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Book reviews for "Cattaui,_Georges" sorted by average review score:

The Bone Density Diet: 6 Weeks to a Strong Body and Mind
Published in Hardcover by Ballantine Books (Trd) (2000)
Authors: George J. Kessler and Colleen Kapklein
Amazon base price: $5.99
List price: $25.00 (that's 76% off!)
Average review score:

A "must" for anyone interested in bone health
Bone Density Diet is very thorough in covering all aspects of bone health. (It might provide more information than some people want.) Even though it is very readable, I wish it had been edited a bit. There was quite a bit of repeating points. The boxes and charts were helpful though, and nothing was too technical to understand.

Also, I tried to put together the supplementation Kessler advises. It isn't easy to do without taking a lot of pills.

Overall I would suggest this as an excellent book for women especially who are concerned about osteoporosis. It can inspire readers to do something about the possiblity of being hit with this disease--to take charge instead of just hoping it doesn't happen. I'm glad I read it. Even if a reader only does one or two things learned in the book, they will be better off for it.

Good for your whole body, not just your bones
This is a very practical book! The set of information is very up-to-date as well as easy to absorb. The author provides a good explanation of the mechanism behind bone loss, which helps readers understand why the various suggestions might be helpful.

The format of the book is based on an easily-implemented 6-week plan, including recipes and menus. Each "week" the author carefully discusses one of several lifestyle changes readers might consider, including diet, exercise, prescription drugs, vitamin supplements, hormone supplements, and various natural remedies (like herbs), though the author's intent is to keep you off drugs if possible.

In spite of the fact that I've read many books on osteoporosis, I learned a great deal reading this book. For instance, I had no idea that taking certain common prescription drugs (including thyroid medications, anti-convulsants, and diuretics) can increase your odds of developing osteoporosis.

I am impressed by the author's knowledge of vitamins and minerals that are crucial for healthy bones. His extensive table of recommended supplements (p. 185) is similar to only one I've ever seen (in Preventing and Reversing Osteoporosis by Alan Gaby). Many people, including medical doctors, still don't seem to realize that the body needs many compounds other than calcium, magnesium, and Vitamin D to build bone. If the only thing you learn from this book is that your bones need several other compounds every day, the purchase will be well worthwhile.

The author gently advocates a diet that leans toward vegetarian (and organic in fact), since consuming animal proteins promotes bone loss. He points out that dairy products aren't the bone-building panaceas the marketing boards would lead us to believe. (Like meat, dairy products are very acidic, and in order for your body to process them, calcium is actually depleted from the bones.) The author doesn't go so far as to say one should avoid such foods at all costs, but he does offer menus which are friendly to readers who want to follow a strict vegetarian diet. I found this refreshing in an age when many hospital dieticians are still espousing very traditional diets in spite of strong medical evidence supporting diets that are low in (or exclude) animal products.

One minor "bone" of contention I have ;) is on p. 200 where the author states that Premarin contains estradiol. In fact Premarin contains very little estradiol; its main components are compounds that are not found in humans. The rest of the author's discussion of hormone replacement is top-notch. When deemed necessary, he advocates using natural hormones (like estradiol, estrone, estriol, and progesterone) over pseudo-hormones (like Premarin, Prempro, equinone, and progestin, each of which is molecularly very different from any hormone you'll find in a human). Be aware of what your doctor prescribes; the long-term effects are yours to live with.

Bottom line: This book is helpful to men and women of any age who are interested in maintaining strong bones, a healthy body, and a relaxed state of mind.

Inspiring solutions to thinning bones
This book offers osteoporosis patients (which includes most post-menopausal women and perhaps zealous female athletes) a variety of lifestyle changes that will help them halt bone loss. Some bone loss is inevitable as one ages, but I found this book inspiring and self-empowering. The science of bone-building and destruction is not watered down, but explained clearly. Exercise cannot be overestimated in preventing bone loss. Dietary recommendations were thoughtful and practical. Most

interesting were some medical tests recommended to check calcium metabolism to make sure absorption is not impeding the benefits of supplementation. The personal stories of the author's patients were inspiring and interesting to hear how each woman made changes that improved her general health as well as the health of her skeleton. I wish I could encourage more women to read this book. Read it especially, if you are diagnosed with osteo and you don't know what to do.

