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Book reviews for "Buttigeig,_Anton" sorted by average review score:

Kiss and Other Stories
Published in Hardcover by Books for Libraries (1976)
Author: Anton Pavlovich Chekhov
Amazon base price: $25.95
Used price: $2.07
Average review score:

The master of the short story
Chekhov's achievement as a short story writer has rarely, if ever, been equalled, and certainly never surpassed. This collection, together with its comapanion volumes "The Party and Other Stories", "The Fiancee and other Stories", "The Duel and Other Stories" (all translated by Ronald Wilks), and "Lady with Lapdog and Other Stories" (translated by David Magarshack), all in the Penguin edition, should keep the discerning reader happy for an entire lifetime!

Chekhov is often regarded as a dreamy writer, dealing with the themes of regret and loss in subtle shades of pastel. Certainly, he could often be very delicate indeed. But Chekhov had a far wider range than is generally acknowledged: he could paint with primary colours as well. This particular collection, for instance, contains two of his finest stories - "Peasants" and "In the Gully" - which are both deeply shocking. The latter story has a horrific climax that would not be out of place in a novel by Zola.

I cannot think of any other writer who could write stories such as these, and also something as poetic and sad as "The Bishop": here, the protagonist, of peasant stock, is dying, and he feels alienated even from his own mother, who holds him in awe. It is a profoundly melancholy story, and one of the most moving things I have read.

In each of these stories, there seems to be enough material for entire novels. It is not possible to describe adequately in a few lines the sheer variety and depth of human experience depicted in these stories. Few writers have depicted humanity with such understanding and compassion.

LA Dama Del Perrito: Y Otros Relatos (Relatos Cortos - Short Stories)
Published in Paperback by Santillana Pub Co (1995)
Authors: Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and Anton Chekov
Amazon base price: $6.95
Average review score:

Chekov, un hombre excelente que creo un legado especial. Quizás Carver habría de acuerdo conmigo hoy, Ckekov marcó a una serie de escritores; bueno, lean las historias, por que no me equivoco.

LA Tormenta Del Siglo
Published in Paperback by Plaza & Janes Editores, S.A. (2000)
Authors: Stephen King and Patricia Anton
Amazon base price: $13.95
Buy one from zShops for: $8.99
Average review score:

Lo mejor !!!!!!
Es una Historia muy buena, aunque en realidad no es una novela o algo asi es mas bien un gion para una miniserie talvez no le guste a todo debido a la manera en como esta escrita la historia aunque nada tiene que ver con su trama es muy buena los personajes son bien definidos ambientes muy detallados, es el mejor libro que e leido de Stephen King, se trata en una pequeña isla esta apunto de ser asotada por una gran tormenta y antes de que esto suceda una anciana es assesinada y ahoran tienen que lidiar con un assesino que no saben si es un humano o no y es asi como comienza con algo tan tan malo que nisiquiera los isleños queiren saber...... bastante aterradora, interesante, muy buena se la recomiendo. cuando se lo recomende a una amiga que nunca lee novela por su propia cuenta quedo facianda y ahora ella es una fan del famoso autor Stephen King

The Last Days of Hitler: The Legend-The Evidence-The Truth
Published in Paperback by Sterling Publications (1998)
Authors: Anton Joachimstahler and Anton Joachimsthaler
Amazon base price: $19.95
Used price: $6.50
Collectible price: $11.60
Buy one from zShops for: $6.81
Average review score:

The Final Word on Hitler's Final Days
This book is the final word on the last days of Hitler. The research for this book is amazing and as the title infers, the author delves into the legends, the truth, and gives the evidence. There have been numerous books written on this subject including some highly regarded books like The Last Days of Hitler by Hugh Trevor-Roper, The Last Battle by Cornelius Ryan, The Bunker by James O'Donnell, The Last 100 Days by John Toland, and The Fall of Berlin by Read & Fisher. However, this book is one step above all of these. I don't want to give any of the findings away, but this book clears up such facts as how Hitler killed himself and how Hitler's and Eva Braun's bodies were disposed of. It also delves into odd rumors such as Hitler having a double. A solid book which gives the final truth as to Hitler's final days and his death. Also, I was pleasantly surprised that despite the fact this book was translated from German to English it is still very easy to read, fast paced, and very interesting.

Leatherbreeches: Hero of Chancellorsville
Published in Unknown Binding by Amherst Press (1989)
Author: Carl A. Keyser
Amazon base price: $10.00
Average review score:

Leatherbreechs' Legacy
My father (Carl Keyser) spent four decades researching his German-born Grandfather's life (Hubert Dilger), and the lives of his 14 descendents. He published two books on his findings: Leatherbreechs', "Hero of Chancelorsville" and "Leatherbreeches Legacy". What my Dad discovered and wrote about were excellent examples of Civil War heroism and family love and loss in the 1860's through WWII. The stories detail spiritualism (an account involving Abraham Lincoln), Civil War battles leading to Dilger's award of the Congressional Medal of Honor (and Gettysburg monuments errected to his honor), discrimination against immigrants in the 1800's, and the roles of his sons and grandsons in WWI and WWII. The family divided in the late 1800's. 1/2 of Dilger's children returned to Germany and eventually engaged in espionage activity against the US (Such as culturing anthrax near the WhiteHouse). Several grandchildren became high ranking Nazis and one was in Hitler's inner circle. Other grandchildren ended up fighting against the Germans; one assigned to a US Destroyer (my Dad) and another to the US Intelligence Service. The later resided in Himmler's house when Germany was occupied by Allied Forces. The books are rich in factual history. They include the publication of many family letters that have survived the years. Many letters are from Dilger and include personal perspective on Sherman's march to Atlanta, Civil War life, the quality of the Federal command etc. The books present fascinating insight into American History during the mid 1800's to mid 1900's. I believe that these stories would offer excellent material for a TV Mini Series... or... even a Speilberg movie portraying how immigrants struggled between the old world and new ways to build our great country.

