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Book reviews for "Cattaui,_Georges" sorted by average review score:

Conversations With Seth (Combined Volumes 1 & 2)
Published in Paperback by Moment Point Pr Inc (01 August, 1999)
Authors: Susan M. Watkins, Jane Roberts, and George Rhoads
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $19.95
Buy one from zShops for: $18.99
Average review score:

One of my favorites...
I read this book when it was originally published in 2 volumes--however whether it is one or two books is immaterial. If you've read the Seth books you'll love this book!

Seth in a more casual setting
Seth might appear to some readers to be a bit too intellectual for a formal setting, as I once thought. However, Seth can quite hold his own with some very diverse people, and opinions. This book is basically transcripts from Jane Roberts' ESP class, and the discussion held there.

An invaluable guide to Seth
I have read Sue's original volumes and had been hoping ever since that they may be reprinted. My wish has come true.
Sue's contributions to understanding the Seth material and how it came about is invaluable because she puts matters in to a relevant, down-to-earth context. This facilitates the reader's approach to Seth's insights immensly.
Mental fogs lift, intellectual mists disperse, and all of a sudden you can see the landscape; and the trees in the wood stand out clearer than before.
I am thoroughly recommending this book along with Jane's material to everyone of my own readers.

The Crest of the Peacock
Published in Paperback by Princeton Univ Pr (15 October, 2000)
Author: George Gheverghese Joseph
Amazon base price: $14.67
List price: $20.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $8.00
Buy one from zShops for: $7.98
Average review score:

Great Book!
'Crest of the Peacock' would be an excellent text for a history of mathematics course. It doesn't cover modern mathematics, but for previous periods it is so much better than many others available. For those brought up on Kline, Boyer, Struik, etc, this book is a refreshing challenge to the thinking we have grown up with. The author does not rant about the misconception of maths as a 'western invention', but instead presents a very readable and well argued history of mathematics in various cultures, and the links between them. I learnt far more from this book than I have from any other history of maths text. Highly recommended, particularly if you teach mathematics - there is so much material in here to liven up your classes.

Marvellous Book
This is a book that is truly liberating. It should be read by each and everyone of us brought up on a diet of undiluted Eurocentrism. An amazing journey through history and cultures, one is left at the end of it wanting more. For someone with a limited and frightening exposure to school math, the level and literary clarity makes much of the math quite palatable. Would unreservedly recommend the book. I would be amazed if at the end of it one's perception of mathematics has not changed for ever.

A Truly Amazing Book
I have just finished reading this book. It is an amazing experience for someone whose math stopped with the high school. The sections relating to the truly forgotten people - the original inhabitants of the Pacific region, the American continents and Africa- which is mainly contained in the last chapter entitled 'Reflections' were a revelation to me. Anybody who sees math as a truly global phenomena must read this book I would be most interested in knowing more about the author.

Cry Freedom (Schalesky, Marlo M., Winds of Freedom, Bk. 1.)
Published in Paperback by Crossway Books (2000)
Author: Marlo M. Schalesky
Amazon base price: $10.39
List price: $12.99 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $1.50
Collectible price: $8.00
Buy one from zShops for: $8.60
Average review score:

Make time in your summer for this book!
This is an incredibly well-written book that is nearly impossible to put down. The author magically transports you through time and makes you truly feel you are a part of that time and place (which is a trick when you live in the desert). I am very glad this is part of a series. I can't wait to read more from this talented author.

You won't want to put this down!
Wow,this was a great book. I'm eagerly waiting the next in the series. Marlo crafted a fantastic story interweaving history and religion into a powerful prose. I could not put the book down. Her artistry reminds me of Mitchner. I enjoyed this so much I bought another and donated it to the library. ~ Hurry up with the next book!!

Prepare To Step Back In Time
Schalesky writes with such powerful prose that the reader not only believes the story, we are swept back in time to the early 1700's to experience it. What is the cry for freedom in a land that we today take for granted? What is the cry for freedom that every person feels within their life on a spiritual level? Schalesky weaves these questions into a story of historical accuracy and with characters who live and breath upon the page. As both a historical fiction and contemporary fiction reader, I will definitely return to Schalesky's books again and again. A reminder of our nation's foundation and with insights that touch us today -- a definite must read!