The Cat Who Turned on and Off
Published in Audio Cassette by Recorded Books (2001)
Authors: Lilian Jackson Braun and George Guidall
Amazon base price: $44.00
Buy one from zShops for: $24.95
Average review score:

This book was the worst one ever written. If you thought that the person was posed with cats you'll hate this person even more. She should get a life and not spend her time writting kiddie books about cats.

The Third Koko Book - Adventure at Junktown
This is the third book in "The Cat Who..." Series. This is also the first story of the complete family (Qwilleran, Koko and Yum Yum).

Qwilleran visits Junktown, expecting it to be a hangout of junkies (drug addicts). But Junktown is a place for junk (antique) shops! First modern art, second interior decorating and this time...antique. Poor Qwill.

This book is a little different from the previous two books. The previous books described prosperous, privileged worlds. While Junktown is an old deserted town which the City regards as a slum and wants to demolish. It makes this book somewhat deeper than the previous books how Qwill gradually loves this poor old town. And this book is relatively well-plotted as a detective story.

Unlike Koko, Yum Yum doesn't play a role as a sleuth. When it hails noisily, Yum Yum gets scared and hides herself, while Koko investigates the noise. It is interesting that such kind of small daily details show Koko's sleuth talent more clearly. And I'm quite surprised at what Koko turns on and's just incredible!

Welcome to Junktown
While the publisher list this as the fourth novel in this series, Amazon is correct in labeling it as the third, preceding 'The Cat Who Ate Danish Modern.' This is a minor irritant, but interferes not at all with the story line. Perfectionists should beware, however. Other than that, it is a repeat of Braun's usual approach in these early stories, finding Qwilleran once again moving, once again turning a mild assignment into a crime investigation and once again being outthought by his cats.

The occasion for the move is a reporter's contest at the Daily Fluxion that will pay the winner [amt]. Qwill decides to write a story about Junktown, a rundown part of the city, that is filled with countless, equally rundown antique and junk stores, a Mecca for those who like their collectibles 'in the rough.' Without fail Qwill immediately finds a new home, a strange little apartment in The Junkery, the store, home, and boarding house of Iris and C.C. Cobb.

It will not surprise the reader to discover that the apartment was originally the residence of Andrew Glanz, a dealer who recently died in a gruesome accident, falling off a ladder onto an old brass finial in his store. Nor should it surprise the reader when Qwill decides to investigate the suspicious death, possibly motivated by the lovely Mary Duckworth, Andrew's lady friend and, hopefully, Qwill's date to the Fluxion's Christmas party.

The further into Glanz's death Qwill probes, the more suspicious it looks. Even worse, another 'accidental' death occurs, that of C.C. Cobb. Qwill carries Koko around investigating and the two cats pull off many antics on their own. And there is much to be discovered. How did Glanz really fall on the finial? Who was with C.C. when he fell? Where is the missing manuscript? Who is Mathilda the ghost? And where do Koko and Yum Yum keep disappearing to?

Qwill is unable to escape exposure to both the shady and bright side of antiquing as he finds himself working a store counter and sneaking into a condemning building looking for valuables. He barely manages to survive several of his own accidents, and for a time he is baffled. As usual the Koko and Yum Yum save the day, not only switching lights on and off, but learning to type and flush toilets as well. Team Meow once again goes into action to expose nefarious doings and bring evildoers to justice.

As always, Lilian Braun's characters and gentle satire are delightful. She seems to write with considerable knowledge of the antique trade, even managing to predict the future of collecting when she introduces the idea of tech-tiques several years before the craze took off. While she often uses similar plot gimmicks from novel to novel, Braun always manages to give everything a unique twist that makes her eminently readable.

First Tiger
Published in Paperback by E-Reads (2001)
Author: George Harrar
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $13.87
Buy one from zShops for: $13.87
Average review score:

This is Something to Shout About!
You want a book to really take you somewhere? And move you so much that it changes you? Do you want to read a book that makes you want to shout this from a few rooftops because this can change the world?

That's what First Tiger did to me.

How many heads have we seen shaking; how many hands wrung; how many political platforms and how many new social agenda have all been predicated on the universal question asked throughout the ages--"Why do people do bad things?"

George Harrar's journey to the center not only mines a gem so rare its value is immeasurable, it--this exploration--does what Freud is still trying to do: Harrar's characters, among them teen-ager Jake; his lost father; Jake's friend, Frankie, make the understanding of human nature touchable, seeable, knowable; and ultimately, loveable, so that we embrace it in all of its polished--and raw--facets.

