THAN EVER . . . (a) second chance at love can be just as delicious as the first."

Thumbs up! "The love between Alex and Maya is mucho HOT! There are scenes in the book that will burn your fingers while turning the pages and the way Maya comes to love Samantha will warm your heart. The secondary characters will give you giggles. . . It's a great story with sensual love scenes and caring moments to tear ya up a bit."

For more information on other releases and to read excerpts of my various novels, visit me at

A Talented Author ; A Wonderful Book
Seven years after their engagement is broken, Maya and Alex meet again and after much soul searching, they decide to give their love a second chance. The love story is great, the characters, both primary and secondary are believeable, and the sex is hot. Ms. Scordato is an amazing talent with a flair for romance. I believe she is destined to be one of the new rising stars. These book are written in both English and Spanish, which is an interesting publishing concept. I would love to read a extended novel by this author if she is able to blow you away in 159 pages.

Puerto Rican Jam: Rethinking Colonialism and Nationalism
Published in Paperback by Univ of Minnesota Pr (Txt) (1997)
Authors: Frances Negron-Muntaner and Ramon Grosfoguel
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $11.97
Average review score:

Must admit this book is a must have for PuertoRican Studies
This book is definately worth buying. Its subtle cover hides within a garden of jems from different authors. You must check out the article by Agustin Lao as well as the awesome article by Raquel Rivera

A whole new approach to Puerto Rican history and politics.
This collective work proposes a whole new approach to Puerto Rican history and politics. Is Puerto Rico a nation? In many ways yes, but the degree of integration with the United States over the past century has made for a very fluid collective identity which cannot be reduced to that of a nation. The authors of this work explore this idea from many different angles. Controversial and not to be missed.

Love: Making It Last
Published in Paperback by Spring Arbor Distributors (1988)
Authors: Barry St. Clair and Bill Jones
Amazon base price: $7.99
Average review score:

Interesting but Inconsistent
As a fiend for books allegedly written by non-corporeal entities, I really loved Steven's latest Alexander book. Of the many "channeled" books I've read, this one is among the most complex yet readable works of its kind I've stumbled across. I especially found it invaluable in understanding the mechanisms of how modern western concepts of reincarnation work-particularly the nuts-and-bolts of how karma functions in time and space. Ramon Steven's incorporeal confidant Alexander lays it out in such precise, no nonsense terms that at times it reads like an assembly manual for a home-built ultralight.

Unfortunately, any book supposedly written by a channeled spirit must remain problematic at best, for it is difficult to determine how much of this work is the result of "outside" forces and how much of it originated in the obvious fertile imagination of the author himself. The reason I say this is because while I found much of the book consistent with the bulk of similar literature I've read on the subject-implying a central repository of ultimate truth that a few mediums may be tapping into-I found a great deal of it suspect as well. His explanation of how karma works-especially how karmic "braids" can be formed with others that keep two souls tied together in future incarnations-was especially difficult to swallow. How victimization in one lifetime can be offset by victimizing the current incarnation of one's former tormentor explains nothing and seems to me to only accentuate the problem. If the purpose of each incarnation is to grow spiritually by overcoming various obstacles one places in their path, karmic braids can only complicate matters and impede growth. It makes more sense that just as previous life memories are erased from the newborn's consciousness at birth, so too should past transgressions be forgotten, especially as those transgressions may prove to be major impediments to spiritual growth. I also found "Alexander" to be inconsistent in other ways as well. For example, he roundly condemns murder in every circumstance (even in self-defense and in the protection of the innocent) while correctly noting how it may be used as a tool for spiritual growth for its victims and their families. Apparently the spirit world doesn't understand that one can't have their cake and eat it too.

Alexander's dismissal of abortion as a potential act of murder is even more disturbing; he carefully sidesteps the issue by declaring that spirits planning their next incarnation simply avoid mothers who intend to abort (as though woman are incapable of changing their minds in later stages of pregnancy.) While Alexander talks a great deal about both "intent" and "action" being required to create "bad" karma, he conveniently ignores the fact that abortion is both an intent to destroy potential life and an action to do so. As such, if killing Nazis is a karmic crime, for the sake of consistency it seems only proper that killing the unborn constitute a karmic crime as well.