Flashman and the Mountain of Light: From the Flashman Papers, 1845-46
Published in Paperback by Plume (1992)
Author: George MacDonald Fraser
Amazon base price: $11.16
List price: $13.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $3.95
Buy one from zShops for: $9.60
Average review score:

Flashman's fourth, and best so far.
I read this book as part four of my chronological survey of the life and times of the greatest jewel in the British crown. After greatly enjoying the original Flashman papers and the two following edited packages, I consider this installment the best so far.

Fraser not only gives us the expected portion of ribaldry, but puts our hero in an accurately described historic situation in which some of the players are so spineless that they make Flashy look rather virtuous, by comparison.The result is a well-documented narrative, describing the first series of big battles of the British in the Punjab in which the local powers did not have any scruples about plotting a defeat resulting in thousands of deaths of their own people, just to hold on to power a little longer.

In style, Flashman, who looks rather upstanding through it all, gets none of the credit that he for once deserved. Don't worry, even our weak-boweled toady bastard himself took it rather philosophically.

This book was a great read and I can't wait to devour the next volume in the series.

Flashman gets some backbone
Reading this series in chronological order has been tricky, thanks to Fraser's skipping about history. Still, having already read "Flashman", "Royal Flash", and "Flashman's Lady", I saw a change in the "Mountain of Light": Flashy gets a little backbone.

The book itself focuses on a largely forgotten episode in British India, between the Afghan withdrawal in 1842 and the Great Mutiny in the 1850s. This time, Flashman is called into service just as the 80,000-strong Sikh army, the Khalsa, appears ready to sweep down on the English and drive them out once and for all. Flashman is drawn into behind-the-scenes subterfuge that take him from the Sikh royal court to the middle of bloody battlefields. To say much more would spoil the living history that Fraser's created.

However, I find it interesting to note a change in Flashman's character. The first novel, "Flashman", remains my favorite because the young character flees from every battle, and it is only through luck and chicanery that he rises to his fame. Never fear; Flashman still lies to save his hide and jumps on every woman he can get, but I finished "The Mountain of Light" feeling that Flashy had done a pretty good service--which he will tell you in the book. Maybe this is due to Fraser. While the book is the 4th chronologically, it's Fraser's 10th book about his alter ego. Having known the character for so long, maybe Flashman's done a little growing up.

What a Way to Expand the Empire!
Sadly, I don't know that much about the British Empire's interests in India, so the characters that paraded through this book I don't know anything about. But having read this, my introduction to the Flasman Papers, I'm sure as hell going to find out all I can about that period in colonial history. I devour history novels with as much voraciousness as Flasman devours female conquests and I'll certainly be reading the other installments in thsi magnificent series.

Formosa Betrayed (China in Twentieth Century)
Published in Hardcover by DaCapo Press (1976)
Author: George Kerr
Amazon base price: $79.00
Used price: $97.34
Average review score:

Captivatingly Dangerous
I found an electronic copy of Formosa Betrayed on the internet ... and read it through the wee hours of night, after putting my kids to bed, for four days until I finished the book. It is captivating and masterfully written; the truth told with authority by a former American vice consular to Taiwan who was there to witness the atrocities of the Chiang Kai Shek regime right after WWII. I felt a sense of relief after reading this book for some reason. Telling and documenting the truth about the "Taiwan experience" post-WWII is dangerous, but had to be done by someone who was raised up for just that task. Thanks Mr. Kerr for being there and for writing this piece of Taiwan's history confirming Taiwan's status as separate from China. From now on I'll sleep soundly as a Taiwanese American knowing that the truth has been revealed and any one can read it, if they dare.

