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Book reviews for "Zadravec,_Katharine_E." sorted by average review score:

Meet Katharine Drexel : Heiress and God¿s Servant of the Oppressed
Published in Paperback by Charis Books (2002)
Author: Mary Van Balen Holt
Amazon base price: $8.99
Average review score:

A Saint that all people can relate to
What a wonderful and inspiring story. God does indeed call people from all walks of life into service. You are easily drawn into the heart and mission of Saint Katharine Drexel as you read this book by Mary Van Balen Holt. Mary's writing captures the reader and leads them to a deep undestanding of how God called and used this beloved saint to serve Him and His people.

Finally an accessible saint!
What an interesting and inspiring book! Woven carefully into Katherine Drexel's biographical information are intimate glimpses into her discernment of the direction her life would take. Through her personal writings and correspondance, and rich stories from her family life, we witness her spiritual growth and celebrate with her the crystalization of her unique call. Mary vanBalen Holt has presented us with a truly accessible saint whose circumstances, though likely quite different from our own, provide us with insight into the choices we all must make in discerning and following our individual roads to holiness. Katharine Drexel's story is fascinating. The breadth of her life experiences, the selflessness of sharing her personal fortune, the extent of her impact on the lives of countless poor and oppressed people in the United States, and the depth of her devotion to her God and to his work on earth, is an inspiration to all of us. It is also an affirmation of that little voice we each hear within ourselves.
One life, when lived prayerfully and courageously, can touch countless others. Mary vanBalen Holt's conversational writing style makes this book easy to read and its message easy to take to heart.

Finally, an accessible saint!
What an interesting and inspiring book! Woven carefully into Katherine Drexel's biographical information are intimate glimpses into her discernment of the direction her life would take. Through her personal writings and correspondance, and rich stories from her family life, we witness her spiritual growth and celebrate with her the crystalization of her unique call. Mary vanBalen Holt has presented us with a truly accessible saint whose circumstances, though likely quite different from our own, provide us with insight into the choices we all must make in discerning and following our individual roads to holiness. Katharine Drexel's story is fascinating. The breadth of her life experiences, the selflessness of sharing her personal fortune, the extent of her impact on the lives of countless poor and oppressed people in the United States, and the depth of her devotion to her God and to his work on earth, is an inspiration to all of us. It is also an affirmation of that little voice we each hear within ourselves. One life, when lived prayerfully and courageously, can touch countless others. Mary vanBalen Holt's conversational writing style makes this book easy to read and its message easy to take to heart.

Quilting Masterclass: Inspirations and Techniques from the Experts
Published in Hardcover by Martingale & Co Inc (2000)
Authors: Katharine Guerrier and Katherine Guerrier
Amazon base price: $24.47
List price: $34.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

A smorgasbord of beautiful quilts
I bought this book as my husband's birthday gift to me based on the reviews, and have not been disappointed! Some of these quilts make my mouth fall open at the skill and time it took to make them. What vision! What fabulous ideas! This one book alone could inspire a quilter to sew for the rest of her life.
Although not a how-to book per se, some of the most interesting techniques are explained in adequate detail to replicate. The quilts have been divided into sections called Traditional and Beyond, Illusion: Two Dimensions into Three, Pictorial and Story, Contemporary Abstract, and Textured and Embellished. I admired quilts in every section, but my particular favorites are Open Gate (a reverse applique of black fabric gate over a watercolor garden that is 5 X 7 feet), Glass Carafes (I've always loved watercolor paintings of glass items, but it never occurred to me to attempt something so delicate and luminous in fabric), The Greek Quilt (the earth-toned applique reminded me of the painting on a tribal piece of pottery), and Quilt for a Hot Night (five brightly colored strips of piece work connected by narrow cloth strips reminescent of bead weaving and Africa).
An incredible book for any quilter, and great fun to share. This is the type of book I like to show people who are unfamiliar with quilting and ask them to pick out their favorites. My family had fun doing this when we got together Christmas Eve (fun to do with strangers, too!)

