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Book reviews for "Fernandez-Marina,_Ramon" sorted by average review score:

The Russian Kettlebell Challenge
Published in Paperback by Dragon Door Publication (01 June, 2001)
Author: Pavel Tsatsouline
Amazon base price: $27.96
List price: $34.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $23.11
Collectible price: $23.29
Buy one from zShops for: $23.28
Average review score:

Sophisticated, witty: a quest into human identity.
Serious, philosophical texts that could give Buddha a run for his karma. Poetic, possible, and piss-elegant at times, Arroyo brings out the cannibal within the spiritualized vegan.

I was truly impressed with the caliber of beauty and language in this collection, and I was not surprised to discover Mr. Arroyo is also a playwright--his work exhudes of the power and energy usually reserved for the voices of the stage. You've got to read this book!!!

Party Train
Published in Hardcover by DRL Books (2001)
Authors: Lesli Mitchell and Ramon Gil
Amazon base price: $16.95
Average review score:

Happy, colorful book
This book was written by the mother of an autistic child, but I would bet that most young children would love the colorful imagery, the adorable animals and train parts, as well as the repeating story components. The "plot" allows children to take part in the story in a fun way. I look forward to reading it to my twin niece and nephew.

Autism Society Bookstore Review

Party Train is a delightful, large hardback children's book written by Lesli Mitchell, the mother of an autistic child and a professional writer. Using a behavioral context, this appealing story is about a lengthening train full of animals. The 32-page book is written in large print, and nearly every page has several bold words for your child to repeat. Once a page is turned, the events of the repeated words unfold before their eyes in vividly colored, three-dimensional illustrations. These pictures are quite captivating and increase the child's desire to repeat the highlighted words and participate in the story. If you are working on circletime behavior this book will be of help. I feel it is definitely worth the money, and would best interest early childhood educators, parents and their developmentally delayed children who are between the ages of 2 and 10. I have not seen another book similar to this one, and I enthusiastically give it a rating of 5 out of 5.

--Barbara R. Bucknam, M.D.

Rifts World Book 14: New West
Published in Paperback by Palladium Books (1997)
Authors: Kevin Siembieda, Alex Marciniszyn, James Osten, John Zeleznik, Wayne Breaux, Ramon Perez, Michael Dubisch, and Scott Johnson
Amazon base price: $20.95
Used price: $11.99
Collectible price: $17.46
Buy one from zShops for: $18.95
Average review score:

The West is the Best
For any Rifter, this is the must have of the collection. With details of the Pecos Riders and other such empires, the information alone is worth it. But there is also more character classes, weapons and gear than one can shake a stick at. The best part of the sourcebook it that it'll help recall some of the best (and worst) westerns you've seen and BAM instant adventures.

Very good for Old West fans or people who like to use TW's
This book is great. I suggest the preacher, which is good for interesting play. For psychic players, there is a psi-slinger and it is great. The best list for the best TW weapons I have ever seen.

Spirit Wisdom : Living Consciously in an Age of Turmoil and Transformation
Published in Paperback by Pepperwood Pr (1995)
Authors: Ramon Stevens and Alexander
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score:

Yes, this is the book you've been looking for.
The best word I can think of to describe these selections from the "Alexander Journal" is their CLARITY. It's as if the reader has entered the verbal equivalent of "high definition." When I think of the garbled distortions of truth available in the past, I feel fortunate ... and ... well, blessed to have the questions and issues explored in these essays presented so beautifully for the reader -- meaning you and me. Buy it, read it, share it, and read it again.

Soul-awakening! Wisdom one's ego can't rationalize away.
Some of the finest channeled essays enlightening mankind of our planet's tranformation & it's nature, since Edgar Cayce & Jane Roberts.Radiate the Vision, John Kurtis Kunesh

Police Academy 3: Back in Training
Published in VHS Tape by Warner Studios (06 April, 1999)
Amazon base price: $9.94
Average review score:

a winks as good as a nod to a blind mule
If yer looking fer a dog to kick cuz your friend got his neck streched by some pepper gut sheep dippers this book is fer you. If not then you probably don't have enough guts to make a string of ghost cord and you better look over your shoulder or someone will make wolves meat of you.

