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Book reviews for "Cattaui,_Georges" sorted by average review score:

Living With Dogs: Collecting and Traditions, at Home and Afield
Published in Hardcover by Clarkson N. Potter (1999)
Authors: Larry Sheehan, Carol Sama Sheehan, Kathryn George George, Laurence Sheehan, William Stites, and K. G. Precourt
Amazon base price: $35.00
List price: $50.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $18.98
Collectible price: $42.35
Buy one from zShops for: $25.00
Average review score:

I have read several other books with the same theme, however this book surpasses them all. Our copy is well loved and our guests tend to migrate toward it at our home. The book contains the stories of several people and how dogs have touched their lives. It is a glimpse into personal collections of avid dog lovers and collectors.

All Dog Collectors must have this book!
I am an avid collector of dog memorabilia and motif items and this book was an inspiration! My husband just thought I was obsessive about dog objects! Your book gave me new ideas for old dog items that I never would have thought of. The photography is beautiful and the subjects are warm and true. I know that I am not alone in my endeavor to collect and display what I love!

A beautiful book for serious dog-lovers.
I've always had an affinity for dogs and the people who love them, which is probably why this book now occupies the premier spot on my coffee table. After reading the introduction by Larry Sheehan, in which he shares hilarious and endearing tales about his dog, Buster, I knew I'd found someone who truly understood what it means to live with and love dogs. Even bad ones. The book is a celebration of hardcore dog enthusiasm. It's fun to learn about other people's passion for various breeds. What's more, the pages are filled with pictures of beautiful dogs, beautiful homes, and beautiful places. I got tons of inspiration for decorating my home and incorporating my love of dogs into my life. This book would make a wonderful gift.

Mr. Notre Dame: The Life and Legend of Edward "Moose" Krause
Published in Hardcover by Diamond Communications (2002)
Authors: Jason Kelly, George Connor, and Jack Connor
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $5.16
Buy one from zShops for: $10.00
Average review score:

Love this book, and I didn't even attend Notre Dame
This is an absolutely wonderful accounting of a man who had a vision of the proper place of athletics in American life. By the end, I had a tear in my eye, even though I have no direct connection to ND.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book. While Moose Krause isn't the most recognizable figure in Notre Dame sports history, his story certainly makes him one of the most interesting. Congrats to Mr. Kelly for his enthusiastic, page-turning masterpiece!

we can all learn from this book
as a teacher, i will encourage all my students to read this book. through this marvelous book, i began to appreciate the character of this man called "moose." aside from being a fine athlete and coach, kraus lived his life the way to which we should all aspire. whether or not you're a notre dame fan, this is a great read.

Need a House, Call Ms. Mouse
Published in Hardcover by Grosset & Dunlap (1981)
Authors: George Mendoza and Doris S. Smith
Amazon base price: $5.95
Used price: $250.00
Collectible price: $380.60
Average review score:

Wish I could find it..............
Well I can say enough good things about this book, It has been my favorite for as long as I can remember, it as the first present I ever gave to my best friend Kristin, I think it was her 3rd or 4th birthday. Now one of my close friends has become a teacher and I would love for her to share the joy of this wonderful book in her classroom! I am trying Ginny!

Ms. Mouse
The concept is simple, but this is in my opinion one of the best childrens' books on the market. The drawings are creative and unique. This book has inspired my love of architecture.

Need a house, Call Ms. Mouse
My sister gave this book to my 3 girls when they were younger and it was a favorite of all of ours. The intricate houses Ms. Mouse designed that we spent hours studying are still something my grown children remember. In the several moves we have made over the years, this book has been lost. I have been searching for another copy for 5 years. I would love to find this book again for my grandchildren, so we can spend time studying those wonderful pictures and talking about the genius of Ms. Mouse.

