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Book reviews for "Bengelsdorf,_Irving_S." sorted by average review score:

Beautiful False Things: Poems
Published in Paperback by Grove Press (March, 2000)
Author: Irving Feldman
Amazon base price: $13.00
Used price: $3.87
Collectible price: $6.31
Buy one from zShops for: $5.95
Average review score:

As usual, the prose and the man
defy description. To know even slightly of either is to learn a new way to read, a closer way of listening. To learn to know a little of the laughing game through the veil of pain which is possible and too probable in life, a way of preserving the candle the twelfth hour and beyond, because communication exists. And always. I highly recommend this, as all his works, as a devotional to worldkind in general, and to the singular reader in particular. Enjoy the gift.

Beggars in Paradise
Published in Paperback by Stroker Press (December, 1995)
Authors: Irving Stettner and William Joyce
Amazon base price: $9.95
Used price: $32.95
Average review score:

The pleasures of vagrancy
I found "Beggars in Paradise" to be a charming romp, both through the city of Paris and through the mindset of a man with nothing and everything to lose. Stettner's subtle comedy and moving descriptions made poverty seem worth trying for a while. Like "On the Road" and the travelogues of Bill Bryson, it inspires one to pick up and take off simply for the pleasure of finding the unexpected. "Beggars in Paradise" is the perfect book to accompany a traveler in France or to curl up with on a window seat overlooking a busy city. Its tranquility and intrigue will transport you to the underbelly of Paris and the simple glories found there.

The Book of Lists, No 2
Published in Hardcover by William Morrow & Company (August, 1983)
Author: Irving Wallace
Amazon base price: $5.98
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $3.00
Buy one from zShops for: $13.99
Average review score:

A very good book!
I loved this book! I just picked it off a shelf at my dad's to read and I loved the book!!!Although most of the info is completely and utterly usesless, most is very funny!!! VERY Highly recommended

The Celestial Bed
Published in Hardcover by Delacorte Press (April, 1987)
Author: Irving Wallace
Amazon base price: $17.95
Used price: $0.01
Collectible price: $0.89
Buy one from zShops for: $6.50
Average review score:

THE CELESTIAL BED......The learning bed!
This was a story about a sex therapist, Dr. Freeberg and one of his sexual 'surrogates', Gayle Miller. After the Doctor is ran out of Arizona with threats of charges of pandering and prostitution, he moves his family and his practice to Southern California where he has to defend his beliefs once again. While I did not consider this to be a love story, I did enjoy the romance between Gayle and Paul Brandon, who also worked as a sexual surrogate in Dr. Freeberg's office. The people that this couple try to help could also cause the destruction of Dr. Freeberg's practice. If the author was looking for a new title of this book he could have easily called it "A GUIDE TO SEXUAL FULFILMENT", because it was full of intimate instructions on reaching sexual satisfaction. Overall it was a very good book that was well worth the time spent reading it.

Christian Travelers Guide to Germany, The
Published in Paperback by Zondervan (01 April, 2001)
Authors: Irving Hexham and Lothar Henry Kope
Amazon base price: $11.89
List price: $16.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $11.84
Buy one from zShops for: $11.79
Average review score:

Discover Germany
This is a really excellent book. I took it with me to Germany last summer and found that it was amazingly helpful and full of great information.

Christian Travelers Guide to Italy, The
Published in Paperback by Zondervan (01 April, 2001)
Authors: David Bershad, Carolina Magone, Irving Hexham, and Carolina Mangone
Amazon base price: $11.89
List price: $16.99 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $7.45
Collectible price: $12.16
Buy one from zShops for: $11.12
Average review score:

American Library Journal
From the Library Journal, Vol. 126, No. 8, p. 117, 1 May 2001:
These guides do not lead tourists to the most popular bars or shopping districts but instead to the various Christian heritage sites in each country ... Each guide follows the same layout: Hexham begins with an overview of the history of each country from prehistoric times to the present. He then includes a chapter on literature, art, and architecture and lists what he considers the top ten Christian heritage sites in each country. Each entry thereafter is in alphabetical order ... Recommended for all public libraries.

Classic Guitar Construction
Published in Paperback by Sterling Publications (October, 1984)
Author: Irving Sloane
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:

A valuable text for anyone studying guitar construction.
Classic Guitar Construction takes you step by step through the construction of a fine classic guitar. The book contains complete plans for an instrument, although the information is scattered and the body is shown half scale. Sloane uses very few power tools, explaining how to make and use the special jigs and tools you will need. The author describes wood selection, choice of adhesives, and finishing methods. The relatively low price makes this an easy choice for anyone wanting to build classic guitars or study their construction.

Colonial churches in Virginia
Published in Unknown Binding by Kennikat Press ()
Author: Henry Irving Brock
Amazon base price: $
Used price: $24.00
Average review score:

A Classic Work on Virginia Liturgical Architecture
While Brock's prose can be a bit stuffy by contemporary standards, this is still a seminal work in the field of architectural history and well worth review and ownership. The photographs by Francis Benjamin Johnston are hauntingly beautiful and are the standard by which architecture photographs are still judged today. Published in a limited edition by the Dale Press in Richmond VA 1930.

Complete Kano Jiu-Jitsu
Published in Paperback by Dover Pubns (July, 1990)
Authors: H. Irving Hancock and Katsukuma Higashi
Amazon base price: $7.95
Used price: $123.52
Average review score:

The best judo book
Every judoka who practise not only sports but art and self-defence need it. Only a few techniques of this book are known now in judo. And there are 160 tricks there! And it's real! I'm sure because I train it every day. Try it.

Casebook of Clinical Hypnosis
Published in Hardcover by American Psychological Association (APA) (June, 1996)
Authors: Steven J. Lynn, Irving Kirsch, and Judith W. Rhue
Amazon base price: $27.97
List price: $39.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $27.77
Buy one from zShops for: $21.50

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