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Book reviews for "Cattaui,_Georges" sorted by average review score:

Communication With the Spirit World of God: Its Laws and Purpose (Tr. from Ger.)
Published in Paperback by Johannes Greber Foundation (1987)
Authors: Johannes Greber and George W. Knoblauch
Amazon base price: $10.95
Used price: $91.00
Collectible price: $90.00
Average review score:

An essential work in studying Mediumship and Spiritualism.
This book is a very important work in the history of Spiritualism. The author, once a Catholic priest in the early 1900's in Germany received many important spirit messages from young mediums in his parish which caused him to look at all the cases of mediumship and communication with spirit recorded in the Old and New Testaments. With the help of spirit advisors Greber corrected many of the mistakes, mistranslations and additions which over time had crept into the original Biblical texts. He also published his own edition of the New Testament. In "Communication with the Spirit World of God" Greber also looks at many other cases of mediumship through the ages, mentioning some other French and German priests who were themselves mediums in the 18th and 19th century, and others in the 20th century such as Mirabelli and Kluski. He shows how the spiritual gifts of prophesy, healing and clairvoyance have continued since Biblical times down to the present day, not so much in the priesthood, which has lost touch with its true living spiritual source, but in the lay psychics and public mediums within or outside the Spiritualist and New Age movements. Just look at the present-day mediums appearing on television, such as John Edward, James Van Praagh, Sylvia Browne, George Anderson and Colin Fry, to name a few. Greber resigned his priesthood and came to live in the United States, where this translation of his original text was published, running into six editions between 1932 and 1979. It is time for another reprint, but meantime, any available copy is a collectible item and is well worth the outlay to any prospective purchaser.

The most influential book I have ever read.
If it weren't for this book, I probably would no longer consider myself a Christian. This book showed me that I could believe in God without having to believe the doctrines of the churches. It offered a plausible explanation for the problems of life. I wish this book were still in print and available for everyone to read.

Review for Johannes Greber
This book is basically the reason I enrolled in a doctoral program in Biblical Studies at The Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. Even though the professors here teach their version of the truth, I am seeking my own confirmation of the Greber text here, THE truth. The book presents spiritual principles in a very logical way that is easy to consume and muse upon. If taken seriously enough the book can change one's life for the better. Christianity does not have to be the stumbling block that man has unfortunately fashioned it as. The Christianity in the Greber book is liberating while keeping Christ and God clearly in the picture. Of all the books on spiritism that can go on and on about who/what/why/how God is, generating nothing but a headache for the reader, the Greber book remarkably presents only a few pages on God without wacky occult/New Age views...Greber was a sincere and hardworking Cathohlic priest who after 25 years in the priesthood was approached by a parisioner on the subject of spiritism...Greber's book is a fascinating accound of his response to that it and find out.

The Dot People : Balancing Head and Heart
Published in Paperback by G & M Publishing (10 March, 2000)
Author: George L. Baker
Amazon base price: $14.95
Average review score:

The Dot People
Mr. Baker has written a book that can be used by adults as well as children. This is a great guide for Dot seekers. It is a light book with a positive message. I plan to have my children read this delightful book. My wish for them is to never to lose their own DOT! "Each of us has our own Journey in life. By knowing and following our DOT, we are able to stay on the DOT path." This message has become my inter voice. Thanks George!

The greatest balancing act.
This is a great work of art done by Mr. George L. Baker. He shares with the reader his humor and his wit. The reader is taken on a journey that can only be completed by finding one's own "dot." With a positive attitude and a introspective view, one will be successful in gaining all the joys of the "dot" journey. One could not ask for a better tour guide then George Baker.

The all time balancing act.
The Dot People, Balancing Head and Heart is a great guide for individuals who are looking for their "dot." The author shares with the reader important concepts of a finding his/her "Dot." His writings guide the reader to the introspective view of one's life. He will make one smile, contemplate, and share with others. This book is definitely a book to add to any library.