The Passionate Attachment: America's Involvement With Israel, 1947 to the Present
Published in Hardcover by W.W. Norton & Company (1992)
Authors: Douglas B. Ball and George W., Jr. Ball
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $95.00
Average review score:

Our Middle East policy
This excellent review of our relationship with Israel explains a great deal about how and why we find ourselves the enemy of so many people in the Middle East. Our unqualified backing of Israel has led to disaster.
Sadly, support for Israel is seen by many Jews as a litmus test for a person's views on Jews - and is the reason why so many Jews who oppose Israel's policies have been called "self-hating" Jews. There is little doubt that the organizations that Israel has set up to influence American policy has fostered this idea. All too many American Jews have bought into this propaganda.
The other reviewers have told you what this book is about so I won't repeat what they have said.
What fascinates me is that you cannot find this book - copies of it are more rare that first editions of "Light In August". Why is that? Why hasn't this book been read, reviewed and studied as should be? Written by one of the few heroes of the Vietnam era who were part of the State Dept, this book has been "suppressed" in the way that almost all books or writers who question our policy toward Israel have been. How can that happen, and why has it happened?

The truth
Defines the truth about our relationship with Israel. A whole nation on America's welfare rolls. It is very obvious, that American Middle East policy is formulated and directed from Tel Aviv, where a ruthless ruler, wanted by the World Court for crimes against humanity, is challenged by a Nobel Peace Prize winner. You would never know that by reading the daily distortions, served by the American media. Magnificent book, equalled only by Liberty, ...

An Edifying and Shocking Study!
"The Passionate Attachment" is an in depth study of the relationship between the United States and Israel. The title is derived from George Washington's warning against "Passionate attachments" with foreign nations. Such attachments result in:

"Sympathy for the favorite nation, facilitating the illusion of an imaginary common interest in cases where no real common interest exists...It leads also to concession to the favorite nation of privileges denied to others, which is injure the nation making the exciting jealousy, ill will, and disposition to retaliate in the parties from whom equal privileges are withheld...It gives to...citizens (who devote themselves to the favorite nation) tamper with domestic factions, to practice the arts of seduction, to mislead public opinion, to influence or awe the public councils."

The authors then proceed to explain how the relationship between the United States and Israel violates Washington's warning and proves all his predictions of the consequences of a "Passionate attachment."

The first section of the book covers the history of the relationship from the foundation of Israel in 1947 to the date of writing in 1992. The Balls explain how the inordinate influence of Israel began when a politically weak Harry S Truman capitulated to Israeli pressures to ensure Jewish support in the crucial 1948 election.

The only President who seems to have earned the respect of the authors is Dwight D. Eisenhower who, unlike Truman, owed no political debt to Jewish voters and who was sufficiently rich in political capital to permit an adherence to a principled policy.

Beginning with the Kennedy administration, the Balls indicate that American administrations have repeatedly sacrificed American interests on the altar of Israeli demands. Among the low points of the relationship was the 1967 attack by Israeli forces on the USS Liberty, a U. S. Navy intelligence ship whose existence threatened Israeli plans to occupy the Golan Heights before international pressure could force a cease-fire. Rather than responding to this attack on the U.S. Navy as it would if directed from any other quarter, the Johnson administration wrote it off as a case of mistaken identity. In subsequent administrations the retreat from principle has continued.

The authors illustrate how, as the relationship developed, supporters of Israel were able to create the illusion that Israel served as a valuable American asset the Cold War struggle against Soviet expansionism. The authors explain how the Coalition which won the Gulf War proved that Israel's days as a strategic American asset, if they ever existed, were over.

Much attention is devoted to the relationship between Israel and its Arab neighbors. It is refreshing to read an analysis of the recent history of the Middle East which is not filtered through Israeli apologists. The authors explain the background of developments in Israel and the Arab portions of Palestine. The Israeli policy of national expansion of military conquest, the expulsion of Arabs from conquered land and the colonization of those who have remained under the Israeli yoke are explained in detail. Acts of Israeli terrorism against Arabs are given due attention, despite the record of Israeli denials which are routinely accepted in American circles.

An eye-opening chapter is devoted to the strong influence of Jewish pressure on American politics and how it is reflected in American foreign policy toward Israel and the Arabs.

