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Book reviews for "Charles_I" sorted by average review score:

Artists of Taiwan: T'Ai-Wan I Shu Chia Ming Jen Lu
Published in Hardcover by Point Fine Arts (1994)
Author: Charles Liu
Amazon base price: $75.00
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Average review score:

Artists in Taiwan
I would like to know some Taiwan artists has name : Jiang Chang Y

The Cardiovascular System at a Glance
Published in Paperback by Blackwell Science Inc (15 October, 1999)
Authors: Philip I. Aaronson, Jeremy P. T. Ward, Charles M. Wiener, Steven P. Schulman, and Jaswinder S. Gill
Amazon base price: $29.95
Used price: $13.98
Buy one from zShops for: $29.95
Average review score:

Comprehensive and exhaustive
This book offers a rich and interdisciplinary overview over function and pathological conditions of the cardiovascular system, as well as some insight into therapeutical treatments. Condensed and easily comprehensible it is the ideal resource for obtaining secure knowledge for the time-pressured medical student. It is a joy to read it and a must for every medical student and prospective doctor.

Charles E. Burchfield at Kennedy Galleries: The Early Years, 1915-1929
Published in Paperback by Kennedy Galleries (01 October, 1977)
Authors: John I. H. Baur and Lawrence A. Fleischman
Amazon base price: $20.00
Average review score:

Dark Art
CHARLES E. BURCHFIELD AT KENNEDY GALLERIES brings together early drawings and watercolors, along with the later "House and Trees in the Snow." The artist liked to paint nature, particularly as a reflection of his own moods: the expressionist "Battleships," the dramatic "Landscape with Sunflowers," the Oriental "Snow Flakes" and the boisterous "Storm in Sunlight." But straight steel bands took over romantic landscapes in "Moonset over the Railroad" and "Railroad Track in Spring." He made one gloomy self-portrait, unusual because he silhouetted his anonymous, rare figures in landscapes of misery and toil: "Corner House," "Factory and Houses," and "Gray House" painted human lives at grim subsistence levels. He distorted the expressionist landscape further in "Coke Ovens at Twilight," "Stars and Fires," and "View near Salem, Ohio." He always mistrusted his creative ability in posters and wallpaper design: yet my favorites from his art include his B&W-inked Wallpaper Study and Wallpaper Designs 1-4, all working earlier poetically natural watercolors into decorative patterns, along with his "Forest of Wild Thyme" poster. I also like his less pessimistically penciled "House and Tree" and "Study of Three Trees" and his charcoaled "Tree Study." John IH Baur and Lawrence A Fleischman give such a clear idea of Burchfield's art that readers can find where the artist fit in with James E.B. Breslin's MARK ROTHKO, Hugh Davies and Sally Yard's FRANCIS BACON, Lawrence Gowing's MATISSE, Sarah Whitfield's FAUVISM, and Sylvia Yount's MAXFIELD PARRISH.

Chinese Carpets
Published in Hardcover by Kodansha International (1982)
Authors: E. Gans-Reudin, E. Gans-Ruedin, Jia Guanyan, and Charles I. Roster
Amazon base price: $45.00
Used price: $65.00
Collectible price: $100.59
Average review score:

The DEFINITIVE Book On Chinese Carpets.
This is the definitive book on chinese carpets. Period. Before I bought my carpets, I bought this book so that I could learn about the characteristics of Chinese carpets: materials, dyeing, and knots per linear line. Each region has its own workshop and produces magnificent carpets, each with their own distinctive designs. This book also has an excellent chapter on Tibetan carpets, which is significant because when this book was published in 1981 the public really was not aware of thier beauty and value. If you are interested in a DEEPER examination of Chinese carpets and want to round out your collection of books on this subject, then add this one!

A coffin for King Charles : the trial and execution of Charles I
Published in Unknown Binding by ()
Author: C. V. Wedgwood
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $0.40
Collectible price: $5.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.95
Average review score:

A Classic
This is classic history--Wedgwood's erudition is obvious, but this very readable narrative is enlivened with vivid details of characters, events, and physical settings. Her assessments of the duplicitous and vacillating Charles and the narrow but undeniably brilliant soldier Cromwell are both shrewd and sympathetic. The book, her third on the life of Charles I of England, deals with the ten weeks which comprise the trial and execution of the first European reigning monarch to be publicly tried for treason and put to death by his subjects. The story opens in November 1648, with Charles a prisoner, separated from his wife and children. The English Civil War, begun in 1642, has brought the deaths of thousands of his subjects, political anarchy, widespread destruction, catastrophic harvests, and economic depression. Charles has failed to reach agreement with Parliament on its demands for reform, knowing that when Cromwell returns from campaigning, he and the Army will take the law into their own hands. Cromwell and the Army duly return, take Charles prisoner, exclude the Presbyterian opposition from Parliament, and vote to bring the King to justice for plotting to enslave the English nation and commit treason by levying war on his subjects. A somewhat undistinguished group of men is chosen to prosecute and try the King, the country's experienced and influential judges and lawyers having refused to participate. The King, never a good speaker, rises to the occasion with a forceful defense denying the legal authority of the court and arguing, cleverly, that he is protecting not himself but the freedom and liberty of the English people by resisting the court's violation of centuries of English common law. The inevitable death sentence is pronounced and the death warrant is signed. Weirdly enough, Charles and Cromwell never confronted each other during the trial, and Charles was unacquainted with the men who prosecuted him and signed his death warrant. Wedgwood describes the startling denunciation of the court by a masked Lady Fairfax, wife of the commander of Cromwell's army, the King's poignant farewell to the only two of his children in England--a 13 year old daughter and an 8 year old son-- and his calm acceptance of a death which he considered martyrdom. The execution was delayed for several hours while the Commons rushed through an act making it illegal for anyone to proclaim a new king, and the headsman wore a mask and false hair and beard. Eleven years later, Charles' 30-year old son was restored to the throne as Charles II. Cromwell was dead, but 41 of the 59 signers of the death warrant were still alive; ultimately, only nine of them were executed for treason by Charles II. The regicides died believing that theirs had been an act of conscience.

