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Book reviews for "Cattaui,_Georges" sorted by average review score:

Three Minutes To A Strong Mind and A Fit Body
Published in Paperback by DeJohn Products (29 September, 1999)
Author: George Dejohn
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $9.45
Average review score:

a must read for the holidays
I think the layout and format, the cover and the information in it, is very good and straight forward. Very professional! Your message is one of solutions and I think, compared to a Dr. Phil's(oprah's show) book it is way better. I know he has
a huge following, but I think his book is a book of problems and he doesn't really give any straight forward answers on how to solve them.
My fitness levels are at an all time high and I thank you.
I have never lost weight so fast and been so strong in my life and I attribute 100% of it to this book.
I am very impressed!

This has to be the best fitness book on the market today.It is loaded with great common sense ideas for the mind and body.It is great for people looking to get in shape but don't have the time to make fitness a religion.I am surprised a book like this isn't a bestseller.

More than just a fitness book!
George's ideals on how to improve your health and fitness can be applied to everything in your life. Mind over matter, George takes it to another level and lets you control your life and where it takes you if you choose to do so. A must read for everyone that wants to improve their lifestyle.

The Twilight Labyrinth: Why Does Spiritual Darkness Linger Where It Does?
Published in Paperback by Fleming H Revell Co (1997)
Author: George, Jr. Otis
Amazon base price: $15.39
List price: $21.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $12.45
Collectible price: $65.00
Buy one from zShops for: $13.10
Average review score:

A Deeper Look Into Spiritual Warfare
I have read many books about spiritual warfare and this is the first that I have read that makes me have to take a break and gather my thoughts. It seriously makes you think and opens your eyes to many of the things of the spirit. I'm only on page 114 and I am blown away. Most spiritual warfare books only tell you what spirit does this and how it does that, but this book takes you to the core. Where did this spirit come from and HOW did it get that way? Where is the open door? It is excellent. This book also shows how the enemy works through animals. Wonderful!

Amazing book
George Otis's book is the most fascinating book I have ever read regarding spiritual warfare. It should be required reading for anybody involved in ministry work, including church elders. For me, it answered many questions about why things have happened in my own personal life as well as was a fascinating explanation to some of the studies I have done on Far Eastern religions. George Otis provides extensive footnotes at the end of the book which contain further explanation and anecdotes regarding his subject matter. I kept two bookmarks in this book as I was in the main area of the book and one at the footnotes so I could easily check out the further explanations and stories as I read along.

An intercessors education manual!
This book is a fascinating in-depth look at discovering the source and origin of why spiritual darkness is so prevalent in certain areas of the world. George Otis Jr. takes the reader on a meticulously well documented voyage into the occult strong holds such as Dharamsala, the Middle East and North Africa in search of how darkness was invited there and what activities are performed in order to keep the ruling spirit in charge. These questions are asked by the author not in morbid curiosity but in fervent prayer, so that God may reveal to intercessors how these forces can be pushed back in order for the gospel to be presented. Otis has written an outstanding book on Spiritual warfare. He accurately backs this biblically and scientifically while making a defense against those who deny that Christians are to be involved in such activities. I highly recommend this book for its insight into spiritual mapping, research (truth) and need for prayer (spirit).

Baja Sailor Tales
Published in Paperback by George Snyder (2000)
Author: George Snyder
Amazon base price: $12.95
Average review score:

Baja Sailor Tales
The book was very well written with flowing, concise stories that were easy to read. The stories are very entertaining if you have dreamed of sailing off into the sunset or even if that thought hasn't crossed your mind yet.

The storytelling painted vivid pictures of coves with bobbing sailboats and icey cold Pacifico's parked on rickety wooden tables. I can almost see the rings left by George's bottles at Blackbeards down in La Paz!

George, you did an outstanding job creating this book! Thanks for living life and going to Mexico to have the inspiration to write this.

You know George, I've always been interested in Fiji...