Particularly timely chapters are the ones on the neglected American-Arab relations and "Terror and Reprisal" against America and Israel. The moral and financial costs of the Passionate attachment are followed by recommendations directed to both the United States and Israel on ways to advance the interests of each in the Middle East.

This book is both edifying and shocking. It is edifying in that it presents a different views of the state of America's role in Middle eastern affairs that that to which we are normally exposed. This book is shocking in that it shows millions of Americans and several administrations as subordinating American interests to those of Israeli in the determination of American policy. This book is a worthwhile read for anyone interested in the truth about American Middle Eastern policy.

The Patton Papers 1940-1945
Published in Paperback by DaCapo Press (1996)
Authors: Martin Blumenson and George S. Patton
Amazon base price: $21.00
List price: $30.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $16.74
Collectible price: $17.94
Buy one from zShops for: $19.71
Average review score:

Exciting Fast Paced Biography That Reads Like A Novel
Martin Blumenson's has created a fascinating and surprisingly readable biography of the World War II hero, General George Patton. Blumenson has taken the General's diaries, personal and official letters and combined them with letters written to him and newspaper articles written about him. These are arranged in chronological order.

The period covered by this book was the most active of Patton's lifetime. In the last three years of his life, Patton had adventures enough for several lifetimes. After playing a major part in the conquest of North Africa, then Sicily, Patton was sidelined for nearly a year after the slapping incidents. During this time a disinformation campaign was put forth to convince the Nazis that Patton would command a non-existent army group that was to invade the south of France. A month after D Day Patton took command of the recently formed Third Army and drove across Europe, playing a pivotal role in the Battle of the Bulge.

In this book, Blumenson splices together the actual documents written by and about Patton as the actual events unfolded. Despite being an amalgamation of material from so many different sources, the book reads like a novel. Blumenson very rarely adds his own editorial commentary. This is done in a way that enhances the flow of the narrrative. My only complaint is that it frequently is difficult to determine where these asides begin and end. This readability is what makes the book great and unique. Having read many other biographies that over-analyze and inject the authors' personal opinion into the narrative it is refreshing to simply have the facts laid out in front of you.

Patton had an amusing tendency to give sarcastic nicknames to his rivals and adversaries. Omar Bradley is "the tentmaker," both for his Arab name and his tendency towards caution, Eisenhower is "divine destiny" for his political ambitions. General W. Bedell Smith, Eisenhower's hated chief of staff, is variously referred to as Beadle and Beetle. At the same time he is privately mocking these people, Patton takes great pains to praise and flatter them publicly. He even admits to himself in his diary that he is a shameless bootlicker and rear-end kisser when necessary. Patton justifies his actions because he feels he must be a sycophant to fulfill his destiny of leading men in battle. Patton even advises his son (who was a West Point Cadet at the time) that the way to advancement at the Academy is to seek out the Commandant and Superintendent and suck-up to them and their wives as much as possible.

I had low expectations for this book. Every other collection of the letters of famous men I have read has been interesting in spots but unreadable as a whole.Even the famous collected letters of Pliny the Younger are mostly dreary reports to the emperor and uninteresting notes to friends. For Blumenson to have created such an entertaining and informative document from similar material is a remarkable achievement.

A highly effective intellectual reference instrument.
I used this book while writing a paper for my Graduate level International Relations class. Although it is not considered a classic, it possess and delivers enormously relevant information regarding one of the greatest and most controversial master of war acknowledged in modern history. I commend this book as an pleasurable read, as well as an highly effective intellectual reference instrument.

Surprisingly readable and insighful
Although a fan of General Patton, I hesitated to purchase this book. The title indicated a daunting book for reference only, rather than one for reading. But one shouldn't judge a book by its cover; I was wrong. "The Patton Papers" is surprisingly readable, and a must for anyone who would seek to understand this American hero. From diary entries to personal letters, Martin Blumenson weaves a fascinating story that makes one feel one is a part of the Seventh and Third Army staff! I recommend that you read a biography first ("Patton: A Genius for War" is excellent) so that you have an overview of Patton's life. A word of caution: reading this book will dampen your enthusiasm for the movie "Patton," as it makes clear the multitude of historical inaccuracies. A really great book!