This novel is brash, crash, warm, loving, hateful, stripped, sentimental, scary, comforting; you don't read it--you experience it the way you do a dear friend who confides in you their story of their struggles and triumphs--you can't relate to everything firsthand, but surely, as their pathos unfold, you come to a deeper understanding of them and what it might feel like to be them.

Jake and his brethren in First Tiger should be a case study that the student of social work studies. In fact, First Tiger should be required reading for students of all disciplines from the teacher, the judge, doctor, pollice officer, CEO, line worker to the parent. Instead of head-wagging and hand-wringing we might all then bask in this archeological find for the ages, whether from our rooftops or desktops.

Gritty, moving, "real"
A beautifully written, haunting story of a teenager on the edge. The author pulls no punches, letting 16-year-old Jake tell the story of his father, his mother and the tragedies that have marked his life with unflinching honesty.

Add George Harrar to your list of important writers
After enjoying several short stories by this author I was eager to read his debut novel, and was not disappointed. From the opening pages to the disturbing, though wholly satisfying conclusion, I remained riveted. Harrar's depiction, his keen insight into a world a bit off-kilter, is splendidly done. I hope First Tiger receives the recognition it deserves.

Published in Hardcover by Simon & Schuster (1991)
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $6.50
Average review score:

Accessible Non-Fiction
I am an 11th grade history student who is very intellectual but has one problem- I cannot read nonfiction. However, when I read this book by Woodward for a class assignment, I found the book so readable that I was enthralled and even enjoyed reading through the engrossing decision-making and conversations. What's more, a reader feels like they get the real facts from the book and see the real reasons that decision makers act in certain ways; it is hardly a random action- these men take their jobs seriously and do it well. Cynicism I may have felt towards government has become more controlled and more muted after reading this book. I recommend it.

Very insightful
I found this book well worth the read. I quite honestly had forgotten many of the events surrounding the invasion of Panama and the Gulf War. This book brought it all back into perspective. Woodward's research and ability to tell the whole story gives you a "fly on the wall" status. He tries not to make any judgements either on the events themselves or the players involved. Woodward succeeds in laying it all out there for you.

I will admit Woodward does seem to have a bias toward Powell, but not enough so that you think he is forcing him on you. He doesn't paint an overly rosy picture of Bush, often leaving you wondering about Bush's decision-making skills or intentions. This may only be because he was not able to personally use Bush as a source.

The Best on the Topic
I am a big fair of Woodward, so much so that I would even consider reading his shopping list. Overall this book gives the reader some very interesting stories about the military preparation and political decision making that led up to the Attack on Panama and the Gulf War. The book also gives you the details of the inner workings of the Pentagon and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I do not think there is a current writer / investigative reporter that has the ability to get the inside information Woodward always does, at time I wonder if he does not pay people to take tape recorders with them to meetings. He provides so much detail and very useful explanations of the process that you really feel that you are there. He always puts together a great book and he has done it here again. I also have the book by the 1st Bush "A World Transformed", and in the book he states that for the most part everything in this Woodward book is correct, I do not think you can get a better recommendation then that. You will defiantly enjoy this book.

The Contented Achiever : How to Get What You Want and Love What You Get
Published in Hardcover by Black Pants Publishing (01 March, 2001)
Authors: Don Hutson, Chris Crouch, and George Lucas
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $2.45
Collectible price: $6.42
Buy one from zShops for: $6.50
Average review score:

great reading for organizations
This book is a quick and easy read suitable for individuals or groups. For the "puzzle of life" the book provides, in outline form, key factors to build success and a belief system to allow one to enjoy the ride. I recommend it highly and recently purchased copies for my entire organization.

Thought Provoking, Inspiring
Rush, rush, rush. Push, push, push. Gotta achieve. Gotta make it! Life is complicated, but that's the fun. Go go go!

So is this what achievement is all about? Not really, say these authors. There's a system for success, and it's simple. In fact, simplicity in life is part of the magic. But it all starts inside. As the book explains, "what's in the well comes up in the bucket."

This is an interesting book because it's written by three authors-three people who have "been there, done that, and taught others." But the book is written in the singular. The authors realized that their ideas were bouncing all over the place, so they engaged a writer to "harmonize them into one voice." Clever idea, but a little unnerving at times, knowing that there are three people behind the message.

