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Book reviews for "Cattaui,_Georges" sorted by average review score:

New York Characters
Published in Hardcover by W.W. Norton & Company (2001)
Authors: Gillian Zoe Segal and George Plimpton
Amazon base price: $16.07
List price: $22.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $16.02
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $12.55
Average review score:

New York Characters- A Must Buy!
Gillian Zoe Segal's book, New York Characters, is outstanding- the best photography book I've ever seen/read! The photographs featuring prominent New Yorkers are incredible. Each one captures the true essence of the "character" and truly comes to life on the page. The characters are all photographed in their natural environment, and as Segal points out and demonstrates in her book it is New York's characters that make "it the greatest city in the world". In addition to her photographic genius, Segal writes beautifully. The vignettes's about the characters are intersting, informative, humorous, and touching. No coffee table should be without a copy of New York Characters. It makes the perfect holiday gift for New Yorkers as well as out-of-towners because everyone loves or has an interest in New York, right? Furthermore, all of the proceeds of the book sales are going to the September 11th fund. So what could be more gratifying than supporting the city's recovery effort by buying this wonderful book for yourself, for your friends, for your family...? I feel confident in saying that anyone who picks up New York Characters will enjoy it immensely. What will Segal do next? I can't wait....

Must read for any New Yorker.....or anyone who just loves NY
As evidenced by the Sept. 11 disaster, what makes New York such a great city are it's people (it's characters)... New Yorkers are extraordinary people and have really shown this in light of recent events...Gillian Segal really captures the energy and heart of this wonderful city and really helps the reader experience what makes New York tick.....

For New Yorkers and Non New Yorkers Alike
If you admire great photography and exquisite prose and feel the slightest attachment (or wish you did) to New York, then Gillian Segal's book is for you. I moved from New York a little over ten years ago and was determined to keep in touch with the city I love. However, it was only a matter of time before I lost touch with what really made New York special: the people's unique personalities. Gillian's book has allowed me to reestablish contact with the city that I still like to call home. Now, when my colleagues in Providence ask me what to do in New York, I no longer provide them with a mundane and outdated list of restaurants and sites. Instead, I refer them to Mrs. Segal's book. I inform them that in its pages is where they can find the real New York. Everything from great food, The Egg Cake Lady, to a wonderful opera on 57th street, performed by Opera Man, to a great jogging partner, the Mayor of the Reservoir (he is featured on the cover) can be found in "New York Characters".

Precalculus Mathematics in a Nutshell: Geometry, Algebra, Trigonometry
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill (1988)
Author: George Finlay, Simmons
Amazon base price: $17.50
Used price: $15.00
Average review score:

Excellent Book for those just learning and those who forgot!
This is one of the best concise texts on the subject of Precalculus Mathematics. It covers all one needs to know to make them comfortable in dealing with the deep dark world of higher mathematics. I found the book so outstanding that I use it as a precourse my Fundamentals of Engineering Review course where calculus and higher math must be totally understood to pass this tough State Board Exam. Excellent work!

A crash course to bring you up to speed..
This book is a great tool for those who have been away from algebra, geometry, and trig for a short while. The author treats one to a 'no nonsense' crash course in basic concepts. This being the case, the book is fast paced and very crisp. There is not much 'hand holding' here. Topics are explained quite well and to the point with a good number of exercises.

One caveat though. If you have been away from math for say 10 - 20 years you will often get lost wading through the material. The text does assume that one's thinking process is still attuned to basic skills such as the "two sign change" rule in a compound expression. Therefore if you find that you have forgotten the tricks involved in things like factoring you will be better served to first go with say "Practical Algebra: A self teaching Guide" and "Geometry and Trig for Calculus". Both by Selby et al.

However, if you've been away from math for only a short time (< 5 years), by all means get this book.

Excellent distilled precalculus will help you succeed
This is one of my very favorite math books of all time. As a survivor of the deplorable California education system in the sixties and seventies, I had to teach myself math because most of my teachers didn't either didn't know how to teach basic math or else they didn't understand it themselves. I used this book! I have had my copy for around twenty years and it is all beaten up and filled with highlighting and notes. I have shown it to friends whenever they needed help and they have asked to buy my copy off me, but I refuse to sell it. I send them here instead.

Also, I recommended this book to a friend and walked her though the basics so that she regained her cofidence and knowledge enough to pass the GMAT within a couple of weeks!