Ramon F. Adams was a great historian of the West
Western history books, novels, and movies (see TNT's "Purgatory") are becoming more "accurate" with the language that was used during the great cowboy era of the US. This book will help you with that terminology. Ramon F. Adams was one of the great historians of this period. His "Burs Under the Saddle" and "More Burs Under the Saddle" should be mandatory reading for those studying this period in our history.

Diamonds: In the Heart of the Earth, in the Heart of Stars, at the Heart of Power
Published in Hardcover by Vilo Intl (2001)
Authors: Hubert Bari and Violaine Sautter
Amazon base price: $42.00
List price: $60.00 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Powerful -- Very highly recommended

Author Ramon Harris pens a gripping tale in ALLEGRO'S SECRET. As the idealism of youth gives way to disillusionment and grief, Al grows from innocence to bitterness, yet even his traitorous acts never place his team in danger. The radical personality changes that accompany his horrible accident provide a poignant, sympathetic note to the novel as well. In addition, his ambitious girl friend and later wife Mandy creates a powerful presence in the novel. Secondary characters likewise will capture the reader's attention, including those with whom he served and those who led them. A carefully crafted, powerfully rendered, tension filled read that's impossible to put down, ALLEGRO'S SECRET comes very highly recommended.

Anastasia tiene las respuestas
Published in Paperback by Planeta Editorial S A (2000)
Authors: Lois Lowry, Ana Bustelo, and Juan Ramon Alonso Diaz-Toledo
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:

Anastasia teine las repuestas
This is avery funny book! I started to read it and I finished it that night, it's so addicting just like Lowry's other books. If your looking for a good book, this is an excelent one.

Ang Unang Baboy Sa Langit (The First Pig in Heaven)
Published in Paperback by Cacho/PALH (15 March, 1991)
Authors: Rene, O. Villanueva, Ibarra, C. Crisostomo, and Ramon, C. Sunico
Amazon base price: $5.95
Average review score:

The First Pig In Heaven
Unang Baboy sa Langit is an award-winning children's short story by Rene Villanueva about a pig who chose to defy her nature as a pig by striving to be clean. At first treated as a deviant by the pig community, Butsekik was tried for being "un-pigly" as it were and sent to the chopping block to become a roast pig. Yet, the pestilence that the pig community suffered because of their filth proved that Butsekik's desire to be clean was right after all. The filthy pigs were thrown away and Butsekik was met by a brass band as she entered heaven. Thus, Butsekik became the patron saint of pigs because she taught them that even if they were pigs cleanliness was still important.
This is a lovely book about cleanliness and integrity. Set in both English and Filipino, the story was richly-illustrated by Ibarra C. Crisostomo. Kids from various cultures would surely love it as our own kids did.

Aphorisms (Discoveries)
Published in Hardcover by Latin Amer Literary Review Pr (1989)
Authors: Ramon Gomez De LA Serna, Yvette E. Miller, and Mi Gonzalez-Gerth
Amazon base price: $26.95
Average review score:

A book everybody must read to expand their imagination.
A wonderfull book. full of elocuent ideas about almost everything in the world. A MUST-TO-READ book written for all ages. A book without past and a lot of future... so many people ignore this book because of their lack of information! I live in the same city as the author lived plenty of his life, although he was Spanish. Im proud of him!

The Best Short Plays 1988 (Best Short Plays Series)
Published in Hardcover by Hal Leonard (01 November, 2002)
Author: Ramon Delgado
Amazon base price: $23.95
Average review score:

A Banner Year for Short Plays
No collection of short plays I've read before or since (even within the same series) has matched this one's élan. Kudos to editor Del Gado and each of the playwrights invited by him to contribute to this stellar compilation. -- Kevin DiNovis

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