A great read!
The writing style of the author made this book easy reading. Feeling the highs and lows of each character I encountered within the pages of Baja Sailor tales, I couldn't help but think back to Stienbeck's "Tortilla Flats". I book for sailors and landlovers too!

Russ Peterson -So Cal Sept 30, 1999- Surperb story telling
Mr. Snyder brings traveling the Sea of Cotez, Mexico to life through his superior story telling talents. From the detailed character descriptions of the people he met along the way to the adventures he experienced, Mr. Snyder writes brilliantly in a manner that is frank and insightful. As I found myself relating on many levels to the stories Mr. Snyder weaved, I noticed I was craving the warm sun and a Pacifico on more than one occasion. I highly recommend this entertaining, thought provoking and fun book.

Celine: The Authorized Biography
Published in Paperback by Dundurn Press, Ltd. (1999)
Authors: Georges-Herbert Germain, Georges-Hebert Germain, and David Homel
Amazon base price: $19.99
Used price: $4.49
Collectible price: $10.34
Buy one from zShops for: $5.57
Average review score:

Wonderful collaboration between artist and writer!
Georges Herbert-Germain does a wonderful job finding the equilibrium between Céline's public stage-life and her emotional private-life. The book's chapter pattern of singer to woman to singer shows that there's more to Céline Dion than being a diva and an international pop icon. Despite being followed by the media since she was 12, Céline appears to have remained grounded in the stories of her past, present, and what she plans to do in the future. There's more behind this diva besides Titanic and pipes of platinum.

A book of love, music, talent & family values
I have read this book umpteen times now! It was a great gift I recieved 2 Christmases ago. Celine's book enchants me with her story of family values, right from the start. This young woman's career has been what you'd call an "amazing triumph". Celine's author writes of the Dion family's pride for their sibling. The most touching part of the book has to be the 1st. This is where the Dion clan forms. We read about how Celine's mom & dad meet, and how they never fail to support their huge family.

Each section of the book has a bunch of great, moving photos, following Celine down her long road to success. Each photo tells her story in chronological order. It makes me think of a blossoming flower, going from stage to stage.

There is also a story of what Celine has done, in preparation of her "Falling into you" tour. Georges Hebert tells the every stress Celine has felt on given days. I was amazed about how she is so loved in foreign countries. The book has skyrocketed into great success, either in french or english. I am looking forward to buying her latest book. My likes for her are not finished, even though she is on her sabbatical.

Buy the book and read it carefully. It's the type of book you won't put down! Did my review help you?

No word can truly discribe Celine's wonderful voice, dreams and spirit, but I believe this book has managed to do the best it could. Of course, you cannot feel Celine's passion by simply read a book. However, I can ensure you that after reading this book, you must at least start to like this real-life model of human being -- Celine Dion.

Cell Phones: Invisible Hazards in the Wireless Age: An Insider's Alarming Discoveries About Cancer and Genetic Damage
Published in Hardcover by Carroll & Graf (05 January, 2001)
Authors: George Louis Carlo, Martin Schram, and George Carlo
Amazon base price: $17.50
List price: $25.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.67
Collectible price: $26.47
Buy one from zShops for: $7.95
Average review score:

Can you hear me now?
Cell phones have become an integral part of American (and increasingly the world) society. They are ubiquitous in the business world and day-to-day life activities. The authors discuss in detail the risks associated with cell phones, particularly those of the digital variety. They tell the all to common tale of industry PR "spin" vs. public safety and common sense. While it may not be correct to state that cell phones cause brain cancer, the preliminary indications and not heart warming.

Thus far clinical studies have shown:

1) Cell phone radiation penetrates deep into the developing brains of children.

2) Cell phone radiation results in chromosomal damage to blood exposed to wireless phone radio waves. There is a link between chromosome damage and brain cancer.

3) Cell phone radiation breaks down the blood brain barrier. Think of the blood brain barrier as an immune system for the brain. As it breaks down, other environmental toxins more easily enter the brain and cause damage.