The Dynamic Drum Major
Published in Paperback by Cl Barnhouse Co/Music Pubs (1984)
Author: George N. Parks
Amazon base price: $19.95
Average review score:

A time warp and back again!
George N. Park's is my idol, and when I read this book (cover to cover in one sitting) I was amazed. He starts off with a trip back in time to what the art of drum majoring is all about, then slowly brings you to now with tips and tactics on everything you need to know. From conducting, to commands, to whistle use, even down to how to wrap a mace, Parks has it all. From the book alone, you learn how to be the best drum major you can be. With one of his Drum Major Acadamy experiences (2 years for me and running) it's a perfect way to become one of the best. All I can say is, EYES WITH PRIDE!!!

The Dynamic Drum Major (although written in the mid eighties) is the know all guide to being a drum major. It is very extensive and very down to earth! It caovers everything about being a drum major from marching to conducting to leadership to even the mindset of a drum major!! Parks to this day instructs Summer camps and he still uses the book and says it needs no update! If want to know how to be a drum major or are interested in improving your skills, THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU!

Excellent guide for new and returning DM's at every level!!
I just got appointed Drum Major for my High School Marching Band, and immeadiately bought this book. While many of the calls to attention and other commands do not coincide with my director's style, the chapters on leadership, and attitude are excellent. They cover everything from preparing for your first rehearsel, to the largest production of your career. George N. Parks teaches the best Drum Major Camp in the country, and he really knows what he's talking about. While some of the pictures are amusing (written in '84), the knowledge gained from the text is priceless. I have passed the book on to the two other drum majors leading our band, and I am sure that it will improve our individual scores a great deal. If you are new Drum Major, or even a pro DM, this book is a great tool to strengthening your abilities as a leader, and role model. Highly reccomended. I only wish he would come out with another one.

The Exit Collection
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Tacit (01 April, 1998)
Author: George Petros
Amazon base price: $25.00
Buy one from zShops for: $75.00
Average review score:

Please correct your typo
Under "reviews" you quote Charles Manson as having commented about EXIT Magazine, "This book has become one of my favorite toys". In fact, the letter we received from Charles Manson included, in part, the line "This book has become one of my best toys." Please correct this typo if it is possible.


Michael Andros
Associate Editor
EXIT Magazine / The EXIT Collection

Review from Panik magazine, issue #10, August 1999
"My time has not yet come, some are born posthumously," thundered visionary philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche at his lack of recognition among the hubristic intelligentsia of 19th century Europe. This same sentiment can be applied to EXIT - a seminal art magazine that remains unrecognized by the motley amalgam of grant scribblers, neo-Marxists, and trust fund bohemians who comprise America's smug aesthetic community. Although the wine and cheese crowd will probably never grasp the importance of this landmark journal, its legacy can easily be evidenced by the current rise in cultural transgression and the large segment of the voting population who have come to reject the absurd left-right puppet show that passes for political debate. Founded by George Petros of Seconds magazine during the yuppie-driven 1980's, EXIT threw off the self-limiting shackles of politicized art to gleefully explore ancient artifacts, prohibited subject matter, and aesthetic extremes. Openly defying the prevailing liberal kulturkampf, valuable contributions by Petros, Adam Parfrey, Kim Seltzer, R.N. Taylor, Nick Bougas and a laundry list of other underground luminaries helped redefine subversive art and push the outer limits of journalistic inquiry. This recently issued compendium represents the fruits of their labors and every freethinker should have a copy of this rich compilation in his or her bookshelf. Face it, when Y2K approaches and the majority of this decade's artistic expression is properly consigned to its rightful resting place in America's rapidly growing cultural dust bin, The EXIT Collection will long remain a force to be reckoned with.