Readers will begin the journey through this book by Defining Success. Chapter 2 talks about Creating Desired Results, with the obligatory four-quadrant model. The dimensions of this one are Failure and Success, Frustration and Fulfillment. The Impact of Thoughts, Words, and Actions is explored in the third chapter. Values are addressed in a chapter entitled "Reflecting on Your Belief System" before an advisory chapter on getting clutter out of your life. The balance of the book focuses on creating an environment for success. It's a "typical" self-help book, but well put together.

Extra features include the inspirational quotes you might expect, sprinkled through the pages. A 19-question assessment at the back of the book serves as a summary, but could also be taken before reading the book as a sort of benchmark. The Points to Ponder at the end of each chapter add value to this book, moving the reader from absorption of good advice to a pensive and self-reflection mode to stimulate progress.

Are you living the life you want?
The Contented Achiever is an excellent book that helps us on our journey as to whether we are living the life we truly want! In the back of the book, there is a Self Assessment entitled "Are You a Contented Achiever?" My score told me that this book would absolutely be read next!

The lessons learned about being centered and living in the "now" have greatly impacted my life. The chapter on "Clutter" has created even more satisfaction and peace in my daily life. I ask myself the following question: Are there things that tie me to my past that prevent me from enjoying the present? Try it, you'll experience a wonderful sense of letting go and enjoying life more!

Control System Design Guide: Using Your Computer to Develop and Diagnose Feedback Controllers
Published in Hardcover by Academic Press (1991)
Author: George Ellis
Amazon base price: $89.95
Used price: $156.80
Collectible price: $274.90
Buy one from zShops for: $95.00
Average review score:

Good tutorial of basic control system
This is a really good book that simplified control system for the real world. Most text spend too much time on theory and analysis and end the discussion with a bunch of equations and graphs without explaining how to implement the design. This book covers both analog and digital control, and lets you download a software from the author's web site. This software, ModelQ, lets you play with various parameters so you can see how the system behaves when it is not optimized.

One drawback with the book is it only covers PID control and its variants, but doesn't cover state-space control. While state-space control may be considered "overkill" by many control engineers, state-space is used in industry. The decision to use state-space is often not in the hands of individual engineers, so it may not be an option to ignore state-space. It would be nice if Mr. Ellis could cover state-space in his next edition of the book.

Best book on modern control systems
This book is a great guide to problems and solutions for modern control systems. Many text will have page after page of formulas with little link to the real world of control system design. Mr. Ellis provides answers to the problems faced by todays engineers.

A great book for practicing engineers!
George Ellis does a great job of bridging the gap between academia and industy in Control System Design Guide 2nd Edition. This book gives the practicing engineer the information necessary to put into practice much of the theory that he/she learned in the university. The book primarily focuses on motion control and modeling of motion systems. If you are working on a control system and would like to make sure you get the performance you need, you should buy this book.

Published in Textbook Binding by Peter Smith Pub (1900)
Author: George Bizet
Amazon base price: $4.75
Average review score:

Rational Emotion
Bizet's CARMEN OVERTURE is well known and frequently used in the occasion that a champion comes out.In my opinion,Carmen is a champion,a champion of love,a champion of freedom.Mérimée,the author of CARMEM,describes Carmen as a sparkish and abandoned woman,searching for true love and sticking to freedom.In this book, Mérimée narrates how he ran across Don Jose' and the whole story between Don Jose' and Carmen.Don Jose',a soldier,falls in love with Carmen,a prisoner who kills a woman worker,when he is on his way to send her to prison.He gives her reins in spite of being punished.He becomes a bandit and killer so as to stay with her and please her.He kills her eventually for preventing her from loving someone else.It is a tragic ending.And I am deeply shocked.But if not for the death of Carmen,her spirit of chasing freedom can't be that striking.
There are two plots that make me consider a lot:
He was injured,and Carmen took good care of him until he recovered.I am moved for it.Someone may say Carmen has many lovers,and her love to Don Jose' is not true love.But I can't agree with it.From this part,we can see clearly that her love is of ligeance.Why she risked her life to save Don Jose',just for exploiting him sometime?Absolutely not.Don't forget Carmen can let any man do anything.Don Jose' is puny,but her love is significant.It can be confirmed in the latter part.When they were attacked by the army,Don Jose' was unfortunately shot,and Carmen looked after him patiently and attentively,without sleeping.She did love him with every beat of her heart.It must be noticed that only one time Carmen's crying was mentioned and this was the first time Don Jose' had seen her weep.Carmen stole Mérimée's watch but failed to get his ring for the prevention of Don Jose'.And then they quarrelled.Don Jose' beat her.A woman who is beat will cry,but a woman who cries is not certainly beat.Personaly I think Carmen cried for love,not for the beat.
Here,the story comes to climax.Even when Don Jose' took out a knife to threaten her,Carmen did not quail a bit.she took off the ring he had given to her and threw it into the jungle.Finally,he thrust into her heart...She died for her freedom,and her freedom survived.I don't think one should give up freedom in order to love someone.Carmen is a classic example.She prefers being killed to staying with Don Jose'.Her love is for freedom,and her freedom is for love.She will love whom gives her freedom.Free love is unselfish.Don Jose' can't give her free love,and longs to occupy her on his own,so he is doomed to fail.
So,do remember that Real Love is a rational emotion!

