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Book reviews for "Brunclair,_Victor" sorted by average review score:

A 6th Bowl of Chicken Soup for the Soul: More Stories to Open the Heart and Rekindle the Spirit (Chicken Soup for the Soul)
Published in Hardcover by Health Communications (1999)
Authors: Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen
Amazon base price: $16.80
List price: $24.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $3.86
Collectible price: $26.95
Buy one from zShops for: $8.45
Average review score:

It's great and inspirational. You won't be disappointed.

Writer @ bellaonline Ms. Wheelchair Pennsylvania 2001

This book is for those people that really need a lift. Whenever I have a hard day at work or just feel I need to cheer myself up, I grab this book and start reading! It is Wonderful!!

Another wonderful book from the Chicken Soup series!!!
Thank you for more Chicken Soup magic! The same great quality of stories. Inspirational!!

The Art of Haute Couture
Published in Hardcover by Abbeville Press, Inc. (1995)
Authors: Victor Skrebneski and Laura Jacobs
Amazon base price: $52.50
List price: $75.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $169.95
Collectible price: $200.00
Average review score:

art of fashion
this is the most inspiring book. i love the beautiful designs, and this is a wonderful way to bring art into your home.

Skrebneski's talent as a premier fashion photographer shines
Skrebneski brings the passion in these gowns worn by models to life in his dramatically light photographs.

The gowns of Sardian, John Anthony, Cristobal Balenciaga, Pierre Balmain, Erik Mortensen, Geoffery Beene, Chanel, Lagerfeld, Dior, Gerre, Feraud, Galanos, De Givenchy (his source of inspiration throught out his career) Charles James, Lacroix, Lanvin, Montana, Laroche Norell, Poiret, Erte, Ricci, Gerard Pipart, Saint Laurent, Arnold Scaasi, Scherrer, Schiaparelli, Ungaro, Valentino, Philippe Venet, Versace, Mdme. Vionnet and Vera Wang are photographed in the most dramatic sense. The detail of couture is fully illustrated.

This book is an inspiration to all who are interested in fashion design.

very good, a must for all lovers of fashion
Pages are opened to reveal an almost disturbing beauty in the photographs by Victor Skrebneski of the world's greatest clothes. The book, The Art of Haute Couture, blurs the line between fashion and art until there is no distinction. Emphasis falls on various designers - arguably the best of our time - such as Givenchy and Chanel. In the photographs a portrayal of a beautiful, sophesticated and unreal type of life seems to unfold in the simple photography of beautiful clothes. Truly glamorous, this in a rare find for a lover of fashion, a must for someone who considers couture masterpieces, and designers such as Yves Saint Laurent and Versace nothing less than geniuses of art.

Bamboo World
Published in Hardcover by Simon & Schuster Australia (2000)
Authors: Victor Cusack and Deirdre Stewart
Amazon base price: $31.50
List price: $45.00 (that's 30% off!)
Buy one from zShops for: $30.15
Average review score:

excellent and comprehensive
An excellent resource which I have used extensively both for agricultural research as well as for my home garden. The most comprehensive guide to bamboo culture that I have come across. Highly recommended.

Enthusiastic and very practical
The author has an agenda: undo the bad reputation Bamboo has as impossibly invasive by pointing out that this is true only of running bamboo the only good characteristic of which is that it grows in colder places. This is a fine agenda. That is I liked this book because the author gardens in a climate similar to the one I live (Mediteranian) in unlike most other gardening/Bamboo books which are more suited to England. (do gardners in England write books all winter?)

The author clearly enjoys working with Bamboo and his enthusiasm comes through everywhere making the book enjoyable.

The books is very practicle giving details on growing, propagation, harvesting, cooking, treating and construction. Everything you might ever do with Bamboo.

I've looked at a few other Bamboo books and this is by far the most detailed and useful.