4) A number of studies showed a statistically significant correlation between brain cancer deaths and cell phone use.

5) Cell phone radiation can cause pacemakers to malfunction is they (pacemakers) are not properly insulated from cell phones that are within 6 inches of the pacemaker.

The above are based on elaborate human, animal, and laboratory experiments that examine the effects of cell phone radiation. The experiments in the book focus primarily on cell phone use - when the phone is near the head. If cell phone radiation is able to penetrate the human skull, the effects may be even more dramatic on soft tissue such as reproductive organs that may be continuously exposed to radiation by a phone carried in a pants pocket.

Based on the scientific evidence in the book you should avoid using a cell phone or being around one to be perfectly safe. Since that is not likely, the following precautions can be taken:

1) Despite the aggressive marketing practices of the industry towards children, keep cell phones out of the hands of your kids, they are particularly susceptible to the radiation generated by cell phones.

2) Use a hands free model and keep the phone away from your body.

3) If you put the phone up to your ear, point the antenna away from you.

4) If you have one of those cool little phones with a built in antenna, the whole phone is an antenna and you are getting a heavier dose of radiation. GET A HEADSET OR A DIFFERENT PHONE.

5) A cell phone has to pump out more radiation when the signal strength is low, try not to use the phone unless the signal strength is near 100%.

Initial studies show a clear link between cell phone radiation (especially associated with digital phones) and adverse health effects. In the next 10 to 20 years the effects will become apparent with the general public serving as the test subjects. Tread carefully on those wireless stocks over the long term, and take precautions today so you don't become a statistic. Many thanks to Dr. Carlo and Martin Schram for timely well written book packed with critical info for all wireless customers.

Having worked with wireless technologies for over 30 years, I am an expert in the subject and can verify that the contents of this book are true and undisputable. If you use any form of wireless technology, especially cell phones, you must take the necessary precautions! One thing that the vast majority of people don't understand is that, when cell phones were analog, there was a greatly reduced risk of radiation danger. The reason - analog radio waves are found in nature, i.e. they are natural. The real risk and danger is that today, all cell phones being manufactured are digital and transmit digital signals which are never found in nature because they are man-made. This type of unnatural radiation going through the body is flat-out dangerous and a very high risk to your health. Want to know what's even more scary? There is really no way to protect yourself from the millions of digital wireless cell phone signals passing through your body every day. You are not protected in your home, your office, or even in a bunker. The only type of building that may be able to ward off these digital demons are totally metallic buildings because they tend to relect radio signals. Beware!

Radiation is definently emitted from all cell phones!!!
I would have to say this book gets all the facts about radiation. I reccommend anyone who has a cell phone or knows somebody that you love that uses a cell phone get this book. It is very useful and mind blowing. Cell phones can give you cancer and cause brain damage. Im not saying to throw away your cell phone now, because I still use mine with cell phone accessory that blocks 96% of radiation. I reccommed everybody get this accessory (...) and BUY THIS BOOK!!!

The Autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini (Penguin Classics)
Published in Paperback by Penguin USA (Paper) (1999)
Authors: Benvenuto Cellini and George Anthony Bull
Amazon base price: $10.40
List price: $13.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $2.94
Collectible price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $5.49
Average review score:

Shameless, vulgar, and intoxicating
Somewhere in France, Michel Montaigne was working on his immortal "Essays." Gibbon described him as the only man of liberality in the 16th century, aside from Henry IV. His honesty, his good will, and his probing nature have recieved the acclaim of posterity.

Somewhere in Italy, the same time, a more representative portrait was being painted -- the Autobiography of Cellini. While it has the same honesty, it lacks the grace (written in a colloquial style), the liberality, and the meditation of Montaigne. It is probably more represantative of the Renaissance man, and of modern man altogether. Reading Cellini, one comes to understand what Camus meant by the "culture of death" at work in Western history.

