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Writings of Leon Trotsky, 1938-39
Published in Hardcover by Pathfinder Press (1974)
Authors: Leon Trotsky, Naomi Allen, and George Breitman
Amazon base price: $65.00
Average review score:

Economic depression, war and working-class leadership
This is one of a 14-volume series of writings by Leon Trotsky, who along with V.I. Lenin was a central leader of the 1917 Russian Revolution. These volumes cover the years 1929-1940, when Trotsky led the political fight world-wide to maintain the continuity of Bolshevik's revolutionary perspective and leadership against the reactionary policies imposed by the Stalinist regime in the Soviet Union. Reading Trotsky carefully, one can learn a lot about history and about today's world, as well as how to apply Marxist methods to orient oneself for working-class political action.

This volume includes more than 100 articles and letters. They cover topics ranging from the economic depression and the rising inter-imperialist tensions leading to World War II, to the Stalinist frame-up trials in the Soviet Union, the Spanish Civil War, and detailed leadership questions posed in workers movements in different countries at the time. These volumes are lively, pointed and have extensive notes and chronologies to aid the reader today.

I'd also recommend some other titles written by Trotsky at this time, including The History of the Russian Revolution, The Fight Against Fascism in Germany, Trade Unions in the Epoch of Imperialist Decay, and The Transitional Program for Socialist Revolution, all available from the same publisher, Pathfinder Press.

Crucial Lessons for Fighting Fascism
This volume contains lessons crucial for those committed to the goal of emancipating working people and oppressed nations.

The workers movement of that time was misled by parties - social democratic and fake communist -- which preferred imperialist "democracy" over workers revolution. This allowed fascism to triumph and, together with "democratic" imperialism, brought us the second world war which slaughtered tens of millions and included the U.S. - supposedly the most "democratic" imperialists - initiating the threat of human extinction with the nuclear bombing of Japan.

Trotsky explains how Lenin's program could have resulted in workers victories over capitalism all over Europe, as well as the overthrow of the murderous Stalin regime and the regeneration of the Soviet Union on a course of world revolution and workers democracy.

Studying Trotsky's writings today is timely as imperialism is again on the march toward fascism and war.

Everything from Frida Kahlo to fighting fascism
You can see why Trotsky was reknown as a fiery public speaker -- he writes with passion, intelligence and friendly, human humour. These pieces written while living in Mexico, staying with Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo. Correspondence with and about them included here, too. Articles on the eve of World War II, with fascism triumphant in Germany and Italy especially thought-provoking in light of recent developments in France with LePen's electoral showing. He scathingly makes the point in polemic with "our Palestinian friends" (gives you a feel for the international scope of the debate that was raging) that it is meaningless to talk about the fascist danger without addressing the danger of ordinary democratic imperialism. How else, he points out, to join the Indian masses in their quest for independence from the Mother of parliamentary democracy? Unexpectedly fun to browse through and think about.

Beric The Briton
Published in Paperback by PrestonSpeed Publications (18 July, 1999)
Authors: G. A. Henty, W. Parkins, W. Parkinson, and George A. Henty
Amazon base price: $13.99
Used price: $11.35
Buy one from zShops for: $13.00
Average review score:

Excellent History!
I'm studying Roman History in school. This book was fun, interesting, and it brought to life the people who lived in Rome's empire. I couldn't put it down! I cheered when Beric, a man of strong character and wisdom, prevailed against his enemies. I highly recommend this book to anyone studying Roman or British history, as well as anyone just looking for a good read that encourages good values.

Another great Henty novel
Luck was with us when my kids and I discovered the obscure author of this book, G. A. Henty. As a homeschooling mom I am always looking for books that bring history and geography to life. Mr. Henty accomplishes this beautifully and his books are rapidly becoming our favorites.

This is the story of a young Briton during the Roman occupation of Britain. He is captured and taken as a slave to Rome where he has one adventure after another. Mr. Henty provides such rich detail in his narration that the reader gets the "feel" of the Roman and British cultures he is describing.

The Henty books are a mainstay of our social studies curriculum and I know the kids learn and retain much more history by reading these novels than they do by working out of a dry social studies textbook. I highly reccommend these books !