Photo Hero: A Satire of Photography
Published in Paperback by 1stBooks Library (2001)
Author: George A. Covington
Amazon base price: $17.10
Used price: $14.18
Buy one from zShops for: $13.90
Average review score:

Photo Hero is Fantastic
I absolutely loved reading Photo Hero. It has all the elements of what I consider a great story: mystery, suspense, comedy, all sorts of weird, stange characters converging together in a yarn that runs from WWII to today. Not only did I love Photo Hero, it also got me more room on the subway - - - when I'd laugh outloud while reading on my way to work in the morning.

A comical cruise through photography's subculture
It is no small feat to craft a novel about the photographic arts that includes buried treasure, terminal illness and international terrorist plots --- not to mention the Lesbo-Demons biker gang and Krishna himself. Mr. Covington has managed to deliver a rollicking story with more twists and turns than a roller coaster ride, on hallucinogens, during a hurricane. Highly recommended.

Humorous Insights on the photography world
With an easy to read writing style, Covington delivers surprising plot twists mixed with great insights concerning the secrets of succeeding in photography. His characters are believable and the reader wants to know their fate. Like all art fields there is much in photography that is delivered like absolute truths from on high, but Covington dissects and exposes these ill-conceived and erronous ideas about photography and art with the precision of a brain surgeon and with the humor of a stand-up comedian.

The Incredible Hulk: Future Imperfect
Published in Paperback by Marvel Books (1994)
Authors: Peter David and George Perez
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Buy one from zShops for: $24.95
Average review score:

One of the greatest.
Ninety years into the future where the world nuked itself into near extinction the incredible Hulk (With Bruce Banner's mind)is brought to bring freedom once again.The Hulk learns that he was brought there by Rick Jones.Rick Informs him that after the explosions the Hulk went power crazy and killed off all the heroes. Now known as the Maestro The future hulk wages war against his younger self.

What follows is some of the greatest battle scenes ever seen in a comic book. This book is filled with spectacular art and a perfect story. It is well worth the money.

Hulk vs Hulk -- a great story with great artwork
It is a future imperfect, where all the superheroes of old have died... except one.

In the distant future, a group of rebels open a time portal to the past and brings through it Bruce Banner, aka the Incredible Hulk. This is not the mindless Hulk of old, but the new Hulk with the mind of Bruce Banner.

After adjusting to his new future surroundings, Hulk finds out that the mastermind behind his abduction is no other than Rick Jones, who is now old and wheelchair bound. Rick has brought the Hulk into the future in hopes that he can restore freedom to a dictatorship world. This future is filled with Gestapo-like police that has free reign over the residents. However, the police all follow the leadership of the Maestro, a powerful dictator who is actually the future version of the Hulk!

What we are treated to is a fantastic story of the future of the Marvel Universe, where the remains of heroes are kept in jars in Rick Jones' basement.

This is a fantastic story of an alternate post-apocalyptic world run by the Hulk. Peter David, who has written many Hulk stories, doesn't miss a beat in this absolutely fantastic tale. He keeps the story very fluid and interesting. The artwork is wonderful, as the legendary George Perez does it.

I definitely recommend this book to any Hulk fan, or anyone looking for a quality story.

The best Hulk story ever told!
I loved this story so much. If you are into time travel, you have to check this book out. Fantastic artwork by Perez, and it is written by the ultimate Hulk scribe, Peter David. I reread this quite often.