An Introduction To Opera, A Monumental Recording
I have said it before and I will say it again. The Black Dog Opera Library series contains quality opera recordings, top-notch singers and orchestras, and as a bonus, liner notes and commentary on the opera, providing background information on the composer and the time period. In this remarkable book, we are treated to the greatest recording of Bizet's opera, Carmen. It was recorded 1969-70, and stars Jon Vickers, Grace Bumbry and Kostas Paskalis. The opera is timeless and has retained its popularity for more than a century. MTV has produced its own version, calling it a hip-hop-opera, there is talk of doing a musical-style rendition, and in the 50's, Carmen Jones with an all black cast did an incredible job of translating the songs into English with the help of Rogers and Hammestein. Carmen is based on the French writer Prosper Merimme's dark novella. It tells the story of a Spanish Gypsy woman who works undercover as a cigarette maker in Seville. In reality, she works for contraband smugglers who are constantly on the road. Don Jose is the soldier whose regiment is stationed by the factory. After arresting Carmen for a catfight, she seduces him and he falls madly in love with her, a love that later becomes consumed with obscession. Carmen convinces Don Jose to join her fellow smugglers and they travel across Spain. For love of her, Don Jose has abandoned his regiment and his fiancee, Micaela, the polar opposite of Carmen- she is a Christian-bred, homely woman. When Carmen tires of Don Jose, she abandons him for the more attractive champion bullfighter Escamillo. During a bullfight, Carmen confronts Don Jose and makes it clear she no longer loves him. In a jealous crime of passion, Don Jose stabs Carmen to death.

Rafael Burgos conducts a supremely effective orchestra who truly brings out the originality, drama, melody and intensity of Bizet's score. From the Overture, which concludes with its fatalistic theme, to each of the Spanish-style dances, among them Habanera, Seguidilla and Gypsy Song (all arias for Carmen), the soft melody of the Prelude to the final act and the concluding final scene, are all magnificent interpretation. The singers, individually, are fine actor/singers. Tenor Jon Vickers, who has a vast repertoire, including Wagner, brings a more realistic approach to Don Jose. He is passionate, he is obscessed and determined to have Carmen come what may. His Wagnerian intensity are self-evident in his arguments with Carmen and in the final scene of her murder, especially striking in his "Ainsi, le salut de mon ame" "And so I am to lose my heart". His Flower Song "La Fleur" is a fresh new rendition, not ending with a high, strong note as typical tenors do, but a soft high, B-flat, effectively producing the effect that he is genuinely in love, but obscessed and haunted by, Carmen.

Grace Bumbry's Carmen is her best role. She is assertive, she is seductive, flirtatious and dangerous. She is the original femme fatale. But it's clear that Bizet intended for Carmen to bring about her own fate. Her signature aria, "Habanera" compares her to a rebellious bird of freedom, a lawless Gypsy child and boasts that her love belongs to no one man. Her Gypsy Song is full of fire and mischief. But aside from these playful arias, Carmen has serious moments in the opera. Among them is the scene in which she reads the death card. "Toujours, Le Morte" (Always death) is the refrain and the lush lyricism and seriousness of her aria equals to any soprano aria that was in vogue even during Bizet's time. Her final scene, in which she is stabbed by the angry Don Jose, is her best moment. She confronts him with dignity and strength. If she is to die, she will die because she has willed it, in fact, she states it so expressively in the lines "Je sais bien que tu me tueras, mas que je vive ou que je muere, non, non, je ne tu cedarai pas ! (I know that you are going to kill me, but whether I live or I die, no, no, I will never give in to you!) Note her dramatic high register on the words "non, non,". She again asserts her free will when she says to Don Jose "Jamais Carmen ne cedera! Libre elle est nee et libre elle mourra ! ( Never will Carmen yield! She was born free and she will die free!). Kostas Paskalis, a Greek baritone, was overlooked as a fine singer during his time, for he was shadowed by baritones such as Sherril Milnes; but Paskalis is a fine interpretor of Escamillo, full of bravado and masculine energy. His crowning moment is not in "Toreador" but in the duel with Don Jose in the last act. This opera has it all. And I recommend this particular product to those interested in opera for the first time. For opera buffs this is also a treat.