Beric The Briton
Henty presents an wonderful look at the history of England under the domination of the Roman Empire. This is a story of great courage and daring on the part of Beric and a look at Rome in its declining stages. However, not all the honorable men and women belonged to England.

Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math (15 March, 2001)
Authors: Peter H. Raven and George B. Johnson
Amazon base price: $132.10
Used price: $69.00
Buy one from zShops for: $70.00
Average review score:

One of those books you take with you on a deserted island
.....or if you had to travel back in time. I had this for my textbook in Biology back in 1987 and even then, .... well before the human genome was anywhere near being charted, let alone completed, this was a spectacular acomplishment. This book isn't riveting like say Druyan and Sagan's SHADOWS OF FORGOTTEN ANCESOTRS is, but it is as good as any biology textbook can possibly be. It has EVERYTHING you could possibly want to know about biology; from modern cell theory to ecology. All you have to do is look this over and you'll see why I highly recommend it. Does any other bio textbook even compare?

This is by far the finest Introductory Biology textbook I have ever had the pleasure of reading. Biology teachers, do yourselves (not to mention your students) a favor--make this the required text for your Biology I (and II) Class! Special Thanks goes out to Dr. Michael Hoefer...for requiring this textbook!

Best intro to Bio book out there
This is definitely the best intro to bio books out there. As a graduate student I got the chance to read lots of bio books and this one by far is the best. The chapters are well organized and easy to follow and gives you the depth needed to pursue any area of biology. When it was time for me to student teach this was the book of my chose. It expensive but definiely worth it to any biologist. The CD-ROM is also very good!

The Cat of Bubastes
Published in Paperback by PrestonSpeed Publications (10 December, 1998)
Authors: G. A. Henty, J. R. Weguelin, Douglas Wilson, GA Henty, and George A. Henty
Amazon base price: $14.99
Used price: $9.00
Buy one from zShops for: $9.75
Average review score:

An exciting, riveting tale
Superbly narrated by Jim Weiss, The Cat Of Bubastes is an exciting, riveting tale by G.A. Henty of Chebron (son of the Egyptian High Priest Ameres) and Amuba (a slave in the Ameres' household). Chebron accidentally kills a cat which is an act of sacrilege to the ancient Egyptians and the punishment is death. He and Amuba flee and in doing so find themselves embarking on the high road of adventure as they encounter life and death experiences among peoples of antiquity. The Cat Of Bubastes is a technically flawless, six CD, unabridged, six hour audio book and strongly recommended for personal and community library audio book collections.

Cat of Bubastes
viewer from Califronia 1st published over 100 years ago, G.A. Henty's novels fill a void in the area of literature that is appropriate for kids! It is full of adventure and is written in a style that kids will read comfortably. The 15 year old hero, the prince of a small nation invaded by the Egyptians,is of strong moral character and boys, especially, will love the story of his captivity! Packed full of details: Egyptian architecture, family life, methods of warfare, government, geography, religion, and more! Even a cameo appearance by Moses, himself! As a homeschooling mother, I bought this book for my 6th grader to supplelment our history studies. I found myself reading it whenever she put it down and we were devouring it together for an entire weekend. Can't wait to get more Henty novels!

Wonderful! Absolutely wonderful! 5 stars!
This book is very good. The plot is excellent, although sometimes the author is to descriptive. Try it out! One of the best books I've read.

The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America
Published in Paperback by Intercollegiate Studies Inst (1998)
Author: George H. Nash
Amazon base price: $11.87
List price: $16.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.50
Collectible price: $20.00
Buy one from zShops for: $11.12
Average review score:

Outstanding and a great start
I have just began to read this book. It is a wealth of information about how a lot of conservative thoughts came to be, in particular after 1945. If you are interested in learning the who's and why's of conservativism this is a great book to start reading.

Thorough and Thought-Provoking
As someone who has come to conservatism at the end of the twentieth century, this book opened to me my own political prehistory, the thinking underlying conservative ideas. To some extent, it forced me to decide what kind of conservative I am.

