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Book reviews for "Fernandez-Marina,_Ramon" sorted by average review score:

Luces De Bohemia (Nueva Austral, No 1)
Published in Paperback by Espasa-Calpe, S.A. (1992)
Authors: Ramon Del Valle-Inclan and Ramon Del Valle-Inclan
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $8.50
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Average review score:

Un texto genial !
La mejor muestra (y la primera) de la obra esperpéntica de Don Ramón del Valle Inclán, miembro destacado de la Generación del 98. La disfrutamos más al ubicarla en su momento e imaginándonos a los personajes. Tal es el caso de Rubén Darío, tratando de no aspirar la "s" al leer su poesía. Vale la pena mencionar que es precisamente uno de los pocos personajes a los que Valle Inclán muestra respeto en su obra. Del resto, hace una mordaz burla y una dura crítica, así como de la España post-imperial.

Manual Practico de Estilo
Published in Paperback by Ediciones Urano (1993)
Author: Ramon Sol
Amazon base price: $30.10
Average review score:

Spanish Manual of Style/Manual en español V.GOOD!
I am a Spanish translator living in the US.
There are many dictionaries and books of all kind
out there,
just a few about Spanish STYLE. Here you have a good one!
This manual is entirely in español, sí señor!
en español!
Translators and writers should have this book as a reference.
It is in Spanish.
There is a chapter of how to use the style for USA names
(Estados Unidos) for eg. if we need to translate sports teams,
for eg. the Yankees, the Rangers from Texas,

we should write in Spanish, like this:
los Yankees, los Twins de Minnesota, los Rangers de Texas.

In some cases, the name of the team has to be kept in English,
between brackets such as:

Los Corsarios [Raiders] de los Angeles; los Pieles Rojas [Red Skins] de Washington.

The MANUAL PRACTICO DE ESTILO by Ramón Sol is a good resource for Spanish students, teachers, writers, translators and others.

I highly recommend it!...

Mene: A Venezuelan Novel
Published in Paperback by Calaloux Publications (1988)
Authors: Ramon Diaz Sanchez and Jesse Noel
Amazon base price: $13.95
Average review score:

A true vision of our past
This is by far one of the best novel's in Venezuela's history. A naked true of years of pain and also joy. Briliant!

Methods and Applications of Interval Analysis (SIAM Studies in Applied and Numerical Methematics)
Published in Paperback by Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (1979)
Authors: Ramon E. Moore and Fritz Bibliography on Interval-Mathematics. 1979 Bierbaum
Amazon base price: $42.50
Used price: $34.95
Buy one from zShops for: $37.10
Average review score:

an guideline used to study interval analysis method
I've been told that Moore, the author of this book, is the founder of the field of interval analysis mathematics. Lots of his fruitful paper have been quoted widely.

Old Pembrokeshire & Carmarthenshire
Published in Hardcover by Hyperion Books (1991)
Author: Roger W. Davies
Amazon base price: $45.00
Average review score:

Very Fabulous! Great Tutorial
I used the 1965 edition for my Masters thesis, which had to do with thermal analysis of satellites. This book was a great resource. I'm buying this edition for my own personal library.

Namu and the Legend of the Moon
Published in Paperback by Dorrance Publishing Co (26 September, 2002)
Authors: Ram Productions and Ramon A. Moreno
Amazon base price: $8.00
Used price: $0.48
Collectible price: $3.13
Buy one from zShops for: $7.50
Average review score:

Namu and the Legend of the Moon
When I read Namu and the Legend of the moon I loved it. It was great and I liked it alot. My favoritwe part was when he went up to the edge of the mountain to sing to the moon. When the moon and stars came out i ggot very happy for him and every one in the village. I would tell my friends to read this book because it is very cool.

Nuevo México Profundo: Rituals of an Indo-Hispano Homeland
Published in Paperback by Museum of New Mexico Pr (21 October, 2000)
Authors: Miguel A. Gandert, Enrique Lamadrid, Lucy R. Lippard, Chris Wilson, Miguel Grandert, Helen R. Lucero, and Ramon A. Gutierrez
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $9.99
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Average review score:

Powerful images of archetype, myth, and heritage!
My 28-year residency in New Mexico ended with my recent move to California. Viewing Miguel Gandert's photographs opened the floodgates of memory in ways I had not anticipated.

Gandert's images carry the viewer into the most important dimension of ritual: the experiential element. Witnessing these ritual dances, even as a mere spectator, can be a moving experience. A vivid recollection of one New Year's Day at Jemez Pueblo Plaza comes to mind. I sat crosslegged on the ground at the inward-facing edge of the assembly, following the action of the Matachine dancers. A little boy portraying El Torito, the bull, was being chased by a whip-wielding Abuelo, who represents both wise elder and taunting clown. I held my hands over my head, feigning a protective gesture in mock fear, as they ran around me in ever tightening circles. The double-line pattern of the danzantes suddenly shifted and swept over me on both sides with ribbons flying in a swirl of color. In that moment I found all concept of time and structure collapsing into liminality. Afterwards, I became concerned that I might have inadvertently violated ritual space. Upon expressing my feelings to a tribal member, however, I was assured that no such transgression had taken place and that I might have even received a blessing.

The event described above could, no doubt, be interpreted quite differently from another standpoint and through another's eyes. Similarly, this book can be appreciated on many different levels. It's relevancy to universal elements and ritual may resonate with a widely diverse audience. Gandert and four knowledgeable essayists create a compelling cultural admixture of polarity and paradox. The resultant images emerge through layers of time, space, and history like so many bubbles from some deep, ancient well. This book is truly a verbal and visual treasure.

Readers interested in expanding their knowledge of the Matachines tradition will also find a valuable resource in The Matachines Dance: Ritual Symbolism and Interethnic Relations in the Upper Rio Grande Valley by Sylvia Rodriguez.

Platero and I : an Andalusian elegy, 1907-1916
Published in Unknown Binding by Shambhala Publications ; distributed by Random House ()
Author: Juan Ramón Jiménez
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $44.97
Average review score:

a childhood favorite that grows with you
Platero and I is a series of vignettes about the life of a poor poet and his treasured donkey and the small Spanish village in which they live. Written in richly lyrical prose, it is a hauntingly beautiful book which explores the depths of human emotion and feeling, and the concepts of love, loyalty, friendship, and freedom. The language and the short chapters are simple enough to hold the attention of even children--I myself read this book for the first time as a child, and over the years I have returned to it time and again. It is a timeless literary classic that never grows old--the more one reads it, the more one gets out of it. The original, longer version is a little hard to find these days, but well worth the effort--you will be well-rewarded if you do decide to search it out. Once you read it, you will understand why Jimenez won the Nobel Prize for literature.

Platero Y Yo
Published in Paperback by Panamericana Editorial (2001)
Authors: Juan Ramon Jimenez and Rocio Parra Parra
Amazon base price: $6.95
Average review score:

ternura y belleza
Platero y yo es un libro tierno y sencillo que cuenta la relacion de un borrico y su amo. Yo lo recomiendo a todo aquel que quiera aprender espanol con esta pequena historia llena de poesia.

Platero Y Yo/My Pony Silver and Me
Published in Paperback by Epoca Editorial (1998)
Author: Juan Ramon Jimenez
Amazon base price: $4.98
Used price: $4.47
Buy one from zShops for: $4.47
Average review score:

ternura y belleza
Platero y yo es un libro tierno y sencillo que cuenta la relacion de un borrico y su amo. Yo lo recomiendo a todo aquel que quiera aprender espanol con esta pequena historia llena de poesia.

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