The Greatet Carmen Of Them All
Carmen is undoubtedly one of the most recognizable operas in the world. There have been many fine recordings in the 20th century and even in the 19th century. Maria Callas (considered by many to be the greatest soprano ever sang the role), Teresa Berganza has sang the role, Tatiana Troyanos, Jessie Norman and various other sopranos who are drawn to the terrific role. Georges Bizet is remembered for this masterpiece, which he intended to be an opera-comique. It was not meant to be a comedy, for the intensity of the fatal tragedy of Prosper Merimee's short novel is superbly captured. Rather, it was meant to be taken as a form of drama, with spoken dialogue, song and dance, and no recitatives. Today, the leading opera houses accomodate this original intended version but many still keep the recitatives that later revisers added, making Carmen more in lines with Italian grand opera. Nevertheless, this fine recording is the best and the original Carmen. Grace Bumbry (mezzo-soprano), whose debut as Venus in the Salzburg Festival presentation of Wagner's Tannhauser made headlines, is the ultimate Carmen. Her voice is rich, dark, powerful, lyric and intense. She is Carmen, and I can think of no other singer who can better fit the role. John Vickers sings Don Jose with passion, elegance and intense emotions, although many will argue that Placido Domingo sings the role better. Vickers still pulls a superb performance. Kostas Paskalis, a Greek baritone, is a terrific bullfighter Escamillo. The conductor Raphael Burgos is wondrous in his orchestration of the score, intense in the fatalism of the fate theme, the dynamic overture, the tender moments between Don Jose and Micaela (Mirella Freni who does a passable performance). the choruses, and the Gypsy/Spanish folk melodies, among them Habanera and Seguidilla. This is a must have for avid Carmen lovers. The story will stay with us always. A seductive Gypsy in 19th century Spain seduces a gentleman soldier Don Jose, engaged to marry the good-hearted Micaela, but he abandons her, his regiment, and follows Carmen and her merry band of smugglers. Soon, Carmen tires of Don Jose and sets her eyes on the dashing bullfighter champion, Escamillo. At the bullfight, Carmen and Don Jose confront for a final scene, in which, against the background of the bullfight and a swirling score, Carmen declares her independence and tells Don Jose she wants nothing with him. The obscessed and mad Don Jose stabs her, appropriately enough when the bull in the arena is slaughtered. The opera comes to an end and we the audience are left with the first verisimo and realistic opera of intense tragedy, loving the music and worshipping the grandeur of the whole thing. Five Stars For this Black Dog Opera Library Recording. Also to be recommended in the series are La Boheme, Aida, The Flying Dutchman, The Magic Flute and La Traviata.

Digital Deals: Strategies for Selecting and Structuring Partnerships
Published in Hardcover by McGraw-Hill Trade (23 May, 2001)
Authors: George T. Geis and George S. Geis
Amazon base price: $19.57
List price: $27.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $0.57
Buy one from zShops for: $10.50
Average review score:

I have been involved in private equity, acquisitions, and joint ventures for the last several years, and bought this book to learn more about other types of deals, such as e-commerce partnerships, etc. Given the multiple five star ratings for this book, I expected quite a read. Unfortunately, although the book is fairly informative, I cannot say that it imparts anything that could not be gained by an attentive reading of the business press--just a chronology of various deals along with their rationale. I would say that this book would probably be quite useful for a novice or someone that doesn't keep up with their business magazine subscriptions.

A framework for business development
Excellent framework for business development analysis from market overview to deal implementation. Terms for some sample deals are provided, but wish even more was written on deal structure specifics. The book covers turf not previously explored and advanced my professional thinking. Very useful.