In my opinion, this book gives it all to you -- the basics -- without getting "cutesy" or patronizing -- which is what many of the new "easy to understand" precalculus books unfortunately do. Nor does it leave out substance, which is what you need if you are trying to pass or master this subject. What more could you ask?

One thing to keep in mind, though, if you want to practice your math, use this book with an additional book of problems. There really isn't enough problems in the book for practice. But then, that was not the author's intention, anyway. You should know that when you buy it, though.

Stick Control for the Snare Drummer
Published in Paperback by George B Stone & Son (1998)
Author: George L. Stone
Amazon base price: $9.00
Average review score:

THE Classic Drum Book for Types of Drummers
This book reads as though it has hardly been changed from its original publication (I think in the 1930s); nonetheless it remains an invaluable tool for the drummer of any style and skill level. The exercises are isolated into short (four or eight measure) patterns so that each may be repeated to perfection. There are no ungainly "etudes", no corny written solos, and the exercises focus solely on control and sticking, not on style; therefore they may be applied to anything from orchestral percussion to jazz to rock.

Furthermore, the introduction is a dryly wonderful piece of writing; pragmatic, no-nonsense, economical prose imparting essential advice on practice. This book makes an ideal "workout" (emphasizing that "control" is the gateway to strength, endurance, coordination, and all else that drummers crave). Practice Stick Control daily, and meditate on the craft of drumming.

A must have book for the beginner and for the pro.
This book is very good for the beginner and for the advanced player. It makes you gain stamina. Also it gives you better stick control which means it makes your hands more indepedent when playing(which is essential for playing the drums). It does not teach how to play the drums but improves your technique. Use this book for daily excersise and you'll see the effects. No matter what kind of music you like to play (jazz, rock, classical) this book is a must. Also helps A LOT in managing to play open and closed rolls.

"Hanon" for Drummers
The first page alone keeps me humble. It doesn't matter what style of music you play--classical percussion, hip hop, jazz, whatever--your hands will need this training for as long as you play drums. In a weird way, this book embodies everything great about playing drums: who would have thought R's and L's would be this tough or this fun.

Making Six Sigma Last : Managing the Balance Between Cultural and Technical Change
Published in Hardcover by John Wiley & Sons (2001)
Author: George Eckes
Amazon base price: $20.97
List price: $29.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $16.51
Buy one from zShops for: $18.00
Average review score:

Tools and Teams are Not Enough
In this companion text to The Six Sigma Revolution, Eckes provides a convincing (and data-driven) argument that Six Sigma success as a management philosophy that will embed itself within an organization can be described by the simple function Q x A = E. While short-term cost savings and temporary process modifications can be achieved by the imposition of the strategic and tactical elements of Six Sigma ("Q"), these successes cannot be sustained with significant attention to the cultural acceptance ("A") of these elements within a company.

In Making Six Sigma Last, Eckes draws on his 20+ years of consulting experience to provide a handbook of tools and strategies to define, measure, analyze, and implement the changes needed to create a corporate culture that supports its Six Sigma efforts. Topics addressed include a.) how to identify and to deal with the types of resistance commonly found in organizations undergoing change; b.) how company leaders can create the vision, mold Six Sigma sustaining behaviors, and must be held accountable for the success of their efforts; c.) what it takes to create cultural acceptance of Six Sigma in terms of people, training, and attention; and d.) how to measure cultural acceptance. Eckes provides numerous anecdotes about companies, and their leaders, that exhibit both pluses and deltas in the implementation of a Six Sigma management philosophy.

Well-written, well-organized, with helpful summaries and key learnings, and enough stories and measurement tools to keep both your "people" and "technical" managers intrigued, I strongly recommend Making Six Sigma Last for any company that is considering adopting Six Sigma or that wants to sustain the short-term successes it has achieved thus far.

Eugene J. Nuccio, Ph.D. S4-Six Sigma Strategic Solutions

Best Book On How To: Create & Sustain a Six Sigma Culture
Think about it. Seriously think about it. What was the downfall of your quality endeavor? Your performance improvement plan? Your Six Sigma initiative? Was the wrong strategy used or was it the wrong tactical approach? Mostly likely it was neither your strategy nor your tactical approach. The failure was most likely do to people. Most likely your people hadn't really bought in. Buy-in from your people is necessary for an initiative such as Six Sigma to be successful. The people in your organization create your organizations' culture. How do you get cultural buy-in? How can you sustain that buy-in?

