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Book reviews for "Brandon,_Brumsic,_Jr." sorted by average review score:

The Peacemakers: The Great Powers and American Independence
Published in Hardcover by Northeastern University Press (March, 1983)
Author: Richard Brandon Morris
Amazon base price: $37.50
Used price: $4.95
Collectible price: $4.24
Average review score:

Best Account of the Paris Peace Negotiations
Before the negotiations to end the Vietnam War, before the negotiations to end the First World War, there were negotiations in Paris to end the American Revolutionary War, and all the related wars between Britain, France and Spain. The late Richard Morris, in this book, has written the best account of these fascinating, important negotiations. The American team, perhaps the best diplomatic team we have ever fielded, consisted of Franklin, Jay and John Adams. The other players in the drama include King George III and his ministers, negotiators and spies, and King Louis XIV and his team. Great history, easily accessible.

Professional ASP.NET Web Services with VB.NET
Published in Paperback by Wrox Press Inc (August, 2002)
Authors: Andreas Eide, Christopher Miller, Brandon Bohling, Kevin Hoffman, Matthew Reynolds, Mike Batongbacal, Mike Clark, Robert Eisenberg, Russ Basiura, and Brian Loesgen
Amazon base price: $41.99
List price: $59.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $22.00
Buy one from zShops for: $27.00
Average review score:

now in VB.NET - and for version 1
I reviewed the orginal version of this book which was in C#. I've been lucky enought ot get my hands on the new VB.NET edition and it is even better than the original. I am more used to VB as it is, and I spent quite a lot of time translating some of the code snippets in the original, but now I don't have to! The book has changed a bit, it looks better than the first edition, and it is now completely 1.0 compliant. I've used the first book a lot, it's told me more or less everything I've needed to know. If you need to know about web services and you prefer VB then this is the only book you'll need!

Raiders of the Lost Ark (Mighty Chronicles)
Published in Hardcover by Chronicle Books (October, 1998)
Authors: Jeff Campbell, George Lucas, Philip Kaufman, and Brandon McKinney
Amazon base price: $9.95
Collectible price: $35.00
Buy one from zShops for: $150.00
Average review score:

Captures the excitement of the screenplay
This is a good book that captures the excitement of the original movie and screenplay.

Published in Mass Market Paperback by Pocket Books (December, 1992)
Author: Jay Brandon
Amazon base price: $6.50
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $1.06
Buy one from zShops for: $3.00
Average review score:

Great Characters Lift a Courtroom Drama Above the Pack
Call this genre fiction if you like, but Jay Brandon elevates the familiar cops and courtrooms drama with mature insight into the lives of a Black lawyer, the first of his family out of poverty, and a White cop whose affection for the old neighborhood is expressed in terms only a vigilante would understand. Raymond Boudro is the Black lawyer with a client list packed with drug pushers and convenience store robbers. Mike Stennett is the White narcotics cop who doesn't shy from bashing heads and breaking ribs when he can't make a case stick in court. When Stennett is accused of beating a Black man to death, he comes to Boudro to defend him. Boudro deplores this renegade cop's methods but wants to know the truth; taking the case is the only way he'll ever know. The crucible in which these two characters are locked creates all the tension you expect from the genre, but there's much more to savor--authentic lawyer talk to be sure, but it's the finely wrought human side of the two characters that sets this book apart.

Seven Who Shaped Our Destiny: The Founding Fathers As Revolutionaries
Published in Hardcover by HarperCollins (September, 1973)
Author: Richard Brandon Morris
Amazon base price: $12.45
Used price: $1.69
Collectible price: $6.09
Average review score:

Profiles in Courage
At the beginning of the American Revolution, a fortuitous (to use Henry Kissinger's word) conjunction of character and destiny brought the United States a coterie unmatched throughout its history. Of this time that tried men's souls, Morris, Professor of History at Columbia, has selected the extraordinary even - Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton, and James Madison - who passed "the triple tests of their charismatic leadership, staying power, and constructive statesmanship."

In these pithy, well-informed and illuminating profiles - meant, I think, for general knowledge as opposed for scholars (though the book does include endnotes) - Morris focuses on two questions: What made these elite, prosperous and conservative members of the Establishment turn against their king and start a revolution? Having made that irrevocable commitment, what difference did their leadership mean to the conduct and goals of the American Revolution; in what way did their participation invest that epochal conflict with a singular character?

Morris's balancing of a narrative with his thesis makes this book thoroughly enjoyable. Like a proficient historian, Morris is an apt quoter, who uses his subjects' words in such a way as to make them readily recallable in the reader's mind. Of note to me at least, Morris sticks to his subjects; he remains in the colonial era and does not attempt to apply the agrarian philosophies of that time to modern politics.

