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Book reviews for "Fernandez-Marina,_Ramon" sorted by average review score:

Harper & Moon
Published in Turtleback by Demco Media (1995)
Author: Ramon Royal Ross
Amazon base price: $10.00
Used price: $6.32
Average review score:

This book is great!
Harper and Moon is a very exciting book filled with detail. It is about a boy, named Harper, that loves to spend time with his 56 year old friend Olinger, but one day Olinger disappears. Harper wants to find out what happened to Olinger, so on a cold snowy day Harper started riding his bike to Olinger's cabin 25 miles away, when he was supposed to be in school. When he gets there, he makes a shocking discovery. If you want to find out what happens in the end, you should read this awsome book. I recommend this book to everyone.

Home Altars of Mexico
Published in Hardcover by University of New Mexico Press (1997)
Authors: Ramon A. Gutierrez, William H. Beezley, Salvatore Scalora, Dana Salvo, and Sal Scalora
Amazon base price: $39.95
Average review score:

A Perfect Little Book
I loved this book! Having just finished my own American pilgrimage, and non-fiction book: HOLY PERSONAL, looking for small private places of worship, Indiana University Press, Fall 2000, I found HOME ALTARS OF MEXICO one of the best books on the subject currently available. It touched me deeply. The color photographs are wonderful, somewhat formal considering the informality of the subject matter, and the contrast is intriguing-- no SOHO artist could improve on these spiritual assemblages. The text is a series of very well-written and inspired essays. Salvo looks at the altars of one small town in Mexico, so the book is highly focused. A truly aesthetic collection that brings light to a subject that is too often triviaalized and trendy.

How the Sea Began: A Taino Myth
Published in School & Library Binding by Clarion Books (1993)
Authors: George Crespo and Ramon Pane
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $19.93
Collectible price: $19.77
Average review score:

Colorful Taino Legend
George Crspo's book have always been a good source for my storytelling projects--- the illustrations are delightful, true to subject matter yet easy enough for young readers to grasp what is happening. I believe all teachers or parents interested in the history of Puerto Rico and of the Tainos who were here, in the Antilles, way before Columbus arrived---should have a copy of this delightful legend on "How the Sea Began".

Huesos Y Musculos (It Is Better to Prevent)
Published in Paperback by Plaza & Janes Editores, S.A. (1986)
Authors: Sanchez and Ramon Ocana
Amazon base price: $7.25
Average review score:


Joker - Mask
Published in Paperback by Dark Horse Comics (12 June, 2001)
Authors: Henry Gilroy, Ramom Bachs, Howard Shum, and Ramon Bachs
Amazon base price: $9.56
List price: $11.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.90
Collectible price: $11.95
Buy one from zShops for: $8.50
Average review score:

A very funny crossover
When the Joker find a magical mask that transforms the wearer into an invincible, outrageously funny character, he finds his dream come true. For Batman and the citizens of Gotham City, though, it's one long nightmare. Lieutenant Mitch Kellaway of Edge City is on hand, and he knows that things are worse than the Gotham City police know; the mask will eventually drive its wearer insane and for the Joker that's not a drive, but a put. Things are about to go from bad to worst. Hang on for the ride!

Comic books have a tradition of "crossovers," where characters from a completely different story make a surprise appearance. In some cases the results seem forced or out-of-keeping with the story. Fortunately, with this book, such is not the case. In this book, the creators succeed in making a humorous and interesting blend of the Mask character (as seen in the movie of the same title) and the Joker. Also, the other characters (Batman, Commissioner Gordon, et al.) stay in character, as the wacky Joker/Mask bounces off the walls, and wrecks general mayhem.

I got this book for my eight-year-old son, and must admit that we both loved it. The story is funny and yet gripping, and the graphics are well done. We both highly recommend this book to you.

Knowledge Management: The Catalyst for Electronic Government
Published in Hardcover by Management Concepts, Inc. (2001)
Authors: Ramon C., Phd Barquin, Alex Bennet, and Shereen G., Phd Remez
Amazon base price: $79.00
Used price: $1.99
Collectible price: $4.36
Buy one from zShops for: $4.68
Average review score:

The Best Book on Knowledge Management and Government
This is the only book written by the Federal Government's KM leadership. Each chapter is written by different KM thought leaders from around government, it is excellent and worth the price.

Las carpetas: persecucion politica y derechos civiles en Puerto Rico
Published in Paperback by Centro para la Investigacion y Promocion de los Derechos (CIPDC, Inc.) (1997)
Authors: Ramon Bosque-Perez and Jose Javier Colon-Morera
Amazon base price: $21.95
Used price: $24.99
Buy one from zShops for: $24.74
Average review score:

One of the best books of the year.
Some of the best minds of Puerto Rico contribute political and historical essays based on government documents released through the Freedom of Information Act. This is a great primer on contemporary Puerto Rican history and the little known persecution of the independentistas by our agencies--COINTELPRO and the FBI. The tone is factual and the material compelling. Very little propagandizing is operative here. The distinguished scholars who edited this work should be lauded for their contribution to Puerto Rican scholarship and, most importantly, the search for justice.

The Legend of Little Nessie
Published in Hardcover by Little Lochness Publishing (1997)
Authors: Ramon Cassinari and Peter Parlagreco
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

Great for communities that have child id programs.
This Book has a excellent back bage for identifying lost children. It is small to carry and children love it. To top it off a donation goes to Child Find of america with each purchase! A great gift item. If you want a great book for small children and have a picture of your child or grandchild with finger prints, this is it! This book should be a part of every communities child identification program. Police, Fire, and community action groups need to review this one!

Lights of Bohemia/Luces De Bohemia (Hispanic Classics)
Published in Hardcover by David Brown Book Co (1993)
Authors: Ramon Maria Del Valle-Inclan, John Lyon, and Ramon Del Valle-Inclan
Amazon base price: $59.95
Average review score:

Forget Lorca, this is the best 20th-cent. play in Spanish
What Valle does in this play is just amazing. It was so modern/modernist that it wasn't performed until the 60's. Although it was just written in 1926 it was greatly influenced by cinema. It's a tragedy without a heroic character. Its genre was the "esperpento", a term coined by Valle-Inclan to reflect a new literary mode in which the author wouldn't kneel to see his characters as Homer, who saw them as gods & heroes, or see them as fellow human beings, as Shakespeare did, but just look down to them as if they were puppets. So, forget everything you vere read or heard about Lorca's dark, tragic Spain, this play has a tragic plot yet you will laugh as you read it. You are not expected to identify yourself with the characters, unless you are a blind old-fashioned bohemian poet with a French wife nicknamed Saint Joan D'arc. All Valle's theatre has a Brechtian quality, but it's much more fun and you can fully enjoy reading it, because it was first intended for reading not for representation. The place of Valle-Inclan in Spanish literature can only be compared to Joyce's in English literature (though Valle is much more readable). To sum up "Lights of Bohemia/Luces de Bohemia" is the dramatic masterpiece of the century in Spanish literature. In seventy years no Spanish author has produced one half as good, at least I haven't read it and I read and go to the theatre intensively. Valle-Inclan knew what real Spain, real life and real literature was about

Latin-American Baroque
Published in Hardcover by Art Books Intl Ltd (1998)
Author: Ramon Gutierrez
Amazon base price: $60.00

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