The One Book You Have to Read
If you 'do' strategy, if you 'do' planning, this is a must read for you. Time is, without a doubt, the most perishable asset on the planet. Where and with whom we spend our times now defines our social and workplace identities. The efficacy associated with our use of time charts our career trajectory. Spending time 'strategically' on 'strategic issues' is what executives are supposed to do. In almost two decades serving as trusted advisor to executives, I have never heard an executive say, 'We have no time for strategy." Having huddled around my fair share of top-of-the-house campfires, I find that as the libations taken at CXO watering holes loosen tongues and the executive elders start to tell stories, the most memorable narrative emerging revolves around a review of past decisions. I have heard, stated quietly and in confidence, "We focused on the wrong things. We made the wrong decision." The payback on time spent strategically was, in many instances, negative.

Is time spent strategically a bad thing? Is strategy dead? Was time spent on strategy wasted? Does strategic planning have no place in our time-crazed, execution-obsessed New Economy? In 1983, the uber-executive of our age- General Electric Chairman Jack Welch dismantled the company's once heralded planning department. We have empirical evidence that those spending the most on traditional forms of resource-centric 'strategy consulting' [the cerebrally challenged SWOT - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats dance] performed the poorest in the market place. The biggest strategic planner of them all, the Soviet Union appears to have just about finished its pre-Millennial journey from totalitarianism to disintegration. Strategy is not dead, but it had certainly fallen out of favor. Few companies don't have strategic plans. Yet few devote the resources to them they used to. Most disturbing, is that efforts to fix the problem, often had the effect of making things worse - or at least making them bad in a different way. Crusades and reforms intended to reinvent, relaunch and reposition the practice strategy have failed.

Lewis Mumford divided history into epochs characterized by their power sources. Traditional strategy tended to emphasize a focused single line of attack, executed by a single economic enterprise- a clear statement of where, how, and when to compete. Noticeably lacking was the question of 'with whom?' The new power source in the New Economy is the ability to assemble the most resource-rich, market-savvy, technology-gifted, fleet-of-foot, known-and-trusted-by-the-consumer armada of partners. The way you do that is the subject of Digital Deals.

No book can promise infallibility. No book can guarantee that good decisions will be made. This book will help you spend the time you can allocate to strategic thinking more efficaciously. As such, this is not a coffee-table book. This is not a Great-Title-No-Content book. This is not a Good-article-unbelievable-they-stretched-it-into-a-book-book. This most definitely is not a I'll-buy-it-but-I-won't-read-it book. Digital Deals is the new, new thing in strategic thinking. Using the framework in Digital Deals to analyze the ur-protangonists of our evolving New Economy [Cisco, Intel, Microsoft, AOL, AT&T, Amazon] I experienced something akin to the joy that must have accompanied Galileo's use of the telescope to study the heavens or Robert Hooke's (1635-1703) use of the microscope to study bacteria. The tools contained in these pages will let you see new things. It will simplify what heretofore has been an incoherent jumble of pieces parts. This book has helped me understand the players, the deals and the deal rationales of the market I work in - digital security and privacy. As I read the book, I continued to ask myself whether the two Georges were adding words to the existing vocabulary of strategic planning or creating a new grammar into which the old words might be conjugated. There is no doubt that the process of market modeling described within these pages fundamentally changes the types of conversations we will be having as we try to plan our respective futures.

The Enormous Room
Published in Paperback by W.W. Norton & Company (1988)
Authors: Edward Estlin Cummings and George J. Firmage
Amazon base price: $11.95
Used price: $1.94
Collectible price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $2.50
Average review score:

An Enormous Achievement
Written by America's most inventive poet, "The Enormous Room" is a book of prose set in a French detention camp during World War One. It is a coming-of-age story in which events happen, not always to the narrator (E.E. Cummings), but to the inhabitants of a place that serves as a microcosm for all the folly and brutality of war itself. As a war narrative it is unique -- unlike Hemingway's "Farewell to Arms" or Remarque's "All Quiet on the Western Front," the central story doesn't take place on the front lines. The plot of the book is basically non-linear, with the exception of the first three or four chapters, and several passages are written in French (thankfully a glossary of foreign terms is printed at the back of the book). I would describe Cummings' story as a stream-of-consciousness dialogue with himself, written in the language of a talented budding poet. Most memorable are the wonderful characters Cummings encountered during his short stay at La Ferte Mace, the name of the camp in which he was interned. They are objects of torn humanity and how terrible it must have been for him to leave them, knowing that upon his release many would languish in prison for the rest of their lives. "The Enormous Room" is a unique historical fiction. It is not an easy read, but it is one of those books that is even more difficult to put down. I have never read another book quite like it. [P.S.: There are two editions of the book, one published by Boni & Liveright and the other by Penquin Classics. The Liveright edition is the better one (and naturally harder to locate online or in book stores), and includes samples of drawings that Cummings made during his confinement.]

