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Book reviews for "Zadravec,_Katharine_E." sorted by average review score:

Private World of Katharine Hep: Child Art
Published in Hardcover by Random House Value Publishing (1994)
Author: John Bryson
Amazon base price: $9.99
Average review score:






Superb Compilation by John Bryson
Author John Bryson has managed to assemble a comprehensive photo collection of the great, and extremely private, Katherine Hepburn. Bryson has used his publishing and Hollywood contacts to compile an interesting collection of little and never-before-seen photos of Hepburn's life as actress, artist, athlete, co-worker, ham, homebody and friend. It could not have been an easy task to assemble such an array of unusual and revealing photos, and Bryson's observations and commentary illuminate without the usual stilted editorialization that so often accompanies photo biographies. This is a fine work any Hepburn fan would want for their library. I say buy two--one for a friend, and one for yourself!

Quebec Off the Beaten Path, 2nd : A Guide to Unique Places
Published in Paperback by Globe Pequot Pr (01 March, 2002)
Authors: Katharine Fletcher and Eric Fletcher
Amazon base price: $10.36
List price: $12.95 (that's 20% off!)
Used price: $7.79
Buy one from zShops for: $4.49
Average review score:

Not so Unique, Not so Off The Path
Comparing this book with other books that also cover the same area (like Lonely Planet's Montreal Guide, or the excellent
Michelin Green Guide to Quebec), this book is pretty poor on
unique information. Almost all of the sites are listed on other tourist sources, and the majority of the 'off path' information consists of individual restaurant and B&B reviews. Almost of all of those are pretty glowing and effusive, and read like advertising copy.

The Green Guide has a lot more information all around and is better laid out for a very similar price.

Quebec City in a day
Only being able to spend a few short days in Quebec City, this book gave me insight to all of the great little places to go. I loved all of the historical information. However, I wish it gave a few more restaurant suggestions because there are so many good places to eat in Quebec City.

Approaches to Teaching Lafayette's the Princess of Cleves (Approaches to Teaching World Literature, 61)
Published in Hardcover by Modern Language Association of America (1998)
Authors: Faith Evelyn Beasley and Katharine Ann Jensen
Amazon base price: $37.50
Used price: $31.85
Average review score:

teaching the book
i am so glad that someone did write the teacher addtion because it the book is heard to unnderstand. the way i used was to teach a college class how to undertdand the book and do it buy chapter to chapter not by person to person. the book over all helped me understand how to teach the book so i and the students could understand a lot better. it helped greatly for my students. i have let othere teachers look at it. they enjoyed it very much too. i am getting copy for my brother who has to read the book too. it has helped a great deal because the french grammer was heard to hunderstand in the book it self. this way it takes step by step it takes you threw it too.

Catherine the Great
Published in Library Binding by Random Library (1900)
Author: Katharine Scherman
Amazon base price: $3.87
Used price: $4.50
Collectible price: $24.98
Average review score:

Catherine the Great
Catherine the Great, written by Katherine Scherman, is a very interesting book about the life of Catherine and the accomplishments she had with the people of Russia and the country's affairs. I like this book because it goes into great detail about the historical events that happened during Catherine's rule and the ways she helped the Russian people. It also goes into the personal life of Catherine, such as her love life and her family life. After I read this book, I was impressed with Catherine because she did so much with her country and did it with a great attitude all during her rule. I would recommend this book to whomever likes learning about history and the people who made history.

A Guide to America's Sex Laws
Published in Paperback by University of Chicago Press (Trd) (1998)
Authors: Richard A. Posner and Katharine B. Silbaugh
Amazon base price: $14.00
Used price: $8.40
Average review score:

Complete statutory guide without case law
Judge Richard Posner of the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals and Professor Katharine Silbaugh of Boston University's law school undertaken an impressive task, and they have done half the job very well. "A Guide to America's Sex Laws" is an exhaustive survey of the existing statutes from all fifty states (and the federal government where applicable) for crimes from rape to sodomy to necrophilia. A single volume containing every statute is indeed a valuable resource, but there is a serious problem. Statutes require judicial interpretation, and this book provides very little explanation toward that end. Though each chapter (devoted to a particular offense) includes a brief, survey introduction, the introductions do not provide much help for a reader seeking to know, for example, how Montana courts have interpreted the phrase "deviate sexual relations." As a reference, "A Guide to America's Sex Laws" serves as a good starting point, but the serious researcher will have to use other sources to supplement this text.