In the book Making Six Sigma Last, the author, George Eckes shows us how. Through heart-felt stories, humorous personal examples, and real business illustrations the author takes us through the process needed to create and sustain a culture that supports Six Sigma.

First we learn about Q x A = E. This powerful formula shows us that: "Q" Quality, the technical and strategic elements of a Six Sigma initiative, times "A" Cultural Acceptance, of the technical and strategic elements of Six Sigma, determines "E" the success of the Six Sigma process. Then, the author addresses resistance. We are reminded that it's a natural process for people to resist change. Eckes describes four types of resistance and offers specific strategies for overcoming each. The next chapters show how to sell it and then manage it. Now it's time to ask did it work? Did you get the cultural buy-in you were attempting? How do you know? In Making Six Sigma Last, Eckes offers a model that is used to measure the cultural acceptance within the organization or as Eckes says, "how well Six Sigma has been baked into the organization". Five case studies are used to illustrate these concepts. Then through profiles of leadership, the author shares real business examples of what worked, what didn't and why. Finally we learn how to sustain the culture that will support Six Sigma initiatives with the chapter on pitfalls: 10 things to avoid.

Making Six Sigma Last is an informative and easy read. It's effective and efficient, hallmarks of Six Sigma. The book leaves you inspired and hopeful that this stuff really can work. Don't start without it!

Highly Recommended!
No one knows Six Sigma, which seeks near perfect customer satisfaction, like George Eckes, the consultant who literally wrote the book on it (The Six Sigma Revolution: How General Electric and Others Turned Process into Profits). In his second book, Eckes emphasizes the importance of molding organizational culture to generate broad acceptance of a Six Sigma initiative, using illustrative examples from his workshops. He describes ways to overcome internal resistance to change, to sell the program's benefits and to get key people as well as the masses on board. If you are launching a Six Sigma program, Eckes provides many specific suggestions of strategies you can employ. But because much of Eckes' wisdom can be applied more generally to organizational change efforts, we [...] recommend this insightful book to any executive, whether or not Six Sigma is your strategy of choice.

My Side of the Mountain Gift Set: On the Far Side of the Mountain, My Side of the Mountain
Published in Paperback by Puffin (1997)
Author: Jean Craighead George
Amazon base price: $9.99
Used price: $25.61
Buy one from zShops for: $14.95
Average review score:

The best book of its kind!
The book On the Far Side of the Mountain is an instant classic. This book keeps me on the edge of my seat. When Sam loses his best friend and greatest survival tool it looks like that is all the book is going to be about. It turns out that Sam learns to survive all over again on new places of his mountains. He also learns how to use a sling (like in David and Goliath). Then when his voyage was complete he found himself in a mess of criminals and thieves. Read it!

Good book to read for any kid or adult!!!!!!!
Before I read this book I looked at nature a different way.I didn't know one survival tip. Now I know alot and I'm looking at nature as a place to live.It isn't just a free time book, it's a good to read anytime.It's better than the sequel, & most other books. It shows bravery, wisdom,inspiration and ,for me humor. I'm lucky this site has it because I can't find it anywere else.I recomend you read this book, it's crushal to your health!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jean Craighead George strikes a chord with everyone....
In 1959, Jean Craighead George invited us all to visit the Catskill Mountians. She introduced us to a boy who lived there with a weasel, racoon, falcon, and an assortment of other friends. His name was Sam Gribley, and his year there would change his life.

That is the plot of the modern classic "My Side of the Mountain". Sam's coming-of-age is contained within the pages of that novel. The reader will feel like he/she is Sam when they read it because of all of the vivid descriptions. I wasn't me when I was reading it. I was on Sam's mountain, with his falcon, living his life. I didn't want it to end--and pleased to discover the sequel, "On the Far Side of the Mountain".

While the book isn't as classic as "My Side" is, (and a bit disappointing because of much change) it's good in its own way. Female fans of the author (Jean Craighead George) will enjoy this very much because of the spunky new herione, Sam's sister Alice, who has come to live with him on the mountain--or has she? The plot thickens when she disappears (just a day after Frightful is confascated by the confasation officer!) While the book can bug you at some times, finish it. The last three chapters make up for any and all of that with a powerfully heart-wrenching ending, which will strongly move you. I even cried after it, even though I know what happened--I'll leave that a mystery--was for the best.