Letters to a Dying Friend: Helping Those You Love Make a Conscious Transition (Quest Books)
Published in Paperback by Quest Books (1997)
Authors: Kern Foundation, Anton, Ph.D. Grosz, and Dalai Lama
Amazon base price: $12.00
Used price: $1.89
Collectible price: $7.95
Buy one from zShops for: $6.88
Average review score:

Deeper insight into the process of life And death
In a culture that is so death defying, this book offers a beautiful, poetic view of the realms that our very conciousness greets as the physical self ceases in its existence. Living in such a linear culture, this book gives a glimpse into the reality of life's cycle- which includes our own death. I have loaned this book to many, many friends, and all have come away with greater awareness and a calm in which to truly find joy in this life.

The Life and Works of Chopin
Published in Audio CD by Naxos Audio Books (2001)
Authors: Jeremy Siepmann, Anton Lesser, Neville Jason, Elaine Claxton, and Karen Archer
Amazon base price: $18.89
List price: $26.98 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $18.75
Buy one from zShops for: $17.77
Average review score:

An excellent introduction to boh the life and the work
Not having known very much at all about Chopin, I cannot vouch for the accuracy in the Naxos entry in their CD and cassette Biography series; but I can vouch for the enjoyment (NA 421912) afforded me.

Written and produced by Jeremy Siepmann, this audio-bio not only tells the strange story of Chopin's life but also includes generous examples of his music, drawn from the bottomless pit of Naxos musical CDs. An excellent idea was to use actors for the voices of Chopin (Anton Lesser), George Sand and other females in his life (Elaine Claxton and Karen Archer), and other male acquaintances (Neville Jason). It is the kind of reading that would fascinate even if the work were fictional.

His letters are particularly fascinating, especially as they are read dramatically by the small cast; and one would rather hear about all his faults--physical and psychological--from people who knew him well. Perhaps his strange epistolary relationship with his Titus is dwelt upon a bit too much, but such are the times (then and now).

My only criticism in a negative direction is the length of the musical examples. I do not really think the entire "Revolutionary Etude" had to be played or the entire "Funeral March"; a minute or two with a fadeout would have been fine, especially on repeated hearings where one wants the facts. Nevertheless, highly recommended.

By the way, the listing above of this work as "abridged" is simply inaccurate since the text (I am told by the publicity person at Naxos) was written specifically for this recording and is by definition "unabridged."

Listening to the Voice of the Customer: 16 Steps to a Successful Customer Satisfaction Measurement Program
Published in Paperback by Alexander Communications Group, Inc. (01 September, 1998)
Authors: Jon Anton, Debra Perkins, and Richard A. Feinberg
Amazon base price: $39.95
Used price: $34.97
Average review score:

A practical way to view applied statistics
Starting from a tested model of customer behavior, the author shows how to use several statistic methods to analize the overall satisfaction. It's a pleasant reading! A "must read" book for all professionals dealing with Customer Services.

Materials Data for Cyclic Loading (Materials Science Monographs, No 61, Supplement 1)
Published in Hardcover by Elsevier Science Ltd (1990)
Authors: Anton Baumel and T. Seeger
Amazon base price: $413.75
Average review score:

Tool Book for fatigue design
The tables are very good for design and predict structure design

Medicine Stone: Poems
Published in Paperback by Daniel & Daniel Pub (2002)
Authors: John L. Coulehan and Jack Coulehan
Amazon base price: $9.60
List price: $12.00 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $8.47
Buy one from zShops for: $8.20
Average review score:

Deals with the sensitive subjects of personal tragedy
Medicine Stone is a collection of meditational poetry by Jack Coulehan that deals with the sensitive subjects of personal tragedy, inspiration, loss, and the effects of cosmic forces. The distinctive and emotional free verse is uniquely inspirational. Mongoose: Here lies the mongoose that I carried across the world/by steamship from the steamy woodlands of Ceylon/to the breathless, frozen forests south of Moscow.//In the summer my guests cooed hen they saw the mongoose/popping his head from our picnic basket. The creature/was a real show-stopper. The lazed twitch of his whiskers//and pointed nose delighted them all, and his bush tail/could write such unexpected endings, like last week/in the woods--the mongoose bit off a piece of mama's nose//while she crawled around on her knees collecting mushrooms./No feigned affection there. No holding back or holding forth./Indeed, the mongoose was a trick of the universe,/a quick correction to easy assumptions. The trickster/could worry a cobra, but if you left him in a room/alone, he'd whimper for hours. May the mongoose rest in peace.

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