-Cletus Nelson

Review from Your Flesh Quarterly, spring/summer 19999
What can be said about a compendium of work from one of the most revolutionary publications of the 1980's? This thorough and exciting collection gathers some of the most interesting and politically challenging artists of our time. EXIT, an outlaw sci-fi/political/pornographic/in-your-face-brutal magazine dedicated to jarring its readers out of solipsistic ideologies featured in its time (and in this collection) the work of Robert Williams, Henry Rollins, Lydia Lunch, Joe Coleman, H.R. Giger, John Wayne Gacy, Richard Kern and Raymond Pettibon. The collection ranges from the comic to the strange, from the shocking to the violent. Like its many contributors, EXIT stands as a tribute to America's punk rock history, its concerns, and its themes. The collection's pages are ripe with commentary on sexual domination, political fascism, nazism, Nietzsche, and Charles Manson. Despite its tendencies towards oversimplification it remains a classic collection of political commentary by some of the best artists of the punk generation.

-Jason Cons;

George and Martha
Published in Audio Cassette by Houghton Mifflin Audio (05 October, 1987)
Author: James Marshall
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $6.92
Buy one from zShops for: $6.92
Average review score:

God Save George and Martha!
These are great tales of friendship--even for beginners, like my 4 yr old preschool class. They love all the little stories. A few go over their heads, but they get the concept of the humor and companionship represented by these sweet, lovable, sometimes mischevious and selfish hippos. I've tried reading them the other George and Martha books, but this is their favorite. Gosh, thank God for James Marshall and his inventions!
(We have an old copy---the kids love the "pink cookies" Martha offers George instead of pea soup!)
George doesnt want to eat Marthas pea soup, so he pours it in his shoes
George knocks out his favorite tooth. Which is your favorite tooth?
George gets tired of Martha looking at herself in the mirror all the time; she even wakes up in the middle of the nite to do it. So he pastes a silly picture of her on her mirror....
There are George and Martha stuffed animals out there, too.
Any relation to George and Martha Washington?

Interesting in a very very very very good way
This is a terrific book for anybody, even though its marketed as a young children's book. I love this book, (and I'm 12) and my parents and older sister, (who pretends not to) do too. This book chronicles the stories of two best friends, who just so happen to be hippos. They relate moral messages, but in a far from preachy way. The illustrations are colorful and the two hippos are shown as cute and cuddly. (awwww.... they sell these really cute George and Martha dolls somewhere) In short this is a great book for anybody. So read it!

Hippos Show the Way
This is just one in a fabulous series of books featuring George and Martha, the hippo equivalent of Nick and Nora Charles. Their light banter and misunderstandings set the stage for imaginative, humorous resolutions. The hippos' warmth and obviously mutual friendship is evident throughout. There are five stories in its 47 pages, with big simple pictures adorning every other page. A great book for early and late toddlers up to around age five or so.

The Grasshopper Trap and Other Stories
Published in Audio Cassette by Dh Audio (1992)
Authors: Patrick McManus and George S. Irving
Amazon base price: $16.99
Average review score:

Strange Encounters of the Bird Kind
The title of these comments is from one of the tales in this third collection of short stories I have read by Mr. Patrick F. McManus. The author has been writing the yarns and his versions of his childhood "true" stories for decades, and has now produced 12 collections of these essays in book form. Many of the stories are about being outdoors and failing miserably as a hunter and fisherman, but one gets the impression that to the extent he fails, he does with seeming intent. It's the outdoors he loves, not harming it or its inhabitants. When he does speak of a successful outing with his friends he complains so much about the "success" that again you can tell coming home empty handed is his real goal. A collection of stories is what he is after.

The best stories here range from his childhood when speaking of why an 8 year old is perfectly competent to own his first knife, while even one day short of the 8th anniversary would be nothing less than a felony were a knife to be given to such an infant. He goes on at length as to how men delude themselves in to their thinking they have convinced their wives how their gun collections multiply without a single purchase. And in a story entitled, "A Hunker Is Not A Squat", he explains how with the correct posture, a stick and a dirt floor, The United Nations would be unnecessary, and world conflicts would end.