Gorgeously Illustrated Book on Growing Tropical Bamboos
The authors are among the English-speaking world's leading authorities on selecting, propagating, managing, harvesting and utilizing tropical bamboos (as ornamentals and windbreaks, as nursery stock, as food crops, and as structural material for fine furniture, musical instruments and building construction), and they bring an enthusiasm and joy to the topic that are simply unequaled. Even without the detailed and practical text, which will benefit bamboo enthusiasts wherever they live and whatever species they choose to grow, the scores of gorgeous full-color photographs of tropical bamboos are alone worth more than the modest cost of this large, handsome volume. (Note that imported books of bamboo color photography often cost $80 to $100 or more, yet lack the high-quality printing and binding of this book.) Many of us in the north may never see bamboos like these outside of conservatories (unless we travel to warmer climates), and their sheer size, beauty, strength, color and variations are breathtaking. Without a doubt, the Cusacks and this book will do more to promote tropical bamboos than any work previously published. Every bamboo lover will want to own a copy of Bamboo World.

The Blue Lantern and Other Stories
Published in Hardcover by New Directions Publishing (1997)
Authors: Victor Pelevin and Andrew Bromfield
Amazon base price: $22.95
Used price: $2.21
Collectible price: $21.00
Average review score:

My fave Pelevin work (thus far).
Just a matter of taste, but I prefer Pelevin's short stories to his more cumbersome novels (which are still very good, and at times, magical). BUT. THIS. Is my hands down fave. The stories are more playful and sweeter than much of his other work. The key to Hermit and Six-Toes, for example, revolves around a meditation on love and its subjectivity. The Life and Adventures of Shed XII- only Pelevin could write a story about a shed than wants to be a bicycle and not have it come off as an exercise in literary grandiloquence. All of the stories work. If you are looking to dip your toe into this fascinating writer: The Blue Lantern is the best place to start.

Absolutely amazing study of the nature of life and death
In this collection, Pelevin hooks the reader into believing in the most improbable worlds in a manner that reminds me of S. Millhauser. That these stories intrigue the reader, engage in the reader in serious thought, etc. is a tribute to the mastery of the author.

News from Nepal provides a satirical view of the work place combined with one view of what constitutes death.

Hermit and Six-Toes provides insight into mystical philosophers - philosophers who happen to be chickens on a chicken ranch.

Crystal World combines military guard duty with chemical highs during the political instability of 1917.

Nika, with a surprise ending that ensures that the story be read at at least three levels, deals with direct acceptance of the world (in contrast to the intellectual approach) and death.

Mid-Game revolves around conformity in the former Communist power structure and actual identity - in the context of street-walkers, sailors and chess.

The Life and Adventures of Shed Number XII is the life of a shed who finds true self-expression in life as a bicycle. Pelevin is so good that even this artistic conceit works.

The Blue Lantern considers the nature of life and death in the context of boys in a dorm telling scary stories, stories with truly disturbing philosophical implications.

The Tambourine of the Upper World mixes the traditional wisdom of an old woman with a successful scheme to make money in the new Russian economy.

If you've not yet read Pelevin, it is time to start - and this is a good place to do so.

Best from Russian talent
This is the best of a good group from Pelevin ... his surreal world is at its most accessible and enjoyable in this book. All the stories are well worth reading -- as is, for that matter, his entire output.

Bridge In The Fourth Dimension
Published in Paperback by Batsford (01 March, 1996)
Author: Victor Mollo
Amazon base price: $15.95
Buy one from zShops for: $12.76
Average review score:

A Classic
Victor Mollo's books are simply the most entertaining Bridge books available. The reader is able to identify and relate to each of the characters. Everyone knows a Hideous Hog, Rueful Rabbit, Secretary Bird, and Walter the Walrus. We see these characters every day during Bridge sessions. Mollo has quite the knack for bringing out all of the human qualities expressed at the Bridge table. These series of books are a great read and will forever be considered classics.

Bridge in the 4th dimension
The 4th dimension is the human factor in bridge. This book is the funniest book on bridge and one of the best books I have ever read (including non-bridge too).

Great read for all avid bridge players
A true classic of contract bridge fiction. Not only will you be entertained but you will learn something as you peek into the world of Mollo's mythical bridge club. All the players in the book are animals but easily connected to personalities you have seen first-hand at the bridge table. The Hideous Hog (master, know-it-all), the Rueful Rabbit (he knows his skills are not the best, but somehow he always manages to do the right thing -- even for the wrong reason), the Secretary Bird (enforces the letter of the law, usually to his own downfall), Walter the Walrus (so caught up in point count that nothing else matters), plus many more. You will find yourself and your partner in this book somewhere. A great read and a great gift for your bridge playing friends. Mollo is my favorite bridge author.