Jean Craighead George has done it again. These two books are genuine treasures. This gift set is a must-have, and any nature lover would love to be given it. I'm as sure of it as Sam Gribley's falcon is Frightful. It also may be enjoyable to compare Sam to Julie (from "Julie of the Wolves") and Liza K (from "The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo"), both also authored by Jean. Any way you look at it--I don't see one reason why this isn't a good buy. You won't ever forget Sam, Frightful, The Baron Weasel, Jessie Coon James, Bando, Zella, Crystal, Miss Turner, Mrs. Strawberry, or Alice. I know I'll return to their mountain again soon.

ALSO RECCOMENDED: "Frightful's Mountain" "The Missing 'Gator of Gumbo Limbo" "Julie of the Wolves" "Hatchet" (by Gary Paulsen)

Terry: My Daughter's Life and Death Struggle with Alcoholism
Published in Paperback by Dutton Books (1999)
Author: George S. McGovern
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $9.71
Collectible price: $9.55
Average review score:

Disturbing Lessons
George McGovern honors the memory of his daughter, and struggles to understand his own choices and mistakes in this powerfully moving and tragic story. Deep thanks and deep condolences are due McGovern for writing this book. He raises an issue that must be emphasized: his daughter fell victim to the self-pity and the delusions of the "wounded child" craze of the early '90s. She was aided and abetted by reckless "therapists" who encouraged her to blame all her problems on her family, her upbringing, and especially her parents. The greatest tragedy of Terry McGovern's life was not that she was an alcoholic, but that she was an alcoholic who refused to use the tools available to her to get better. Exactly why she made that choice can never be fully known. But clearly the healthiest, most productive, and most sane years of her life were the 8-years she was treating her alcoholism in AA (which is not the "secret society" absurdly referred to by an earlier reviewer; an organization open to all of the public and listed in the telephone book is not a secret society). AA teaches the need to take responsibility for one's actions, not blame Mommy and Daddy. Terry chose not to take responsibility, and instead descended into the quicksand of psychobabble and infantilization of the "inner-child," recovered memory, Blame-Everything-On-Your-Parents school of late 20th century American psychology. The destructiveness of this philsophy and its practitioners needs to be more fully revealed. Everyone interested in this problem as well as in alcoholism should read this book.

very unselfish account of a personal tragedy
I heard George McGovern talking about this book on NPR when it first came out, but it wasn't till recently that i had a chance to read it. I thoroughly enjoyed it, because it gave me some insight on addiction that i did not have before. Sen. McGovern's intentions in writing this book are laudable, and i have a lot of respect for him. I can only imagine how painful it must have been to research the material (Terry's journals, social workers' reports, etc), and to actually write the book and go through those memories. He is sincere and acknowledges his responsibility as a father, and does not try to place blame on alcohol, society, or many of the other targets of anti-abuse groups. Terry might as well have been born with CF, because she suffered from (in her case) an incurable disease. If you want to understand the incredible power of addiction, this book is a great place to start.

Shockingly familiar grounds
I read this book when it first came out. At the time I was suffering from depression and alcoholism. I wept as I read the pages because I knew that I too could end up like Terry. I felt for Terry and her family all through out the book. I also realized how my family must have felt and how they might feel if I too fell victim to myself and alcohol. You have to give credit to the courageouls George McGovern to share his families sacred secrets and tradgedy. This is a must have book for anyone who is an alcoholic, heavy drinker or depressed or anyone who knows or lives with an alcoholic or heavy drinker.

Yellow Eyes
Published in Paperback by Caxton Press (01 June, 2001)
Authors: Rutherford George Montgomery and L. D. Cram
Amazon base price: $15.95
Used price: $6.75
Collectible price: $10.00
Buy one from zShops for: $12.70
Average review score:

Great for any age
I can't have read this book fewer than a hundred times during my childhood, and I still dust it off every year at least. The storyline is great, but the authors descriptive language is what makes this book a classic. You see through yellow eyes into the wilderness he lives in.

Excellent introduction to nature reading
Yellow Eyes is the first book I can remember sellecting on my own, reading and getting all my friends to read. That was 1960, I was in the 4th grade. I haven't seen a copy of the book in almost that many years, but I can still remember the abandonment with which I read it. It was the first sweet dose in a lifelong addiction to reading for me and I can hardly wait to track down another copy. -M-

an excellent page turner for kids...
I read Yellow Eyes many years ago in grade school and it really moved me. Montgomery excels at creating empathy. You really do see through the yellow eyes.

Now that I'm a father, I wanted to read it to my sons, but couldn't find the book. Fortunately, Amazon found a copy for me and I'm currently reading it to my 8 year old at bedtime. This is what has compelled me to write this review. I try to read just one chapter per night, but each night he begs me to keep going! I'm ordering another copy just for him - so he'll be able to read it to his sons.