Taiwan Status: Secrets of the San Francisco Peace Treaty
This book is not just a masterpiece on the tragic incident of 2-28-1947, it is the US military blueprint of the undefined status of Taiwan under a peace treaty in 1951. Few readers may realize that Lt. George Kerr was a US Naval Civil Affairs Officer during the World War and how he has singlehandedly established the credible evidence of the Nationalist Chinese illegal seizure of Taiwan territory before the Japanese had even surrendered the island in 1951. George Kerr was a US Naval specialist on the Laws of Occupation while the Formosans were still legally under Japanese rule. In addition to this piece of authoritative legal history, he edited over 1300 pages of a US Navy Civil Affairs report for the proposed Taiwan invasion which General MacArthur stopped in favor of retaking the Philippines. In the end, these unused US military volumes of area studies and economic knowledge was used by the Nationalists to effectively dismantle the vast Japanese industrial base in just a few years prior to 1949. It seems that the Japanese had actually developed the Taiwan island economy far beyond anything comparable on the China mainland in 1945. This puts into dispute regarding the Chinese claims to have been the success secret of the Taiwanese economy. They destroyed it, shipped it to China, and then had to start over from stratch in 1949. It seems that Kerr's Formosa Betrayed offers more insights for those island natives seeking to reclaim their stolen property as "Japanese nationals" prior to 1952. However, they must dig deeply into the US Army Field Manuals for Civil Affairs (eg. FM 27-10, FM 41-10, etc), and Formosa Betrayed will clearly explain the historical context of the belligerent occupational authority period of 1945-52 for this very purpose. Under the San Francisco Peace Treaty, Allied Powers were the legal occupiers and the thieving Nationalists were still officially subject to the supreme authority of General MacArthut. It was the US Military Government whom was legally occupying Japan and her territorial dependencies like Formosa. Taiwan will never be the same once interested readers grasp the historical significance of their unalienable legal rights under the Laws of Occupation (SFPT). And Formosa Betrayed is unquestionably the foremost legal and historical authority for supporting these claims made under necessary civil affairs expertise embedded deeply into the book. Unlock the secrets of the Taiwan Relations Act with Formosa Betrayed, if you dare.

Formosa Betrayed
Along with oral history from family and friends involved in the incident, this book is one of the two best sources which clarified to me that Taiwan is Taiwan, and China is China. An excellent account of the 228 Incident, one of many "forgotten Holocausts", with extensive research and clear writing that shows the source of today's confusion over Taiwan's international status.

Also a very good source for showing how much damage a foreign government that does not care for its people can do; a classic story of corruption and cover-up.

General Patton's Principles : For Life and Leadership
Published in Hardcover by Management & Systems Consultants ()
Author: Porter B. Williamson
Amazon base price: $22.95
Average review score:

Leader? Read this!
General Patton is here for the next generation of managers and CEO's. Wonderfully written in a style that made me feel I was there. I lived the experiences Mr Williamson lived with Patton, and I have learned. One of the best 'how to' mgt books available. I only wish I had found it sooner...

The Essential Guide for Leadership
General George S. Patton, Jr. was one of the greatest heroes this country has ever produced. In addition, he was also one of the most misunderstood. Many thought he was hated by his men, but the truth is that his men loved him. Porter B. Williamson served with General Patton in the I Armored Corps in 1942. Although he did not follow Patton across the Atlantic, Williamson had instilled in him the principles that would follow him for the rest of his life. This book is the best collection of the leadership principles and philosophies of General George S. Patton. Minus the profanity that Patton made famous, this book uses many speeches and talks to the troops that exemplify the leadership principles that helped Patton lead his men to victory. This book is highly recommended for anyone in a position of leadership, and is must reading for anyone seeking a management position.

A Great Lesson
As a Naval Officer I have read this book well over ten times. It's lessons show the importance of such leadership qualities as honesty, integrity, care for your men, and the importance of being fair. An excellent book for anyone wanting leadership advice.

A Gift for Giving: Making the Most of the Present
Published in Hardcover by Clarkson N. Potter (07 November, 2000)
Authors: Donna Lang and George Ross
Amazon base price: $17.50
List price: $25.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $17.25
Buy one from zShops for: $16.23
Average review score:

True gifts
Finally, someone who understands that gifts are not about how much you spend or how much you can impress your friends. I love the way the book emphasizes simpler, but more loving offerings: homebaked goodies, fresh flowers, gifts of experiences rather than things (a round of golf, tickets to a play or movie, etc.). The book even shows inventive and personal ways that money can be given. Most of all, though, the beautiful photography and the passages about the philosophy of giving make this book a great resource for someone who wants to give meaningful and personal presents.

This book is a treasure. The ideas enable you to deliver the messages to the recipients that they are special for you. The memory of the gift giving stays with them for a long time. Try it. I have, and it works.

A True Gift!
I love this book and have used many of the ideas to the delight of friends and family. I also own a gift business for professionals with personal clients and I use it for them too! I have given this book as a gift and can't tell you the thank you's I have received! If you buy this book you will never be at a loss for a thoughtful gift again!!!!

The Dechronization of Sam Magruder: A Novel
Published in Paperback by St. Martin's Press (1997)
Authors: George Gaylord Simpson, Joan Simpson Burns, Arthur Charles Clarke, and Richard Roe
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $2.00
Buy one from zShops for: $1.74
Average review score:

Time Travel and Neology
I admit it: I am a sucker for time travel stories. They don't even have to be any good. I'll still read them, and probably like them.

