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Book reviews for "Charles_I" sorted by average review score:

Into His Presence <i>an In Touch&reg; Devotional</i>
Published in Hardcover by Thomas Nelson (20 October, 2000)
Author: Charles F. Stanley
Amazon base price: $16.09
List price: $22.99 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Excellent- Great way to start your day
I am very pleased with my copy of this devotional book. This book gives God's perspective on everyday situations and problems in a refreshing and renewing light. It gives practical, Godly advice, which is very hard to find. I have never come across a better daily devotional than this one. It will really bless your spiritial life and relationship w/the Lord.

Invertebrate Learning: A Source Book
Published in Paperback by American Psychological Association (APA) (1991)
Authors: Charles I. Abramson, Anna I. Yuan, and Ted Goff
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

A real Source Book
This book provided me with a lot of useful information. As a college students my life was made easier because it provided a starting point for a lot on my papers and projects. Invertebrate Learning is very informative, spanning many topics. It comes in very handy not only to a Zoology student but for anyone interested in the great world of invertebrates. The language is easily undertandable and the illustrations very life like. The author's writing style is pleasing because it is not dull like most other books. It is cool to look at something in this book and be able to identify in the real world. This is not a book that stays on your shelf, you will use it, I do.

Juan Carlos of Spain: Self-Made Monarch (St. Antony's Series)
Published in Hardcover by Palgrave Macmillan (1996)
Author: Charles Powell
Amazon base price: $65.00
Average review score:

EXCELLENT!! (But, No photos)
Great book LOADED with information not found in any other book/article in English. Thanks, Charlie Powell!!!! There are no photos or illustrations, but there is a great Spanish Royalty family tree.

I had to do a research paper and this helped tons! I couldn't beleive the stuff I found in the book ___JB

Let's Talk: A Cognitive-Skills Approach to Interpersonal Communication
Published in Paperback by Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company (2000)
Authors: Charles G. Waugh, William I. Gorden, and Kathleen M. Golden
Amazon base price: $73.95
Average review score:

academic and fun too!
there is always something inside the book that can touch your innerself, so read it and find out!

Literatura del siglo XX [i.e. veinte] y cristianismo
Published in Unknown Binding by Gredos ()
Author: Charles Moeller
Amazon base price: $
Average review score:

Literatura do Século XX e Cristianismo
I read this book many years ago. I read the translation in Portuguese. (If I am not mistaken, this book had 2 volumes in the Portuguese edition).
The author, Charles Moeller, gives a detailed account of the thought of the main writers of the XX century, and their thoughts -- pro or con -- on Christianity. I found this book marvelous, and I would like to buy it, if possible in Portuguese.

The Macintosh Bible: What Do I Do Now Book
Published in Paperback by Peachpit Press (1994)
Author: Charles Rubin
Amazon base price: $22.00
Average review score:

This is an essential book for new Macintosh Users
As a Macintosh Systems Engineer for Graphic Designers, this is the book I lend to new Macintosh Users. It is a simply presentation to the essentials for normal people, Creatives, and Artists to using the Macintosh. Essentials for getting your first project done. It is thin enough to keep under your pillow!

Marine Mammals and Noise
Published in Hardcover by Academic Press (1995)
Authors: W. John Richardson, Charles R., Jr. Green, Charles I. Malme, Denis H. Thomson, and Charles R. Greene
Amazon base price: $69.00
Average review score:

Marine Mammals and Noise
This is and excellent book for the researcher, graduate student, or undergrad (with some physics under his or her belt), who wants to learn about the effects of underwater noise on marine mammals. Currently this topic is the focus of much interest and is one of the most active areas of marine mammology research. Richardson et al. do an excellent job explaining the technical information, and have organized the book chapters in a logical sequence. Most terms are explicitly defined and the use of technical jargon is kept to a minimum. This book is a must for any researcher, or student, in the field.

Mark (Crossway Classic Commentaries, Vol 2)
Published in Paperback by Crossway Books (1993)
Authors: Alister McGrath, J.I. Packer, and John Charles Ryle
Amazon base price: $11.19
List price: $15.99 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Gets better with age
John Charles Ryle was a rare man - an evangelical Bishop of the Church of England in England in the last half of the 19th Century. Disrali made him Bishop of Liverpool as a last act of defiance as British Prime Minister.

Ryle was an amazing man whose many books are continually being republished for the next generation. His Expository Thoughts on the Gospels are all the work of a first rate mind - a man who communicates that which he loves so well - Jesus Christ. Of all his writings his passion for Jesus burns most brightly through these Expository Thoughts on the Gospels. Mark's Gospel is no exception. Originally bundled together with Matthew's in Ryle's writings, this recent publication takes the relevent parts for this short Gospel.

Buy his one, then buy the rest.

Matthew (Crossway Classic Commentaries, Vol 1)
Published in Paperback by Crossway Books (1993)
Authors: Alister McGrath, J.I. Packer, and John Charles Ryle
Amazon base price: $15.99
Average review score:

Solid food for the soul.
J. C. Ryle's Expository Thoughts on the Gospels is solidly Evangelical and Biblical. The expositions are short, and easy to read in a devotional setting. In Ryle's own words,

"In each Exposition I have generally begun by stating as briefly as possible the main scope and purpose of the passage under consideration. I have then selected two, three, or four prominent points in the passage, singled them out from the rest, dwelt exclusively on them, and endeavoured to enforce them plainly and vigorously on the reader's attention." (From the Preface to the Expository Thoughts on Matthew.)

The Expository Thoughts will give you a good grounding in the Gospels. The Banner of Truth edition is a facsimile reprint and the edition I prefer. It has footnotes that are often left out of some of the more "modernized" abridged reprints. Those footnotes can be a gold mine in themselves.

In the Teeth of the Wind: The Story of a Naval Pilot on the Western Front 1916-1918
Published in Hardcover by United States Naval Inst. (1994)
Authors: Squadron Leader C.P.O. Bartlett, Nick Bartlett, and C. P. O. Bartlett
Amazon base price: $27.95

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