The book is not strictly chronological in its discussion. Nash begins with one chapter apiece on each of the three principal strands of American conservatism post World War II: libertarianism, traditionalism, and anti-communism. Each strand is discussed chronologically and in terms of its principal proponents, leading works, publications, organizations, roots and, of course, theory.

Subsequent chapters discuss the efforts of these three groups to cooperate and to consolidate, the efforts to find specifically American roots for conservative ideas, and the growth of the conservative movement in the thirty years or so following 1945. An Epilogue written for the 1996 edition discusses subsequent changes in American conservatism, including neoconservatism and the religious right.

The title correctly identifies the subject matter of the book -- it is a history of an intellectual movement, and only secondarily a political history. Certain watershed events in contemporary conservatism (the McCarthy investigations, the election campaign of Barry Goldwater, and similar) are touched upon, but principally as phenomena to which conservatives react or by which they are shaped.

Highly recommended.

Discover your intellectual roots!
I'd heard Nash's book referred to many times but avoided reading it because I thought I knew the modern history of conservative thought fairly well. I was wrong. Just as attending law school taught me I didn't know nearly as much about the Constitution as I thought I did, reading Nash taught me I didn't know nearly as much about 20th century conservatism as I'd believed. If you're a conservative, it's thrilling to watch the movement grow from a tiny group with little status into a powerful force capable of electing a president. It's also very practical because you can see the supporting structures of a movement develop through alternative institutions and endowed professor's chairs. Become a total conservative wonk-geek who will understand most of the oblique references you've read in National Review. Read this book.

Constructive Anatomy
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (1976)
Author: George Brant Bridgman
Amazon base price: $6.95
Used price: $3.90
Collectible price: $7.98
Buy one from zShops for: $4.78
Average review score:

best value of any book i've ever purchased!
this book is by far the best on figure drawing that i've seen. bridgman is an absolute master of the human form, and he breaks everything down into simple shapes to help even the novice. his realistic and beautiful drawings are anatomically accurate, and quite nice to look at! buy any of bridgman's books, including the brilliant "book of 100 hands", and you'll be treating yourself to an extremely inexpensive lesson from a true master.

Lemme tell you something right now. This is one sweet little book! It gets two stars right off the bat because it's really cheap(unlike Hogarth). For a student who doesn't have an income, this really helps out. When I bought this this book, I thought I knew a little about human anatomy. Well, put it this way, I was wrong! This book is PACKED with anatomy! Thanks to it, I've been getting alot better. Now I'm starting to do a real study of this book, and I don't think I'll be disappointed.

lord loves a workin' man
Just when you think you nailed anatomy, this man ability will put you back in line, sucka. these books are small, portable and afforadable. top notch.

America's Famous and Historic Trees: From George Washington's Tulip Poplar to Elvis Presley's Pin Oak
Published in Hardcover by Houghton Mifflin Co (20 April, 2001)
Authors: Jeffrey G. Meyer and Sharon Linnea
Amazon base price: $21.00
List price: $30.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.50
Buy one from zShops for: $19.71
Average review score:

companion book to an inspirational project
Nurseryman and author Jeffrey Meyer started the project called America's Famous and Historic Trees, wherein said trees are rescued for posterity through seed propagation. Seventeen specimens are discussed, each featured in a chapter that relates the tree's historic significance, botanical description and instructions for propagation and placement of the tree. There is one color photograph of each of the seventeen trees, with many small black-and-white photos and drawings. Initially I was disappointed that the book did not take more pains to represent these trees more lovingly with good color photography, but the inspiration is in the text and the companion project, and one is struck by the brilliant simplicity of Meyer's idea for preserving these lovely old giants.

Jeff's Trees
What a thrill to find Jeff Meyer's book at Amazon and Barnes& Noble! I had no idea he was working on one - and one so comprehensive as this. I knew he was extremely involved in the historic tree/seed program and research. There is also a very interesting documentary on this subject that Jeff appeared in and advised on, which was aired on PBS this year. His mother, Joanne, has been a strong influence on Jeff in this field. She is a tireless member of The Garden Club of America and, by her efforts, raised the conciousness of many.This book is a fine explanation of all the work that has been done to preserve history, as well as to make us more aware of how important beautiful trees are to our quality of life on this planet. The photography is marvellous and the book is a wonderful read, as well as a great coffee table book for just a quick pickup. We all love a "picture book", don't we?