Recommended by the accidental quilter
I keep this book by my bedside so I can look at the quilts before sleep. Fifty memorable quilts with discussion on inspiration and technique. This collection has quilts that could propell you toward a lifetime of quilting. Every quilter represented is not only an exceptional fiber artist, but she/he knows how to tell a story. (something that is often missing in the quilts of many traditional quilters.) There are many European quilters represented whose work I had never seen before in other collections.
The color plates are lovely and the slightly oversized volume allows the gazer to take in the small details often missed in smaller photos.
My favorite quilts are: Mom's Bread by Sandy Bonsib. (If you are interested in photo transfer quilting--she offers a wonderful example of how it can be used to tell a quilt story instead of being a collage of unrelated photographs.),My Heart's Delight by Mary Mayne. (I keep seeing this quilt in my dreams as a red and white quilt combined with redwork.), Bristol Stars by Judy Mathieson. (I made one Mariner's Compass block and I can't even imagine making a whole quilt of them--let alone in a circular arrangement--but I love to gaze at this color plate because it is
so wonderful to behold.) Also wonderful to behold are: Ginkgo Biloba by Ruth B. McDowell, Umbrella Thorn Tree by Maurine Nobel,
and The Greek Quilt by Sheena Norquay.(Study this quilt if you are interested in designing any type of quilt based on American Indian pottery or early cave drawings.)

Pushing the envelope - right off the table!
It was pretty hard to read this book since I kept drooling all over the pages. Guerrier has gathered 50 contemporary quilts and their makers. We get a close look, not only at each quilt, but at the reasons why the quilt was made, and some insights into the process. This is not a how-to book. There are no projects with complete directions. Many of the artists do share individual tricks and techniques, some with step by step directions and photos. The quilters were chosen from all over the globe, giving us a chance to expand our horizons culturally as well. One of the best things about the biographies in the back is that they include contact information for each artist. If you are moving away from totally traditional quilting, you will put this book on top of your must-have list.

Angelina's Christmas
Published in Hardcover by Pleasant Company Publications (2000)
Authors: Katherine Holabird, Helen Craig, and Katharine Holabird
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:

Owning a peice of myself...
I really loved this book. It was my very first book I got. Of course I got it because my name is Angelina. When I was little I used to think the book was actually about me! I own the first publication of this book and noticed that in the original one I've got it says "Santa Clause" and in the new one that my little cousin has it says "Father Christmas". I don't understand the change. Although I still recommend this book for any little girl who loves to dance, or who's name is Angelina!

Nice book
I came across Angelina's books a while ago. ...Great book, speaks to the kids for real

Angelina Books
This series is really terrific. My 4 year old daughter loves them...very high quality and well written.

The Little Quiet Book
Published in Hardcover by Random House (Merchandising) (2003)
Authors: Random House, Katharine Ross, and Jean Hirashima
Amazon base price: $4.99
Average review score:

Precious memories
This little book is an important part of my childhood. I'm now 14, and The Little Quiet Book has been my favorite book for as long as I can remember. I loved the pictures, especially the quiet puppy. I was recently cleaning my closet, and I found The Little Quiet Book in a box... I almost cried, I was so happy to see it. I definately recommend this book to mothers who enjoy reading to their children... I know I loved it when my mom would read it to me, and I'm sure your children will too.

I know it by heart
This is the perfect bedtime book for very young children. My first daughter loved this book so much that it didn't survive until her third birthday. I'm now ordering a copy for the new baby, so I can start reading it to her at night.

Learned new words
My son of 18 months has been loving this book for months now. He has brought it to me to read over and over and actually learned how to say the word "quiet" because of this book. We read it so much that it got torn apart and so I am ordering another. He loves the illustrations in the book so much that he sometimes just wants to look at them only. I love reading this book to my son.

Teeny Tiny Farm
Published in Hardcover by Random House (Merchandising) (1992)
Authors: Katherine Ross, Katharine K. Ross, and Amy Flynn
Amazon base price: $2.95
Average review score:

Please get this book back into print!
I would probably buy a half a dozen copies of this book every year to give as gifts to my friends who have new babies. This
book is so cute, babies just love the poetry, and the surprise ending. The drawings are beautiful.

Lovable book
Teeny Tiny Farm is a sweet little book with rhymes. It's size is perfect for toddler hands, and my kids never got tired of hearing about a day on this little farm. The illustrations are cute and remind me of Fischer Price plastic people. We carry this book in the car, to restaurants, and use it at bedtime. Kids will start imitating the rhymes after a few readings because they are catchy. I would recommend it highly.

Another rave review!
I thought I was the only nut who read this adorable book to my kids! Both my daughters love it, and I, too, replaced the torn, munched-on copy with a new one for our second daughter. The rhyming is EXCELLENT for even the littlest ones. We have also given it as a gift several times.

The Little Locksmith: A Memoir
Published in Hardcover by The Feminist Press at CUNY (2000)
Authors: Katharine Butler Hathaway, Alix Kates Shulman, and Nancy Mairs
Amazon base price: $35.00
Average review score:

This book is amazing, I am 15 and I read it, my mother at 39 read it, my grandma read it and my younger sister at 13 read it. Everyone takes away some different, but something wonderful from this book. It is absolutely indescribable, you have to read it; right now, order it, read it, it will change your outlook on life.