Incidentally, as I'm re-reading it for the first time in at least 30 years - I realize that it is every bit as good as I remembered it.

I very highly recommend this one.

Above New York: A Collection of Historical and Original Aerial Photographs of New York City
Published in Hardcover by Cameron & Co (1988)
Authors: Robert Cameron, Paul Goldberger, and George Plimpton
Amazon base price: $20.65
List price: $29.50 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $16.00
Buy one from zShops for: $18.95
Average review score:

The Best Photographic Book
This is the best photographic book I have ever seen. Its pictures of The Big Apple are magnificent! Comparative pictures taken in years past, many in the 1920s, show how sections of the city have changed. Whether one is a fan of New York and who isn't, you will enjoy this book. It makes me want all the other "Above" books now.

Great book
This book is really great. I recommend it to anyone who loves NY!

A thoughtful view of the city
Robert Cameron's book, "Above New York", is one of the best photographic books that I've seen in recent years. Some areas of the city are chronicled from an historic perspective, while other areas are displayed in their modern beauty. I appreciate the juxtaposition of the older photos with their more modern counterparts.

His views of downtown are especially well-done, and in light of recent times, it was a comfort to see the skyline in the traditional beauty. The view of the Twin Towers rising from the battery with Lady Liberty in the foreground seems especially meaningful in these times when our freedom seems threatened.

Blackjack's Hidden Secrets II
Published in Paperback by ME-n-U Marketers, LLC (2001)
Author: George Pappadopoulos
Amazon base price: $11.66
List price: $12.95 (that's 10% off!)
Used price: $9.00
Buy one from zShops for: $8.90
Average review score:

thee book
By using george's philosophy,I not only have made a lot of extra money for myself,but I am amazed by what I can get out of the casino for free.Most times they come to me and ask me if I need anything.I get free cigarettes,drinks,rooms,shows,money to spend in gift shop,etc.The system is wonderful,everyone should try it,it works.

Don't visit another Casino until you read this book!
Ever since I first stepped into a casino, I always thought it would be useful to find a book or a guide that would provide an inside peek into the hidden and understated apsects of the casino world. George Pappadopoulos has written such a book. And in one pleasant read, anyone interested in really playing the casino game will find themselves winning - at all levels- very quickly.

Enjoying the Whole Black Jack Experience
Mr. Pappadopoulos' first book allowed me to enjoy Black Jack as a table experience. It gave me the confidence I needed and some extra spending money.

This book broadens the experience to include the whole casino and take advantage of its perks ("comps" in casino jargon).

Definitely worth much, much more than the cost of the book.

His easy writing style make his insights and experiences easy to grasp and internalize.

Blue Dog Man
Published in Hardcover by Abradale Press (2003)
Authors: George Rodrigue and Tom Brokaw
Amazon base price: $19.98
Average review score:

Teach an old dog new tricks? Absolutely, provided the pooch in question is Blue Dog, that colorful canine spawned from the mind of Cajun artist George Rodrigue. (For those no up to their four-legged friends fodder, the cobalt canine with the yellow eyes is based on three of the artist's now-dead dogs, and was first immortalized on slick papers back in 1994.) Who says a sleeping dog must lie? This babe is everywhere: portraits hang in the White House, on the set of "Friends" and in fan Whoopi Goldberg's abode; Blue Dog also stars in an Absolut ad. This volume boasts 60 gorgeous never-before-published paintings, along with commentary by Rodrigue on the birth of Blue Dog and its transformation into a pop culture icon. Tom Brokaw, an avid Blue Dog collector, wrote the book's forward. The cat's meow. Really.

Blue Dog Rocks!
You just can't fully appreciate or understand the scope and delight of Blue Dog until you read this book. I adore Blue Dog. This silly, goofy blue dog provokes emotions in me that I have not experienced with art before...there is some strange, sad, beautiful, eerie, rapturous, haunting, joyful essence to this darn dog. This book is completely unique, fun, inspirational...I could go on and on. You just have to touch this book (the cover is fuzzy!) and open will be hooked. The best coffee table book and a sure conversation starter, though that is hardly its value.

Gotta love that dog
Any book with more of Blue Dog is great. This features more of the pop art world of Blue Dog than the previous books of Rodrigue's work. (I actually like the paintings of Blue Dog in cajun settings best.)

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