Mr. McManus writes for everyone who enjoys a good laugh, uncontrived humor, and just simple observations about human nature. He does not preach about the solutions to world problems, claim a cure for the common cold, or how to get rich. He just gives the reader the gift of laughter, an invaluable gift.

A Delight!
A book filled with humorous stories, this compilation of experiences was a treat to read! The Grasshopper Trap is only the second book I've read by Patrick McManus but now I want to track down all of his stories. McManus writes humor without the obscene, offensive language that seems so common everywhere these days. It's a refreshing, fun read with stories that entertain as well as remind us of a simpler, less frantic way of life.

If you don't like laughing, DON'T READ THIS BOOK!
This is just one of those books that's great when, well, anytime

Grow Your Own Dope, Plant a Man - A Hilarious Romp in the Unpredictable, Irresistible Garden of Happily Ever After
Published in Hardcover by TAPROOT PRESS PUBLISHING COMPANY (06 November, 1999)
Authors: Loretta Griffin, Tikvah Feinstein, and George Broderick
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $14.25
Average review score:

Perfect reading for our times, takes you back to happy times
In the book Grow Your Own Dope, Plant a Man, the author takes the reader back in time to a splendid sense of peace and laugh out loud joy in a humerous style of living a simple life with a man, willing to let her poke fun at their everyday experiences. It's a perfect gift for Mother's and Father's day, or to youself if you've ever wondered how marriage looks from the inside. Take it to read on a train ride, like I did.

Great book
This book is great and a lot of laughs. It will make you forget your troubles for a while.

Grow Your Own Dope - Plant a Man
Ms. Griffin writes a very funny book! Sometimes I think she has been eavesdropping on my life. I hope she has another one coming out soon.

Complete Memoirs of George Sherston
Published in Hardcover by Faber & Faber (1980)
Author: Siegfried Sassoon
Amazon base price: $24.95
Average review score:

A Classic!
Sassoon's three volumes wrapped up into one take the reader into another world. First volume describes life in the English country, where a young George Sherston becomes completely immersed in fox hunting. To say he becomes consumed by this is an understatement. Sassoon's intimate depictions of the countryside, to include the life of a country gentleman are so detailed you can clearly "see" and feel how young George felt.

Volume 2, Memoirs of an infantry officer take George into the trenches of France, where again with graphic details, the horror and calamity of the fighting in WWI are brought to our attention. Of note is the latter part of the volume where Sherston's morals are challenged, and how he deals with this mental dilemma.

Volume 3 takes Sherston from the trenches of France, to a stint in Ireland and Palestine, but ultimately back to France where the novel is brilliantly wrapped up.

Sassoon's experiences in the war have given us perhaps one of the greatest novels from the era. The writing is absolutely outstanding and will give you pause to put the book down.

One of the great books about World War I.
World War I had a far greater impact on Britain than the US for the obvious reasons that they were in the war for over four years and suffered horrific casualties. The literature produced by that war made a sharp break from what came before, which reflected the feeling in the country that the war had irrevocably changed life in Britain. This is well illustrated in Siegfreid Sassoon's "The Complete Memoirs of George Sherston," a fictional version of his own experiences. The first part covers Sherston's pre-war life, with his obsession with fox-hunting. This is so well written that you will enjoy it even if you don't have the least interest in the subject.

The next section, "Memoirs of an Infantry Officer" covers his experiences in World War I, during he is highly decorated. The horrors of the war, which many of Sassoon's class thought would be a great adventure, are accurately portrayed. Eventually he becomes disillusioned with the war, and writes a letter denouncing it that could have led to his court-martial. A close friend (Robert Graves in real life) gets him classified as having a mental disorder and he is sent off to a hospital to recuperate.

This book is deeply moving and is one of a handful of books that changed the way that the English-speaking world views war. Sassoon's writing style is plain on the surface, but its plainness makes the emotional impact all the greater.