This book, however, is quite good. It takes the time-slip convention and turns it into a scientific "fact" by giving it a fancy sounding name: dechronization. Just the fact that it uses a pseudo-term like that would make it a favorite with me even if it was written in gibberish, but I have a thing about neology. Since reading this book, I have started slipping the word "dechronization" and all its variants into conversation whenever possible. It is my hope that one day this word will be common koine.

The other notable point of this book the reaction of Magruder to the dechronization. Since he is a chronologist, he knows that the chances of his being re-dechronized are beyond impossible. So he has absolutely no chance of seeing another person. Ever. But he doesn't give in to the hopelessness that I know I would feel. He continues to live. He takes a lesson from Robinson Crusoe, and makes a good life there in the middle of nowhere (or in this case nowhen).

All in all, I think this is a must-read for wannabe time travelers like myself. Or maybe just anyone who likes the linguistic oddities inherent in time travel.

A masterpiece
In the year 2162, the eminent chronologist Sam Magruder mysteriously disappeared while running an experiment. Some years later, while arguing about the possibility of being totally alone, the evidence is produced that Sam Magruder did not die in 2162, but was transported back in time some 80 million years! Engraved upon sandstone slabs, found in a bed of shale, is found the story of Sam Magruder's existence in the late Cretaceous period. Alone, with no hope of ever seeing another human being again, Sam survived, and this is his story.

The famous paleontologist George Gaylord Simpson penned this short story, apparently for his own amusement, but it is a masterpiece. Considering Dr. Simpson's field, I would have assumed that this story would be entirely about what Sam found in the Cretaceous, but that's only part of the story. As the opening chapter tells, this is the story of a modern (OK, future) man's coming to grips with his situation, one containing only danger and isolation.

I am sure that my words do not do justice to this story. This work is complex and fascinating beyond some lengthy works produced by noted authors. I recommend it to everyone.

A Review of "The Dechronization of Sam Magruder
The Dechronization of Sam Magruder is an intriguing story of science and adventure. It is about a scientist who constructs a time machine, is accidentally transported to the dinosaur age and is, as you may have guessed, unable to return. The story is an account of this journey through his eyes and the eyes of the future...

A Dolphin Named Bob
Published in Hardcover by Harpercollins Juvenile Books (1996)
Authors: Twig C. George and Christine Herma Merrill
Amazon base price: $15.99
Used price: $1.35
Collectible price: $1.58
Buy one from zShops for: $1.99
Average review score:

A must read book
This book is a non-fiction book about a female dolphin named Aster. It is an interesting story of a dolphin's survival in captivity. When she was about ten months old she was washed ashore. She was about to die when a group of bird watchers discovered her. They put her in one of the bird-watcher's cars and took her to the Maryland State Aquarium. While the trainers were taking care of Aster and the other dolphins, Aster becomes pregnant. Since dolphins often die in childbirth, everyone was worried. Read to find out what happens to Aster. I think that this would be a great book for kids aged 9-11.

My 7yo daughter loved it!
Cute, cute, cute and informative about dolphins!

An Amazing Dophin
I think that A Dolphin Named Bob is a really good book. I liked the book because I really like dolphins. This book is about two dolphins named Aster and Bob. Aster was sick and stranded on the beach with no food or water. Some bird watchers found her and brought her to the closest aquarium. Aster was pregnant; Aster had a very scrawny baby. The trainers named the dolphin Bob, but they didn't think he would live. To find out if Bob did live, read A Dolphin Named Bob. I think you will like it a lot.

Divorce Is Not the Answer: A Change of Heart Will Save Your Marriage
Published in Paperback by Petrocelli Books (1990)
Author: George S. Pransky
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $6.50
Collectible price: $19.25
Buy one from zShops for: $59.99
Average review score:

But it worked for the author
I am curious to know if the author wrote this book before or after his own divorce and remarriage.

simply a family's life saver
With out the help of this book my life, my wife, and my wonderful children's life would not be the same.

A practical,realistic way to renew your marriage
I can't say enough about this book and its down-to-earth, benevolent approach to saving one's marriage by going back and realizing what's special and attracted you to your spouse--I had to go way back to remember! Dr. Pransky has beautiful and encouraging insights to offer. It's so refreshing to read a book that values marriage and gives hope and practical advice. I keep rereading and applying the book's suggestions as my marriage continues to improve. This book is the most positive and helpful I've read on the subject--and I've read many!

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