Written as a novel (seen, in fact, as a progenitor of the Romantic novel), the Life of Cellini is a remarkable glimpse into the Italy and France in the times of Michelangelo and the Medici. Characters like Francis I of France, Duke Cosimo, Pope Clement VII, and artists like Michelangelo and Titian come to life in brilliant colors. But one shouldn't mistake the intent of Cellini's book as painting a portrait of his times -- no man on earth was ever so in love with himself, and HE is the subject of this book (I had to cringe every time Cellini, about to describe something fantastic, stops and declares "... that is the work of historians. I am only concerned with my affairs..." and leaves off).

I can't say for sure, but the veracity of this book must be almost incontestable, for the most part. Cellini was simply too shameless to be too much of a liar. A few times he tests our credulity: "mistakenly" leaving France with the King's silver, an arbesque "accidentally" firing and killing a man, etc. For the most part, however, we get the whole truth, and in fact more than we wanted to know.

Despite the fame and prestige Cellini comes to, he is little more than a common street rogue and villian. In the course of the book, he murders three people in cold blood, each murder worse than the last (the third time he shoots a man in the throat over a saddle dispute... on Good Friday). He delights in describing his violence ("...I meant to get him the face, but he turned and I stabbed him under the ear."), and he revels in warfare, brawling, and the misfortune of his enemies. Aside from the three murders, there are innumerable foiled and aborted murder attempts. Cellini's sadism reaches new heights when he forces one of his laborers to marry a whore, then pays the woman for sex to humiliate the man. In his descriptions of his crimes, his many run-ins with the law, and his violent disposition, Cellini seems completely unaware of himself and without shame. In fact, the intent of the book is to show him as the virtu -- a hero of divine virtue in a world of lies and deceit.

The portrayal of King Francis alone makes this book worthwhile. He is everything historical events point him out to be. Generous, jovial, and shrewd. The descriptions of the years Cellini spent as Paul III's personal prisoner are another high point, unfortunately capped by the lengthy and horribly tedious poem, "Capitolo," where Cellini clumsily elaborates on his suffering.

As a history and an autobiography, there are few greater works. But aside from its historical and literary value, the Autobiography of Cellini was just fun to read. The audacity and conceit of this horrible man is almost comical, and the loose and efficient prose makes it a smooth read.

A fantastic life!
Cellini's story reads better than a novel. He is the quintessential Renaissance man. In his service to popes, kings and a slew of dukes he was a goldsmith, painter, sculptor, soldier and he may have had more near death experiences than any other that I have ever read about. Of course, his tale leaves himself always and forever blameless in each conflict, betrayal or other unfortunate episode that he finds himself in, which is tremendously entertaining. At first, the reader is seduced into believing that this man has been wronged countless times by a world full of the most slippery types of people. By the middle of the book, however, it dawns on the reader that Cellini must have played some part in creating the misfortune and danger that he is constantly in. Cellini's writing evokes vivid images of the places and people that he meets. One of the most engrossing stories in the book is Cellini's imprisonment and later escape from the Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome, where he was confined by order of the Pope (who, according to Cellini, was bent on having him killed in order to prevent his own embarrasement). His escape from the place is a mix of (apparently) classic methods (he climbs down the side of the building using knotted bed sheets!) and terrible misfortune (he breaks his leg, is nearly killed, and is also attacked by mastiffs while crawling away for his life!). Very soon after having escaped the prison, though, he was again imprisoned by the Pope in a wretched and dank little cave in the Pope's own garden (where Cellini claims to have had mystical visions). Cellini has many other adventures in Italy and France (and on his journeys back and forth). Each tale is centered on how he creates his artworks in the service of some nobleman, how the nobleman is always astonished at the work, how Cellini is then betrayed by someone he was kind to (which, through no fault of his own, often puts him in the bad books of the patron). Cellini frequently ends up in a fight where he either wounds or kills the person, and then goes on his happy way. There is a great deal that one could say about this book and its author. It will suffice to state here that the book is a wonderful read, it offers excellent insights into life in the 16th century, and (as is true on my part) it makes the reader crave just half the adventure that this fellow has had.