A true classic
I had heard of this book many years before I was tempted to read it, and now I truly regret my lack of interest in Sassoon up to this point. He is a great poet, but as a memoirist he absolutely sparkles. Robert Graves' book, "Goodbye to all that", often described as a classic, is a mere string of unrelated anecdotes compared with Sassoon's modest, humorous, poignant account of his own youth, which takes us from his childhood in Kent to the end of his military career after the First World War. Don't hesitate to read this book, especially if you enjoy seeing the English language used at its very best.

Eat-A-Bug Cookbook
Published in Paperback by Ten Speed Press (1998)
Author: David George Gordon
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.50
Collectible price: $24.95
Buy one from zShops for: $10.95
Average review score:

A Fondness for Beetles
When British scientist J.B.S. Haldane was asked what could be inferred about the Almighty from a lifelong study of nature, he replied (given that there are 400,000 species of beetles, compared with only 8,000 species of mammals) that God must have Òan inordinate fondness for beetles.Ó If beetles and other insects are so abundant, why doesnÕt everyone eat bugs instead of plants, fish, birds, and chemically-fattened mammals? As explained in this prankish yet valuable guide to entomophagy (Latin for Òbug-eatingÓ), we already eat insects, inadvertently, in the sense that the FDAÕs food safety regulations allow up to 60 aphids in 3 1/2 ounces of frozen broccoli, 74 mites in 100 grams of canned mushrooms, and so on. They canÕt be completely kept out of our food, and, so long as we donÕt know weÕre eating them, theyÕre not only tasty, theyÕre rich in nutrients (a grasshopper, for example, is more than 20 per cent protein, and crickets are an excellent source of calcium). This parody of a typical cookbook concludes with a 3-page list of suppliers of edible anthropods (whether live or ready to serve), manufacturers of exotic toothpicks, and organizations that sponsor bug-eating extravaganzas. The author, who has a weakness for bad puns (among his recipes are ÒParty Pupae,Ó ÒThree Bee Salad,Ó ÒPest-O,Ó and ÒFried Green Tomato Horn WormÓ), has written such earlier popular books as The Compleat Cockroach and Field Guide to the Slug (which the New York Times described as ÒgrippingÓ). (Review from Ballast Quarterly Review, Vol 14 No 2 Winter 1998-99)

The ideal gift
The ideal gift for your mother-in-law

Fun and tasty!
While I originally bought this as a gag gift for my wife (no pun intended), once we tried some of the recipes we found that we really enjoyed it. Even our son has taken a liking to the recipes (so far, crickets are his favorite). If you can get past your initial apprehension, you'll really enjoy the recipes. Oddly enough, I've also found that I'm no longer asked to bring in dishes for our carry-ins at work.

Following the Alaskan Dream
Published in Mass Market Paperback by Little Norway Press (1999)
Authors: Marilyn Jordan George and Amber Dahlin
Amazon base price: $19.96
List price: $24.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $6.30
Buy one from zShops for: $17.25
Average review score:

A Wonderful Life
Besides telling the not-to-be-put-down story of her life, the author has created a historical document of southeastern Alaska, including the changes that occured during her many years there. The book is also a source of inspirational quotations which embody the Alaskan spirit. Marilyn Jordan George is a multitalented person; I am glad she penned her life story.

Experience life on a fishing boat
Vivid portrayal of southeast Alaska's vanishing fishing industry. Sharing the author's lifetime of experiences I could almost feel salt spray in my face. A must-read for anyone who has lived in this beautiful country, has visited there, or dreams of Alaska.

What an Adventure
Marilyn literally takes you aboard with her and her family. I almost got sea sick. LOL Marilyn is articulate and tells it like it is. She doesn't sugar coat the unfortunate happenings. You will laugh, you will cry and you will get angry at certain characters. All in all a wonderful read.

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