Overall, however, I found much in this book to admire. Stevens is an obviously gifted writer who can find his voice only through an imaginary teacher, but the imagination can be a useful vehicle for uncovering ancient truth if one can divorce their own predispositions and biases from the process.

Very thought provoking.
This book takes one to a different plane on thinking and analyzing ones present life. There is a very thorough and interesting review of the authors view on Karma and how it works. An outstanding book that one should read bit by bit to absorb the complete understanding. The grammatical flow of the book is a bit difficult to read at times, but worth working around.

Open your mind and say . . . ah!
I love this book. In my opinion there is more concentrated truth in this book than any other I have ever read. The writing is lucid, intelligent, compelling, even beautiful. If you have the slightest resonance with the truths of the New Age, this book should speak to you. Many Seth readers (of whom I am one) have found Alexander's works to be congenial, and this, in my view, is the best of Alexander's books.

There is one chapter I could do without, entitled "The Preacher and the Widow: A Case Study." But I freely admit that this could be because of my human limitations -- the chapter has to do with the rules of karma (which sometimes seem unfair to me).

In general, however, there is a trove of deep truth on practically every page. In the wake of the New York bombings, and the upheavals to follow, we need these higher truths and guidance now more than ever.

Snow Falling on Cedars
Published in VHS Tape by Universal Studios (30 May, 2000)
Amazon base price: $106.99
Used price: $15.98
Collectible price: $26.47
Buy one from zShops for: $22.73
Average review score:

A solid GUPRS supplement, but somewhat lacking
First of All, this was written by Michael Andre-Driussi, who also wrote Lexicon Urthus, not the writer credited to it on this page. This is a good GURPS supplement, and useable with other RPGs as well. I think the broad strokes of the world Wolfe presents make a worldbook based on Urth a bit thin. Too much detail and stuff would have to be made up. I really wanted more fleshed-out plot ideas for adventures in the New Sun world, rather than a guidebook. Also, I missed having an overall area map.

This is a great book! I truly wondered; after seeing that it was to be made, if they could POSSIBLY do it justice. They did and more. I found this to be valuable enough that I reccomend it even to non-gamers who want a cool resource book for the series itself. DO you have questions about societal caste? Look it up it is in there. It also gives a complete breakdown of the life of Severian in case Mr. Wolfe was a bit oblique for you. (Which is ENTIRELY possible:))

The End of History
Gurps New Sun lets you enter the weird and wonderful world of Gene Wolfe's Book of the New Sun, wherein one is allowed to accompany the young Severian, journeyman of the guild known as The Seekers of Truth and Penitence (the torturers), on his travels through an ancient and dying earth. If you haven't read the books, you should, be it just for the greater enjoyment of this roleplaying supplement. Gurps New Sun is maybe the strangest world yet to be published for Gurps, but it is also one of the most beautiful: strange beasts, aliens and smilodons, knights with "pyrotechnic polearms", mysterious guilds, barely human nobles, enourmous cities and antique spaceships, all set on an earth so ancient, it's inhabitants no longer practice history, for fear of an overwhelming past. In this setting ANYTHING can happen - and the possibility of time travel makes it the ideal "Far Future" setting for any Gurps Time Travel campaign. P.S.: even the artwork is good.

GM, Electronic Engine Controls Manual, 1992-94
Published in Hardcover by Nichols Publishing Company (1993)
Author: Chilton's Automotives Editorial
Amazon base price: $212.00
Used price: $10.85
Buy one from zShops for: $10.85
Average review score:

The Book is Worth It!
This book has excellent images on Kandinsky's work beginning with his representational early works to his abstract later works. The color quality of the prints are good and the information is readable - to the point and not overwhelming like many art books can be. I only wish this book was bigger with more examples of his work. ...A good resource for art educators.

Must buy for any modern art lover
This book in few pages can describe Kandinsky so well. The style of Kandisky which reflected the developments and strides physics took in first 2 decades of century is shown in his love of planes and geometry.

The Master On Display
The word "visionary" is so often overused, but Wassily Kandinsky truly was one. Pick up this book and find out why!

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