America's Famous and Historic Trees
Here is a book that combines a love of trees with famous American individuals to make an outstanding addition to any book collection. The author, Jeffrey Meyer, gives an account of 17 of the most noted trees and the historic persons associated with them. From the Indian (Comanche) Marker Pecan or George Washington Tulip Poplar to John F. Kennedy=s Post Oak or Elvis Presley=s Pin Oak, Meyer goes through pages of American history to pick out some the most significant figures of the time (Patrick Henry, Lewis and Clark, Johnny Appleseed, Frederick Douglass, Wyatt Earp, etc) and the trees (Osage Orange, Cottonwood, Rambo Apple, White Oak, Black Walnut, etc) that meant so much to them. In so doing, he provides the reader with a fine book, easy to read, beautifully published, with magnificent black/white and color photos and illustrations, and sidebars on how and where to grow the particular tree. As a idea and as a published work, America=s Historic Trees ranks in the top five per cent of books I would urge all to read and enjoy.

Appleton & Lange's Review for the Chiropractic Boards 3-4
Published in Paperback by McGraw-Hill/Appleton & Lange (28 October, 1998)
Authors: Jeannette Gibson, Jeannette B. Gibson, and George Birnbaum
Amazon base price: $44.95
Used price: $40.66
Buy one from zShops for: $41.35
Average review score:

A great book, but not for Part IV
I agree that this book is a great asset, and would recommend it to anyone in Chiropractic school, having previously stipulated that it will not prepare you for part IV. The book does indeed review Part III is great detail, but the part four review - with the exception some medical stuff, abdominal exam, thorax, etc. and some others, does not fully prepare you for Part IV. I found the last section on technique extremely lacking, there were no pictures, and very little on the method with which National Boards test you on (vertebral malposition listings [national listings]) since most of us were taught Gonstead (at least at Life West).

In conclusion, I recommend the Irene Gold review seminars. They may help more than this book will. It is a great book, but let's be real here, with the expense of Part IV National Boards ($850), it is cheaper not to buy this book and go to a review and get a passing grade, than to save in the beginning and fail the exam. That's the opinion of someone who used this book and studied in detail and failed the first time around.

4 Stars!

Buy it, Buy it, Buy it!
Buy it, study it, and then take some time to relax while the rest of your class tries to learn that which you've mastered. This text allows you to optimize your time studying. No more wasted hours organizing; it is already done for you. Great book. Worth much more than the price tag. I can't endorse it enough. I gave it to my son, a chiropractor for Christmas, and it proves as useful in practice as it is in school. Much thanks to the authors for writing this book. Well done.

I should have read this, skipped class, and learned business
At first I thought this was too much information, then I realized it was everything I needed to know for my clinical studies as well as my academic studies. It is hard to understand how this book was written by doctors. I think professional editors would have a hard time negotiating this level of complexity. You both made it look simple and easy to follow. The amount of organization it contains is awesome. I am finishing up school now, and I only have one complaint about this text. It should've been handed out to the students on the first day of class with a schedule of which sections to learn for each year of study. It should be a required text for everyone. My life, my family, and my peers all would have benefitted from the decreased stress associated with a properly organized course plan. I probable could have saved thousands on coffee and actually slept instead of cramming this information for hours on end. This is an entire education between two covers. Thank you, thank you, thank you. My younger brother starts school in September and he is studying this book already! His life will be so much simpler because of it. I not only studied this material for boards, but due to the ease of which it is laid out I actually had time to learn it. You should write a business text next!

The Complete Shade Gardener
Published in Hardcover by Houghton Mifflin Company (1984)
Author: George Schenk
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $13.03
Collectible price: $13.72
Average review score:

Great for a tree covered yard
I purchased this book because most of my property is covered with mature trees, and I had a very hard time getting anything to grow. While building a patio/garden, this book proved invaluable many times. I bought it several years ago and still use it every Spring!