A Delectable Mountain
Some works of literature that I have read in the past required several scans of certain passages due to their thick and wholly unconsumable nature. While reading E. E. Cummings' The Enormous Room, I found myself skimming back over entire paragraphs simply for the sheer joy of reading them again. Cummings' ability to turn a phrase is astonishing. It's not hard to glean from reading only this work that the author has a poetic nature.

The personal journey recounted here amounts to a fantastic tale that happens to be (for the most part) completely true. By turns, bleak and hopeless - then joyous and brimming with a kind of spiritual joy, The Enormous Room takes the reader to extremities of all sorts in its relatively short span of chapters.

Though it takes place during a three month stint in a French concentration camp during the latter parts of World War One, it could just as well be set on another planet, for all of its fantastic characters, settings and behavioral interactions that never cease to alternately amaze and confound the reader.

Even if it seems a cruel statement to make, after having the pleasure of experiencing this world through the prose of E. E. Cummings you will be thankful that he found himself in this squalid and vile place so that we now have the honor of sharing in it.

Cumming's Salvation...
Reading Cumming's poetry was never a priority in my school days, except such excerpts as appeared in my far from comprehensive American Lit book. After reading this, I wish I'd paid more attention to this truly gifted writer.

The Enormous Room is the story of Cumming's three month incarceration at La Ferte Mace, a squalid French prison camp. Cummings is locked up as accessory to exercise of free speech, his friend B. (William Brown) having written a letter with some pro German sentiments. What Cummings experienced in those three months and the stories of the men and women he met are, despite the straits of the polyglot texture of the book, never other than fascinating. At moments touching (the stories of the Surplice and The Wanderer's family), hilarious (the description of the Man In the Orange Cap is hysterical), and maddening (the smoking of the four les putains), this is a brilliant weft of memorable characters and not a little invective for the slipshod French goverment.

Something I noticed. Though the book claims as its primary influence Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, I noticed a similarity with Thoreau's Walden. In both books, there is the idea of self-abnegation breeding liberty and peace of mind. The idea is to shear away all luxuries, all privileges. But Thoreau had one very important luxury to his credit: Free will. Whereas Thoreau chose his isolated and straitened existence near Walden Pond, Cummings' was involuntary. So, if the touchstone of freedom both men share is valid, is not Cummings, by virtue of the unrequested nature of his imprisonment, the freer of the two men?

This is a fascinating, thought provoking, ribald and intelligent book. I only regret that the Fighting Sheeney was never given commupance...

Firecrackers: The Art and History
Published in Paperback by Ten Speed Press (2000)
Authors: Warren Dotz, Jack Mingo, and George Moyer
Amazon base price: $13.97
List price: $19.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.95
Collectible price: $21.18
Buy one from zShops for: $12.49
Average review score:

Art! and History?
Excellent beautifully illustrated book well worth the money. The illustrations and layout are extremely well done. This is easy reading that covers some terrtory not well documented anywhere else (Vietnam.) Some historical inaccuracies especially in the history of the manufacture of "Chinese" crackers in the 20th century. Overall an excellent job! Highly reccomended to anyone who has an interest in the subject, or who just likes the imagery of the old labels.

Beautiful drawings pack an illustrated history
Bright, colorful pages packed with color illustrations and photos chart the art and history of the firecracker, from their construction and advancement to the making of labels and items promoting them. Beautiful drawings pack an illustrated history which invites leisure browsers as much as researchers, and which is very highly recommended for general library collections.

Experience the Thrill
This book shows great insite into the history of the firecracker and the intricate artwork involved with the packaging of them. The clarity of the illustrations are wonderful, its hard to believe some of the labels are as old as they are. I highly recommend this book to anyone who can remember the excitement of being able to "set off" these firecrackers on the 4th of July, without worrying about breaking the law. Those of you who were not as lucky to experience this thrill, will definitely find this book fun.

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