John Linnell - Crouan
Published in Textbook Binding by Cambridge University Press (1983)
Author: Katharine Crouan
Amazon base price: $39.50
Used price: $12.95
Average review score:

good book
This is a good book if you want to learn about John Linnell- Britain's famous painter. Dig him up and shake his hand. Appreciate the man.

The Keepsake Chest
Published in School & Library Binding by Atheneum (1992)
Authors: Katharine Wilson Precek and Katherine W. Precek
Amazon base price: $15.00
Used price: $4.30
Collectible price: $8.95
Average review score:

The Keepsake Chest
I thought taht this book was alright, but it wasn't the greatest that I have ever read. The author could have made it a little more intresting by adding more about the chest and the owners of the chest.

Matriarchy: Freedom In Bondage
Published in Paperback by Gates of Heck Inc (1997)
Authors: Malcolm McKesson, Wesley Gibson, and Katharine Gates
Amazon base price: $10.47
List price: $14.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $1.08
Collectible price: $20.00
Buy one from zShops for: $1.07
Average review score:

More of a personal study that erotica
This book is not really erotica at all, though I suspect that some readers who are interested in Victorian style femdom might fine it more physically stimulated than I did. No, instead it is a journey of one man whom after a long life finally writes down his fantasies along with accompanying drawings. The drawings are well done though I bit difficult to see -- the nature of the media I suspect. The book itself is not a novel in the sense that it is actually a story of a particular length but instead more like a short story or a draft of what could have developed into an intriguing world. As it is, the development of the characters is too quick, too short, and thus I never empathized with anyone nor truly cared what happened to them. I found that I was more interested in the man that created this book, why these fantasies, why these images, why did it take so long for him to express himself and did he ever get that fantasy even briefly in real life.

The Mirror: A History
Published in Paperback by Routledge (01 March, 2002)
Authors: Sabine Melchoir-Bonnet, Katharine Jewett, Sabine Melchior-Bonnet, and Jean Delumeau
Amazon base price: $12.57
List price: $17.95 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $9.95
Collectible price: $10.59
Buy one from zShops for: $11.50
Average review score:

A history of the mirror in France
Even though mirrors are a commonplace of everyday life and an essential part of modern technology, suprisingly little has been written about them, making this charming little book a welcome addition. It might more accurately have been subtitled "A history of the mirror in France" since it concentrates almost exclusively on that country. Subjects include the manufacture of mirrors, their use in decoration, art, literature, theology, and most especially their psychological effect on self-image - and of course their erotic implications. The author says virtually nothing about optics or technology, and the illustrations are few and poorly done. This is not a must-have book, but if you are interested in mirrors, French culture, or cultural history, it is worth reading, and would be an appropriate gift for the mirror-obsessed individual in your family.

Ramadan (Rookie Read-About Holidays)
Published in School & Library Binding by Children's Book Press (2002)
Authors: David F. Marx, Nanci R. Vargus, and Katharine A. Kane
Amazon base price: $13.30
List price: $19.00 (that's 30% off!)
Used price: $6.95
Buy one from zShops for: $13.20
Average review score:

A basic introduction
The basic ideas, customs, and attitudes of this holiday are introduced to young children with most of the appropriate vocabulary and pronunciation guides. Photographs show a nice cultural variety of Muslims, from Arabic to Indian and Indonesian. The book says that at the end of Ramadan, "Muslims have a three-day celebration." Since that celebration is a major part of the holiday and easy to pronounce (EED), its omission is a significant flaw. Another cause for concern is the photograph accompanying the suggestion that all-day fasting is to difficult for some people. Among all the beautiful variety of Muslims world-wide, the picture of apparently African-American children eating cotton candy implies that they are the ones who cannot "keep a promise" to fast. But even with these flaws, this may be the best introduction currently available.

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