A first hand account of Renaissance Italy and France
This book covers the eventful life of a passionate craftsman who lived through major events of the Renaissance. In Florence, Rome, and Paris, Cellini managed to gravitate to the most powerful political and artistic personalities, but his relationships with them were always bumpy. Cellini had an artist's temperament and more - his passionate temper and sense of righteousness, combined with the unscrupulous nature of many he encountered, caused constant friction and turmoil which make the book a nonstop and occasionally violent thriller. The book's one disappointment for those interested in history is the lack of extensive description of the places where he worked and travelled. It's centered on Cellini, his relationships and activities, and his craft. He does however have a great description of the defense of Rome in 1527, in which he was firing artillery from the top of Castel St.-Angelo. George Bull rates five stars for a great translation which captures the spirit of the original, its passion, wit, sarcasm, bitterness and insight. Given the work was written with Florentine colloquialisms, this is an achievement. Highly recommended.

Black Crows & White Cockades
Published in Paperback by Southern Heritage Pr (1999)
Authors: Christine R. Swager and Laurent M. St Georges
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.41
Average review score:

Thank you, Dr. Swager!
My husband, my 15-yr.-old daughter, and I were fortunate enough to pay a visit to historic Brattonsville. Aside from the fact that we were completely enamored of this being one of the sites for the film, "The Patriot"--which is how we found it in the first place, we were fortunate enough to have an excellent and enthusiastic young woman who is a history major (and has been active at Brattonsville since she was 15) as our guide. I had only recently discovered that my family tree goes back to the Revolution. I have always loved historical fiction, but this story thrilled me as I knew I'd be able to use it to finally start (and fuel) those same fires in my 8th grade students. I teach in the Drop-Out Prevention program for unmotivated students, and feel it to be fast paced, therefore interest holding, and easy to read. (I read it in the car on the way home.) My daughter read it and loved it as well. I've asked our reading specialist to order a class set. It's an excellent tool for "Bridges" between Language Arts and Social Studies, either in the middle or high school. ***** Please write more!*****

Out of this world
I am a 14 year old Revolutionary war novel writer in sc. I personally met Cristine Swager; and have a signed Copy of Black Crows and White Cockades. I continually read the novel and enjoy it. Finally some has had the initiative to write a novel about S.C's role in the Revolutionary war. Thank you Mrs. Swager.

I am a 16 year old Revolutionary War re-enactor from South Carolina, and I live about an hour and a half away from Camden, SC, where the story took place. Black Crows and White Cockades has been the best book written about a Southern Rev War family I've ever read. Not only was all the information about the various battles mentioned in Dr. Swager's book extremely accurate, but the characters in the book, particularly Ann, were easy to relate to, which brought the story to life. Black Crows kept me reading and interested until the very last page. Masterful!

The Cat Who Played Post Office
Published in Audio Cassette by Recorded Books (2001)
Authors: Lilian Jackson Braun and George Guidall
Amazon base price: $24.95
Used price: $16.95
Buy one from zShops for: $17.34
Average review score:

The 6th Koko Book - Well-Plotted, But...
This is the 6th book in "The Cat Who (TCW)..." Series. The 5th "TCW Played Brahms" was the biggest turning point, and this book is the important sequel.

I don't think the TCW Series is very good as a whodunit, but this book is relatively well-plotted. Maybe best-plotted in the six TCW books I have ever read. But I don't give this book five stars, because I still don't like Moose County and I feel the development is rather boring.

And I feel Koko's sleuth ability is too much in this book, such as Koko gets cold to Qwill who barks up the wrong tree. Still tolerable this time, since it can be interpreted as Qwill's overestimation. I'm afraid it might go too far in later books.