Sheltered by God's Love: 52 Bible Lessons for Senior Adults
Published in Paperback by Abingdon Press (March, 1997)
Author: Morton Brandon King
Amazon base price: $11.00
Used price: $8.93
Average review score:

Excellent adult bible study for groups or individuals
"Sheltered By God's Love" is an excellent adult bible study resourse for groups or individuals.

These 52 Bible studies are a resource for anyone wanting or needing to hear the Good News. Developed with a small group of elderly persons, their presentation is appropriate for persons of all ages and conditions--especially those dealing with loss, fear or other problems. They are suitable for individual and group study. Teachers of adult classes, leaders of support and small discussion groups will find them useful.

Each lesson begins and ends with a short prayer. A brief introduction precedes the Scripture(s). The interpretations, while consistent with modern scholarship, use traditional vocabulary and doctrine. Neither "conservative" nor "liberal" should be upset or 'turned off'. For all, there is challenge and guidance to understand the love of God who is in His world and among His children--today, yesterday, forever.

Questions to stimulate reflection and discussion conclude each lesson. The Preface and Introduction describe the book's origin and purpose. In "A Word to Teachers" the author offers suggestions and advice based on his experience. All royalties go to Wesleyan Homes, Inc. of the Central Texas Conference.

Here is an excellent resource for either group or individual Bible study.

Star Wars: Episode 1 The Phantom Menace (Mighty Chronicles)
Published in Hardcover by Chronicle Books (03 May, 1999)
Authors: John Whitman and Brandon McKinney
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $1.79
Buy one from zShops for: $1.48
Average review score:

The phantom menace is a great book.
The phantom menace is a great film and book with star wars favourites: Obi Wan, Qui Gonn Jinn and of course Anakin Skywalker.

Stray Moonbeams
Published in Paperback by NBM Publishing, Inc. (June, 2002)
Authors: Robert Edison Sandiford, Brandon Graham, and Justin Norman
Amazon base price: $8.76
List price: $10.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $6.00
Buy one from zShops for: $7.95
Average review score:

Another slice of life
Not for the easily offended but for those interest in the human condition. Honest stories beautifully illustrated.

Touch of Heaven
Published in Paperback by Diamond Books (September, 1992)
Author: Michelle Brandon
Amazon base price: $4.99
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $1.58
Buy one from zShops for: $0.01
Average review score:

Can her guardian angel help spark love .....
Susan Whitten needs a loan to keep the family ranch. Meanwhile she has a guardian angel watching over her from above named Tabitha who meddles in her life and the life of Hunter Carson. This was an enjoyable read.

Who The Hell is Brandon Freels?
Published in Paperback by Future Tense Books (September, 1996)
Author: Brandon Freels
Amazon base price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $3.00
Average review score:

Always Original, Always Entertaining. Give Freels A Chance.
When Kevin Sampsell, editor/publisher of Future Tense Books, named this book "Who the Hell is Brandon Freels?" He stole the words that I and I'm sure others had been fondling in their head. Who the Hell IS Brandon Freels, after all? I didn't know. I'd never heard of him. But out of this simple, kitschy, philosophical cliche of a question, with its subtle hint of distaste and angst, comes a self-exploratory surgery performed with a typewriter, rusty pitchfork, and spatula. With an almost sadomasochistic courage, Freels rips out fragmented, hypersexual, insane, brilliant, sometimes complex, sometimes hamfisted, hilarious, dada-truth-serum visions, plops them out on the metal tray, and it seems like he's just as fascinated and surprised by what he's found, if not moreso, than the reader. It's like he's Cain in an autoerotic mating dance from the deeply hidden room from where Kafka-surrealist revolutions begin, cursed by God to forever begat monsters, but instead shooting out words from a snow machine, inches at a time, watching them accumulate into legs and arms and a body until they slouch out into the world. An amalgamation of teenage suicide, tongue-in-cheek satanism, Republican gangsters, vampire conventions, suburbanite punishments epitomizing the Marquee de Sade meets Cantonese cuisine, that smells as sweet as a young Mark Leyner adjoined at the hip with Richard Brautigan and a more-realized, more-attuned, much-more-brilliant, underhyped Harmony Korine. And these beasts are slouching towards the next freeway exit to your town, leaving on your doorstep the afterproduct: a wonderful tribute to the Unbearables.

After reading this, instead of asking: "Who the Hell is Brandon Freels?" I find myself asking: "Where the hell was I when this book was being written?", "How the hell did I not hear the sonic booms off in the distance when this microcosm of a universe was being chiseled into existence?", and, "Why did it take so long to reach my eyes?"

My advice: Don't get caught blind, leaf off the few bucks for the book, and take along a sack lunch for the carnival side show exploration into an irreality that is all to real.

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