The BS Syndrome
Published in Paperback by Bull Buster Press (1988)
Author: Victor Thomas Salupo
Amazon base price: $14.95
Used price: $2.45
Buy one from zShops for: $5.95
Average review score:

Excellent! The best book ever written on this topic.
I first read the B.S. Syndrome back in 1988. I was so impressed with the material that I personally contacted Mr. Salupo by phone. I spent over 2 hours talking to him about the book, his personal life and the general topic of bullshit. Mr. Salupo wrote me back several days later thanking me for my insights into this topic which everyone practically acknowledges but does nothing about. I found the book very helpful and straight forward. This a work of literature that gets to the very understanding of why our culture has evovled into what it is today. We have bought into bullshit from the time we are born to those final days of life. The book does a splendid job of pointing out how not to become victimized by bullshit and navigating around its dreaded tentacles of self-destruction. Overall, it guide to modern indiviualism in an ever changing world.

Absolutely outstanding! Unique!
For the first time in my life I now understand what people are really saying to me. And I can do it easily, accurately and quietly. The BSer never need know that I know they are Bsing! Learning the "hidden secrets of BS from the bedroom to the boardroom" has helped me regain control of my life. It has returned my power so that I can live a worry free life. No more broken hearts, pockets picked, wasted time by BSers. This book has also helped me on the job so that I was promoted and received pay increases sooner! Wonderful book. There are many benefits to gain in stopping BS cold. This book is guaranteed to change your life for the better.

Changed my life
The book was a real eye opener! I found it very easy to understand. Wish it could have been written 30 years ago - It would have saved me a lot of heartache and money!

Card Play Technique
Published in Paperback by Faber & Faber (1985)
Authors: Victor Et Al Mollo and Nico Gardener
Amazon base price: $12.95
Used price: $6.99
Average review score:

If you buy only one bridge book in your entire life, this should be it. It is written with such skill and humor that it reads like a novel... not only will you learn a tremendous amount from this book, but you'll enjoy yourself in the process. The chapters alternate between Dummy Play and Defense, covering everything from promotion to grand coups. Players of all levels will benefit from reading (and rereading) this excellent book.

THE best book on play technique
This is the best book EVER written on declarer play AND defence. And the way the author deals with the same topic alternately from the point of view of declarer and defender makes this book that much more useful. Considering when it was written (more than 40 years ago - this is a reprint), I'm still amazed by how well this book is organized. Principles are explained clearly and illustrated beautifully with sample hands. Each chapter is followed by a quiz (do take the time to try and solve the problems). The presentation is concise, witty and informative at the same time. Very easy to read, and just as useful today as when it was first written. Almost every good player I know has read this book many times.

I must say this book puts to shame the only other comparable "classic", Watson's Play of the hand, which has a tendency to be long-winded. The difference here is that Victor Mollo is a genuinely great writer who knows how to entertain while teaching.

Excellent, easy to read, thorough; your play will improve
Part of the fun of reading this excellent book is watching your own play improve just from reading. If you go a step further and use a deck of cards and deal out the hands, you will gain even more insight into the intricacies of the world's most difficult card game. The chapters of the book alternate: first a chapter on play of the hand, then a chapter on defense. The result is that there is a linkage between the two parts of the play, with one chapter demonstrating how to make a particular type of play and the next showing you how to thwart it. If you play bridge, you owe it to yourself to read this classic.

Chicken Soup for the Soul Christmas Treasury for Kids: A Story a Day from December 1st through Christmas for Kids and Their Families
Published in Hardcover by Health Communications (2002)
Authors: Jack Canfield, Irene Dunlap, Patty Hansen, and Mark Victor Hansen
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $2.99
Buy one from zShops for: $2.95
Average review score:

Family Togetherness
If you are looking for a way for your family to spend some time together each night during the Christmas season, then this is the book for you. It is filled with stories that make you laugh and cry. My 4 children ages 6 to 11 couldn't wait each night to see which story was next. It was like an advent calendar that we all could share in.