Marilyn Her Life In Her Own Words
Published in Paperback by Trafalgar Square ()
Author: George Barris
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $140.41
Average review score:

Marilyn at her vibrant, beautiful best
George Barris, a very wonderful man and wonderful friend to Marilyn, had collaborated with Marilyn to make this book, which they had discussed for some time prior to her death. So here is Marilyn, at her very best, in one of the best settings for Marilyn to be photographed - the beach. Very early on in her career, many photos were taken of Marilyn at the very same beach by Andre deDienes, and they, too are fabulous photos. Something about Marilyn and the beach bring out the very best in her. She appears at ease, belonging to the ocean as her vibrance shines through. At this point in Marilyn's life, only a few weeks prior to her death, Marilyn appeared very fit, happy, healthy and ready to move on in her career. Sadly, that was not to be. But here with this book, we are shown the true Marilyn, young Norma Jeane still there, posing not only for Barris, but for us. This is a beautiful book with pictures that have quite affectionately been named "The Last Photo Shoot," as it was. And the very last picture of Marilyn, wrapped tightly in her Mexican sweater, blowing us a kiss goodbye is a wonderful reminder of her beauty and sensuality.

Fantastic book!
I think It's a great book with spectacular photos. Every MM fan have to buy it! Ciao

Marilyn-Her Life In Her Own Words:
I found this book to be truly unique in its context. By this I mean, that it not only has photos of Marilyn Monroe taken shortly before her most untimely death, but, her own narrative on life, her career, her former marriages, and her future aspirations. (So taken by her mysterious death, cited by the LA Coroner's Office as probable suicide, that the author dismisses this and cites it to be probable murder!) When the news of her death hit author/photographer, George Barris, went into complete shock, and moved to Paris, France and began a new life. It was only years later and at the insistance of his spouse that he returned to the United States (back to L.A.), and resumed his lost quest to republish Marilyn's photo-bio. Through casual perusal, one can easily see that Mr. Barris has a deep affection and respect for Marilyn. At the end of the book, he explains that there were takes and retakes and that towards the end of a long photo-shooting session, Marilyn promised that the following day she would put-forth her every effort to obtain the very essence of what he wanted for the final closure of the photo session. Monroe as always, the "professional" delivered as "promised", and gave a last personal touch to Barris by "blowing" him a "hauntingly" last kiss!

Mining Online Gold with an Offline Shovel
Published in Paperback by Mastermind Learning Systems (05 March, 2003)
Authors: Joel Christopher and George McKenzie
Amazon base price: $19.97
Used price: $11.94
Buy one from zShops for: $18.00
Average review score:

Wow! Great information, in an easy to understand quick read!
"I read Joel & George's first book and after having worked in marketing for
the last 7 years, I can tell you that the information contained in this book
is worth 10x the amount it's priced at.

Chapter after chapter, you'll find real usable tips and
on using offline marketing methods to explode your online

If you are truly serious about building your business, then this book will
show you exactly how offline marketing can help you do it; step by step in
an easy to follow format.

Don Schnure

You'll be shoveling money into your wheelbarrow
This is a really good book that will help you through the ins and outs of publicizing your business and yourself. From press releases, to getting yourself in the media, from creating your own talk show to establishing yourself as an expert, this is a book that will help you enhance your network. The section on how Mike Litman made his book Conversations with Millionaires #1 on was amazing!!! Simply amazing.
The info from David Frey on writing ads was great as well. Just a well put together book that will help you rethink how you go to market and publicize your business.

Congratulations Joel and George!
Congratulations Joel and George!

The Night Sky Observer's Guide : Vol. 1
Published in Hardcover by Willmann-Bell (1998)
Authors: George Robert Kepple and Glen W. Sanner
Amazon base price: $34.95
Used price: $62.00
Buy one from zShops for: $61.51
Average review score:

Both volumes - information among the finest we've ever seen.
If it wasn't for the fact that this work is such an exhaustive expression of observational material, and partially devoted to users of larger telescopes, it would most certainly be placed on the Belmont Society's "Required Reading List". As it is, these two wonderful volumes of information are both extraordinarily useful and educationally priceless for intermediate beginners and the advanced amateur. It is mostly "tilted" at users of larger scopes, but those of us who have an interest in small and medium-sized instruments will greatly appreciate its enormous cache of useful information - i.e.: just double stars alone, to cite an example.