Don't Miss This Treasure
This is a beautiful book on so many levels. The author's voice, the author's spirit, the author's technique of storytelling are awe inspiring. If you have been led to this page, take it as a sign and order this book, reading it is an experience and I can't wait to read it again. If you are looking for a gift to give someone else then this is it, but read it first yourself so that you can trully share it.

The Little Locksmith
My husband gave this book to me and I am truly enjoying it! Katharine sees things from a rare perspective. Her life transformed her into someone that could see deep into even the most mundane subjects. I feel a new appreciation for even the sounds of crickets! She was certainly a person who's cup was always half full! This book is like welcome raindrops, enveloping you and staying with you long after the drops have evaporated!

Sweet Dreams of the Wild: Poems for Bedtime
Published in School & Library Binding by Boyds Mills Pr (1996)
Authors: Rebecca Kai Dotlich and Katharine Dodge
Amazon base price: $11.17
List price: $15.95 (that's 30% off!)
Average review score:

Makes you feel warm inside!!
I purchased this book 4 years ago when my daughters were pretty young. They instantly fell in love with the book and we read it at bedtime every chance we get. Now that my daughters are avid readers, they read it to me!

The rhythm of the poems is very soothing and warm and the illustrations make feel like you're part of the animals' worlds. We love the way the book begins and ends right in the child's home yet explores slumber environments throughout nature! Ms. Dotlich's poems are captivating and comforting.

The beginnings of wonder and science are created here.
Rebecca Dotlich's lyrical poems create descriptions of natural habitats for young children. The book is not a series of "lessons" to be learned, but a pleasant and enjoyable introduction to this aspect of nature. It is sure to stimulate thinking and wonder about the natural world. This book is a valuable example in my children's literature course when I discuss how poetry can inform science learning and can foster the beginnings of inquiry.

Excellent book for young children, wonderful read aloud book
This is a great book for babies to 5 year old children. The words are soothing, and the children are able to find the various sleeping creatures in the pictures. I really like it when a book can become interactive between adult and child. This book would be a treasured baby shower gift to be passed down from generation to generation.

Days of Blood and Fire: A Novel of the Westlands
Published in Paperback by Bantam Doubleday Dell Pub (Trd Pap) (1993)
Authors: Katharine Kerr and K Kerr
Amazon base price: $11.95
Average review score:

Quite entertaining
Whether or not you started with Daggerspell or if you have just recently started reading the works of Katharine Kerr, you should definately read this. I found the book entertaining with all the old characters mixed with the new and their wonderful skill at getting wound up in problems that seem to large to remedy. You get to see parts of her world that you do not see in the other books which is always exciting with this author. She transends into the world "high fantasy" well and the ending is rather different from most of her others because it is sudden and leads into the next book.

Book Seven of an Outstanding Series
Similar to "The Dragon Revenant" Kerr again returns to a linear plot previously set up in "Time of Omens," again abandoning her usual interaction of stories set within differing time periods. Obviously by now I am an enthusiast of the tale and world begun in "Daggerspell" and would recommend fans of better fantasy fiction take a look. Despite the positive response of the previous reviewer, however, Kerr's books are not written as stand-alones, and without the information provided by the earlier works, one's enjoyment of this book will be greatly limited. Despite the fact that it was the weakest book in the series, start with "Daggerspell": By the time you reach "Days of Blood and Fire" I'm sure you'll conclude that the considerable time invested was enjoyably well spent.

I do however have one reservation regarding this book: The introduction of a dragon. It may be a personal quirk on my part, but rarely have I found the active appearance of dragons in a tale either satisfying or credible. Often anthropomorphised in manner either typecast or silly - McCaffrey's romanticized and laughable wyrms are but the most notable examples - their inclusion as characters almost invariably fails to be convincing (At the risk of sacrilege I would include Tolkein's Smaug). Though the dragon here is present for only a few pages, it is apparant that it will play a large role in the next book, and it talks, which may not bode well for the conclusion of the series. Those of you who delight in clever wyrms, carry on. I will reserve final comment for completion of the next book.

This book is worth every cent.
This is the best fantasy book that I have ever read, and possibly one of the best books overall. Anyone who is a fantasy reader should definately pick this one up. It kept me on the edge of my seat right up until the end, where I immediately ran out to pick up "Days of Air and Darkness" to find out how this chapter in the Deverry saga ended. Full of action, intrige, and emotion, this book is sure to give anyone a good read. I am about to order the rest of the series to see what else has gone on.