An excellent gardening resource
The Complete Shade Gardener by landscape and garden designer George Schenk is an exceptional, well-written and organized guide to shade-gardening for atmosphere, beauty, and personal satisfaction. Black-and-white photographs with an inset selection of color plates illustrate the advice and commentary provided. Also included is a horticultural wealth of background information on a long list of recommended plants to cultivate, how-to instructions for their incorporation into a garden, and a great deal more. The Complete Shade Gardener is an excellent gardening resource and a welcome, practical, highly recommended addition to personal and professional gardening reference collections.

The best shade book available (I garden professionally)
George Schenk writes with humor, knowledge, and a refreshing restraint about the rich world of the shady garden...his interest in species and unusual plants shines but does not eclipse his regard for shade staples like vinca. Schenk provides vital information on soil, pruning, and planning, as well as the several varieties of shade. Discussion of plants is divided into chapters (trees, shrubs, groundcovers) and organized alphabetically by botanical name (the index provides common names). A must for any serious gardener--the book I inevitably turn to when confronting shade troubles.

The Complete War of The Worlds
Published in Hardcover by Sourcebooks, Inc. (01 April, 2001)
Authors: Brian Holmsten and Alex Lubertozzi
Amazon base price: $27.97
List price: $39.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.77
Collectible price: $30.71
Buy one from zShops for: $19.99
Average review score:

mikes review
I thought the war of the worlds was an ok book the thing's i didnt like about it was that in alot of parts in the book it dragged on and on like they just kept on running and running from the martians from mar's.Thing's i enjoyed about the book were it was cool about them breathing fire on the people at where the cylinder first fell.I also liked the times when the martians started destroying everything but it dragged on alot.
Ialso enjoyed when the army came and tried to shoot down the martians but nothing happend.

Encore ! ........Encore !
I am an Old Time Radio fanatic. I love War or the Worlds and this book is the definte history of this imfamous radio broadcast. The Mercury Theater on The Air was such a great crew and this book tells a great deal about them.

Martians Continue to Wage War on Planet Earth
War of the Worlds enthusiasts continue to love, emulate and draw new stories from this, the original outer-space invasion novel. The story has been filmed twice--once as a television series and once as a 1950's sci-fi epic--but it's been copied and re-told many times in other films, INDEPENDENCE DAY included. What would Hollywood do without this original, one-of-a-kind horror story? This new book has everything, including a CD and excerpts from a recorded discussion between H.G. Wells and Orson Welles, as well as the original 1938 Welles broadcast, and two press conferences with Welles. What's missing is the fascinating story of how and why Wells wrote this story (it's truly a horror tale--our hero has to sit in an abandoned house for days, listening to the Martians eating live humans, for instance), which contains many of the same suspenseful elements you'll find in other classics that will not die--such as FRANKENSTEIN, DRACULA and SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES. When I traveled to England to attend a meeting of the H.G. Wells Society in 1998 (the centenary of War of the Worlds' publication), I was treated to a walking tour of the actual Martian landing site, the sand pits of Woking. Then, we followed the same path that the Martians traversed during their campaign against the world. A small, polished pebble lifted from the sandpits sits before my writing desk, a relic of a fictitious war for which, like the recent attacks on New York, Washington and Pennsylvania, no-one was prepared. Wells was living in a time of unrest, when anarchists (terrorists?) might strike at any time at the powerful and arrogant British Empire, and the portent of war was everywhere. War of the Worlds was a wake-up call! Ray Bradbury's foreword is worth the price of the book. He is truly Wells' successor--a behavioral optimist who in every way is the kind of writer Wells tried to be. Incidentally, Bradbury once told me that he missed his chance to meet H.G. Wells when he lectured in L.A. Bradbury was a high school student and didn't have the price of admission. Besides, he told me, "I was afraid I'd die of a heart attack if I met him!" Wells dominated the first half of the 20th Century, Bradbury the second half. Both were believers in the potential and unrealized greatness of humankind. Both are worth reading. --Jim Reed, author of DAD'S TWEED COAT: SMALL WISDOMS, HIDDEN COMFORTS, UNEXPECTED JOYS

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