Qwill's life changes!
This book starts off very interestingly with Qwill not knowing who or where he is due to falling off his bicycle on Ittibittiwassee Road. This provides some very interesting reading material at the beginning because his best friend Riker comes to his hospital room and has to refresh Qwill's mind on his past. So, consequently, the reader is filled in on a lot of Qwill's life up to that point. Some of which we already knew, some we didn't! This whole book is, of course, interesting and Koko and Yum Yum are adorable. This paragraph from the book will give you a good idea about the cats... "'CHFFF!' The Siamese were still under the table. Yum Yum was looking for a shoelace to untie, and Koko was listening to the guests' voices with rapt concentration."

One of her BEST!!
I think that this is one of Lilian Jackson Braun's best.. . . . it was great i could not put it down

The Cat Who Sniffed Glue (4 Cassettes)
Published in Audio Cassette by Recorded Books (2001)
Authors: Lilian Jackson Braun and George Guidall
Amazon base price: $17.47
List price: $24.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $17.34
Buy one from zShops for: $16.79
Average review score:

Home to Qwill
After reading a complex volume or when in need of a little quiet therapy, I go to visit Qwill in Pickax. The Cat Who...books are all imaginative and funny, as well as clean and well-written. They are not earth shattering works, but more like a portal to a place that feels like home.

The cat who sniffed glue is no exception. I feel that this is one of the strongest books in the series, with an excellent and professional plot.

I do hope you'll get to know the characters in Moose County, and enjoy them as much as I do. None of the Cat Who books disappoint!

Amusing Complexity
"The Cat Who Sniffed Glue" follows in its typically serial vein with the usual fluffy fodder of feline fancies, but enhanced with a more sinister plot. While most assuredly not bordering on lurid, it is a welcome spin on the usual "Cat Who..." entertainments. Written as a play, it is piquantly refreshing due to familiar characters but change of setting, hosting the thrillingly suspenseful atmosphere of the theatre. "The Cat Who Sniffed Glue" rises above preceeding installments with Braun's usual wit and the perpetual fascination of whodunit. Delightfully cunning!

Number 8 in "The Cat Who ... " series. Like in the last book, a family seems ill-fated. When a man and woman are killed, the police think the motive was robbery, but Qwill digs beneath the surface and uncovers some shocking skeletons in the Fitch family's closets. The ending will probably come as a surprise!

Comedy of Errors
Published in Paperback by John Wiley & Sons (1966)
Authors: William Shakespeare, George L. Kittredge, and Irving Ribner
Amazon base price: $4.95
Used price: $5.00
Average review score:

this is shakespeare's most accessible comedy. it's a farce about mistaken identities among identical twins. nothing complicated here. the play has it's funny moments. it's not the bard's best comedy; that's 'much ado about nothing', imho. but this is not a bad place to start.

Shakespeare's Finest Comedy
"Methinks you are my glass, and not my brother."
So says Dromio of Ephesus, one of the members of two sets of estranged twins whose lives become comically intertwined in this delightful, ingenious, & aptly named Comedy of Errors. Being an avid Shakespeare fan and reader, I unequivocally consider The Comdey of Errors to be Shakespeare's finest and funniest comedy. Antipholus of Syracuse and his long lost twin Antipholus of Ephesus along with the two twin servants Dromio of Ephesus and Syracuse become unceasingly mistaken for each other making for a hilarious and entertaining farce of a play.

The Comedy of Errors has been copied many times since in literature, movies, & sitcoms, although it has never been duplicated.

The Comedy of Errors
There is no doubt that this comedy of Shakespeare's is delightful, crazy fun. You could call it the father (or mother) of all sit-coms. The play is suitable for middle school production and viewing, with some modifications. For my students and myself I prefer the Folger's edition of Shakespeare's plays for three reasons. First, the footnotes are easy to read and across from the text. 2. The choice of illustrations and 3. The introductory information. When purchasing for my students, though I have tried other publishers, I now always choose Folgers.

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