The Collected Memoirs of C. Willeford: I Was Looking for a Street & Something About a Soldier
Published in Paperback by Disc Us Books Inc (2001)
Author: Charles Wileford
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

It's amazing!
I read one of these books (Something about a Soldier)standing up in the UC Berkeley Library. It is a wonderful, evocative well written account that is funny and moving. I finally made a photocopy of it. It's that good. The second book (I was looking for a Strret) I read when a friend brought back a rare copy from the UK. It is haunting and beautifully written, about a time foreign to most of us.

His prose is wonderful and should be savored. These books are among his finest.

The Divine Comedy, I. Inferno. Part 1
Published in Paperback by Princeton Univ Pr (01 February, 1990)
Authors: Dante Alighieri, Dante, and Charles Singleton
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.18
Collectible price: $5.00
Average review score:

CHARLES SINGLETON's translation of Divine Comedy
I capitalize CHARLES SINGLETON because pile their customer reviews into one long list, admitting no differences between translations. SINGLETON's very literal prose best serves the reader who would read the original Italian, and clarify his reading by referring to the facing English translation. You needn't have studied Italian for this, though some skill in another Romance language is very helpful. But if you insist on getting your terza rima secondhand, read Pinsky's Inferno(Pinsky has yet to bring over the Purgatorio and Paradiso).

Dwarfism: The Family & Professional Guide
Published in Paperback by Short Stature Foundation Pr (1994)
Authors: Charles I. Scott, Nancy Mayeux, Richard Crandall, and Joan Weiss
Amazon base price: $12.00
Average review score:

First experience with dwarfism
as a new mother of a child with achronplasia, the information was invaluable for myself, my family and our family doctor.the information in the book took alot of the fear out of having a child with achronplasia. The reflections by the parents were very helpful. And today nearly four years later I feel just like many of them.

Frank Luke, Balloon Buster
Published in Hardcover by Harpercollins Juvenile Books (1967)
Author: Charles I. Coombs
Amazon base price: $10.00
Average review score:

Greatest WWI American Pilot book ever!
Frank Luke: Balloon Buster is the greatest book I've ever read in the category of young boys' books. It isn't a baby-child book as has rated it. In fact, the book is for 4th grade through 8th grade level. It was written by the master, Charles Coombs, also the author of Sabre Jet Ace and other great war/peace-time adventures for young boys. He considered his target audience to be young adventuresome Americans and said so often. When I was a boy in Indiana, I was inspired by this book and it's way of placing you there in the trences, and over the landscape in Verdun, France where 6 million young men gave their lives for their countries. Frank Luke was an all-American young man with determination and fighting spirit.

The book tells the story of a young Arizona farm boy who enlist in the Army-Air Force and finds his calling in shooting down the Hydrogen-filled balloons ("sausages") that the Germans suspend near the front lines in order for an observer to call in accurate artillery onto the allied troops. This is the most dangerous job an allied pilot. So much so, that shooting down one balloon counted for two planes. In so doing, Frank Luke became the Americans' leading ace for a short while, and would have kept the title, had he not been shot down in September of 1918, just before the end of the war.

I highly recommend this book to you if you value ambition, courage, patriotism and masculinity in your son's life. I've been trying to get a copy of this book for years to no avail. I own the Balloon Buster: Frank Luke of Arizona book, but don't confuse it with Charles Coombs' book that was written to inspire.

If you would like to sell me a copy, I'd love to have one personally for my son to read when he gets a little older!

P.S. - And, oh yes, I've personally read it over 100 times thanks to the Fairhaven Baptist Academy library, there in Chesterton, Indiana.

Free Minds & Free Markets: Twenty-Five Years of Reason
Published in Hardcover by Pacific Research Inst for Public (1993)
Authors: Virginia I. Postrel, Robert W. Poole, and Charles Murray
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $5.00
Collectible price: $14.56
Average review score:

Cutting Edge Political Thought
I was alternately outraged and amused by Free Minds & Free Markets. I was outraged at numerous losses of freedom and the major media's poor reporting of them. I was amused at how weak the case has become for continued government expansion. For example, Paul Ehrlich predicted worldwide famines by 1975, and former Senator Gaylord Nelson said everybody would have to wear breathing masks in the 1980s -- thus, correctly predicting the fad of oxygen bars. Freedom is a new idea that is sweeping the planet. Free Minds & Free Markets provides an eloquent defense of freedom that is hard to find anywhere else.

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