Angelina and the Princess
Published in Hardcover by Pleasant Company Publications (1900)
Authors: Katharine Holabird and Helen Craig
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:

A supremely lovable book
In this sequel to Angelina Ballerina, Angelina learns that her ballet school is to put on a performance for the Princess of Mouseland. Angelina is crushed, though, when she gets sick in time for the tryouts. Forced to settle for a supporting role, she takes her mother's advice and determines to do her best at the part she is given. This is the story of Angelina's triumph!

Once again the unbeatable duo of Katharine Holabird (author) and Helen Craig (illustrator) combine to create a supremely lovable book. My ten-year-old daughter tore through this book, thoroughly enjoying the story. Yes, it wasn't a challenge to her reading ability, but she loved the story, and I appreciate any book that keeps her reading! Both my daughter and I highly recommend this book.

My daughter and I both love this book!
"Angelina and the Princess" is the first of the Angelina series my daughter and I have, but we plan to get the rest as we love this so much. Angelina is a tiny white mouse who yearns to be feminine and sweet, but is sometimes headstrong and silly--just like most girls I know (including my five-year old daughter!). Angelina has a dance recital coming up and she is pining away for a major role. However, as she's sick on the day of auditions, she doesn't do well and in fact, barely is able to crawl back home and into her worried mother's arms. She knows she did poorly, and her mother admits as much too, which brings me to one of the things I love about this book--there's no sugar-coating the fact that Angelina has gotten herself into a pickle. It's a storybook, and a fantasy at that, but it's realistic enough to keep the edge off the sweetness.

Angelina is counseled by her mother to do her very best. I don't want to give away the ending, but by keeping a cheerful attitude and trying to do her best for the whole dance company, Angelina is amply rewarded. It's a story with a moral, but the moral isn't presented in a sickeningly sweet way.

The illustrations by Helen Craig are truly a treat. Set vaguely in a Victorian England mousedom, they depict tiny cottages with climbing vines, drapey dresses with floral prints, tiaras, bouquets, adorable furniture, and so on. Three cheers to both Helen Craig and author Katharine Holabird for a book which is a joy to read and great fun to peruse just for the illustrations alone!

One of the Favorite Books for Little Girls
I bought this book for my nieces (three and four) who started their ballet lessons. I first hesitated because Angelina was a mouse who does not look like Mickey Mouse, instead looks rather like a real mouse, but all the pictures are so wonderfully detailed and cute. Not only my nieces love the story, but they are also interested in other things in the pictures (e.g. posters and toys in Angelina's bedroom etc). They have been reading it over and over, and each time they report me the things they noticed in the pictures. I am not sure if it is recommandable for little boys for the girly storyline, yet I am sure it is a great book for girls, especially who loves ballet.

Angelina's Baby Sister
Published in Paperback by Pleasant Company Publications (2001)
Authors: Katharine Holabird and Helen Craig
Amazon base price: $9.95
Average review score:

Very cute!
In this next book in the Angelina Ballerina series, Angelina can hardly await the arrival of her mom's new baby. However, when the baby arrives, she finds that the baby is now the center of everyone's attention. Wracked with jealousy, Angelina has a lesson to learn...

This is a very cute book. I like the lesson that it taught, and my daughter and I both loved the story and the wonderful illustrations. This is a good book, one that we highly recommend to you.

A dear, sweet look at the difficulty of having a new sibling
Katharine Holabird's "Angelina's Baby Sister" follows in the tradition of all the other Angelina Mouseling books. Angelina Mouseling is a small white mouse--perhaps somewhere between six and ten years old in people years--who has the complete attention of her parents and grandparents no matter what. Then one day, her mother has a baby! The new baby sister, Polly, is adorable and Angelina tries very, very hard to be interested and attentive and loving. But it's tough. No one is much paying attention to Angelina now that Polly's here, and that's especially upsetting to Angelina because she's recently been given an award at dance class.

Angelina finally gives in to her anger and throws off steam in the privacy of her bedroom. The problem is that in doing so, she accidentally breaks the award statuette she's recently earned. The adults--parents and grandparents alike--are surprised by Angelina's mood and soon figure out the connection to the new baby, Polly.

All ends well, however, and Angelina is able to look at Polly as a possible new audience member for Angelina's impromptu dance recitals at home. This is a dear, sweet book that examines honestly the difficulties involved in dealing with a new sibling. The illustrations by Helen Craig are, as always, just precious--softly colored, beautifully detailed, and always in step with the text.

Fabulous Gift Idea
Someone gave my 3 year old daughter this book when we had a new baby. Angelina has a hard time sharing the spotlight, and her family's time with the new addition. So did my daughter! But, reading this book with her gave us some "cuddle time" and helped us deal with incorporating a new and demanding member of the family! I've given this book as a gift many times since!

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