As a story contributor....
I am writing this review as a story contributor of this Chicken Soup book and a reader as well. I feel honored to be included in this book with such wonderful talent. These stories are just what a Mother needs to read to her children at night before they turn out the light. What a wonderful way to celebrate the Christmas season and what a meaningful tradition to start! This is a book to pass down for generations to come! I am proud to be the lead story of such a masterpiece.

Denise Peebles

Chicken Soup for the Soul Christmas Treasury for Kids
I found the stories to be thought-provoking and fun to share with my kids. We got a lot of good ideas for meaningful things to do this Christmas season. It sure is good to remember what Christmas is really all about and with those that I love the most!

Chicken Soup for the Teacher's Soul: 101 Stories to Open the Hearts and Rekindle the Spirits of Educators
Published in Audio Cassette by Health Communications Audio (1902)
Authors: Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:

The teachers gave us apples this time.
What a wealth of great stories from the people who chose as a profession to mold the children of countless generations. I particularly liked Lola DeMaci's courageous story. A perfect gift for any teacher, or anyone who's been touched in the heart by a teacher.
As the author of "Grandma Online" I recommend this book for yourself and as a gift.

My Teachers. My Friends
Teachers have always held a special place in my heart, from my first teachers in nursery school till the present day. This book is great for those who have had a special teacher in their lives, teachers who have been mentors and friends. Get this book, and even better, share it with that special teacher.

Heartwarming....the perfect gift for any teacher or yourself. You will be encouraged by these stories!

Chicken Soup from the Soul of Hawaii: Stories of Aloha to Create Paradise Wherever You Are
Published in Paperback by Health Communications (2003)
Authors: Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Sharon Linnea, and Robin Stephens Rohr
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $9.00
Buy one from zShops for: $8.93
Average review score:

The best of the Chicken Soup series!
I bought this book because I had read co-author Sharon Linnea's fascinating book on Princess Kaiulani, the girl who would have become Queen of Hawaii. I loved Chicken Soup from the Soul of Hawaii so much that I have given it to all my friends. People who have lived in Hawaii thanked me because the book has caught the authentic aloha spirit. Friends who read it before going to Hawaii for a vacation discovered it to be a better introduction to the Hawaiian culture and way of life than the guide books they had read. One friend who has never been to Hawaii and never expects to go lost sleep because she stayed up all night reading the book because the stories are so unique, warm and inspiring.

This book is entertaining, educational, and inspirational
Chicken Soup from the Soul of Hawaii is a wonderful book. I have lived in Hawaii for 20 years, and I still learned so much about Hawaii. Reading this book is like taking a tour of the Hawaiian islands. This book has stories by celebrities like Kelly Preston and Bo Derek, but I enjoyed the stories about the local legends and regular people more. One story that sticks out is about the legendary swimmer and surfer Duke Kahanamoku who designed and popularized the first aloha shirts in the 1930's. I was also inspired by the story of Hao Dang who found freedom in Hawaii after spending 3 months on the ocean and living in a Thai refugee camp. Today this young woman supervises 150 employees as a director of housekeeping for 2 of the biggest hotels on the Big Island. I was enjoyed the contributions of local entertainer Nalani Olds who submitted an interesting story about the history of the Royal Hawaiian Band. Olds also submitted a story about a former prison inmate who turned his life around to become a counselor. I loved the inspirational story of Kanalu Young who was paralyzed in a swimming accident as a teenager. He went on to earn a doctorate in history. He is now a professor of Hawaiian studies at the University of Hawaii I enjoyed reading about the story of Angela Perez Baraquio who became the first Asian to win Miss America in the pageant's 80 year history. This book is also very educational. I only knew 3 Hawaiian words before reading this book. I learned many more Hawaiian words like Lokahi which means unity and H'ookipa which means to interact or share. Chicken Soup from the Soul of Hawaii is entertaining, informative and inspirational. I enjoyed it very much.

The spirit of Aloha come alive!
I just purchased this book today and have already read two stories. What a warm and wonderful book!! I loved it! There are so many touching, small kid time, heartwarming stories, you can't help but feel the warmth of aloha from Hawaii. Sit back, grab a beach towel and read on....

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