By itself, the data is worth the price of admission. But the foundational text is a bottomless well from which to draw buckets of valuable knowledge about all the known types of deep space objects. This information is compiled in an ideal arrangement, and is laid out in logical and sensible format. Explanations and informative text are among the finest we've ever seen. The sheer quantity of information, along with an exemplary written style gives the impression that this work was composed by scores of eminent astrophysicists and astronomers, all contributing within the realms of their individual specialties, and then edited by a single omnipotent director. And sure enough, there is a lengthy acknowledgment to the contributors, the roster of which is very extensive, and the complexion of which is almost exclusively amateur.

The work is divided into two volumes or seasonal groups - Volume #1 is dedicated to Fall and Winter constellations, and #2 consists of Spring and Summer. Each volume is divided into segments, which present its constellations in alphabetical order. Each constellation begins with an impressively detailed list of double stars. Then there are the deep sky objects - dark nebulae, emission nebulae, globulars, galaxies, etc. Each individual object is given a description and a graphic rating (5 stars for the very best, and so on) with notes that justify its rank. Additionally, objects are listed in chart form by type as well. Sad to say, objects below a minimal southern latitude are not included.

For the most part, object descriptions are presented as seen with apertures between 8 and 12 inches (and larger). Roughly 30 percent of the observations are described as seen with smaller apertures, and some binocular objects are listed as well. As mentioned, the double star listings are superbly done. There are over 2,100 worthy examples of these. This list is among the most detailed we've ever seen.

These are a pair of really big books! There's an interesting but typical reaction displayed upon seeing one close-up for the first time. They dwarf the average encyclopedia edition (remember those?). They are even bigger than the law books you see behind the District Attorney's desk on a TV serial. And we appreciate the hard glossy cover with no separate jacket to rip or lose. They aren't cheap books either. It would seem practical for the amateur on a budget to acquire them separately.

Kepple and Sanner are amateur astronomers who've created a magnificent work, worthy of commendation reserved for meritorious professionals. The magnitude of their efforts is astonishing, even considering that all of it was pieced together from smaller works that they themselves authored quite some time ago. We are so impressed with the quality of this work, that we've given it "Honorable Mention" status on the Belmont Society's "Required Reading" list. The only reason it didn't make the main list is because many amateurs do not have access to, or are deprived of the opportunity or the means to use larger aperture telescopes.

Very highly recommended.

Simply a must buy for large-scope owners
This is the first volume of an incredible deep sky reference work for amateurs. First of all, the introduction written by Craig Crossen (noted astronomer and author) is the finest overview of basic layman's astronomy theory and observing conventions that I have run across.

The rest of the book consists of sketches or photographs and descriptions of hundreds of deep sky objects in all constellations visible from mid-northern latitudes during the Fall and Winter seasons. The second book covers Spring and Summer. Objects are described as to how they appear with telescopes of different apertures. The majority of objects are for large scope owners, e.g. 12"+, but the brighter objects like Messier are even described for 4" scopes.

The maps and finder charts are adequate but you'll need a good star chart to complement them and confirm that you've got your target. Each constellation chapter begins with a table of interesting double and multiple stars, an excellent and thoughtful inclusion for medium-size scope owners who may not be able to see many of the DSOs or for those in cities where DSOs are wiped out by light pollution.

I haven't seen a guide to compare to NSOG in depth of coverage. The two large volumes are enough to keep large scope owners busy for many years. There are nice guides out there with better descriptions of far fewer objects (e.g. The Universe From Your Backyard by Eicher), but for sheer quantity NSOG leaves them all in the dust.

Let me echo what others have said: this is the best observational reference guide out there for intermediate or advanced observational astronomers. The descriptions are useful but brief, and I really like that it "rates" the objects based on brightness and overall impact. It also lists what it considers to be the showpieces in each constellation. This really helps you to summarize what you are going to look at that evening. I do my homework in this book before going out. I love the linear map on the inside cover, too. For many objects, it describes views you'll see in scopes from a backyard 6" reflector to a 20" (and beyond) dob. The only drawback is that it seems like kind of cheap paper; I'm afraid to take it out in the field and have to deal with the dew.

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